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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
This story is going off canon from the show. I will try to add things from the episodes when I can.

thanks to my betas Tami, karyn and aribelle.

Chapter 1

Spike pulled away from Buffy to stare down into her tear filled eyes. He could feel the gut-wrenching pain of the LoveWater spell breaking and he knew she was feeling it to. He knew that now that the spell was broken she would think he didn't love her; that the promises that he made while under the influence of the water were false. The Watcher had said the effects of the fountain were permanent, but something was terribly wrong.

"My darling Spike, I broke the spell for you. So you wouldn't be tied to that nasty Slayer," Drusilla sang as she floated out of the shadows towards the blonde couple.

Buffy stared at Drusilla, her hand coming up to smother a gasp. Without a word, she turned and ran away. In spite of the tears that blurred her eyes, she made it home. Climbing in her window, Buffy threw herself on her bed, sobbing brokenly.

She knew she loved Spike. Everything she had done and said had been the truth. She allowed herself to brush against Spike one last time through the claim before clamping it off. She didn't want to feel Spike returning to Drusilla. Buffy laid there in her bed, her heart and soul shattered.


Back in the cemetery, Spike watched helplessly as his heartbroken mate ran away. He could feel every emotion pouring off of Buffy through the claim, compounding his own pain from the spell being torn away from them. Spike tried to reach out to her, but in Buffy's headlong race to get away from her pain, she either ignored him or was too overwhelmed to feel him.

Growling savagely, Spike turned on his sire and stalked across the expanse between them. Backhanding her viciously, he sent her flying into the side of a crypt.

Drusilla looked up at Spike, in surprised shock. In her insanity, she wondered what she did wrong He had never hit her in anger before. Up to this moment, he had always been her gallant protector and an attentive lover; her beautiful dark prince.

"You bloody bitch," Spike spat through gritted teeth, "Did it ever occur to you I was right where I wanted to be? Right where I belonged? Get out of Sunnydale. If I ever see you again, I'll dust you, sire or no."

Spike whirled to follow the path that the Slayer had taken, leaving a sobbing Drusilla behind of him. He paused at the cemetery entrance trying to use the claim to find Buffy when he felt her close herself off from him. Tears filled his eyes as he realized just how heartbroken his mate was. He had to make this right. He started off in search of the Watcher. Maybe he could help. As Spike wandered through the streets, he thought back to just a few days ago, when he woke up in his Slayer's arms.



Buffy was awakened from a particularly pleasant dream by the slamming of a door. She noticed a few things. One, she was naked under a black coat. Two, she was with Spike. And three, she was still at the library at school. She began shaking a sleeping Spike.

"Spike, wake up! Someone's here. Put on your pants and throw me my clothes. I would prefer not to be totally naked in front of everyone," hissed Buffy. Spike was instantly awake. He could hear voices
downstairs in the main library. With supernatural speed he hopped up to put his jeans on. He could see Buffy had already got her thong out of his duster and had it on.

Spike threw her skirt and shirt at her, which she caught and quickly dressed herself in. Then she gave him a sultry look and patted the training mat beside her. He slinked across to her, laying down beside her on his back. Spike pressed her against his side and whispered.

"Where's my morning kiss, Slayer?" Buffy smiled a little dreamy smile before draping herself across his hard chest and covered his lips with hers. They continued to kiss, just happy to be with each other, when a gasp broke them apart. Buffy looked up, smiling.

"Hey guys!"

Willow and Cordy both stood staring at the sight in front of them, speechless. Buffy the Vampire Slayer laid nestled up next to a bare-chested William the Bloody, master vampire. The girls had to admit it was a fine looking chest, though, for a vampire's. While they stood there struggling to comprehend the scene in front of them, Buffy began speaking again.

"Those my clothes, Willow?" she asked pointing to the bundle of clothes that the redhead held. Willow nodded mutely. Buffy hopped up and took the clothes from her friend. "Let me get dressed and I'll be out in a minute."

When neither girl made the move to leave, Buffy made shooing gestures with her hands. They finally got the message and moved to the main part of the library.

Buffy grinned at Spike before quickly beginning to change her clothes. Spike smirked at her, eyeing her appreciatively.

"Come on, luv, one more kiss before you join your friends," he demanded.

"In a minute, baby, but I can't be late for school. Snyder has it in for me. One wrong move and he might expel me," Buffy answer was disheartened. There was nothing she would like better than to spend the day cuddling with her new mate.

"I could kill him for you, luv," Spike offered. Buffy cocked her head as if she really was considering the idea, but then shook it.

"If he was a demon, I would say go for it, but he's all with the human-y." When she was dressed, she sat down by Spike and began to caress his face. Spike was so handsome it almost made her jealous, but he was all hers. She knew it in her heart of hearts.

"I could vamp him like I did your friend." he persisted. Buffy shook her head, again, laughing softly. Spike was dead serious in his offer, even though he knew his mate would reject the idea.

"Thanks for the offer, baby, but we're going to have to discuss your killing people soon. Anyway, love you," Buffy said, leaning in for a kiss.

Spike kissed his golden goddess back. He knew that he was going to have to change his habits to keep her. She was so warm and giving, he didn't want to mess anything up. She smiled before getting up to go join her friends for the school day.

"Giles doesn't come back here during the day. You should be safe. I'll sneak in and see you at lunchtime," Buffy promised giving him a little wave. He blew a kiss at her before settling back down under his duster to get a bit more sleep.

Meanwhile, in the main part of the library, Willow and Cordy were telling Oz and Xander what they had seen. The four of them were sitting around the research table in silence, each one lost in their own thoughts. Willow couldn't wait to get her friend alone to find out all the details. Cordy wondered if this meant Angel was free. Xander was stewing in his own jealousy. Oz was being his usual stoic self and kept quiet about matters that he had no control over.

When Buffy finally joined her friends, everyone but Oz began talking at once. Buffy shook her head and held her hand up, "One at a time, guys."

"How could you, Buffy? You were kissing on an evil, soulless demon," sputtered Xander. He still held in the deep recesses of his heart the delusion that someday Buffy would open her eyes and see him as more than just a friend.

"I did more than kiss on him, Xander. We belong to each other now...we're mated," Buffy's face became dreamy, her eyes unfocused as she caught her lower lip between her small pearly teeth.

Xander grimaced as the tendrils of jealousy in his heart grew stronger and blacker. When both Cordy and Willow began to question Buffy about what happened, Xander couldn't stand it a moment longer. He jumped to his feet, grabbed his books and stormed out of the library; leaving the others staring after him in shock.

Before Buffy could tell the other girls anything about what had happened the first bell of the day rang.

"You have to tell us all the details at lunch," gushed Willow. Then she too grabbed her books and rushed out of the library doors. Oz quirked an eyebrow at Buffy before he rose to follow ...he wasn't sure what Willow was yet, but he knew she was the one for him. Cordy stayed a moment longer because she just had a burning question on her mind.

"So this means the salty goodness known as Angel is free for the taking, right?"

"Yes, Cordelia," Buffy said laughingly. Buffy grabbed her books from the table where Willow had deposited them, but before she could get out of the library Principal Snyder showed up. Buffy gave Cordy a pointed look and rolled her eyes. Cordelia hid a smile behind her hand.

"You best get to class, Miss Chase. Hanging out with riffraff like Miss Summers can damage your reputation," snarked Snyder. Cordelia threw Buffy a sympathetic look as she escaped the library unscathed.

"Can I help you, Principal Snyder?" asked Buffy, sweetly, all the while seething inside. Snyder was such a pompous little toad. He lived for making her life hell.

"Yes, Miss Summers. Apparently your mother called Mr. Giles in sick today. And since I can't get a replacement on such short notice, you will fill in today," replied Snyder. He rubbed his hands together. Snyder loved it when he could stick it to one of these stuck-up little teenagers.

"But what about my classes?" asked Buffy.

"I told your teachers you are on in-school suspension and are working it off. Miss Rosenberg will get your assignments for you," Snyder informed her. He laughed with glee when he saw her astonishment and ire. God, he loved being the king of his castle.

"But I haven't done anything wrong," Buffy protested.

"They don't know that," chortled Snyder as he swept out of the library.

Buffy sighed before going to sit behind the counter. She couldn't believe she was thinking this, but Buffy hoped Willow would drop off some of the schoolwork soon. In the meantime, she began to doodle on a pad of paper that Giles had stuck under the counter. As she began to draw, symbols that she remembered from the fountain began to emerge.

Three distinct sets of symbols emerged on the paper. The first set was very simplistic in design; three wavy lines drawn horizontally, one on top of another. The second was a bit more intricate; the top symbol looked like a snake laying on a flat surface with its tail hanging down, the middle symbol was a half-circle flat side down and the bottom symbol was a narrow rectangle that underlined the entire symbol. The last set of symbols were a bit harder to draw; the top symbol looked a bit like an A, laying on it's side, it was directly above an eye shape, beside these two symbols was what looked like a man kneeling, his weight on one leg while the other was bent with the knee pointing towards the sky.

Buffy sighed deeply, glancing at the clock. Today was going to be long and boring, that was for sure. When she got up to put the papers with her doodles on Giles' desk she noticed his office phone. Making sure no one had come into the library while she was preoccupied, she quickly snatched up the receiver.

First she dialed her house where she once again got the answering machine. When she called her mom's gallery, the other employee told Buffy that her mom had called in sick today. Buffy began to get a little worried. Her mom was sick and Giles was sick. She racked her brain trying to remember Giles' phone number. When she finally did remember, she got no answer at his apartment either.

Buffy plopped down in the chair beside the desk and leaned haphazardly on her elbow. That's when she noticed a book on one of the shelves. The title was Vampire Lore. Interesting how Giles had never showed her this book before. Buffy grabbed it and returned to the counter.

She ignored the first couple of chapters. They were basically information she already knew; how vampires were made and how to kill them. The next chapter proved much more interesting. The title was Vampire Legends. Actually most of the chapter was pretty boring, until Buffy came across a small section about something called The Gem of Amara. According to legend, the gem could make a vampire impervious to all their weaknesses including sunshine. Buffy smiled to herself as she imagined Spike in the sunshine.

The next chapter that Buffy flipped to was about vampire mating rituals. The accompanying lithographs made Buffy's cheeks burn with embarrassment even though she couldn't pull her eyes away from them. As Buffy stared at the lithographs, she superimposed her and Spike's images over the faces of the drawings, causing the moisture to pool between her thighs. There was one picture that she found extremely intriguing so she kept going back to it. How she wanted to try that with Spike.

Buffy was innocently unaware of the impact her naughty thoughts had on her sleeping lover. Spike shifted in his sleep as the claim caused him to feel the excitement of his mate. He suddenly sat up, an image burned so deeply into his mind that his cock was rock hard and the desire to find his Slayer was overwhelming. Reaching out with his senses, he discovered only one heartbeat in the immediate vicinity; one that he easily recognized as his mate's.

Hopping up off the training mat, Spike adjusted his hard-on before grabbing his t shirt. He strolled out to the top of the stairs leading down to the main library. Spike sat down on the top step as he observed Buffy.

She was looking through some old book, presumably one that belonged to her Watcher's. When he finally spoke, Spike noticed the redness of her cheeks before she hid the book behind her back. He raised an eyebrow wondering what she was looking at that could embarrass her so much.

"So luv, it's not lunchtime yet. Where's the Watcher?"

"I don't know. Mom called him in sick, so Snyder decided I should take his place," Buffy pouted. Spike silently groaned as Buffy's full lower lip poked out and quivered. "Told all the teachers I'm on in school suspension."

"Are you sure you don't want me to eat him, luv?" joked Spike, chuckling at how the Slayer's cute nose wrinkled in disgust, "Gonna show me what you are hiding behind your back?"

"It's just a book, Spike," Buffy answered, blushing. Even after what they did last night, she was still a little shy and uncertain about her new relationship.

"Can't be 'just a book', Slayer. It got you hot enough to pull me out of a deep sleep. Why don't you come on up here and show it to me?" Spike patted the step beside him.

Buffy decided to take the bull by the horns. She rushed up the steps to plop the book down in Spike's lap, the page open to the picture that interested her so much.

"Can we do that one?" Buffy asked in a flirty voice, pointing to the picture.

Spike groaned when he saw the picture. He quickly reached out and grabbed the hand Buffy was pointing with. He spread his legs apart just a little, tugging at her until she was between his spread legs and standing over him; the book falling forgotten on the floor. Their lips met as Spike used his free hand to slide up the back of her leg and under her skirt.

Just as his fingers reached the curve of her ass, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat. The vampire and the slayer broke apart, hurriedly. Buffy whirled so fast that if not for Spike's lightening fast reflexes, she would have fallen face-first down the stairs.

"Hey," Willow gave the couple a small perky wave, "Here's your work so far, Buffy. And be careful, Snyder is roaming the halls." She dropped several pages of notes and some worksheets on the research table and hurried out of the library already late for her next class.

"That was embarrassing," whispered Buffy.

"I don't mind an audience, luv," Spike chuckled. Buffy smacked him on the shoulder, without strength and reached down, grabbed for the fallen book and quickly turned to the page about the Gem of Amara.

"You might like this, baby," Buffy said, showing him the small segment on the fabled jewel.

Spike quirked his eyebrow in agreement. Now, how does one go about researching a legend? Spike decided to get his best minion, Dalton, on the job. While he was mulling this over, Buffy hopped up to look at the things that Willow had dropped off. When she saw them, she grimaced.

"Whatcha got there, pet?" asked Spike when he saw the face she made.

"French. I suck at French," grumbled the Slayer. She slammed the books back down on the table.

"So you still think 'the cow should touch you from Thursday', luv?" he asked teasingly. Buffy gave him an odd look. When had Spike ever heard her speak French? She just had to ask and was surprised by the answer, "That first night, luv. You were practicing with Red. You tried really hard, but it didn't quite come out right."

"You were inside the Bronze? That was you I felt, not...you know who. No wonder he was confused later when I accused him of stalking me," Buffy huffed prettily, "Of course now I can tell the difference between you..."

She was interrupted by the library office telephone beginning to ring. As she moved quickly into the small room to answer it, she noticed Spike came down the stairs to follow her.

"Hello...Giles, where are you?" Buffy asked, looking up at Spike, her eyes wide, "Is that my mom giggling in the background? You're where?" She was too stunned to do more than mumbled yes and no to the rest of the Watcher's conversation. She let the receiver fall into its cradle, before plopping down on the office chair, "My mom and my Watcher drove to Vegas last night to get married."

"When will they be back, Buffy?"

"Giles said tomorrow evening," she answered. Her brain was still a bit addled from the news of finding out her Watcher was her new stepfather.

"So we have your house to ourselves, pet?" questioned Spike, leering suggestively.

Buffy nodded and grinned. They had the house to themselves! Now she just had to make plans to get everyone to leave them alone. She couldn't wait till lunchtime to talk to Willow.

Spike chuckled as he watched his mate start making plans for their evening alone together. He gave her a quick, fierce kiss before going back to the training mat for some more rest.

(End Flashback)

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