"The Price"

Written by: David Fury
Quote List compiled by: Hazel

Groo: Angel. You and I have fought side by side on more than one occasion, fellow warriors, shoulder to shoulder. By now my council must surely hold weight. So I beseech you to heed my words.
Angel: Okay.
Groo: Pomegranate Mist is the wrong color for this room.

Groo: Summer splendor is a hue more worthy of a champion. Or... or perhaps this unique one called purpla.
Angel: Purple. - Yet you have no problems pronouncing pomegranate.
Groo: It was my mother's name.

Angel: Hey, hang on. Where-where are you going with that?
Gunn: I'm tossing it.
Angel: It's an antique.
Gunn: It's a charcoaled briquette.

Angel: I don't know why I bought this for him. - A whim, I guess. - Thought he'd like to look at it. - Snow. It does never snow in southern California.
Cordy: It did once.

Gavin: I hear congratulations are in order.
Lilah: Gavin. - What a pleasant surprise.
Gavin: People are saying you've made great strides forward with Angel.
Lilah: What are you talking about?
Gavin: You mean you don't know? He tried to kill one of his people at a hospital.
Lilah: Wow, Gav, you're quick. Maybe your next news flash will involve that newfangled invention called - fire.
Gavin: Hey, you know, despite our differences, when a co-worker tries to pat you on the back…
Lilah: I check for the knife.

Cordy: Groo, honey, will you do me a favor and dump out this bucket? Thanks.
Fred: Cordelia?
Cordy: He is such a sweetie. So loyal and loving - like a puppy dog.
Fred: Cordy...
Cordy: I know that didn't sound very good, but he is. A puppy dog. A sexy, well-built, go-all-night puppy dog. - Okay, that sounded worse.

Server: Look out! The dude's got Ebola or something.
Groo: Is Ebola a weapon forged in magic?
Lorne: No, forged in monkey poo.

Cordy: Angel?
Angel: We.
Gunn: Glad you're having fun with this.
Angel: No. 'We' he kept saying we. This morning it's we have to go. Now it's we're thirsty.
Cordy: Okay, so he's pretentious.

Groo: This weapon should serve me better.
Angel: Ah, a little big for our purpose, don't you think?
Groo: I've had no complaints.

Fred: God, I hate this!
Gunn: Yeah, I'm with you. That creepy crawly was seriously messed up. With those little feelers or whatever they were sticking out of it's face, slithering around like a worm and slimy...
Fred: No! I meant I hate going through these books.

Gavin: Did you get the e-mail?
Lilah: The one marked 'confidential?' The one I have to use a magic bug to open? The one that, officially, you shouldn't even know about.
Gavin: There must have been a glitch in the server.

Lilah: Do you have a point - or are you just waxing my desk with your ass for fun?

Gunn: Boy, this just keeps getting funner and funner.
Angel: I'm glad to see that you're enjoying yourself, (holds out a flashlight to Gunn) because somebody's got to go down in the basement and shut off the power.
Gunn: No, no, no, no, no, no, no...

Lorne: Oh, man! This space is one part 'hum' and two parts 'dinger!' Ever think of turning it into a nightclub? Eh, I'm missing the life. Sue me.

Groo: You are truly a goddess.
Cordy: Well, demoness anyway. Beats horns and a tail.
Lorne: Hey! I'm standing right here!

Connor: Hi, Dad.

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