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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story is dedicated to my beta: Sweetprinciple. Without your help and encouragement this would never be here. Any errors or if it's just plain bad, blame me. Banner by the lovely and talented nmcil12

Dear Diary,

Oh wow! Tonight was wiggy! Spike stopped by crying because Dru dumped him. She was cheating on him with a Chaos Demon. I have to sneak into Giles books to look that up it sounds gross from what Spike said. I mean slime and antlers? She’s crazy, okay I mean I know she really is crazy, but Spike is such a hottie! Why would someone want slime and antlers over Spike? He and mom talked for a while and then Angel came over screaming and yelling going nuts because Spike was in the house. I don’t know what his problem is, Spike wasn’t doing anything wrong. Buffy came in and then everyone was yelling. It was wild! Nobody saw me; I snuck down when I heard Spike talking to mom. Mom really yelled at Angel, serves him right! Calling Buffy stupid! I never liked him, he is such a jerk! I wish Buffy would date Spike instead; he is sooo much cooler than Angel.


Dear Diary,

Mom is pen-pals with Spike! I saw one of his letters on the table and asked mom about it. She said they had been writing since he stopped by a few months ago. I thought it would be neat to have a vampire pen-pal so I snuck a note into the envelope before mom sealed up her letter. A few days later he wrote me back! He is sooo cool! I remember the first time I saw him was at that Back to School night when mom whacked him with an axe. He saw me and did that little head tilt he does and gave me a little smile and walked right by me! Then mom pulled me into a room with the rest of the adults and I didn’t see anything else. Then a few months later he came to the house to talk to Buffy. They were both so serious, it was scary. Mom flipped out when she found out Buffy was the slayer, I already knew. See I caught her when we still lived in LA and she told me everything. She made me promise not to say anything, even after they put her in that place, telling her she was crazy. But I knew the truth, but nobody listens to me I’m just a kid.


Dear Diary,

Buffy blew up the high school! On purpose this time! The mayor was trying to turn into some kind of giant snake. Why anyone would want to be a giant snake is beyond me. Who would want to be all slimy and crawling on the ground? Buffy told me that Principal Snyder gotten eaten. I never did like that little troll. I overheard Buffy telling mom that Angel left town, she didn’t seem too sad about it. But then they haven’t spent a lot of time together since Spike was here. Buffy said that Angel called their relationship a freak show. I am so glad that jerk moved away, Buffy was always sad around him.


Dear Diary,

Clem came by the gallery today, I was there with mom. He is so sweet! He brought mom a letter from Spike, they were talking forever! I asked him to give a letter to Spike from me and Clem said he would make sure Spike got it.


Dear Diary,

Ugh, summer is boring. I almost wish school would start up again. The only good thing about this summer was writing to Spike. I get a letter at least once a week! Buffy doesn’t know that me and mom are writing to him. She’d probably wig big time.


Dear Diary,

Buffy moved into the dorms this week. The house is kind of quiet without her here, but I’ll never tell her that! I heard her and Willow talking the other day (I have to eavesdrop to learn anything!) I think they said Buffy’s roommate was a demon but now Buffy and Willow are sharing a room. Plus something happened at the Halloween party they went to, I heard Buffy tell mom something about a tiny demon. No one tells me anything.


Dear Diary,

Spike is back! He stopped by mom’s gallery to talk to her. He gave me a hug and called me his bit when he saw me. He said he would take me out for ice cream tomorrow! Me and mom are going to help him look for a house because he wants to stay in Sunnydale.


Dear Diary,

I got a lecture today from mom about drinking. It’s all Buffy’s fault, just because she did something stupid. She went out and drank magic beer and turned all cave Buffy! Willow and Oz broke up, there was this skanky she wolf that was hitting on Oz and I think they slept together.


Dear Diary,

I hate Spike! He lied to me, he never came back to take me out for ice cream. It’s been days and he hasn’t shown up. Mom says not to be mad something probably came up. Why can’t grown ups keep their promises?


Dear Diary,

Mom is really upset. She was talking to Buffy downstairs about Spike. He is missing! Nobody tells me anything they treat me like a little kid! Mom made Buffy call the gang over to help find Spike. I hope he is okay. I was so mad at him and it might not be his fault. I’m a bad friend.


Dear Diary,

OMG! Buffy found Spike and brought him home, he is so beat up! Buffy was going to put him in the basement but I said he could use my room. They wouldn’t let me help patch him up though. Buffy and mom said I was too young, it’s not fair Spike is my friend too! Those stupid soldiers really hurt him.

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