Summary:This is a Buffy/Angel poem, written after Becoming.
Rating is G
Disclaimer: Don't own anything of the Buffy universe.

Sitting Still

by: LeeLoo

I turn away,
I can't watch you go,
I feel my heart break,
your eyes where so trusting
when they closed.

I knew in my heart,
you knew what was necessary,
but my heart was in denial,
my love returned when you did,
oh, god help me live through this.

To send you to that place,
dear Angel of mine,
I can never forgive myself.

The world stops for me,
and I reach for you,
but its too late,
the gates have pulled you through,
you call for me,
and I reach for you,
my arms aren't long enough to grab you,
but its too late.

The hardest part is seeing you,
every time I close my eyes,
I feel you,
all around me,
my world sits still,
for just a moment,
and my heart heals.


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