The show starts up with Drusilla talking to a small boy who is waiting for his mother to come and pick him up. Then just as she is about to make him a meal, Angel comes in and tells the kid to book it. Buffy spies them talking from the roof a nearby building. As Angel tells Drusilla that there will never be anything between them, etc. Then at school, Buffy runs into an old friend from LA, Billy Fordham. "Ford" has transferred to Sunnydale from their old school. Buffy's friends are curious about this guy because they think he may be bad news. Later at the bronze, Buffy runs out to kill some vamps and Fordham spots her. He admits that he knows she is the slayer. We then see Ford going into a building that looks deserted. The place is crawling with weirdo's that we find out are wannabe vampires.
At the bronze, Angel meets Ford and gets a bad vibe from this freaky guy. He then goes to Willow to check up on this guy on the Internet. Buffy and Ford later encounter some vamps. Buffy kills one and Ford says that he kills another. But he doesn't, he lets her go on the condition she tells him where he can find Spike. Angel, Willow and Xander go to Ford's hangout to find out what the heck is going on. They find out the truth behind Ford and his friends. Buffy beeps Giles, who is on a date with Ms. Calendar because she is concerned about all the freaking stuff going on so close to Sunnydale. They meet in the library and the vampire Ford supposedly killed comes running out with one of Giles books.
At Spikes place, Ford offers him a deal -- he'll give Spike Buffy if Spike makes him a vampire. Spike gets into a bit of a freak out and wants to kill him but Dru stops him. He finally agrees and they set everything up. Angel finally warns Buffy about Ford. When she asks about Drusilla, he reveals that he was responsible for her creation. He was obsessed with her, and tortured her by killing all of her family then killing her. Buffy trusts Angel and agrees to set him up. When she gets to the hangout, Ford and friends lock her in. She tries to explain to the others that being a vampire doesn't mean living forever. Ford takes her aside and says that they others are just a trap, and he only 6 months left to live. He decided that becoming a vampire would be the best way to go aside from dying.
Sunset comes and Spike, Dru and followers bust in and start feasting on all the free meals. Buffy attacks Dru and threatens to kill her if Spike doesn't let everyone go. Buffy escapes locking Spike, Dru and Ford inside. Ford gets to become a vampire just like he wanted. Buffy and Giles bury Ford and wait for his un-dead arrival. As they talk about the unfairness of life, he pops up. Buffy stakes him like breathing and goes back to her conversation with Giles.