
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, but the plot. I just write fiction. Don’t sue me!
A/N: A little present for Valentine's Day. This one is a bit short. The second chappy is ready to be updated tomorrow! (that'll depened on how many reviews you send :P lol. Please review!!)
He couldn’t wait anymore. His cock was full erect against his jeans, just knowing she was out there was enough to send him over the edge. He had smelled her the moment she had entered the cemetery. God, that scent, that perfume…
Spike had been resting on his sarcophagus for two hours, dreaming about her. It had been few days since he had admitted his feelings for her to himself. After kicking out Harmony, he no longer had someone to have sex with anymore, so he had to manage alone. Damn stupid girl.
He couldn’t stand it any longer, her scent became stronger and more unbearable the closer she came to his crypt.
*Gotta do something about this.* Spike thought as he hurried to the lower level and headed straight to the bottom of his bed. He fell on his knees, clenching his right fist around the metal rail. The pain on his balls and cock was becoming even more unbearable. He stood up, holding himself from the bed, and unfastened his jeans. Then he spitted in his hand and grabbed his cock, moving his hand it upside down, rubbing the head, imagining it was her mouth and tongue caressing it. With his other hand, he started caressing his balls as she did in his dreams, causing him to stroke faster.
Meanwhile, in the graveyard, Buffy had killed the last vampire and was ready to head home, when something caught her attention. Spike’s crypt door was half-open, and there was light coming from inside.
*What is that bastard planning now? * She thought as she entered the crypt and looked around, but she did not see him anywhere.
She suddenly heard a noise from downstairs. She knew Spike had a lower level, because she had seen it when he had tied her up along with Drusilla. Those memories made her still shiver.
Buffy carefully crept closer to the trap door and heard a moan.
*Is he hurt? * She thought, deciding to go downstairs. *What do you care if he’s hurt, he’s your mortal enemy, remember? Oh, right. Even better if he’s hurt, then. *
She turned the corner and froze in her tracks at the sight in front of her. He was jerking himself off. His pants where down to his knees and Buffy had great view of his cock. She swallowed hard as she felt her own knees trembling and her juices running out of her and soaking her panties. Her nipples became hard with the cold air of the crypt that passed through her blouse.
Spike knew she was there, and that turned him on even more. White drops started pouring out his cock with the movements of both of his hands. He could smell her arousal. It was so bloody strong that hurt his nostrils. God, if he could just touch her…
Buffy’s mouth was completely dry now. God she wanted to bring a hand to her panties and slip a finger inside of her as she watched him. She leaned back on the cold rock and started touching herself through the fabric of her pants. Her other hand slipped under her blouse and bra and started rubbing her nipple as she watched him. God, she was so wet… so ready…
Her hand slipping under her pants and blouse made his demon face emerge as he stroked himself harder.
“Unh…” he moaned.
Buffy started touching her clit with her thumb and then thrust a finger inside of her. It had been months since anyone had touched her. Even when Riley was still there, in Sunnydale, he didn’t even look at her when they were in bed. She was so tight right now… God, she wanted to walk right over to him, put her hands and mouth around his hard cock and ride him for hours…
Spike grabbed the bedspread when he felt he was going to cum. He knew she was close too.
Buffy thrust another finger inside of her and pinched her nipple harder as she massaged her breast with the rest of her hand. She started moving faster, and moaned when she felt her orgasm rising inside of her.
“Unh… bloody Hell… Buffy!”
“Unh… God… Spike!”
Both moaned as they climaxed in their hands. Few seconds later, their breathing still fast, they looked at each other.
*Shit! * Was the only thing Buffy thought as she fastened her pants and ran out the crypt. Spike chuckled. *Who could have ever imagined… *
He lay on his bed and sighed, as he stared at the ceiling. *I can’t go after her now, she’ll surely punch me and tell me that it was a mistake, and that if I tell anyone about this, she’ll kill me. * Spike just yawned and turned on the bed, falling asleep, thinking he had another fantasy to add to his private collection.
*Next chapter “You can see me”. *