Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary:This is a poem I wrote in Buffy's POV, what she wished she could have told Angel.
Disclaimer: Well, even though I actually never mention Buffy or Angel's names, the sake of not wanting to be sued, I don't own these character's Joss Wheaden does, etc,etc.

I'll Kiss You Light


Hold out your heart to me,
Close your eye's and you'll see,
I'll love you more than life,
I'll be love without strife.

You are dark and broken,
I'll be your sunny day,
So just hold me tight,
and I'll kiss you light.

Give up your hate,
Give up your pain,
Step into me, my love,
And I'll fly you a dove.

Forget black and grey,
Be puffy and light,
Be a feather, I'll blow
You into the wind

Fly with me, up, up,
and I'll kiss you,
I promise I'll
Kiss you light.

Tell Lisette what you think
