“...Six thoughts at once I can’t focus on one/Seven days a week/Find my life has just begun/So caught in emotion that I’m overcome/As I’m falling down I come undone.../Sometimes I feel like I’m alone/Sometimes I feel like I’m not that strong/Sometimes I feel so frail/So small/Sometimes I feel vulnerable/Sometimes I feel... A little fragile...” Delta Goodrem~ ‘Fragile’
Buffy stalked cautiously through the cemetery, stake raised in a defensive manor; ready to strike- should something unpleasant jump out at her. It was the third night in a row that she had felt weary on patrol. There was a kind of presence she couldn’t quite define; but somehow she knew she wasn’t alone.
A shadow passed across one of the gravestones and Buffy whipped around, Slayer senses working double the speed.
“Don’t bother running,” she called out, “Cos whatever you are- I’m still gonna stake your ass big time.”
She heard chuckles escape from behind one of the graves. A sort of low rumbling that cut through her like thunder.
Then it hit her. Or they hit her. About seven of them, surrounding her, swiping at her, throwing punches her way. She managed to dodge the first few but once they had hit her once or twice all her defences fell and she was forced to the ground as the beasts continued their attack.
The creatures were huge and their bodies were armoured with a slick layer of scales that managed to protect them from any of the feeble blows Buffy attempted to pelt them with.
She was tiring quickly; they knew it; she knew it; her saviour knew it.
The presence Buffy had felt immediately flew into action; just as she knew he would do. Three days she had felt him there, and each day he had saved her from near death. His face was shrouded in shadow as he tore the beasts off of her and; one by one; snapped their necks.
Buffy remained on the floor, watching as the stranger destroyed her attackers with an ease that made her heart pound.
When he was done he turned to walk away again.
“Wait!” Buffy called, “Please... Who are you?”
She thought she saw white teeth flash into a smile as he turned back briefly.
Buffy slept uneasily that night. The only thoughts that crossed through her mind were of her saviour. Who is he? She asked herself.
But her thoughts were broken as her bedroom window shattered.
“Wha?” she asked wearily, groaning to her feet. She looked down at the little stone that has shattered her bedroom window. Must have taken some force to break glass with a stone that small.
She bent down, turning briefly away from the broken window, to pick the stone up. There was a small note of paper attached to it with a rubber band.
Turn around.
It said.
Slowly Buffy rose back to her feet, feeling a presence behind her. It wasn’t her saviour though. The presence she felt now was dangerous.
“Turn around?” Buffy said, “That a request or a demand.”
“Does it matter?” asked a cold voice.
Buffy turned to glare at the platinum blonde vampire.
“What are you doing here Spike?” she demanded, “I thought we had a deal.”
“Hey- I held up the deal.” he replied. “Got Drusilla outta the country. Nothing in the ‘deal’ saying I couldn’t come back.”
“So she dumped you then?” Buffy asked, throwing the stone back out of the window.
“Thought it was time to move on to pastures new.” he replied, “Or old. I was considering scooting back to England but then I thought, no, I have friends in Sunnydale.”
“Who were you trying to kid?” Buffy mocked. Spike smirked.
“Thought I would leave my old Scooby friends a present, a kinda ‘glad I’m back?’ present.” he continued.
“Oh yeah?” Buffy asked, “Bet I can guess what you had in mind.”
“I thought finding the body of their best friend would really get ‘em worked up.” he said with a chuckle. “Curled up, bloody and-”
Buffy threw her fist into the vampire’s face. Spike caught her wrist with a new found strength that seemed to catch her off guard.
“Now now Love,” he said, “There’ll be none of that.”
Buffy slammed her head forward into his and he released her wrists as he stumbled backward clutching his forehead.
“So- you wanna fight?” she asked cocking her head to one side.
“ARRGHH!” Spike roared, slamming into her, thrashing her body to the ground. They rolled across her carpet, both struggling to pin the other down. But they were perfectly matched, both in strength and agility.
Buffy swung a fist toward his face which he ducked under, her arm whistling without liberation past his ear.
He leapt back to his feet and aimed a kick at her. Buffy cried out in pain as it came in hard to her side. She curled over.
“That all you got Slayer?” Spike taunted. Buffy closed her eyes. So she was weak- what did it matter? Nothing had mattered since Angel had been taken. Since she had taken his life.
She hunched over and waited like a coward for the next blow.
But it didn’t come. Instead the light snapped off and they were plunged into an intense darkness.
“What the?” Buffy heard Spike say. She heard the sound of some strong punches then a thud as Spike landed on the flower bed beneath her window.
She kept her eyes closed. She knew he was here. She’d be okay now.
Gently he lifted her from the ground and placed her back onto her bed. She opened her eyes, but through the darkness, couldn’t see him. Softly, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. It was a kiss that seemed almost familiar.
Her heart whispered.
With a sad touch of his cold hand, he swept from her room, leaving a lonely feeling of finality in her heart.
“Spike’s back.” Buffy said half heartedly as she entered the school library. The present librarian, her Watcher and friend, looked up with mild concern.
“Back?” Giles repeated. “But the deal-”
“The guy’s vermin.” Buffy replied, “Of course he found a way out of it.”
Buffy’s body was bruised and broken from the two fights she’d fallen into the night before.
“Looks like he got you pretty beat up,” said Xander with a slight frown, “What happened?”
“Oh...” said Buffy, “Before I saw Spike... Fight, there was a fight at the cemetery.”
“You okay?” Willow asked.
Buffy raised a hand to her forehead and held the palm out flat, flinching slightly. “Yeah- I just...” She turned to Giles, “About seven of them,” she said, “Big things with scales or something.” she touched her head again, “I don’t really remember much.”
“At the cemetery?” Giles repeated.
Buffy nodded. Giles looked at her with some concern.
“Buffy, maybe you shouldn’t be patrolling alone- at least for a short while- perhaps until you are feeling more... yourself?” Giles looked at the girl cautiously. His Slayer hadn’t been particularly predictable of late and it probably wasn’t the best time to go head to head in a full on argument.
Buffy surprised him, however, by nodding meekly.
“Maybe it is for the best.” she said. “For a little while, right. Get my strength back up.”
Giles smiled, nodding.
“So these demons,” Xander piped up, “Slayed yeah?”
“Slayed.” Buffy agreed. She turned to Giles, “But not by me.”
“Not by you?”
Buffy shook her head, “No,” she said. “There’s a guy. He’s been following me around- last couple-a-days. Kinda getting me out of some sticky situations.”
“Someone’s been helping you slay?” Giles asked.
“Looks that way,” Buffy agreed. “Thing is, it’s kinda a Spiderman deal. He sorta stays in the shadows- I haven’t seen his face. But it was him who saved me from Spike last night.”
“So we’re talking- good guy?” Xander asked.
“Far as I can tell.” Buffy agreed. “All he’s done is save me. Patrol.” she said suddenly.
“What about it?” Giles asked.
“Whose going to come with me?” She asked. Xander and Willow looked down; there was no one left now that Angel was gone. Buffy felt tears rise in her eyes and Giles noticed them; his heart going out to the girl.
“I’ll go with you.” he said, to Buffy’s surprise. “I have some defence and if worse comes to; it sounds as if this stranger could help.”
Buffy nodded wordlessly.
No, she hadn’t been herself lately.
Giles was having trouble keeping up. He was having to run just to stay level with the young Slayer.
“And we have to move at this pace?” he inquired.
“Part of the gig.” Buffy replied, keeping her eyes averted.
Suddenly two demons cut across their path. Buffy recognised them immediately. They were the same breed as those that had attacked her the night before.
She leapt forward immediately; her fists falling on their hard bodies with no effect.
“Christ...” whispered Giles as he backed away. “Crowan demons...”
Buffy swiped for the demon’s jaw but its hands shot out and grabbed her wrists, grunting into her fearful face.
Her Saviour stood unsure in his place. He needed to help the girl but he couldn’t risk Giles seeing him. Slowly, regretfully, he picked up a small stone and aimed it at the back of the old man’s head.
It whistled through the air and Giles heard a small crack before the comforting black engulfed him.
As soon as Giles was out, The Saviour rushed forwards. He cracked his fist over the head of the demon holding Buffy and it let out a small gurgle. Buffy’s eyes were closed but she felt the demon fall.
She opened her eyes in time to see her Saviour retreat back into the shadows. But she felt him continue to watch her and for some reason she wanted to do him proud.
She took on the remaining demon alone, raining her fists down mercilessly until the creature was nothing but a bloody pulp.
From where he hid; her Saviour smiled, glowing with pride.
“They’re Crowan demons,” said Giles over his steaming cup of tea the following morning.
They were in the library, as usual, listening to Giles’ latest demon low down. The old man looked particularly concerned today as he paced, holding the cup of tea close to his chin.
“Crowan?” repeated Xander, “Sounds pretty docile.”
“Don’t be fooled by a name Xander,” said Giles, “These creatures are violent, ruthless. Buffy and I were extremely lucky to escape with our lives.”
“The Saviour...” Buffy whispered, “He was there again last night. He took out the first demon and I got the second.”
“Extremely lucky,” added Giles with a touch of sarcasm as he rubbed the back of his head where the stone had hit. “Could’ve been much worse.”
“Giles is grouchy,” Buffy told the others, “Someone threw a stone at him.”
Willow stifled a laugh and Xander held up his hand.
“Does that mean you slept through- another fight?” he asked. Giles waved his hand in a dismissive manor.
“Meaningless,” he said, “The fact of the matter is- we will have an incredible fight on our hands if the demons we faced last night really were Crowan demons.”
Buffy sighed, leaning back in her chair.
“Incredible fight.” she repeated, “I’m still all wrung out from the last one.”
“I know Buffy,” Giles said sadly, “But unfortunately we don’t get to choose.”
Buffy sat in her history lesson; her eyes glazed as she stared disconcertedly out of the nearby window. Her thoughts, as usual, were with Angel.
Like a muffled background noise, she was vaguely listening to the disgruntled looking history teacher, droning on about the founders of Sunnydale; a tragic story that practically had Buffy’s eyelids drooping.
“The Lord and Lady returned in the fall,” he said, his voice rising a little and breaking into Buffy’s daydream of a heart stopping kiss with Angel, “And Lady Elizabeth was laid to rest just a few days later. She died on October 3rd, from a very advanced case of flu.”
Buffy sighed into her hand.
Typical. She told herself bitterly. Every story ends with death. Typical.
Just as her thoughts were about to take an even more morbid turn, she noticed a little movement by the window; looking up in time to see Xander waving his arms emphatically; pointing to his watch then signalling a big ‘G’ with his hands.
Again, Buffy sighed.
So this was Giles’ new idea of communication huh?
“Well G-Man, what’s the what?” asked Xander as Giles entered the library.
“Yeah Giles,” added Cordelia, “You got us all here and prepped then arrive unfashionably late. I had a hair appointment I had to reschedule.”
Xander laughed nervously; “I think what Cordy is trying to say is ‘Where you been at?’” he supplied.
“Something like that,” she agreed quietly, fingering her near-perfect hair.
“Yes, well...” Giles said, “I had some business to attend... Is Buffy here?”
“Here.” Buffy agreed, strolling through the doorway. “Fresh from history and ready to slay.”
Giles looked around; placing the books he was holding down on the table. There were three thick, peeling volumes titled ‘The Fabric of Time’ ‘Back then’ and ‘The old ones’. Buffy regarded the books with her usual look of distaste.
“Ready to... Read?” she corrected herself.
“No, the reading is done.” said Giles, “These contain a collection of spells that Willow and I will be requiring.”
“Oh!” exclaimed the redhead in question, “I don’t like the sound of that!”
“Spells,” agreed Xander, remembering a certain love spell cast the year before. “Never lead to the goods.”
Cordelia flicked him and he smiled meekly at her but she turned away, evidently annoyed.
“Indeed.” said Giles, “Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of choice in this matter. Buffy-” he said, turning to the girl. “A lot... Well, all of this, is on your shoulders actually. Tell me right now if you don’t think you’re up to it.”
Buffy stared at him, a little annoyed. It’s not like she was horribly weak or anything. She raised an eyebrow.
“Whatever you got- I’m pretty sure I can handle it.” she told him in a firm voice.
Giles nodded, casting a glance to his books.
“Well, if my spell works correctly, then I shall be sending you back in time.”
Buffy’s eyes widened momentarily; then a determined look settled on her face.
“How far back in time?” she asked.
“Uh, um, oh...” Giles said, “Only about a hundred years or so.” he said.
“A hundred years?” piped up Xander, “No way- that sounds pretty dangerous.”
“Actually it’s fairly straight forward.” replied the Watcher. “It’s really just a case of reintegrating your formula matter further down the timeline. A lot further...”
“But it’s the only way to stop these... Crowy demons right?” she asked. Giles nodded, not bothering to correct her mispronunciation. “Then I’ll do it.”
“Hmm...” said Giles a little hesitantly as he gazed at his determined Slayer, “I’m afraid there’s another aspect which you mightn’t be too pleased about...”
“Because the prospect of time-travel already has me positively ecstatic.” she mumbled sarcastically. “Okay- hit me with it.”
“Well,” said Giles, “It seems that you can’t travel back alone; you’ll require an equally powerful partner-”
“To help me fight the Crowy demons?” Buffy interrupted, raising an eyebrow, “Giles, I’m not weak; I’ve faced far worse alone.” her eyes glazed slightly at her own indirect reference to her past love.
“Of course; I know you’re strength Buffy,” Giles’ voice was gently reassuring. “But that’s not what I meant. Two people will be sent back in time, but only one can return.” Buffy’s eyes narrowed slightly. “The spell you see,” Giles said, taking on his role as grand informant. “It can only be cast at one end as we will have no idea when you have succeeded in your fight. Therefore, there has to be a trigger that will send you back to the correct time.” Giles could see the confusion already creeping into his charge’s face. “The spell I have found voices death as the trigger. Which is why you need to take someone back with you; as the only way you can return is by killing your companion.”
Eyebrows shot through the roof all around the room.
“Okay-” said Xander, “I think I’m gonna put my hand down and say I won’t be going with ya Buff.”
“Giles said someone as powerful as Buffy- doofus.” his girlfriend insulted without a second thought, “Even if she was just choosing from this room alone; you’d probably be about fourth on the strength scale.”
She didn’t see the hurt look that Xander hid behind her hair.
“Like you’d be a better choice.” he grumbled.
“Actually, I’ve already thought of this.” said Giles, returning everyone’s attention to himself.
“I hope you’re not thinking about me.” Willow said in a small voice. Giles offered her a kind smile as he shook his head.
“No.” he said, “Think about it children. Buffy has a powerful enemy back in town. One we know can be easily bought with cash; or stupid enough to be tricked. He’s the perfect choice; as Buffy will have no hang-ups about staking him to return to our time.”
“Spike?” asked Buffy; eyebrow quirked questioningly.
“Exactly.” said Giles. “He’s helped save the world before; he might even do it for free if we tell him the cause.”
“Doubt it.” said Buffy. “And you really think he’ll be as compliant when we tell him that it all ends with me staking him?”
“Of course not.” said Giles. “Which is why we won’t be telling him that particular clause. We’ll tell him that you know how to transport the both of you back to the present time, but you won’t be telling him until all of the Crowan demon are dead. That way he’ll be compelled to help, and won’t attempt to kill you in the process; if he believes you to be his only way to get back to the present he’ll more than likely do everything in his power to keep you alive.”
“Sounds good to me.” said Xander, “Keeps you safe and pretty much ensures your return; if you get all fighty then he’s gonna be holding back so he doesn’t kill you- meaning- he’ll be even easier to kill.”
“But how are you planning on getting him to agree in the first place?” Willow asked; the concern evident in both her eyes and her voice, “I mean, sure, he helped before; but those were very different circumstances. I’m not so sure-”
“So we’ll have to trick him.” Buffy interrupted; eyes gleaming at the prospect of exerting her power. “Any ideas Watcher?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Giles replies, “Use one of the girls as bait; lure him into the middle of our spell. Shouldn’t be too difficult; he’s hardly likely to expect anything of the sort is he.”
“I guess,” agreed Buffy, “Just seems like the wishy washy variety of plan. I think I’d feel better if there was a big net of sorts involved.”
“What do we tell him once we’ve got him?” Willow added, “Or do we just do the spell and leave Buffy with the explanations as the two of them settle into life in the late eighteen hundreds?”
Giles looked slightly guilty.
“I think it would be best if Buffy explain once they’ve completed their journey back in time...” he paused slightly, giving Buffy an apologetic look, “It reduces the risks of the spell going awry.”
“Fine.” said Buffy with a sigh. “I guess it’s my job. At least I don’t have to be bait too.”
Willow and Cordelia both squeaked; looking at each other.
“Wait a minute,” said Buffy suddenly, “Giles- you haven’t even told me WHY I need to go back in time,” she turned her questioning eyes on him, “Lets not be hasty- I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do when I get there yet.”
“Of course.” said Giles, looking slightly embarrassed at having forgotten his all important explanation. “Well, it would seem the Crowan demons have raised numbers to an epidemic level and are planning what looks like a full scale massacre.” he paused dramatic, taking in reactions. “The idea is to send you back to a time when numbers were far fewer; if you can destroy the roots you solve the problem as such. You need to kill the ancestors of these demons so the numbers can’t multiply and there will never be enough Crowans to carry out their plans.”
“Smart.” said Xander appreciatively.
“Not as smart as the spell itself,” Giles added, “Part of the glamour includes a fabricated identity for both Buffy and Spike; memories will be altered to allow for the idea that the two were simply there all along. It allows an easier operation and means the whole attack will follow through much more smoothly.”
“Smart.” Xander repeated.
“You can do it Buffy.” added Willow.
The Slayer looked at the confident faces of her friends, feeling more than a little uncertain. So she was supposed to go back in time, end a massacre before its even started, then make her way back again; all the while having to deal with the constant annoyance that was of course, the vampire Spike; her only consolation being the look on his face when she staked him; realising she had well and truly played him all along.
“That’ll teach him for leaving me to face Angelous alone.” she muttered to herself, “Could have saved me a whole lot of heart ache; selfish bastard.”
And just like that, the plan was settled.
Her shiny red hair caught his attention as he stalked past the school that evening. Shiny... and red... and appetizing. So she was a friend of the Slayer? He could hardly say no when a meal was offered to him so deliciously on a plate.
His speed picked up as he saw the girl enter through the school’s double doors. Probably on her way to the library; game for a little after-hours study. Spike smirked. He’d give her friends something to study. Yeah. When they found her body the next morning.
“Hey Red.” he called, watching her disappear into one of the far classrooms. “Wait up,” he muttered. “We’re having a party.”
He kicked the door open; perfectly prepared to see Red’s shocked little expression. Not at all prepared for the net that dropped down from the ceiling, trapping him; or the vehement push he received from behind, sending him sprawling into the centre of what appeared to be a rather hastily painted pentagon.
“Got him.” said an elderly male voice. “Buffy. Into position.”
Slayer Bitch. Of- bloody- course.
And then the ugly chanting began. Some language that seemed vaguely familiar, but one that a slightly dazed Spike couldn’t really be bothered to decipher. Probably ancient Samarian, or some other long-forgotten twaddle.
He did catch the odd word however, such as ‘time’ and ‘fabrication’, ‘lives’ and ‘death’.
The last thing he saw, however, before blacking out into the darkness, were the bright and confident eyes of a bitch about to meet death-by-Spike.
About time he added a third notch to his belt.
A/N: Wow- starting a long fic sure feels liberating. Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Please leave a review!! Thank you. wall*flower xxx