The Master, portrayed by Mark Metcalf made his first appearance in the series premiere episode, "Welcome to the Hellmouth." Confined to an underground cave for the duration of the first season, the Master wreaked havoc throughout Sunnydale with the help of his minions. In the first season finale, the Master gained a significant amount of power, and with the help of the Anointed One, he drew Buffy down to his lair. He bites her and leaves the Slayer face down in a pool of water while moving to the surface. In a final fight, the Master was killed by Buffy when he was thrown through a roof window onto a broken table. While he threatened to return in the season two premiere episode, Buffy smashed his bones with a sledge hammer. The Master also made another return in the alternate universe episode, "The Wish." For more information on the Master, visit the Deceased section.

Throughout the first season, Angel (David Boreanaz) was a kind vampire, with a mission to help the slayer and atone for his crimes before being cursed with a soul by gypsies. In season two, a night of passion and a moment of true happiness with Buffy, Angel lost his soul and became Angelus. Angel is the vampire with a soul, Angelus is the soul-less, heart-less demon. Throughout the second half of season two, Angelus tormented Buffy and her friends, eventually going as far as to kill a friend of the Scooby Gang, Jenny Calendar. Jenny was a gypsy sent to watch Angel and after he lost his soul, The battle between Buffy and Angelus finally came to an end in the season two finale, "Becoming." Angelus called for on a demon, Acathla to suck the world into Hell. Buffy's friends performed a ritual that gave Angel his soul back. After he reunited with Buffy for a second, she stabbed him with a sword and sent him to Hell to keep Acathla from taking the entire world.

The Judge is a demon of many parts...literally. Portrayed by Brian Thompson, the Judge was supposedly an unkillable demon with the power to burn the humanity out of a creature. His mission to rid the world of anything remotely human. Because the Judge couldn't be killed, his body was chopped into pieces and buried all over the world. Spike and Drusilla began to gather those pieces and finally put them all together in the episode "Surprise." In the following episode, "Innocence," accompanied by Drusilla and Angelus, the Judge went to a mall with intentions of destroying everyone within. Buffy, however, was also there and with the use of a modern rocket launcher, she blew the Judge into small pieces.

Mayor Richard Willkins III was first introduced in "Homecoming." He was portrayed by actor, Harry Groener. Presiding over the unique town of Sunnydale and the residents both human and otherwise, it was no surprise that the Mayor wasn't normal. In later episodes, the mayor achieved a state of invincibility until his day of ascension. Buffy and the rest of the gang struggled against the Mayor and although they were unable to prevent his ascension, they did stop him. After turning into a giant snake creature at Sunnydale High's graduation ceremony, the Mayor was lured into the library and blown up, with the school.

Adam was a creation of Professor Maggie Walsh. Portrayed by George Hertzberg, Adam was part human, part machine, and part demon. A super being created to work for the Initiative and provide an indestructible force on their side. Adam's lack of knowledge about the world allowed for him to be a frightening opponent with a desire to learn, but without concern for any harm he caused in the process. After killing his maker upon his first moments awake, Adam first seemed to be impossible to defeat, but Buffy finally discovered a way that he could be destroyed. With the combined strengths of all the Scooby Gang mixed with Buffy, she unleashed primeval slayer powers and became more powerful than Adam. She removed a uranium core from his chest, destroying it and Adam in the process.

In season 5, Buffy was faced with a villain unlike any one she'd ever encountered before. Actress Clare Kramer portrayed that character, Glory. Glory stormed onto the screen in a desperate search for a "key." Unfortunately for her, a group of monks put the Key in human form and gave the Key to Buffy in the form of a sister named Dawn. It was clear from the start that Glory wasn't human, although her "brother" Ben was, but it took the forced cooperation of the Watcher's Council to figure out that Glory was a God, banished from a hell dimension and needing the Key to return. Later, it was discovered that Glory and Ben were essentially sharing a body and even though Ben had good intentions, he wasn't strong enough to overpower Glory. Despite Buffy's dedication to protecting Dawn from danger, Glory eventually got her hands on the young teen and prepared to use her in a ritual that would open up the walls to all other hell dimensions. During a massive battle, Buffy beat Glory into a weakened state and set out on freeing her sister. To be sure Glory would never return though, while Glory was in Ben's form, Giles smothered the young man to death.

Season 6 introduced three "new" villains to the scene, teamed up to form the Trio. It was comprised of Warren (the robot-making Warren from season 5) played by Adam Busch, Jonathan (from "Superstar" and many other episodes) played by Danny Strong, and a seemingly new face Andrew (the brother of Tucker, the guy who tried to ruin Prom) played by Tom Lenk. The three nerds got together with the intent of taking over Sunnydale and used magic, technical and brain power to try and get rid of the reigning power, Buffy. Despite their many attempts, they didn't make much of an impact on the Scooby Gang until late in the season. Warren became power-hungry and determined to destroy Buffy. He finally became serious when he shot Buffy while she was in her own backyard and unknowingly also took the life of another character, Tara. After this terrible mistake, Warren was hunted, tortured and killed by Willow. Mean while, the other two were put in jail for a short period of time before they were rescued by the Scooby Gang. Jonathan and Andrew later escaped from Sunnydale and their certain death by getting a ride to Mexico.

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Thank you to Sunnydale High School/UC Sunnydale for some of the screen shots used on these cast pages.