Faith, Hope & Trick
Written by David Greenwalt ~ Directed by James A. Contner

Everyone's seinors this year, and the one person having the hardest time accepting that fact, is Willow. Oz and Xander had to carry her off campus for she claimed not to be ready and she was afraid that they'd get in trouble even though Seinors can leave campus at lunch. Buffy meets them across the street with a picnic cause she's still not allowed on campus. They all spot Scott Hope, who Willow is trying to get Buffy interested in so that she can move on with her life.

Buffy and Angel dance at the Bronze, and as they dance, Buffy's claddagh ring falls to the floor. Angel picks it up and holds it tight in his hand. Blood comes pouring from his fist, and then from his chest were she stabbed him. When she tries to help him, he tells her to go to hell. Then Angel is shown with a hideous face, laughing and says, "I did." Buffy wakes up and her mom tells her it's time to go face Snyder. At school, Snyder has been forced to let Buffy back in and he gives her a huge list of things she has to do before everything will be final including passing tests from all her classes that she missed last year.

Back in school, and back in the library, Buffy vaguely explains to Giles what happened with Angel and Acathla at the mansion for a spell Giles wants to do to keep Acathla dormant and then she's off to take an English make-up. Willow wants to help, but Giles doesn't want her to even though she's been conducting magic all summer long without him knowing. At the bronze that night, Buffy interupts some major Willow/Oz kissage and then is found again by Scott who, Willow has been encouraging to keep coming back for Buffy. When Buffy tries to avoid giving him an answer, he says he'll be waiting by the dancefloor if she changes her mind.

Xander and Cordy join them and Cordy brings up the two dancing on the floor. A very slutty looking girl and a guy who's fashion and dancing sense seems a bit prehistoric. Buffy follows the couple and on her way out, encounters Scott again who mistakens her sudden leave for a changed mind. The scooby gang go outside and Buffy finds that this girl is actually the new Slayer, Faith who borrows Buffy's (or B's as Faith puts it) stake and kills the vampire. Later, at the bronze, Faith tells stories of her slaying which Xander finds very much interesting. She tells them that her watcher went to a convention and she skipped out.

The next day at school, Giles pouts, having not been invited to the Watcher's Convention. Faith hits on Giles while Buffy first gags and then catches up on the latest fatal activities around Sunnydale. While Buffy goes to take a make-up exam, her friends take Faith on a tour of the school where she later finds, and hits on Buffy's not boyfriend Scott. At dinner that night, Faith is over at Buffy's house explaining how she love's slaying. Joyce makes a wild attempt to get Buffy to be more like her in her slaying. While Faith chows down on all the food on the table, Joyce and Buffy talk about maybe Faith taking over. However, Buffy lets it slip that a Slayer can be called when the other dies.

Buffy and Faith slay that night and argue...a lot. When some vamps attack them, Buffy ends up fighting two, while Faith pummels the other. Buffy is pinned down, and Faith doesn't help her, but she does get out and stakes the vamps. Then stake's the vampire that Faith is still pummeling. The next day, Buffy tells Giles about her worried feelings about Faith and he goes to call her Watcher. While Giles is gone, Scott finds Buffy again and asks her to a Buster Keeton show. She agrees and he gives her a pressent -- a claddagh ring. She freaks and he takes off. Giles arrives just in time to see the whole thing, then telling Buffy that Faith's Watcher is dead.

That night, Buffy goes to talk to Faith who is trying to talk her way out of paying the rent. Faith reveals that Kakistos, a cloven-hooved vampire killed her watcher, and now he's after her. Kakistos arrives at her door, and after some screaming, they escape through the window and end up in an old building. Faith adds that she saw what he did to her watcher, and she tried to stop him, but ended up just running. Then they find that they're in his hideout. Buffy fights some minions while Faith is beat up by Kakistos. Then Buffy breaks free and stakes Kakistos, only to find that he can't be killed by the stake, Faith grabs a large beam of wood and stakes him with it. He finally turns to dust and the girls go off to get something to eat, being absolutely starved.

At school, Giles tells Buffy that Faith is staying for a while and he'll train her until they can find her a new watcher. Buffy finally realizes she has to come to terms with what happened with Angel and she gives away all the details. After she leaves, Giles tells Willow--who is anxious to help save Angel-- that there is no spell. Buffy goes to find Scott and asks him if they can still go out. He considers, briefly and then they make plans for that night.

First, though, Buffy goes to the mansion (where she and Angel fought) and she lays her claddagh ring down on the ground. After she leaves, everything goes dark, the ring glows and then Angel falls down from the ceiling, naked.

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Last Updated: 2-25-00