Reviewer: demona424 Signed
Date: 02/01/2006
Title: Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty two
Okay, I'm probably PMSing right now, because that totally brought tears to my eyes. Poor Spike! It's just so frustrating because she did make him happy. It's only her who's not getting happiness from him. It's really sad to see them so broken. If I was him, I would just shut down. There is only so much rejection a person can take. I still don't see how they could ever get to a good place. Can we get a happy chapter of just Spike playing with Lindsay and nothing else? A little break from the angst would be a relief. A little light at the end of the tunnel would be great.
I personally think they need to go to counciling with each other and agree that not seeing each other at all is not the ulitmate resolution. They do need a break but not an extended one. They really need to talk to another person together (Lorne) so that they can try to be friends again and bring the trust back. If they don't talk to each other the issues will just fester in the background unresolved.
I also want you to know that besides all my heartache reading this story, I really do love it and you are an excellent writer even if you are evil.
Author's Response: Well, she did at one point find happiness with him. She did consider him to be her best friend and then later, he was her lover. But then the letter....yeah. It all went downhill, but it's not JUST Spike she's trying to deal with. It's ALL of it. That just broke the camel's back and now all this stuff is coming out....well, you'll see lol. Thank you!! :)