Welcome to the Hellmouth
Written by Joss Whedon ~ Directed by Charles Martin Smith

Buffy Summers, a 16-year-old girl moves to Sunnydale, CA from LA with her mom. On the first day of school, Cordelia Chase, the popular girl inducts Buffy into the cool crowd despite Buffy attempts to be friends with three other students, Xander Harris and Willow Rosenberg and Jesse. At the library to get some textbooks and meets Rupert Giles, the new school librarian and Buffy's new watcher. He presents a book with 'Vampyr' on the cover which scares her off. When a dead body is found on campus, Buffy goes to investigate and finds that the body was killed by vampires.

When she goes to inform Giles about the body, she also tells him she no longer wants to be a Slayer and hoped that she left that life back in LA. He tells her she has no choice in the matter and that her living in Sunnydale was no cooincidence since it is where mystical events center. As Buffy leaves Giles follows to try and make her understand what is going on. They leave and Xander pops his head out from behind one of the shelves unsure what to make of their discussion.

At home, Buffy prepares for her night out to the 'Bronze,' Sunnydale's only night club. Her mom thinks that everything is going to work out in Sunnydale and that they will be able to have a happy life there. On her way to the Bronze, Buffy senses she is being followed and heads into a alleyway. A tall, gorgeous guy comes out of the shadows searching for her. She swings down from a handstand she was holding on a bar above him and knocks him to the ground. He claims not to bite and that he just wants to help her. He warns her of the Harvest and tells her about the Hellmouth. Later at the Bronze, Buffy chats with Willow about boys. She tries to inspire Willow to stop waiting and to 'seize the day.' Buffy spots Giles upstairs and goes up to talk to him. He continues to tell her she is the Slayer and has no choice in the matter.

Buffy spots a vampire in the crowd below them and then realizes he's talking to Willow. They guy leaves with Willow as Buffy goes searching for him. She mistakenly attacks Cordelia and then pretty much ruins her chances for popularity. As Buffy leaves, she runs into Xander and asks him where Willow may have gone or else there will be one more dead body tomorrow. The vampire manages to lead Willow into the cemetary where he throws her into a Mosoleum. As she tries to escape, Darla arrives with Jesse. Buffy and Xander show up and Buffy kills one of the vampires and then fights with Darla as Xander gets Willow and Jesse out to safety. Luke, a monstrous vampire shows up and fights with Buffy. While they are fighting, Darla escapes to get Jesse, Xander and Willow. Luke throws Buffy into a coffin where he jumps in and leans in to bite.

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Last Updated: 2-25-00