Willow: "What's it like where you are?"
Willow: "So, we're talking about a guy?"
Buffy: "Not exactly a guy. For us to have a conversation about a guy, there'd
have to be a guy for us to have a conversation about. Was that a sentence?"
Willow: "What about Angel?"
Buffy: "Yeah, just see him in a relationship. 'Hi, honey. You're in grave danger.
I'll see you next month!"
Cordelia: "Ouch!!! Please get your extreme oafishness off my two hundred
dollar shoes."
Xander: "You know, I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit
doesn't make you look like a hooker."
Xander: "That Cordelia's a regular breath of vile air."
Xander: "What are you vixens up to?"
Angel: "Good dogs don't bite."
Buffy: "Angel, do you snore?"
Xander: "Buffy, come on. Wake up and smell the seduction. It's the oldest trick
Xander: "I once drank an entire gallon of gatorade without taking a breath."
Willow: "How is it you always know this stuff? You always know what's going
Master: "I am weary, and their deaths will bring me little joy. Of course,
Buffy: "Cool, crossbow! Check out these babies. Goodbye, stakes! Hello, flying
Buffy: "'Hunk' can mean a lot of things, bad things!"
Buffy: "'A' doesn't even stand for Angel, for that matter. It stands for Achmed, a
Buffy: "Can a vampire ever be a good person? Couldn't it happen?"
Xander: "You're in love with a vampire? What, are you out of your mind?"
Cordelia: "Where did you get that dress? This is a one-of-a-kind Todd Oldham.
Angel: "What's with the Catholic schoolgirl look? Last time I saw you, it was
Darla: "Is there anything better than a natural disaster?"
Xander: "I'm not saying anything. I have nothing to say."
Willow: "So he is a good vampire! I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being
Willow: "Okay, here's something I gotta' know. When Angel kissed you...I mean,
Buffy: "You want Xander, you've gotta' speak up, girl!"
Willow: "It is kind of novel how he'll stay young and handsome forever,
Darla: "What do you want?"
Joyce: "I know she is having trouble with history. Is it too difficult for her, or is
Buffy: "I know you're here, and I know what you are."
Buffy: "I've killed a lot of vampires. I've never hated one before."
Buffy: "I invited you into my home, and you attacked my family."
Angel: "I fed on a girl your age. Beautiful. Dumb as a post."
Angel: "The elders conjured up the perfect punishment for me: they restored
Angel: "I can walk like a man, but I'm not one. I wanted to kill you tonight."
Darla: "Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?"
Buffy: "You guys were involved?"
Darla: "So many body parts, so few bullets."
Darla: "Let's begin with the knee caps. No fun dancing without them!"
Darla: "Close, but no heart."
Darla: "Come on, Buffy. Take it like a man."
Xander: "Ah, the post-fumigation party."
Buffy: "It's weird, though. In this way, I feel like he's still watching me."
Willow: "Just sitting here, watching our barren lives pass us by. Oh look, a
Xander: "Let's stop this crazy whirligig of fun. I'm dizzy."
Angel: "I don't know. It's been a long time since anyone's been in a position to
let me know."
in the book."
Buffy: "What, saving my life, getting slashed in the ribs?"
Xander: "Duh!"
Willow: "It was pretty impressive. Although later there was an ick factor."
on. I never know what's going on."
Giles: "Well, you weren't here from midnight until six researching it."
Willow: "No, I was sleeping."
sometimes a little is enough."
charming foreign exchange student."
Giles: "A vampire isn't a person at all. It may have the movements, the
memories, even the personality of the person it took over, but it's still a demon
at the core. There is no halfway."
Willow: "So that'd be a no, huh?"
Cordelia: "What?"
Xander: "Not vampire. How could you love an umpire? Everyone hates 'em."
Do you know how much this dress cost? Is this a knock-off? This is a
knock-off, isn't it? Some cheesy knock-off. This is exactly what happens when
you sign these free trade agreements."
Giles: "Does Angel have a tattoo behind his right shoulder?"
Buffy: "Yeah, it's a bird or somehing."
Xander: "Now I'm saying something. You saw him naked?"
someone who's killing and maiming every night, and 1 being someone
before he turned into...how was it?"
Buffy: "Unbelievable."
Willow: "No, no, no, no. No speaking up, that way leads to madness and sweaty
although you'll still get wrinkly and die. And oh, what about the children? I'll be
quiet now."
Angel: "I want it finished."
Darla: "That's good. You're hurting me. That's good too."
she not applying herself?"
Giles: "She lives very much in the now, and well, history is very much about the
Angel: "Do you? I'm just an animal, right?"
Buffy: "You're not an animal. Animals I like."
Angel: "Why not? I killed mine. I killed their friends and their friends' children for
a hundred years. I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song
in my heart."
my soul."
Buffy: "What, they were all out of boils and blinding torment?"
Buffy: "Go ahead."
Angel: "..."
Buffy: "Not as easy as it looks."
Buffy: "Bad hair on top of that outfit?"
Darla: "For several generations."
Buffy: "Well, when you've been around since Columbus, you're bound to pile
up a few ex's. You're older than him, right? Just between us girls, you are
looking a little worn around the eyes."
Buffy: "Okay, so what's the difference between this and the pre-fumigation
Xander: "Much heartier cockroaches."
Willow: "Well, in a way he sort of is...in the way of that he's right over there."