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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


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Authors Chapter Notes:
sorry about the long wait for "Good Enough" i'm having a bit of writers block. but in the meantime i've got another story for you. please review!! i had a lot of fun with this one and i'd like to know what you think!

Chapter 1: Big Things Come In Small Packages

Angelus circled the little girl that stood in the empty room of the mansion. With both hands clasped behind his back, he observed her. She has just stepped in from the night, asking for shelter. She claimed to have lost her mother and couldn’t find her way home; begging for his help. Usually he would have snapped her neck and fed off her, but something kept him from doing so.

Angelus bent down and sniffed her casually. “You’re not human.” He stated, stopping in front of her.

“Guess I can drop the whole ‘lost my mom’ act then, right?” she joked with a small smile.

“You’re a vampire.”

“Yup! Long time coming now.” She walked past him and threw herself onto the couch in the nest room, knowing he’d follow her.

As she predicted, he did and leaned against the door jab, with his arms crossed. “So what? A decade?” he mocked the child with a condescending smile and raise of his eyebrows.

“Ha! I’m older than you are, Angelus.” She stood up and walked towards him. “315 years I’ve walked the earth. I settled in Russia with my sire. We kept a low profile.” Angelus scoffed. “Come on! I mean really…an eight year old girl with what looks to be a man in his early 30’s going on killing sprees…very easy to be tracked down.”

“So why are you here?” he asked, standing straight. “Coming to Sunnydale…the Hellmouth? Not a very good place to go if you don’t want to be noticed.”

“I want to take down the slayer.” The little girl stated with determination; her arms crossed.

“Yeah…okay.” Angelus walked away and back into the other room.

“What, you don’t think I can do it?” she challenged, chasing after the younger vampire.

“You obviously know nothing about Buffy. I’ve been trying to kill her for months now!” Angelus countered angrily.

“And it’s not working because she knows who you are.” The male vampire whipped around to look at her with a surprised expression. “Yeah, that’s right. I do know a thing or two…like when you had that soul of yours, she was the love of your unlife. I know the reason you’re Angelus again instead of that brooding, sorry excuse for a vampire, Angel is because she screwed your soul away.” She finished with a chuckle.

“Hey! Little girls like yourself shouldn’t be using such foul language!” he taunted condescendingly.

With a growl of rage, she kicked him hard in the shin. “Ow! That actually hurt.” He rubbed the sore spot and glared at the girl. “What’s your name anyway?” he asked, straightening again.

“I go by Katya…now Angelus, if you want the slayer dead you are going to have to co-operate with me. Looking like this gives me a few advantages, but I can’t do it alone. I could have gone to some other master vampire, like Spike for instance…but the fact that you know her as a slayer and a girl makes this job easier.” Katya looked up at him and waited for an answer.

“A-ha! That’s one thing you don’t know! Spike teamed up with the Slayer and her little gang. He’s a white hat now it’s disgusting!” Angelus had a look of disgust on his face as he spoke of his grandchilde.

Katya ignored the second part of his rant. “She has a gang?” she asked with annoyance.

“Yeah: a witch, a watcher, a werewolf and now a vampire.”

“Fine, we have to eliminate them too. Are you in or not?” at his hesitant look she added, “Pleeeeeease?” Katya looked up at the male vampire with puppy-dog eyes shimmering with tears. She pulled on his sleeve, and pouted at him.

“Fine!” Angelus pulled his arm free with a sigh. “But if she stakes you, it’s your fault.”

“She won’t. Not with this.” Katya pulled out a silver necklace with a small ruby pendant the size of a pea, dangling from it. “With this…she won’t even know I’m a vampire.” A sly smile broke out on her face.

* * * * *

Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang sat in the living room scattered everywhere. They were discussing what there were going to do about Angelus. Joyce was out of town for a week for a gallery showing in New York, so Buffy was able to host this meeting.

“He’s planning something. Why else would he be in hiding.” Concluded Buffy; munching on some popcorn from the bowl on the table.

“Maybe he’s scared.” Xander suggested. “I mean I would be if I had a slayer on my back, intent on killing me.”

Spike spoke for the first time that night. He was leaning against the frame of the door, looking calm and uncaring. “That’s because you’re human. Angelus doesn’t get scared. The slayer doesn’t scare him, if anything the thought of a fight with her would give him a happy.” At that Buffy and the others faces scrunched in disgust. Spike turned to Buffy, looking her straight in the eyes. “He knows you Buffy: the slayer and the girl. He knows how you work, and he will use it against you.”

“Well she knows him too. They spent a whole year together.” Willow claimed her voice strong and sure of herself.

“Nooo…she knows Angel; not Angelus. You have to remember, Slayer, that’s not who his is anymore. He’s a cruel, sadistic asshole that will kill anyone in his way to take you down…he’s not your lover-boy anymore and-” Spike’s speech was cut off by the knock on the door.

Everyone looked at each other with frowns. Everyone was already here. Xander counted the people in the room and came up blank.

Buffy stood and walked past Spike to answer the door. Opening the door, she looked down to see a little girl standing in front of her with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Please help me. I lost my mom…and I don’t know how to get home; it’s too dark. Please, I’m so scared.” The little girl mumbled out through deep sobs.

Buffy looked down at her with sympathy. The little girl looked so much like Buffy did when she was young: blonde hair, button nose, and cute pink lips. The only difference was her eyes were bright blue, instead of green. Buffy got lost once when she was a little girl, and she remembered how terrified she was. “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” Buffy moved out of the way to let the trembling girl inside the house.

Easier than I thought. Katya thought to herself, giving the slayer a small smile that looked to be thankful.

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