Willow: "He was sounding the deeps of his nature, and the parts of his
Xander: "Ah, "Call of the Wild." Aren't we reading the Cliff's Notes of
Xander: "No worries, I can handle the Oz full monty. I mean, not handle
Faith: "Nice place. Do you ever catch kids doing the diddy out here?
Faith: "Bet you and Scott have been up there kicking the gear shift.
Faith: "But you like him, and when you think about him, you get that
Buffy: "But he is... nice, and he's funny.
Scott: "Hey, Buffy. That's what I stopped you for, basically. Hey.
Debbie: "Hi, Oz. Hey, you're not doing jazz band this year?
Scott: "Well, we're not up to flowers. Are we? Up to flowers? Did I
Debbie: "But I'm flunking senior bio, and my teacher says I have "success
Giles: "Right. It's good to see you. Um, no need to panic.
Willow: "Wolf-you, not you-you.
Xander: "Not to freak, I rested my eyes now and then, that's all.
Buffy: "Buffy Summers, reporting for sanity.
Buffy: "Not too crazy? Those are your credentials?
Mr. Plat: "Everybody has demons, right?
Mr. Plat: "Lots of people lose themselves in love. It's no shame. They
Buffy: "I'm afraid to ask.
Giles: "We could ask Faith to watch over him.
Oz: "Okay, you know that thing where you bail in the middle of an
Xander: "We're doing crime here. You don't sneak up during crime.
Cordelia: "Okay! Scarred for life. Oh god.
Xander: "This guy is pretty barf-worthy. Can't we be elsewhere?
Willow: "There are a lot of incised wounds, but they could be from anything.
Xander: "Okay, little too much excitement for the Willster here.
Faith: "Buffy, are you okay? What are you doing here?
Faith: "I was going kind of crazy in here, but I can get in a few
Buffy: "Oh, boy, Faith and her nutty books.
Buffy: "This was vivid. Really vivid. Three-dimensional, sensurround,
Giles: "In my experience, there are two types of monster. The first can
Willow: "Glazed or cake? It's fun to watch them make them. They use
Scott: "I can't back you on that lunch. Nutritional demerits.
Debbie: "He'll make you start a dream journal.
Buffy: "He definitely marches to the beat of his own drummer. Actually,
Pete: "Check out Scotty liking manic-depressive chick.
Giles: "This creature is especially brutal. I believe the phrase coined
Faith: "Which means that he was killed during the day.
Giles: "Clearly, we're looking for a depraved, sadistic animal.
Giles: "We have two victims... Jeff Orkin and now Platt. Maybe there's
Giles: "Faith, you and I team. Willow, stick with Buffy.
Buffy: "It's tricky, covering a fresh shiner like that. You know what works?
Debbie: "I didn't ask for your help.
Oz: "This is kind of a bad time.
Oz: "I'm serious. Something's gonna happen that you probably won't
Debbie: "He does love me. He does love me.
Oz: "Time's up. Rules change.
Giles: "Ow!
Willow: "It's all over school what happened with Debbie and Pete. Except
Cordelia: "So it was a real killing? He wasn't under the influence of anything?
Cordelia: "Great. Now I'm going to be stuck with serious thoughts all day.
nature that were deeper than he, going back into the wombs of
time. The rabbit could not..."
Willow: "Okay, uh, maybe we should try a less stimulating passage.
Xander: "Private Harris reporting for Oz-watch.
this in English?
Willow: "Some of us are. Anyway, it'll help you stay awake. It's good,
and very wolfy. It seems to sooth the savage beast.
Except for the part about rabbits.
Xander: "Rabbis?
handle, like hands to flesh handle.
Willow: "Okay, well, it's not for you. It's for me, 'cause I'm still
getting used to the half monty.
Xander: "Oh, good. Half? You and Oz? Which half?
good down-low tickle, right?
Buffy: "Yeah, I guess, but... how low?
Faith: "You tell me.
Buffy: "How about not?
Faith: "And quite a muffin.
Buffy: "Blueberry. That crunchy, munchy stuff on top. But my most
favorite thing so far is that he doesn't seem to be any kind
of hell beast.
Faith: "All men are beasts, Buffy.
Buffy: "Okay, I was hoping to not get that cynical 'till I was at
least forty.
Faith: "It's not cynical. I mean, it's realistic. Every guy, from
Manimal to Mr. I-love-The-English-Patient has beast in him.
And I don't care how sensitive they act. They're all still
just in for the chase.
Buffy: "Okay. Hey.
Oz: "Oh, can't take the pressure. It's not the music that's hard,
it's the marching.
Buffy: "We have a marching jazz band?
Oz: "Yeah, but, you know, since the best jazz is improvisational, we'd
be going off in all directions, banging into floats. Scary.
Willow: "He's just being Oz.
Oz: "Pretty much full-time.
miss flowers?
Buffy: "No. We're pre-posy. Definitely.
Oz: "Senior bio? I kind of aced that final.
Willow: "And how did you do that? Oh, right, you showed up.
Oz: "Just a thought: Poker, not your game.
Willow: "What's the deal, Giles?
Giles: "Now, bear in mind, most likely, there is no deal, but if -- if
there was a deal, then it would concern murder last night.
Giles: "How long, exactly, did you rest your eyes for?
Xander: "A little now, a little then.
Buffy: "Got to say I'm with you on that.
write songs about it. The hitch is, you can't stay lost. Sooner
or later, you have to get back to yourself.
Buffy: "And if you can't?
Mr. Plat: "If you can't... Well, love becomes your master, and you're
just its dog.
Cordelia: "Oz ate someone last night.
Willow: "He did not!
Xander: "Oz does not eat people. It's more werewolf play. You know,
I bat you around a little bit, like a cat toy. I have harmless
wolf fun. Is it Oz's fault that, you know, side effect, people
get cut to ribbons, and maybe then he'll take a little nibble
and... I'm not helping, am I?
Oz: "What, you're having a Slayer watch me? Oh, good, we're not
upsetting conversation? I have to do that. It's kind of dramatic,
I know, but... sometimes it's a necessary guy thing.
Willow: "And I want you to do the guy thing, but...
Cordelia: "Anything with big, sharp teeth, and vicious...
Xander: "Do you want to go back to the car and wait?
Buffy: "Uh, bleeding internally, but I'll live.
stakings before sunrise.
Buffy: "Knock yourself out. Not literally, though.
Giles: "Exploring Demon Dimensions," and "History of Acathla."
Buffy: "Yeah, and she still listens to heavy metal. Freaky-deaky.
the hills are alive.
be redeemed, or more importantly, wants to be redeemed.
Buffy: "And the second type?
Giles: "The second is void of humanity... cannot respond to reason or love.
this spritzy thing, and they drop the batter into this...
Buffy: "Couldn't sleep, huh?
Willow: "I've been at Mr. Donut since the tv did that snowy thing. How
come you're the wakey-girl? I mean, this time it's not your
boyfriend who's the cold-blooded... Jelly donut?
Buffy: "Oh, my stomach doesn't want hard food today. But there's fruit in it.
Scott: "Those are marshmallows.
Pete: "What's that, like a Barbie thing? "Dear Dream Journal, how
come Ken hasn't come around since he got that earring?"
I think he makes his own drums.
Scott: "My mom says that therapy can be completely helpful.
Pete: "Yeah, but your mom has the wattage of a Zippo lighter, Scott.
Scott: "I hope you realize I don't actually know these people. I just,
I thought you would like me better if I had friends, so I hired
by the coroner when describing Mr. Platt was "pureed."
Willow: "Yes! Sorry, I got... I've just been... It's horrible, horrible.
Oz: "Present. Hey, I may be a cold-blooded jelly doughnut, but my
timing is impeccable.
something they had in common.
Faith: "Missing internal organs.
Giles: "Besides that.
Oz: "And I'll... go lock myself in the cage.
Debbie: "What?
Buffy: "Don't get hit.
Willow: "Well, when are you going to? I mean, if Pete kills you, it'll
pretty much be too late.
Pete: "Well, I guess you didn't think about that when you put the moves
on Debbie.
Oz: "We talked, yeah, but it was move-free.
believe. Or you might.
Willow: "I think we broke her.
Buffy: "I think she was broken before this.
Buffy: "Sorry!
Giles: "Oh, right. Bloody priceless.
for the Pete-was-a-monster part.
Oz: "Yeah, a freshman told me that Pete had eight iced cafe mochas
and just lost it.
Buffy: "That's better than the estrogen theory. I heard he took all of
his mother's birth-control pills.
Cordelia: "He didn't? Pete was a monster? Where have I been?
Xander: "In your special place, Cor, which is why I adore you.
Buffy: "Just himself.