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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Author's Note: Sorry for the huge delay in chapters. I'm in a production of "Laramie Project" that is kicking my butt all over the place. I want to make a disclaimer right now. I am very much not a Sparmony person. Remember this story is from Buffy's POV, so we only see what she sees. While there is some S/H stuff, I promise no descriptions of sex between the two of them. Also, there is a happy ending, because what kind of Spuffy story would it be? That and I wrote the ending already and this is the sandwich meat. That said, onto the story.

Bumpy Rides

What the hell? Why does he keep leaving before I can say
anything. Oh yeah, because I wasn't going to say anything. I wasn't going to yell at him and ask why he was having a picnic with that stupid bint. Oh god, I just used one of his words.

I walked into my apartment, happily licking a spoonful of Chunky Monkey, and preparing for a night in front of the TV. First though, I have to check my machine and see how many more people are trying to collect money from me. After the mechanical voice told me I only had one message, the first voice I heard was Will's voice.

"Buffy. Buffy, are you there? Look, I, I'm sorry about last
night. Will you pick up the phone, please? We need to talk. It's just, you know what, fuck it. You want to act this way, fine. You are probably off with some back-up dick in a jar you had lying around. Who'd you decide to make your friend with benefits this time, huh? I hope you did. I hope he's there right now and is hearing this. Guy, whoever you are, don't bother even thinking about getting attached to this one. She treats men like toilet paper. That's right. You treat men like toilet paper. I wish you would just get past your issues. I
know Angel destroyed your trust and all, but I'm not Angel. Fuck you, and your issues. You know that little blonde chit at Espresso Pump? Well, I'm finally going to take her up on one of her offers. You want to act this way, fine. You're not the only pussy in town." Click.

"There are no more messages." The mechanical voice said, as I sat stunned.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Does he really think I would move on to another guy this soon? He thinks I'm a whore. That bastard thinks I'm a whore. Serial monogamist, yes. Whore, no. Non-committal, relationship-phobic, a bit of a bitch, yes. Whore, no.

I looked at my pint of Chunky Monkey and put the lid back on it. My urge for ice cream was killed. I got up; put it in the
freezer, next to Will's empty carton. This calls for stronger
medicine. This calls for loud music and sweaty dancing. This calls for the Bronze.

I called up one of my few female friends, Tara, to see if she was up to bronzing it tonight. Surprisingly she was. Tara had been in a funk for a bit, since she broke it off with her ex-girlfriend Willow. She decided it was time to turn her frown upside down, and put on her dancing shoes.
* * * * * *

Tara and I arrived at the Bronze, dressed to hunt. We, were on a hunt for fun. We split up to make a round of the club, and then meet at the bar. Halfway around the club I ran into something tall and clad in leather. Great, Will is wearing his leather trench coat from his punk phase again.

"Hey, you alright luv? Oh, it's you." He said, eyeing my outfit.

"Thanks, fine just peachy. Love your concern."

"Well, you seem to be back on the whor-orse again."

"Fuck you." I walked away. He is not ruining my night.

"Buffy." He grabbed my arm.

"What Will? Or should I say Spike since you're in your punk regalia again?"


"That's what I thought." I walked towards the bar to meet
Tara. Leaning against the bar, waiting to place my order, I heard a high pitch squeal.

"Buffy, is that you. Oh it's so great to see you."

It's Harmony, fabulous. "Oh, hi Harmony. How are you?" Wow, I'm such a good actress. Notice how I haven't killed her yet.

"I'm fine. I wanted to ask you something actually."

"Shoot." Great, now she thinks we're friends. Super.

"Well, it's about Will."
"Ok, about Will. What do you want to know?" Fan-fucking-tastic. Will advice.

"So, we were out today, and like I tried to kiss him. Like, he wouldn't."

"Really?" Good. He doesn't need to.

"Yeah. I mean, he's like so cute and all. I just wanted to
kiss him, since we were out on picnic date. He wouldn't do it though. He kept pushing me away. What's wrong with him? All guys want to kiss me."

"Heh. Yeah. Ummm. Hmmm. How do I say this to you?" Oh, this is too good for words.

"Is he? He's not is he? I mean I know he's too cute and has those sharp cheekbones and full lips, but he's not…"

"Not what Harmony?" Heh, he can't say I told her this if she says it herself.

"Oh my god. He's gay. He can't be gay. His fashion sense isn't that good."

"Well, you know what they say about stereotypes."

"Oh, thank you so much Buffy for being honest with me."

"Not a problem." I'm going to hell. That's ok though, I'll
have friends and well, it's just funny.

"Ok, well, I'll see you later. Thanks again." She gave me a hug. Eww.

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