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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Title: Arrivederci, Roma
Author: Pattyanne

Spoilers for AtS: 'The Girl In Question'

Disclaimer: None of the BtVS
characters belong to me.
Rating: NC-17

AN: Sorry if the Italian translation is less
than perfect. I had to rely on a translation

Summary: Here's the next story in the
"What If" series: Remember when Spike
and Angel went to Rome, saw Buffy and
decided to let her move on with her life?

Well, what if.....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Arrivederci, Roma
Goodbye, goodbye to Rome.."

Spike stood on the tarmac, watching until Wolfram
and Hart's private jet disappeared into a bank of dark
clouds that obscured the moon.

One problem gone, one left to go, he thought, cradling
his injured left hand against his stomach.

Sucker punching Angel into unconsciousness, one of his
all time favorite things to do, never went as easily as he
always expected it to. This time, he'd broken two

Problem was he'd spent so many years ranking
his grand sire to the dogs as the most flaming poofter ever
to sport a pair, that he tended to forget it wasn't
precisely true.

The only way for him to accomplish what he'd set out
to do was by keeping the element of surprise on his side,
so he'd kept his counsel all the way to the airport, slouch-
ing in apparent dejection in one corner of the limousine.

Staring silently out the window, he'd managed to give
the impression that he was resigned to the concept of
letting the slayer move on.

**Move on? Without me? Not bloody EVER gonna

For almost three months he'd bided his time, discovering
levels of patience he'd never known were inside him. Just for
something to do, he'd thrown in with Angel and the goody
two shoes gang, waiting for the day when he could go and
track down his woman.

Yesterday, that opportunity had finally dropped into
his lap.

Of course, he hadn't counted on there being another man
cutting in ahead of him. And not JUST another man, but THAT
one! The Im-Fucking-Mortal. The only creature on earth he hated
more than Angel.

**Well, things are gonna be different this go round!**

He wasn't going to stand for it this time. There were no two
ways about it....

That woman stealing son-of-a-bitch had to die!

"City of a million moonlit places
City of a million warm embraces.."

The cab pulled up to the curb in front of the dance club,
and Spike climbed out on slightly shaky legs, wondering
how the hell the cab drivers in Rome managed to get
licenses to drive anything more powerful than an ox cart.

This one...Cesare...had actually qualified to race in the
Italian Grand Prix. He hadn't made more than token stops
for any reason, including pedestrians. When he wasn't
craning his neck around to try and make conversation, he
was busy hanging halfway out the window providing vocal
admiration for every pretty girl on the street, or screaming
Italian curse words at other drivers.

His intense yearning to see Buffy was the only thing that
kept Spike from bailing out of the car.

"Where I found the one of all the
faces far from home..."

Contrary to what he had told Angel, his Italian was fairly
fluent. He tossed a few bills into the front seat of the
cab, pinning the most threatening gaze he had on the

"Ho ottenuto un certo commercio in questo posto," he
said. "Ma li desidero aspettare qui me. Probabilmente
sta trasportando un blonde piccolo di grida sopra la
mia spalla quando esco. Manteneteil portello aperto
ed allora ottenete pronti a togliere velocemente. Avete
ottenuto tutto quello?"

Evidently, the idea that he was planning to abduct
a screaming young woman was everyday business to
the driver. His entire response was a shrug of his shoulders
and the words, "Si, signore."

The music in the club seemed even louder and more
obnoxious than it had the first time he'd been there, but the
crowd had thinned out a bit, which, hopefully, would work
to his advantage.

He scented her before he saw her. Her fragrance was so
deeply imprinted into his memory that he had no trouble
distinguishing it from the other women in the club. It drew
him towards her, and kept his feet moving in the right

From ten feet away, he stopped and studied her. His eyes
were hungry for the sight of her, and he indulged himself,
looking his fill.

The little bitch was as beautiful as ever, and he felt the
familiar and instantaneous hardening of his loins.

That honey colored mane of hair bounced around her pretty
face as she danced, making him ache to plunge his fingers
into it and reacquaint himself with its texture.

He was glad to see she'd rounded out some since the
last time they'd been together. Buffy had a bad habit of
dropping an alarming amount of weight every time a new
apocalypse came to town.

At this point, her figure was the best he'd seen it since the
beginning of the roller coaster ride they'd been on from day

Involuntarily, he emitted a low pitched growl of approval
that turned into an angry snarl when he saw her companion.

The Immortal wasn't actually dancing WITH her. He was
more just standing there, giving the slayer a lustfully
appraising and possessive look that Spike wanted to
wipe off his face with a two-by-four.

**Go ahead and keep undressing her with your eyes,
dickhead. Daddy's back, and THIS time, I'M gonna

When Buffy reached up with languid arms and lifted
her hair off the back of her neck, undulating just a little
teasing bit closer to her partner, Spike decided it was
time to intervene in this display of dirty dancing.

Little Miss Prick-Tease was going to get what was coming
to her, just not in a way she expected.

Silently, he stepped up behind her and folded his arms
across his chest, waiting for her to turn. When she did,
it was all he could not to laugh out loud at the way
she reacted.

The sultry smile disappeared from her face when she
spun on one heel and saw him standing there. "Oh,
my GOD!" she yelped, jumping back. Her feet skidded
out from under her and she ended up on her ass, staring up
at him through huge eyes. "S..Spike?"

He didn't have to be told that Andrew had kept his re-
appearance in the world a secret.

Reaching down with one hand, he grabbed her arm and
hauled her to her feet. "Buffy Summers. Fancy meeting
you here, pet. Small world, innit?"

"I...you...how...." she stammered.

"Eloquent as ever, I see." He looked over her shoulder
and met the dark eyed glare of the rival he intended to
eliminate once and for all. "Well, well...look who's here."

The other vampire smiled, showing an amazingly white
set of perfect teeth. "You. I thought I made it clear that
you and your playmate were not to return to Rome."

Buffy's gaze swung back and forth between the two
men. "You...you know each other?"

"You might say that," Spike said, smiling faintly. "Right,

The Immortal's eyes widened briefly, but he didn't reply
to the question.

Buffy was, as ever, confused. "Who?"

"Never mind, cara," the Immortal said, reaching to take
Buffy's arm.

Spike just tightened his own grip. "Ficcucio," he explained. "That's
his name. For 'Little Fig'. That a family name, or did they come
up with it just for you?"

"Over a hundred years later, and you're still the same
annoying little pup you were back then," the Immortal
replied. "Tell me, cane piccolo, are you still sniffing after
Angelus' leavings? How is Drusilla, by the way?"

Meeting the other man's eyes dead on, Spike said, "Time
to go, Buffy."

"I am thinking...no," the Immortal said, stepping forward.

"Don't much care what you're thinking, mate." Spike took
another step closer, too. "But the lady is coming with me."

"Wait a second..." Buffy interjected, jerking her arms out
of their grasps. "I'm not...."

"There, you see," the Immortal pronounced, gesturing
at Spike to go away. "She's not interested. Leave now, and
I'll forget your transgressions."

Spike shook his head slowly. "That's never gonna happen.
I've been to hell and back...literally...for this girl. I put up
with amounts of shit you can't begin to imagine. She may
look small and sweet, but she's the biggest pain in the ass
that ever existed. High maintenance is a hilarious under-
statement when you're talking about her."

"Hey!" Buffy protested.

"But...I love her," Spike added, holding up one hand to cut
her off. "And she loves me. Not you...me. I was out of it for
a bit, but now I'm back, and if you think I'm just going to
turn around and walk off into the night without her...then
YOU have got another fucking think coming, ragazzo

With those words, he grabbed Buffy's hand again and
started to drag her along...waiting...knowing what was

"Bastardo!" the Immortal muttered, reaching to catch hold
of the slayer.

Spike felt it coming and turned, taking out a small crossbow
from beneath his jacket and firing the bolt into his enemy's
heart, savoring his look of disbelief before he crumbled to dust.

"Well, that was ridiculously easy," he murmured, pausing
only a moment to enjoy the flavor of revenge before he turned to
smile at Buffy, who was standing there with her hands on her.
hips. "Ciao, bambina."

With an angry glare, she brought her right arm up from deep
left field, aiming her fist directly at his face. He'd been
expecting this and ducked the punch. Bending over, he
grabbed her around the knees, hoisting her onto his shoulder.

She screamed and kicked as he carried her towards the
exit, leaving behind a group of on-lookers still staring at the
pile of dust on the floor.

Ignoring her struggles, he made it all the way to the door
before he was blocked by two overly large bouncers
jabbering at him in Italian, demanding to know who he
thought he was to come in here and cause such a spectacle,
and where was he taking this unwilling young lady?

"Era un vampire!" Spike said. "I sembra essere il suo marito.
She's stato una ragazza e un I'm molto naughty che prendono
la sua sede per punirla correttamente. Facciali realmente
desiderano ottenere nel mio senso?"

If there was one thing they understood in Italy, it was the
right of an angry husband to punish a cheating wife...es-
pecially when she was cheating with a vampire. The bouncers
nodded and smiled, waving him out the door.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Buffy shrieked. "I swear to God, I will
STAKE your miserable...worthless ASS!"

Without thinking twice, he brought one hand up to
deliver a stinging smack on her behind. "Ha chiudeto su,
la donna! Lo lascero sa quando lei puo parlare!"

The bouncers laughed uproariously, urging Spike to
take his errant wife home and beat some obedience
into her.

Thanking them for the advice, he carried Buffy out the
door and dumped her into the back seat of the cab.

Cesare ran around to the drivers side and climbed in,
openly ogling the slayer. "E bella. Vedo perche la
desiderate cosi tanto."

Spike knew that Buffy was about to lunge out the
opposite door and he wanted the car to get moving.
"Va, il idiot! Ora!"

With a wide grin on his face, the driver floored the
gas pedal and shot out into traffic, completely cutting
off and nearly colliding with several other cars.

After instructing him to take them to Wolfram and
Hart's Rome office, Spike settled back in the seat and
turned to look at Buffy.

"So...you're probably wondering what I'm doing here."

"Save the wedding bells for my returning
Keep my lover's arms outstretched and yearning
Please be sure the flame of love keeps burning
In her heart...."


(I know that the "fight" with the Immortal wasn't
much, but #1: I don't write fight scenes very well,
and #2: I just wanted to get it over with and get to
the Spuffy. Sorry if it disappoints)

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