Title: Starting a new life.
Season: Post-Chosen (Season 8 of Buffy) and Season 5 of Angel.
Warnings: Spoilers Angel Season 5, graphic sex.

“You did all the work, I have to clean-up, luv”
“What? No, Spike”
“You have to go now, leave!”
She waited a few seconds, before telling him the words he had been waiting so long to hear.
“I love you”
He heard her, and those words reverberated in his mind for a few seconds, but for him it was more like an eternity. He could feel his knees trembling, not knowing if it was for the emotion and his love towards her, or for the fire in his chest that was burning his heart. But he didn’t know in that moment if her words were true or if they were just words to thank him for everything. And he’d never know.
He could feel his hand, attached from hers, burning in the middle of a circle of fire.
He just wanted to kiss her, and telling her that he’d always love her.
She just wanted him to believe her words, the real words she had always felt.
“No you don’t” he said. “But thanks for saying it”
“No, Spike!!” the sleeping Buffy started yelling at the same time she tried to wake up.
“Hey, Buffy!!” Dawn said, shaking her. “Wake up!!”
Buffy woke up, with some tears rolling over her cheeks.
“Another nightmare?” Dawn asked.
“I’m sorry, Buffy. I’m so sorry you lost him. I really am.” Dawn said, hugging her sister.
“I know”.
Not all the dreams she had had after Sunnydale, had been nightmares. Sometimes she dreamed about her and Spike together; when they had been in that abandoned house, or in the basement before going to the battle; they had made love and kissed each other. She could listen him telling her words in her ear; sometimes it was so real, that she woke up, calling his name, and then realizing it was just another dream; ‘cause that’s what they would always be: dreams… fantasies; and they would be the only thing she’d ever have: memories, thoughts.
She’d never see him again… he was dead and she’d have to accept that.
“You are and you’ll always be a little poof,” Spike said, laughing and showing his cards on the table.
“Ok, somehow you’re cheating” Angel said, grabbing him by the jacket and looking for any clue of cheating.
“No, I’m not!”
“It cannot be possible you win every hand you have Spike!” Wesley complained.
“That’s because I’m good” the blond vampire smiled, taking a breath from his cigarette. “And you’re all some bloody poofs” he took his money from the table. “You have no idea how to play”
“Well” Gunn said, stretching in his chair “I think we should work”.
“Yeah…” Lorne stood up. “Besides I have no more money to bet”.
Spike started muttering a song while he picked up all the money, and the others stared at Lorne. He started reading him. When he saw all the looks on him, he said:
“No, he hasn’t cheated.”
All the gang sighed, disappointed. But Lorne didn’t care about the cards; he was more interested in Spike’s story…
When all the team had spread in the offices, and Angel had closed the doors of his office, Spike sat on the table, looking outside. All those people, enjoying of the sun.
“You still think about her, don’t you?” Spike jumped from the surprise of Lorne’s presence.
“Bloody hell, you scared me. I didn’t know you were still here” he kept looking by the window, but he didn’t stare at people, he looked beyond them.
Lorne smiled. Yeah… he still thinks about her.
He could still remember the heavenly scent of her hair; the smell of her clothes and her body. God, he could even remember how she tastes; the taste of her sweat after a battle. God he loved that. Every time she went to shower after patrolling, he started kissing and licking her before entering to the shower and turning on the water. Christ, he remembered her so well…
“I read you today, when you were muttering that song.”
Spike glanced at him.
“I’m sure you saw some really nasty things” he sneered, picking up the glass of whiskey that Wesley had left on the table.
“Yeah… but I also saw how you felt about her; how you loved her” Lorne sat next to Spike and picked the glass of whiskey from the vampire’s hand.
“Yeah, I already know that, green boy”.
“Yeah, but I can tell you something you don’t” He took a gulp from his glass and standing up and walking towards the door he said, “She really meant it; those last words she told you. I could see it in your heart, and you know they were real”.
Spike stared at the door when Lorne had left, and felt something inside of him, not knowing if it was nostalgia, anguish or sadness, or the fact that he needed her so much.
Dawn yawned and stretched on the couch, zapping with the remote, different channels on the TV.
The phone suddenly rang.
“Dawn?? Could you pick up?? I’m in the shower!!” Buffy yelled.
Dawn stood up, walked towards the phone and picked it up.
“Hello, Dawn? It’s me, Giles”
“Hey Giles, what’s up? Where are you now?”
Willow and Giles were making a tour around the world, joining all the slayers that had been chosen.
“Well, we’re in South Africa right now, our next stop is South America. Is Buffy there?” he asked.
“She’s in the shower. Do you want to leave a message?”
“Well, we have a little problem here. We just found out by a spell that Willow made, that there’s a slayer in LA and we don’t have any information about her. No papers, no ID. You know that we have a file from every slayer we search in the world, with their identity and different characteristics.”
“Well, our problem is that we don’t know anything about her, and we need that Buffy goes to L.A and talk to Angel so he can find her.”
“Oh, and why don’t you talk with Angel?”
“Hummm, well I didn’t think it was a good idea. Besides, if Buffy goes, she’ll have to go to the new Council to get the stuff to take to L.A, and a special permission to search for the new slayer.”
“Ok, I’ll tell her”
“K, thanks Dawn”
“No problem”.
One hour later, Buffy got out of the shower.
“Finally! I thought you had drown in there”
“Nah… I was just…. Thinking”
“You have to go to L.A” Dawn smiled, laying o the frame of the door.
“Oh, Angel called?”
“Nope, Giles called when you were in the shower”. Buffy sat on the bed, while Dawn explained her the conversation she had had with the watcher.
“Oh…” Buffy said, putting her boots on.
“Just “oh”?”
“Yeah, well, I’m not very excited on going to L.A to visit Angel. I need some time.” Buffy sighed.
“Well, the problem is that they need the information now, and they have to find that new slayer.”
Buffy laid her head on the pillow.
“Unhh… am I the only one available here? No one else can travel to L.A?”
“Well, I could do it”
Buffy chuckled.
“Oh, c’mon Buffy, I’m almost seventeen. When are you going to give me a chance?”
“Oh, I don’t know Dawn. Travel to L.A… alone… I don’t know”
“Besides, the council is just a few blocks from here.”
Buffy groaned.
“Please….? Pretty please?”
“Hmmm. I don’t know. Let me think about it, and I’ll tell you.”
Dawn jumped.
“Yeah! That’s a yes, please tell me it’s a yes!! Besides, you don’t wanna see Angel. You just said you weren’t ready”
“Oh, ok, you can go”
Dawn jumped over her sister and started kissing her cheeks.
“Thank you, thank you thank you!!!”
“Hey Will, it’s me, Buffy”
“Hey Buffy, how are you doing? You know, this is really cool, we have seen amazing things here in Africa.”
“I’m so glad you’re enjoying your trip, Will. You really deserve it”
“So, are you gonna see Angel?”
“Nah… Dawn is going to L.A. She’s already packing and she leaves in a week.”
“Dawn? What do you mean?”
“Well, she’s almost seventeen, and she really wants to go. Besides, I’m not ready to see Angel; at least not yet.”
“Yeah, I understand you Buffy; it’ll be good for Dawn also”
“DAWN??” Buffy heard Giles’s voice from behind Willow. “DAWN IS GOING TO L.A?? GIVE ME THAT PHONE”
“Hey Giles” Buffy said, happily smiling.
“What do you mean, Dawn is going?”
“Well, she’s a woman now Giles, we have to give her a chance.”
“Oh, I don’t know Buffy. What if she does something wrong? What if she messes up something? What if she loses the plane? What if she…?”
“I already decided it, Dawn is going, end of the discussion” She replied, hanging up.
“So, you take the bus to the 33rd street and then you walk to…”
“I know Buffy; I walk to the 35th and turn to the right and I arrive to the Council, I know! You have told me that at least twenty times today.”
“K, I talked to Julie, one of the secretaries of the council, and she said she could take you to the airport and you could take your plane there”
“Ok Buffy. Oh!! My bus is leaving!! I have to go!!” she kissed and hugged her sister and then entered to the bus.
“Don’t talk to strangers! And don’t eat the plane’s food ‘cause it’s always… ok, I’m embarrassing her” she whispered, and she just waved her sister with her hand.
Spike was rinsing his hair under the shower.
“You look tired” he heard a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw Buffy.
“Hey you.” He started kissing her, feeling how she licked his neck and all the way to his abdomen.
“You wanna be a bad boy?” she asked, smiling and licking her lips.
“God yes, please yes” she started licking his cock, from the base to the tip, and then sucked it and took it on her mouth.”
“Oh… God, Buffy… that feels so good… please… oh, keep doing that… oh faster… yeah… more… please more… oh god… I love when you do that with your tongue… Buffy… you’re a goddess… god, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum…”
And he came, yelling her name, just to find his hand on his length… again. He stood up and walked towards the bathroom to clean the mess. After washing his hands, he rubbed his hair while leaning his elbows on the marble of the bathroom.
“God, Spike… either you forget her, or you call her” he whispered to himself. “Call her for what? Maybe she already met someone and forgot me”.
He threw the towel over his shoulder, and walked towards his bed.
Buffy felt so alone now that there was nobody in the apartment… When they had left the rests of Sunnydale, Dawn and Buffy had come to London with Giles and Willow; but after they had started preparing everything for the long trip, Buffy had started looking for a cheap apartment to live, while they were staying there.
She missed so much her house, her neighborhood. She even missed the Hellmouth and the job she had done for more than seven years. She missed her mission, but most of all, she missed to be The One. It had been her destiny, her duty, her gift and curse, and all those years she had wanted to get rid of it and have a normal life; to be like the other girls; but know all she wanted was to come back. She would give anything to be the Slayer again, to come back to the beginning.
Now, she had nothing to do. She had all the day free and she could do whatever she wanted to.
she thought
“Yeah…” she whispered “I can go to the University now… have a normal life…” but something was still missing.
She had always preferred to go to Italy or France, but she had decided to follow Giles to England ‘cause she knew that Dawn would feel alone if they stayed apart from their friends. And now they had all gone; Giles and Willow were in one of the five continents, God knows where; Faith was in Spain with Wood, and they had created a new fight club, where they trained teenagers and adults; Xander had been called to New York, to rebuild the Twin Towers, and Kennedy and the other potentials were been trained there in England.
Kennedy and Willow didn’t see each other anymore. Kennedy hadn’t like that Willow traveled around the world with Giles. She wanted to stay with her, but Willow told her it was her job, her duty. Anyway, Kennedy wasn’t too mature to understand it, so she broke up the relationship. After that, Giles had offered Buffy a post in the Council, but she had told him she preferred to look a job by herself.
So, there she was, looking for a job on the newspaper, with almost the whole page full of crosses.
Suddenly a recent memory came to her mind; in Sunnydale, just the day before going to the Hellmouth itself, after Angel had come and given her the amulet, she was laying next to Spike, hugging him, while he watched carefully at the amulet in front of him.
“What are you thinking about?” she had asked, smiling and staring at him.
He had been very concentrated for a while.
“I’m thinking that I’ll have to use this thing tomorrow; no idea how, but I’ll have to. Who knows what this thing can do…”
“I don’t want you to use it” she had told him, sitting on the bed.
“Buffy, baby, I have to” he had caressed her hair, thinking how beautiful she was; that he’d never let her go.
“Spike, you just said it; you don’t know anything about this amulet, or the power it has; it could kill you… and I’d lose you” some tears had appeared in her eyes.
He had sat next to her.
“Buffy, listen to me” he said, cupping her face between his hands. “You won’t lose me; I won’t die tomorrow”
“You don’t know that…”
“Then if I die, I promise you’ll never lose me; I’ll always be in your heart.”
“But you won’t be here” she had sobbed, while he had hugged her against his chest. “And I’ll never see you again”
“Buffy, I’ll always love you” he had said, kissing her forehead and then her lips as they made love for the last time.
“Yes, Buffy, I’m arriving to Angel’s office. Yeah, I know… yeah… unh-huh…k, yeah, I love you too.” Dawn finally hung up her cellular.
“Geez!” she said, arranging some papers she had in her arms. She suddenly ran over a young boy and threw all the papers. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry” she said, picking the papers from the floor, without looking at the guy.
“Please, let me help you” he said, and knelt in front of her, picking up a folder. When she looked up, she froze in front of the boy’s eyes.
She was so amazed and thinking about his beautiful eyes that didn’t notice that the boy was hanging some papers in front of her.
He smiled.
“Here you have”
“Oh… hummmm, thanks”
“I’m Connor” he said.
“I’m… hummm… Dawn” she replied, trying to react.
“Hey Dawn, nice to meet you”.