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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Penname: Passion4Spike [Contact] Real name: Onalee
Member Since: 03/25/2010
Membership status: Member

I'm just a little bit evil . . . that's what makes life fun! And, like all wonderfully evil things, I never age!


My whole reason for watching Buffy in the first place was for David Boreanaz. I love Bones and even Spike fans must admit that DB is a total cutie on that show. At the same time I was falling in love with Bones, I was also loving the show Leverage, most notably this guy named Christian Kane - you may have heard of him (can I just say, Gah! Oh, baby!).

I actually watched the entire DVD set of Angel before I ever watched a single episode of BtVS - because, duh - DB and CK? PLEEASE! (I have to say that I liked Angel more on Angel, the Series than on BtVS - he developed a better sense of humor in L.A.! - ok, don't hate me for it!)

When I finished watching Angel, then I bought the BtVS DVD set and watched it.

When I first started watching, I couldn't figure out why everyone was so ga-ga about Spike. I mean, yeah, totally hot and too funny, but evil, right? I know he ended up GOOD from watching Angel, but how he got there was a mystery.

Then it happened - Joss redeemed Spike, Spike fell in love with Buffy, he went to the end of the world for her and she treated him like crap (bad Buffy writers!). Then, of course, I got it. I am now in the Spike corner, on his bandwagon and leading the parade.

Like most people, I turned to Fanfic to "fix" what Joss and the other evil writers on BtVS did to Spike. I've read quite a lot and then decided to give writing a go. My first story is "Unexpected" and I *TRY* to "fix" Buffy and Spike's life. Not everything is Puppies and Blood, but hopefully, it all works out in the end {{grin}}.
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Reviews by Passion4Spike

Shower Interruptus by PaganBaby Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 16]
Summary: Can Spike take a shower in peace with a house full of teenaged girls?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2055
Published: 05/14/2003 Updated: 05/14/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/01/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh God - I can totally see Spike in every word!! So funny! and HOT! I'm laughing at the computer again - - people think I'm insane! Loved it . . .now, where's that sequel?


Author's Response: lol I love ya, you insane bitca, you *hugs* I\'m so happy you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the review, P4S! *smoochies*

Summary: What's a poor vamp to do when everyone suddenly becomes attracted to him?

Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 25311
Published: 05/14/2003 Updated: 09/16/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/05/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Haaaaahahaha .. . this is gonna be good!! Uhut oh- what could possibly happen at Buffy's house?

Great start!


Author's Response: Thanks, P4S! The hijinks are just getting started heehee Spike\'s going to have a very interesting coupla days ;)

Thanks for the reivew, sweetie! *hugs & smoochies*

Author's Response: Thanks, P4S! The hijinks are just getting started heehee Spike\'s going to have a very interesting coupla days ;)

Thanks for the reivew, sweetie! *hugs & smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/05/2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Oh - HOT and FUNNY! And a Billy Squier concert all at once! What more could a girl want? Other than Buffy being attracted to Spike, of course. . . Good one!

Author's Response: I\'m so happy you\'re enjoying it! I had to have Anya do her sexy dance, I gave her the honor of performing to the title song lol Hmm, wonder why Buffy wasn\'t affected? The answer to that question will be answered soon ;)

Thanks for reviewing, P4S! Love ya *smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/06/2010 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Oh, Spike - you bad boy! That's why we love you, and Willow and Tara, too! Too HOT! Excellent Chapter!


Author's Response: Glad you liked! *giggles* Mmmhmm Spike is a bad, bad boy :P Willow can be pretty bad her ownself lol Spike sure didn\'t expect to have this much fun as a result of a demon blowing up on him :D

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *hugggles*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/07/2010 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Oh, Spike - you didn't! I thought you would've held out for REAL LOVE (not demon goo love) - oh,well. You're only human, I guess . . .or umm , demon - a guy, at any rate! LOL! HOT chapter- again!!

-Passion4Spike 2010.04.07

Author's Response: Bad Spike! *spanks him* And bad, evil me too >:D Poor Spike just wasn\'t able to resist naked, lusty Buffy lol

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *huggz*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/08/2010 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Oh, I was upset when you skipped the four-some, but you redeemed yourself! The best chapter yet! So, so funny and HOT - Spike tied up and covered with chocolate - can't get any better than that!


Author's Response: Hooray, you liked the kinky Joyce scene! lol Some folks just see her as \'the Mom\' and didn\'t like her gettin\' her freak on like that - I\'m glad to see you\'re not one of \'em! heehee

Thanks for the review, P4S! I\'d like to eat your delicious reviews off of a naked Spike :P

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/09/2010 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Gosh, I got all googly and stary eyed at the end, I almost forgot to post a review!! LOVE IT!! I'm such a sucker for a happy ending - our fav vamp being loved (in more ways than one!) by the Scoobies - what more could you want!?


Author's Response: Aww I\'m glad you liked the story so much! I was in a total \"Spike must be loved by someone, dammit!\" state of mind when I wrote this - I might\'ve gone a little overboard heehee But it was loads of fun :D

Thanks for reading and enjoying, and for all the sweet reviews you gave me! *smooch smooch smooch*

Girls' Night Out by PaganBaby Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 22]
Summary: Season 7. The girls go to a strip club. A dancer catches Buffy’s eye.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 7849
Published: 05/14/2003 Updated: 05/13/2009
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/02/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh baby! I KNEW he could dance - now I know just how well!! Could I see that worm move again, please!?


Author's Response: hehehe I just loved the idea of Spike stripping - for obvious reasons :P I\'m glad you enjoyed it too!

Thanks for readin & reviewin, P4S! Love ya! *smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/02/2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

YEAAHHH!! Oh, I love a happy ending . . . or at least, a happy middle! And Spike as her private dancer . . . oh baby! Too good! Great story!


Author's Response: Thanks, P4S! I\'m happy that you enjoyed the story :D This was a fun fic to write, what with the Spike strip-age and declarations of love lol

Thank you for the sweet review, hon! I appreciate it *huggs & smooches*

Summary: Season 6. Spike and Buffy fall under a spell to act out a certain scene from 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Freaky/Kinky
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3580
Published: 05/19/2003 Updated: 05/19/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/29/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Oh God - I'm not sure I can type from laughing so hard! You've got the Trio down PAT!! I mean - perfect! I can hear them all in my head - not sure if that's a good thing or not! LOL! And, of course, Buffy coming to her "senses" and gettin' Spike out of those Speedos AND telling him she cared about him!?? Oh - that's the stuff dreams are made of (mostly Spike's wet dreams! - but some of the rest of us dreamt of that, too!). Too funny and hot (except the morphing bit - did you have to mention RILEY!?) ok, you're forgiven . . . . this time! -Passion4Spike 2010.04.29

Author's Response: Thanks for forgiving me \'bout the Riley thing lol I\'m so glad you enjoyed the story! I wanted to make it fun, funny, and with a dash of Spuffy sweetness - and it\'s awesome that you got that from the fic =D

Thank you verrry much (heehee) for the yummy review, P4S! You rock :D *huggles*

Summary: Season 5. Buffy craves Spike. Buffy can't allow herself to admit it. She runs into Warren. He makes her a Spikebot. Hijinks ensue.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 25648
Published: 05/31/2003 Updated: 09/17/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/02/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

ooooo -- -- I love where this is going! Yummy Spike-bot. Turnabout's fair play, I say!!


Author's Response: heehee The idea of having a fully functional Spikebot running around was just too delicious to resist :P I hope you like the rest!

Thanks for reviewing, P4S! Mmmm yummy review *gobbles* :D

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/03/2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Oooo, poor Spike. How come you had to do that to him? That's not nice! Love Spikebot -though! Yummmy - sweet and sexy!


Author's Response: I know, I can be so mean to our Spike *hides* lol What can I say, I can be evil >:D Isn\'t Spikebot a sweetiepie? His un-Spikey qualities are freaking Buffy out though lol

Thank you for the review, P4S! *smooches & hugs*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/03/2010 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Oh God! The nice men in the white coats are coming to take me away! I am laughing so hard, everyone thinks I've lost what's left of my mind! LOL! The sex was super hot, too! YUMMY!! But the end was too funny!


Author's Response: I\'m happy the funny and hot parts worked so well! =D I had lots of fun with that chapter heehee

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/03/2010 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Oh boy - Talk about a triangle . . . .or a rectangle or, bring Anya in and you can have a Pentagon - or maybe just a Sunnydale orgy! This is getting better and better!


Author's Response: heehee Yes, things have become much more complicated than Buffy had anticipated :P Spikebot loves making people happy :D

Thanks for reviewing, P4S! *hugggz*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/03/2010 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Uh-oh! She's in trouble now!! Gonna have to come clean, Buffy! Get the real Spike! He'd be sooo much better! All that snark!

Loved it!


Author's Response: Buffy has some esplainin\' to do ;) She should\'ve known something like this would happen, but her desire for Spike was too great and clouded her judgment heehee

Thank you for the review, P4S! I love the yummy review-age :D *smooch*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/04/2010 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Oh, boy - - -this could be veeerrryy inteerrresting . . . on to the next chapter - FAST!


Author's Response: lol Mmhmm things are getting interesting-er :P


Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/04/2010 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Oh - you are evil. You had me worried there a minute when Buffy laughed and he tried to leave!! Shooo . .. she stopped him! And then with the poetry??? Awwwww! Sweet Spike - I love sweet Spike! And even Spikebot is happy, now! I'm all smiley! :-)


Author's Response: lol I like to put a little scare into ya >:D I love poetry quotin\', sweet Spike lol He\'s such a romantic devil. I\'m glad you enjoyed and it made you smiley! =D

Thanks for all your wonderful reviews, ET! *lurve & smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/04/2010 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8

awwwww! Don't you love a happy ending!? Well, of course, then Buffy DIES . . . poor Spike - he'll be so broken without her . . . Well, maybe it'll turn out different this time! Yeah, that's it! Everything's changed now - I can see it now, a happy ending after all! I like it!


Author's Response: lol I DO love a happy ending :D I still plan to write sequels to this story, it\'s just taking me forever to get around to it lol Things might turn out much better than they did on the show ;)

Thanks for reading & reviewing, P4S! Loooove ya! *smoooch*

Head of the Class by PaganBaby Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 27]
Summary: AU. Buffy is a young, enthusiastic high school teacher. She can't stop thinking about one of her students, Spike Giles. He's a troublemaker...he's a rebel...he's really hot. Spike has it bad for his new English teacher, Buffy. But they could never act on their urges...could they?

Nominated at the Cover to Cover Buffy Awards for 'Best Sex'!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Freaky/Kinky, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 17746
Published: 07/07/2003 Updated: 09/16/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/24/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

Oooooo . . .Spike - is that a Salami in your pants or are you just glad to see me!? Funny and hot! Can't wait to hear Spike's fantasy !


Author's Response: heehee! I\'m glad you got around to reading this one :D It\'s very raunchy and has that taboo, student/teacher aspect. \'Tis very naughty - so I knew you\'d enjoy! >:D

Love ya! *hugggles*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/24/2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Whatever Gets You Through the Night

“not-so-little Spike” sounds delectable! He’s quite the little geyser , isn’t he? Better than Old Faithful! LOL!

HOT Chapter . . . can’t wait until those fantasies MERGE!!! Wink-wink . . .


Author's Response: hehehe Can\'t stop gigglin about Old Faithful :P It would make going to Yellowstone Park a LOT more fun! lol Merge!

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *hugggggles*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/24/2010 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I Touch Myself

Great Chapter! So many funny and touching lines! Love the "5 words or less" incorporated into it! And I know JUST THE THING for “extra credit” . . . . and you’ll get all the “tutoring” you can stand, Spike, my boy! LOL! Loved it!!


Author's Response: Thanks, P4S! Extra credit lol Let\'s see how long it takes Buffy to crack :P I wouldn\'t mind teaching punk Spike a thing or two heehee

Thanks for the yummy review! *smoochies*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/25/2010 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: That Thing You Do

LOL - 3 thrusts Angel . . .too funny - very sad for Buffy, but so funny! How could she resist Spike's Sad Puppy look??!! No one can resist that!! Can't wait for Monday! I hear a song . .. "Monday, Monday . . .so good to me . . .Monday, Monday it's all I hoped it would be . . ."
Great chapter !

Author's Response: I was in a putting down Angel kinda mood when I wrote that lol Buffy\'s trying to fight her yearning for Spikeykins - silly Buffy :P Resistance is futile heehee

Thanks for reviewing, P4S! *smooooch!*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/25/2010 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Hurts So Good

Oh no . . . not just hours . . days, weeks . . months . . .years!!! LOVED IT! GREAT STORY, HOT SEX and FUNNY, besides. You're still the Queent of Smut! All hail the Queen!

Author's Response: Aww! Thanks, babe! *adjusts smut crown* heehee I do try :P I\'m just lucky there are sweetiepies like you out there that enjoy a good n\' smutty tale =D

Thanks for all of your deeelish reviews, P4S! Love ya! *smoochies*

Summary: Season 7. Takes place directly after the events in 'Shower Interruptus'. Buffy was going down to the basement to tell Spike of her feelings for him.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 10239
Published: 07/29/2003 Updated: 09/16/2003
Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/01/2010 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Ooo .. you're channeling them both so well!! I can hear it all in my mind! Of course, my mind . . .you know . . . a little warped!


Author's Response: Thanks, P4S! heehee Served piping hot from my warped mine to yours!

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie! *kisses & hugs*

Reviewer: Passion4Spike Signed Liked
Date: 04/01/2010 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2

oh, God - Harmony's gonna mess it up, isn't she? ? How does she always get to be in the way! I loved Andrew's vision, though - - I'm laughing at the computer again . . .The nice men in the white coats are coming to take me away . .LOL!


Author's Response: Andrew needs a girlfriend - or a boyfriend - he needs *something* lol And that darn Harmony always has to make things more difficult :P

Thanks for the review, PS4! *smoochies*