School Hard
Story by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt ~ Teleplay by David Greenwalt
~ Directed by John T. Kretchmer ~

This episode starts off with Buffy, and a trouble-making girl named Sheila in the Principals office. Buffy is told that she and Sheila are in charge of the Parent Teacher Night, putting it together and the whole event. Sheila pretty much bails on the whole event while Buffy is stuck working by herself. At the factory, The Anointed one is preparing for the Night of St. Vigious. Spike, a rampaged vampire makes an appearance with his galpal Drusilla. The two of them announce they are moving in and Spike declares that he will kill Buffy for the Anointed.

While Sheila thinks her job consists of ditching school, and nothing more, Willow helps Buffy set up the event, study for French class and keep an eye out for Angel at the Bronze. While dancing, Spike shows up and sets up a bit of a test for the Slayer. He has one vampire attack a girl outside then has Buffy rush out to save her. She slays the vampire and Spike presents himself, declaring that he will kill her on Saturday. Later that night, back at the factory, Spike and Dru talk about their plans to revive her after her near death in Prague. He presents her with a bound and gagged Sheila for food and Drusilla takes a bite.

As the night of Parent Teacher Night arrives, Buffy prepares in the library with the help of her friends for The Night of St. Vigious as well as the night's Parent event. She tries to keep her mother away from Principal Snyder in order to keep herself out of trouble. It doesn't work. After spending hours at keeping her mother a safe distance away from all of her teachers, Principal Snyder catches them and talks with Buffy's mom. After the chat, Buffy's mom gets seriously mad at her. On their way out of school, as Snyder is closing everything down, Spike and several vamps come crashing through a window. Buffy rushes to get everyone out and to safety. As the vampires run around the school making that sure no one escapes, Willow and Cordelia rush to a utility closet while Giles, Xander and Ms. Calendar remain in the library. Buffy gets the teachers and her mom to a classroom. Buffy warns them of the danger then climbs up into the ceiling.

Giles instructs Xander to go get Angel for help. After Xander leaves, Buffy comes crashing through the ceiling just as Giles is about to go save her. She briefs them on her plans and then proceeds back into the ceiling with weapons to rush everyone to safety. While Spike checks for the slayer around school, Angel grabs Xander in a headlock for a plan he has come up with. Buffy works her way over to the classroom where her mother is. As a vampire is breaking the door down with an ax, Buffy falls on top of him and stakes him. She tells her mom to wait as she gets ready to kill the all the other vampires in the hallway. Buffy is startled by Sheila, who shows up behind her. Sheila grabs an ax and as they walk down the hall to attack the vampires, she turns into her vampire face. Angel confronts Spike, an old pal with Xander under his arm. Using Xander as bait, he tries to attack Spike. Spike however is too smart for him and catches on to his plan. Several vamps chase them out of the school and end up fighting them all off outside.

As the two pass the library door, Giles warns Buffy of Sheila behind her. Buffy attacks her and she runs away. Buffy gets Giles to take all the teachers and her mom to safety. After everyone is safely escaping through the library, Buffy goes back to take care of Spike. Joyce however doesn't leave and follows after Buffy. They make small talk then fight. Just as he's about to beat Buffy to death with a large board, Joyce hits Spike over the head with the flat side of an ax. That night Buffy's mom tells her how proud she is and that Buffy has a good two weeks before Joyce begins ragging on her again.

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Last Updated: 2-25-00