"Blind Date"

Written by: Jeannine Renshaw Original Air Date: May 16, 2000

a street vendor makes a sale
It's evening. On a sidewalk in front of small shop fronts, a street vendor is demonstrating mechanical, toy soldiers to a couple of young boys. He assures them they are highly collectible, they won't regret their purchase.
the blind woman comes down the sidewalk
A young blind woman, tapping her white cane ahead of her, is approaching them.
pausing for the sidewalk to be cleared
The boys put their money together and pay the vendor who sees the oncoming blind woman. He tells her to wait a minute while he clears the toys from the middle of the sidewalk. He lets her know the way is now clear.

She continues on.

Angel deals with the vampsa vamp gets strung up
In a warehouse, Angel is fighting a couple of vamps. Just as he prepares to plunge a stake through the heart of one, he is jumped from behind by another. He loses his grip on the stake and drops it.

Angel fights with both vamps briefly, then finally manages to dust one. He gets a chain around the neck of the surviving vamp, hoists him up toward the ceiling and drives him into a piece of wood that's protruding from a stack of palettes, killing the vamp.
Angel hears somethingAngel checks on the dead guy
Before Angel leaves, he hears moaning sounds. A middle aged African-American man stumbles into the warehouse, clutching his stomach. He slides down the wall to the floor.

Angel finds the man and kneels next to him. He's distracted by a noise.
Angel gets grabbed
The blind woman grabs him by the throat and tosses him against the wall.
the blind woman
Angel tries to fight back, but the woman anticipates his every move before he can make it. None of his blows connect, she easily avoids them. Angel manages to knock off the sunglasses the woman is wearing, revealing that her eyes are an opaque, milky white.

She throws him a good distance and when he picks himself up, she's gone.

Cordy works at the computerWes ponders the situation
Back at the office the next day, Wes and Cordy are researching the blind woman. As Cordy works at the computer, Wes closes the book he's been reading, he can't find any demon that fits Angel's description of the woman. He thinks maybe it's possible she isn't a demon but rather someone who learned to develop her available senses to compensate for her lack of sight.

Cordy thinks that would tend to bring attention to someone, especially someone who was working as an assassin for hire, she might even have a record.
Wes thinks Cordy may be on to something
Wes agrees as Cordelia begins running a computer search in the Police Crime and Criminals Database.
Cordy comes up with something
Cordelia's search comes up with one name, Vanessa Brewer. The record notes her general physical description, place of birth and blindness. It shows no known associates, a misdemeanor arrest, two felony arrests, no convictions on any count.

Wesley reckons, based on Angel's description of her abilities, she's likely done this before.

Cordelia tells him the name she found on the computer.
Wes notes Vanessa's record
Wes looks at the computer screen, notes that Vanessa was first arrested in 1993.
Cordy reads through the file
Cordy fills in the details. Vanessa was leaving the scene of a murder. There were no charges brought against her in that case. She was arrested two years later and charged with assault. There was no conviction. She was arrested four years later, suspected in a double murder, and is currently on trial for that crime.
Cordy notes the I.D. of Vanessa's lawyers
Wes notes the woman was out on bail when Angel ran into her in the warehouse.

Cordy has noticed who Vanessa's defense attorneys work for and points it out to Wesley.

Vanessa, in courtLindsey pleads his client's case
In a courtroom, Vanessa is seated at the defendant's table while Lindsey McDonald argues for his client in front of the judge's bench. He points out that the District Attorney's linking Vanessa Brewer to the crime in question is absurd given her disability. He continues, saying there is no way his client could physically commit the murder.
Angel enters the courtroomVanessa catches the sunglasses
Angel enters through the door at the back of the courtroom and throws Vanessa's sunglasses at her from behind. Without turning back, she raises her hand and catches the sunglasses in midair.

The courtroom is disrupted, the judge pounds his gavel trying to restore order.
Lindsey notes the cause of the disturbanceVanessa puts on her glasses
Lindsey turns to see Angel break loose from the courtroom bailiffs trying to restrain him and escape through the doors into the hallway.

Vanessa casually puts on the sunglasses Angel has just thrown her way as the judge continues pounding his gavel, trying to restore order to the courtroom.

Wes reckons Vanessa sees somehow
Back at the office, Wes observes that Vanessa may not see in the same way that others do, but she clearly does see in some way.
Angel returns
Angel steps off the elevator.

Wes continues with his thought, that the normal human eye only sees a small segment of the full electromagnetic spectrum and perhaps Vanessa has managed to find a way to tap into seeing what falls outside the range of normal sight.
Cordy wonders why Wes is still thinking about itAngel figures Vanessa is still working for W&H
Cordy wonders why Wes is still thinking about the whys of Vanessa Brewer.

Angel says it's important because Wolfram & Hart are handling her case for free, which means she's most likely still in their employ.

Lindsey's p.o.v., while Vanessa chats
In a hallway at the offices of Wolfram & Hart, a group of men are speaking with Vanessa as Lindsey looks on from a discreet distance. Holland tells her how happy they are with the outcome of the legal proceedings.
Lee approaches Lindsey
Lee Mercer walks up behind Lindsey. He's surprised Lindsey was able to get Vanessa cleared of all the charges. He's impressed with Lindsey's talent for legal maneuvering. He tells Lindsey the W&H brass are also very pleased with his work, he's their golden boy of the moment.

Lindsey wonders if Lee wants something specific.

Lee looks toward Vanessa and wonders if Lindsey shares his opinion that there's something appealing about Vanessa Brewer.
Lindsey doesn't answer Lee's question
Lindsey just looks at him.

Lee says he wouldn't say no to her, he'd be too afraid of her to turn her down.
Vanessa faces Lindsey and Lee as Holland motions to Lindsey
Vanessa turns toward Lee and Lindsey and smiles as Holland motions toward them and tells Lindsey to come over and say hello.

Lee teases Lindsey, telling him maybe Vanessa likes him as he pats him on the back and then departs.
Lindsey gets an introduction
Lindsey approaches Vanessa, Holland and the others. Holland introduces him to the other two men who are standing behind Vanessa, Bill and Chuck. Lindsey shakes their hands. Holland is pleased with Lindsey's fine legal work on the case.
Vanessa says it's nice seeing Lindsey again
Vanessa takes Lindsey's hand in both of her own and thanks him for his efforts on her behalf. She tells him it's nice to see him again and then departs with Bill and Chuck.

Holland asks if Lindsey has a minute to talk. They enter one of the offices, Holland closes the doors behind them.
Holland wonders if Vanessa gives Lindsey the creeps
Holland wonders if Vanessa gives Lindsey the creeps.
Lindsey admits to being a little creeped out
Lindsey stares out the office window and admits that she does, somewhat. Holland admits that she has that effect on him as well but he admires her skill and her dedication. He wonders if things are okay with Lindsey, he notices he's looking a bit tense.

Lindsey says he's been working hard.

Holland interrupts to note Lindsey has put in the effort, but he's had some problems.
Lindsey admits he's made mistakes
Lindsey concedes that sending Faith to kill Angel was one of his mistakes.
Holland thinks things are looking up
Holland concurs that was an error in judgment and there have been others but he reminds Lindsey of his recent victory in court on Vanessa Brewer's behalf. He thinks this may be the start of an upswing for Lindsey's fortunes. He's fond of him, he wants Lindsey to succeed at W&H.

Lindsey is pleased to hear that.
Holland reckons Lindsey needs to find his place
Holland tells him that not everyone in the firm will share his hopes for Lindsey's success, however. He says this is the time of year when they determine who the winners are within the firm and who comprises the "dead weight." Holland notes that Lindsey seems unhappy lately. He thinks it may be due to the fact that Lindsey is young, he's committed himself to W&H but maybe now he's starting to wonder if there isn't something more for him.

Lindsey acknowledges that sometimes he questions things, but it's no big deal.
Holland says he understands. He did a bit of searching when he was Lindsey's age, trying to figure the world out and find where he fit into it. He found it's not that complex, it's made for those who know how to make the best use of it. He wants Lindsey to consider these things because he knows that until Lindsey finds his place, he isn't going to be happy. Holland switches gears and says he doesn't think "she" had a good childhood.
Lindsey, confused
Lindsey doesn't know who Holland is talking about.

Holland says he thinks Vanessa had a terrible childhood, filled with abuse, the details of which are gruesome and tragic. He wants Lindsey to fabricate those details and to do it soon.

Lindsey assumes from the request that Vanessa will soon be doing another job for W&H that's going to require a vigorous defense.
Holland wants Vanessa to have an alibi
Holland confirms this is the case. They want her to have a solid alibi. She is extremely valuable to some of W&H's clients and they don't want to risk losing her.

Lindsey asks what job Vanessa will be doing.

Holland tells him some children will be arriving soon and they pose a threat.
Lindsey, bothered by the job
Lindsey seems a bit taken aback that the job involves children.

Holland wonders if Lindsey finds the matter too disturbing.

Lindsey thinks it may well be for a jury.
Holland spells out what he wants
Holland tells him that's why he wants Lindsey to create the terrible, tragic childhood for Vanessa. They'll settle for a verdict of "not guilty by reason of insanity", if things go that far, but he doesn't seem to think there's much of a chance Vanessa will be caught in the first place.
Lindsey remains behind
Lindsey wonders who the children are.

Holland informs him that information is given on a need to know basis and it's not important for Lindsey to know those details. He suggests Lindsey get on the matter as soon as possible, pats him on the shoulder and departs leaving Lindsey alone, staring out the window.

Angel, discouragedWes, Cordy check on Angel
In his inner office, Angel picks up the phone and slams it against the wall. Wes and Cordy open the office door cautiously, having heard the noise.

Angel tells them that Vanessa was acquitted. The jury couldn't arrive at a unanimous verdict. Angel is confused, uncertain how he's supposed to battle evil when the justice system fails by letting it go.

Cordelia tries to reassure him that what happened isn't his fault.
Angel doesn't know how to tackle the problem
Angel knows it's not his fault, he didn't cause it but he also knows he was powerless to stop it. He witnessed her commit murder in front of his eyes, yet couldn't testify to that fact in court. He knows the deck is stacked in favor of W&H and their way of doing things. He doesn't feel he has a place, that he can't fight evil if he's not allowed onto the field of play to do battle.
Wes assures Angel he has a place
Wesley assures him he does have a place, it's just not that place. They will fight the good fight, just in a different venue.
Angel admits to missing the clarity of a guilt-free existence
Angel isn't reassured. He knows the rules are still made by W&H types. The system is designed for them by individuals just like them. He understands why it works, there's no guilt, no regret, no conscience. Angel becomes decidedly Angelus-like for a moment as he remembers what it was like to live like that, without the constraints of remorse and guilt. Sometimes he misses the clarity of pure evil.
Cordy wants to be sure Angel doesn't miss the killing partLindsey arrives, saying he wants out
Cordelia is quick to wonder if he misses the killing as well. Angel doesn't answer, just shoots her a look. He laments that things don't change as he sits down on the couch, his face in his hands.

Lindsey enters through the outer office. He tells Angel he wants his help, he wants out.

Angel, alone with Lindsey
Angel closes the door to his office, leaving him alone with Lindsey.
Lindsey reckons Angel thinks it's a trap
Lindsey figures Angel thinks his being there is a ruse of some sort.

As Angel moves to take a seat behind his desk, he wonders if Lindsey is afraid of him. Lindsey denies it. Angel knows better, he can smell Lindsey's fear. He doesn't think Lindsey's being in his office is a ruse, but he does think of it as a joke.
Lindsey isn't happy to be there
Lindsey assures Angel he doesn't want to be there anymore then Angel wants him there, but he doesn't have a choice.

Angel reminds him he made his choice when he sold out for the perks offered by W&H.

Lindsey doesn't think Angel knows as much about him as he seems to think. He lets him know he's done his research. Lindsey says that Angel's father was a silk and linen merchant who did pretty well for himself, even had servants until Angel killed them.
Angel notes there was only one servant
Angel indifferently notes that there was only one servant.
Lindsey tells his story
Lindsey acknowledges that the files on him at W&H may not be completely accurate in all the details, but it's clear to him that Angel never knew what it was like to be poor. Lindsey has known that kind of poverty. He tells Angel about his childhood, growing up with too many siblings, no money for food or medical care and watching his father sign over the deed to their house when Lindsey was seven. The experience taught him you're either the one who gets stepped on or the one who does the stepping. He prefers being the latter.
Angel, bored by the sob story
Angel feigns nodding off. He wonders if Lindsey has gotten to the point yet.

Lindsey tells him he found out about the next job W&H has lined up for Vanessa Brewer.

Angel reminds Lindsey that he is the one who got her acquitted.
Lindsey tells Angel about the job
Lindsey says there's a new job, she's going to kill some children. He admits that he's been part of some questionable things in the employ of W&H but this is something that goes way beyond that.

Angel wants the details.

Lindsey admits he doesn't know much, just that the children are from out of the country somewhere and the hit is supposed to take place within a couple of days.
Angel wants more info
Angel needs more than that.

Lindsey offers that the information would be in files at the offices of W&H, in the vault.

Angel expects Lindsey to get them.

Lindsey says he can't go back in, Angel doesn't understand what that place is like.

Angel doesn't feel Lindsey has a real commitment to helping.
Lindsey doesn't want to go back
Lindsey says they have mind readers, if he goes back to the office he won't be coming out, they'll kill him.
Angel, not sympathetic
Angel is unsympathetic as he rises from his chair and moves to stand beside Lindsey. He says it's a risk he'll have to take. He knows Lindsey is in a state of panic, not quite believing how far out of hand things have gotten. He knows this is about fear for Lindsey, not about a desire to change. He tells him one has to make a conscious decision to change and that's something most never do.

Lindsey wonders if getting himself killed will prove to Angel that he wants to change.

Angel concedes that would be a good start.

going over the building plans with Lindsey
In the outer office of Angel Investigations, Angel, Cordelia, Wesley and Lindsey make plans to break into the vault at W&H.

Lindsey identifies the location of the vault on a map laid out before them.
Angel wonders about access
Angel wonders if there is access from the sewer tunnels.

Lindsey says there can be, but it will require a blow torch and some cutting to create an entrance.
Cordy wonders why Lindsey isn't  doing the job
Cordy wonders why Angel is the one taking the risk, why Lindsey isn't doing it.
Angel notes it's a job for two
Angel says it's a job for two and asks Lindsey how he can get into the vault once inside the building.

Lindsey says he'll leave his pass downstairs for Angel to pick up. That will get him into the vault.
Lindsey explains the demon problem
Cordy still wants to know why Lindsey isn't the one breaking into the vault instead of Angel.
Wes offers to do demon research
Lindsey says the vault is guarded by a Pregothian demon, he wouldn't be able to get past it.

Wes offers to profile the demon for Angel, strengths and vulnerabilities, so he'll know how best to deal with it.
Angel has a plan
Lindsey will handle the security monitors but there is a problem, W&H have "shamans" that will sense whenever a vampire crosses the threshold and enters the building.

Angel has a plan to deal with that.

Gunn isn't really interested
Gunn is taking target practice with the stake gun mounted on the back of his pickup truck. Angel is standing beside the truck. Gunn says he can do what Angel asks, but he's not sure why he would want to.
Angel continues trying to sell Gunn
Angel offers that he would be serving justice and doing the right thing.

That argument isn't selling Gunn who wants to know why he should care about the problems of the wealthy. He levels the stake gun, aiming at a mattress that's been propped up against the outside of a building a distance away.
Gunn adjusts the stake gun
Angel casually offers that his aim is a little low. Gunn looks at him, adjusts the angle of his aim upward a bit and fires. The stake pierces the mattress dead center, where the heart would be.
Angel tells Gunn it's risky
Gunn wants Angel to give him a reason to want to do what he's asking.

Angel tells him it's very risky.

That's enough to sell Gunn, who immediately agrees.

Lindsey arrives at W&H
Lindsey enters the W&H office building, clips on his pass and waves an acknowledgment to the security guards.
Angel cuts the metal grate with a torch
Below the building, Angel is working at cutting an entry from the sewer tunnel using a blow torch.

Lindsey exits the elevator onto a "priority clearance" floor. He proceeds down an empty corridor. Suddenly, a door opens, startling him.
Lilah startles Lindsey
Lilah apologizes as she nearly runs into him, saying she's always in a rush. Lindsey references the door behind her and asks if she's been doing some research. Lilah says she only does it when she wants to make sure the job is done right.
Lindsey covers
Lindsey says he knows what that's like. If mistakes are going to be made, he prefers to make them himself rather than allow a clerk to do it.
Lindsey, Lilah
Lilah is surprised that Lindsey still does his own research, she thought he didn't bother with that low level stuff anymore.

Lindsey tells her it will be their little secret. If others find out he's willing to do his own reading, he'll lose their respect.
Lindsey checks the hallway
He closes the door to the records room. Lilah departs.

Lindsey carefully opens the door and checks the hallway to make sure she's gone, then leaves his security pass stuck to the bottom of the panel encasing the fire extinguisher in the hall.

Angel finishes cutting
Angel finishes cutting the opening from the sewer tunnel into W&H. He checks the time on his watch, then pulls the cut section from above.
Lindsey exits the elevator
Lindsey exits the elevator and heads down the hall.

Angel removes the coverall's he's been wearing, revealing a business suit underneath. He checks the time once again.

Howard watches Lindsey's approach on the console
Lindsey approaches the security office as the guy inside watches his approach on one of the many monitors on his security console. A disembodied voice announces someone approaching. The security guy, Howard, exchanges greetings with Lindsey as he enters.
Lindsey has a question
Lindsey asks Howard if he has a little time to offer some advice as he notices the demon shaman in the corner, sitting with its back to them.

Lindsey tells Howard he looked into the surveillance system he'd suggested but he wonders if the system isn't a bit more than necessary.
the monitor shows Lindsey Gunn's Lobby arrival
Howard reckons it's best to take all possible precautions.

Lindsey looks at his watch then causally checks out one of the monitors which shows Gunn walking into the main lobby of W&H.

Gunn makes a scene
Gunn enters the lobby, shouting loudly, making a scene.

Angel is still in the sewer tunnel, waiting for the right time to enter through the opening he created with the blow torch.
Lindsey is still in the security office, watching events play out in the lobby on one of the security monitors.

In the lobby, Gunn continues creating a scene, distracting the security personnel. He accuses one of the guards of stepping on his foot (not possible since the guy is about 10 feet away from Gunn). Gunn shouts that he's been assaulted.

Angel checks the time on his watch.
Gunn continues his rant
Gunn is still yelling in the lobby, demanding a lawyer. He shouts that W&H help demons and dead people but not black people.
Angel checks his watch
In the sewer tunnel, Angel again checks the time on his watch.

In the lobby, Gunn checks his watch. He calls to the doorway where two of his crew bring in a large bundle.

Angel climbs up through the opening into the W&H building.
the shaman screeches a warning
As Angel climbs into the building, the demon shaman in the security office raises its head and lets out an ear piercing squeal.

Lindsey checks the monitor showing the lobby.
Gunn leaves a gift
Howard picks up the phone and reports there's a vampire on the property.

Gunn cuts the cord on the bundle brought in by his crew, smiles at the security guards then walks out with his friends as a wild eyed vampire, in game face, emerges from the bundle Gunn has left behind.
Angel gets inLindsey prepares to depart
Angel enters a hallway and picks up the pass Lindsey has left for him as Lindsey watches on the monitor in the security office. Lindsey quickly switches the monitor to a different view. He notes Howard is busy, so he'll be going. Lindsey leaves the security office.

Wolfram & Hart's security personnel chase the vampire through the lobby. One of the guards pushes a button on his baton, a stake ejects from the end of it. After a brief struggle, the vamp is dust.

Angel puts the security pass back on
Angel slides Lindsey's pass through a lock and punches a sequence of lighted buttons. A door opens. Angel puts the security pass on.
the demon gets knocked down
He hears growling coming from behind him, turns and punches the demon guarding the vault in the face, sending it backward, against the wall.
Angel changes mode of attack
When the demon comes back at him, Angel opens his hand and blows some powder from his palm into the demon's face. The demon freezes, stiff as a board.
the frozen demon gets pushed over
Angel pushes it over with a slight nudge of his finger pressed to its forehead.

Angel offers an audible thanks to Wesley. He picks up the briefcase and goes into the vault where the walls are lined with various weapons and artifacts. Angel's attention fixes on a bank of file drawers in one of the walls.

Lindsey exits the elevator
Lindsey exits the elevator onto one of the floors of offices, looking more than a bit anxious..
Angel reaches for the drawer
Angel checks through one of the drawers in the vault.

Lee walks up to stand beside Lindsey. He wonders what's going on, he'd heard there was a vampire in the lobby.
Lee, Lindsey
Lindsey says there's always something going on.

Lee laughs and walks away.

Angel swipes the disksAngel is drawn to the scroll
Angel takes a stack of computer disks labeled "Restricted Access" and puts them into his briefcase.

On the way out of the vault, his attention is drawn to a metallic, tubular case, embossed with glyphs. He walks over to it, looks at it briefly, looks toward the open door and the still unconscious demon on the other side of it, then opens his briefcase and takes the embossed, tubular case.
the grate begins to slide shutLindsey takes a call
As soon as he lifts the case, alarms go off and a metal grate comes down to seal off the open doorway. Angel puts the case into the briefcase and slides under the descending grate, just clearing it before it slams to the floor.

Lindsey takes a call on his cell phone. Angel tells him the job is done, time to get out.

Angel exits the building through the sewer tunnel.

Lindsey tries for another exit
Lindsey starts to leave, but is blocked by a couple of security guards. He casually turns away from them, trying a different direction, but security personnel are everywhere. He is joined by Lee and Lilah.
Lilah figures she'll be late for lunch
Lilah notes there's a security sweep taking place. She checks Lindsey's watch. She's afraid she'll be late for lunch.
Lee wonders what's happening
Lee notices Holland escorting two similarly distinctive looking black women into one of the conference rooms. He wonders what's going on.

Lindsey, looking more than a little concerned, notes they're mind readers.

the lawyers lined up
In the conference room, several of the W&H attorneys are lined up against a wall, including Lilah, Lee and Lindsey. Lee wonders why they weren't sent a memo about this.
Lilah cancels an appt.
Lilah informs him the mind readings are intended to be random, no notice given. She tells the party on the other end of her cell phone call that she will be unable to make her scheduled 1:00 lunch.
the mind readers read the lawyers
The mind readers work their way slowly down the line of lawyers, then step aside and speak privately to Holland. Holland looks toward the attorneys, then turns to face them.

Holland says he's disappointed to hear of disloyalty. He takes it personally. He looks toward a uniformed security guard who then steps behind the row of attorneys.
Holland puts a scare in LindseyLindsey expecting the worst
Holland stands in front of Lindsey and says that these matters are difficult but they have to be dealt with promptly and firmly. The tension is very thick as Lindsey and Holland briefly lock gazes. Holland then steps over to stand in front of Lee, who is standing next to Lindsey.

He tells Lee he's sorry.
Lee tries to bluff
Lee is nervous, he pretends not to know what Holland is talking about.

Holland informs him that he knows Lee has been in secret negotiations to go to work for another firm and that he had planned on taking W&H clients with him when he left.

Lee says that the other firm came to him, he didn't seek them out and besides, they misunderstood.

Holland nods to the security guard, Phil, who is standing behind Lee.
Lee pleadsLindsey, splattered with Lee's blood
Lee continues trying to explain but before he gets very far, Phil puts a bullet in the back of Lee's head. The impact spatters the side of Lindsey's face with blood as he snaps his head to the side at the sound of the shot but otherwise gives no visible reaction.

Holland laments the need to terminate an employee, then tells everyone they can go. As they are leaving the conference room, he calls after Lindsey to stick around for a minute.

Angel returns
Angel exits the elevator and enters the office of Angel Investigations. He asks about Lindsey.
Wes thought Lindsey was with Angel
Wesley thought he was with Angel.

Angel says he isn't.
Cordy figures there's trouble
Cordy doesn't think that sounds good.

Wes wonders if Angel is going to go back and get him.
Angel isn't concerned about Lindsey
Angel says he'll show up if he made it out. If not, there's no reason to go back in for him, they have other things to do. He takes the files out of the briefcase and puts them on Cordelia's desk.

She wonders which disk the files are on that they need.

Angel doesn't know. He tells her to go through all of them until they find what they need.
Wes asks about the case
Wes removes the tubular case from the briefcase and asks Angel what it is.
Angel doesn't know what the case is
Angel says he doesn't know.

Wes opens the tubular case and removes a parchment scroll from it. He partially opens it, looks at it and identifies the writing as ancient Aramaic.
Cordy waits for the disk to load
Cordelia takes one of the disks out of its case and puts it in the drive.

Wesley wonders if Angel took the scroll for a reason.

Angel says he did, but he doesn't really know why.
realizing the disks are encrypted
Wes offers to get to work translating the scroll.

Cordelia says they'll need to translate something else first. She calls their attention to the computer screen where the contents from the disk from W&H are displayed. The data is encrypted and unreadable. Cordy figures all of the disks are likely to be similarly protected.

Lee gets hauled out
In the conference room at W&H, the security guard drags Lee's body out by its feet, leaving behind a bloody trail on the carpeting.
Holland laments the bloodstained carpet problem
Holland looks on dispassionately, noting to Lindsey that blood is impossible to get out of the carpet. He knows from experience. He sits across from Lindsey and wonders if he's scared.
Lindsey, afraid
Lindsey nods slightly.

Holland understands why Lindsey is nervous. He knows everything he's done. He recites Lindsey's actions back to him; the betrayal of the firm, his alliance with Angel, the theft of the documents from the vault, his efforts to sabotage an important case and, in Holland's view, his most grievous act, Lindsey lied to him. He asks if he's covered everything.
Holland busts Lindsey
Lindsey quietly acknowledges he has.

Holland wonders if Lindsey thought he wouldn't find out what he'd been doing.

Lindsey doesn't have an answer.
Lindsey tries to explain
Holland reminds him it's a critical moment. If he nods to Phil (who is standing behind Holland), Lindsey will meet the same fate as Lee.

Lindsey stammers, trying to explain his actions. He says he never intended to betray Holland or the firm, he just wanted to get out.
Holland plays understanding
Holland's manner is eerily calm, almost fatherly. He tells Lindsey he understands that he's in the midst of a crisis, he hasn't yet figured out his place in the world. It's easier to be a follower than to blaze the trail. Those with a strong sense of self make their own destinies, they know how to handle a critical situation.

Lindsey knows Holland means this situation.
Holland wonders if he should give Phil the signal
Holland goes on to say that Lindsey has all the attributes necessary to go far but until he discovers just where his place is, both he and Lindsey have questions that need to be answered.

Holland rhetorically asks if he should give Phil the nod. He answers his own question in the negative. He knows Lindsey, he thinks he needs some time off to think about things. He believes that once Lindsey has the chance to do that, he will make the right choice.
Lindsey can't believe he's being allowed to go
Lindsey cautiously asks if he's free to leave, not quite believing the answer will be yes.
Holland has a suggestion
Holland confirms that he is free to go.

As Lindsey slowly rises to his feet, Holland tells him he believes in him. He suggests Lindsey look inside of himself, he'll find the answers he needs.

Cordy on the phone with Willow
Back at the office of Angel Investigations, Cordy is working on the computer while on the phone, getting instructions on cracking encrypted files from Willow.

Angel is sitting in front of the desk.
Wes wonders if there's been any luck
Wes brings over some coffee and sits next to Angel. He asks if there's been any luck breaking into the files.
Angel answers Wesley's question
Angel tells him she's been at it for almost two hours.

Cordy asks Angel and Wes if they can guess what Willow and the gang have spent their day doing.

Wesley supposes they've been saving the world.
Cordy tells the guys what Willow has been up to
Cordy tells him they've been working on cracking encrypted files too.

Angel would like Cordelia to concentrate on the task at hand.

Cordelia passes on a greeting to Angel and Wes from Willow, then types a series of strokes as Willow directs her. The computer beeps. Cordy announces that she's had success, the file is now unencrypted. She thanks Willow for her help and hangs up.
chekcing out the de-encrypted files
Angel and Wes both rise and come around to Cordy's side of the desk to look at the computer monitor's display.
Wes reads from the file
Wes reads the screen, from Vanessa Brewer's personnel file, she was born sighted. She didn't go blind until she was 21.

Cordy notes that her loss of sight was self-inflicted.
Angel gets it
Angel reads Vanessa spent years studying the "Nanjin" which he says explains the source of her abilities.

Cordy needs further explanation.

Wes tells her the Nanjin are an order of monks who live in caves. They believe that to reach enlightenment, one has to see with the heart, not the mind.
Cordy doesn't understand the enlightenment of self-mutilation
Cordelia finds it hard to believe someone who has mutilated themselves and makes a living as a trained assassin can be considered as having reached "enlightenment."

Wes explains that it is enlightenment, of a sort. She would be more perceptive about her surroundings than a sighted person and that would make her invincible.

Angel says nobody is invincible. He wonders what Vanessa's current assignment is.
Wes explains about the chiildren
Wesley finds it, and confirms that what Lindsey said was true. Vanessa's targets are three children who are blind seers. They are being brought together from different areas of the world. Together they form a holy triad, the power of which will increase as the children get older.
Lindsey arrives
Lindsey, his face still stained with Lee's blood, enters the office and says that's why W&H consider them to be a threat. He apologizes for being late, he hopes nobody was worried.
Lindsey reckons they have to move fast
Without looking at him, Cordy offhandedly notes they just thought he was dead.

Lindsey says W&H will find out sooner than later which files have been taken. They have to make their move quickly if they are to save the children. He asks when the children are due to arrive in the US.
Wes checks the computerAngel gives instructions
Wes says according to the records, they arrived that morning. They have been secured at a "safe house" where they are being looked after by a guardian until their mentor arrives from the east that night.

Angel says it isn't safe, the address is there in the W&H records. He instructs Wesley and Cordelia to intercept the mentor and keep him away from that address. They will bring the children to him.

the guardian serves cocoa
The guardian, an older man, sets a tray of hot chocolate in front of the three blind children. They all have eyes like Vanessa's, milky white and opaque.
Vanessa stands in front of the children
The guardian walks away from the children and is impaled on Vanessa's cane. He slumps to the floor, dead.

Vanessa walks over to the children and stops in front of them.

the children huddle in fearAngel tosses Vanessa aside
As the children huddle in fear, Vanessa raises her cane to impale one of them. Suddenly, Angel grabs her and throws her away from them. He shouts at Lindsey to get the children out.

Vanessa throws Angel to the floor then kicks Lindsey in the gut. Angel gets up and takes her on again. She's getting the best of the fight as Lindsey crawls over to where the children are sitting.
Lindsey gets his butt kicked
Vanessa once again puts Angel on the floor, then goes after Lindsey and starts pummeling him. As Angel gets up, Vanessa throws Lindsey into him, then turns to the children.
Angel remains still as Vanessa probes with her cane
Angel gets untangled from Lindsey and comes up behind Vanessa. She stabs behind her with the cane, in his direction. They go at each other until Vanessa throws him into the wall. He lands on the floor, on his back, and lies motionless, never taking his eyes off of Vanessa.
Vanessa has lost sight of Angel
Vanessa clearly has lost the ability to "see" him now that he's not moving.
Angel holds his ground
Angel jumps up once her back is turned then immediately stands still.

Vanessa turns and stabs wildly at the air but doesn't come close to striking him.

Angel punches her in the face, knocking her to the floor.
Angel kills VanessaLindsey shields the children
Vanessa gets back up, Angel is once again standing motionless, ready to hit her again. They repeat this dance for a few more moves until Angel manages to end up in front of her, standing motionless. As she starts to stab the cane toward his chest, he turns it inward and impales her on it. She sinks to the floor, dead.

Lindsey is embracing the children, assuring them that everything is all right.

Wes brings Angel up to speed
Wes enters Angel's inner office where Angel is sitting behind his desk. Wes is carrying the parchment scroll. He tells Angel that the children have been united with their mentor and they're safe.

Angel is pleased by the news.

Wesley lays the scroll out on Angel's desk and sits down on the opposite side. He says the children will be important and he believes the scroll is how W&H knew about their arrival.
Angel asks about the scroll
Angel looks at the scroll and asks if Wesley knows what it is.
Wes explains the prophecy
Wes says it's a scroll of ancient prophecies, the "Prophecies of Aberjian." They had been thought lost for several hundred years. He has translated a portion of the text which references the children. It also mentions something else, which he believes accounts for Angel's being drawn to it in the first place. There is a passage about an ensouled vampire. Even though it doesn't call the vampire by name, Wesley obviously believes the inference is clear. He notices Angel doesn't seem surprised by this revelation.
Angel admits he's not surprised
Angel confirms he's not. Even though he didn't know what it was when he took it, he felt drawn to it for a reason. He just wasn't sure why.

Wesley says there is a plan and Angel has a role to play in it.

Lindsey returns to W&H
Evening, at W&H. Lindsey walks into Holland's office carrying the disks Angel stole from the vault.

Holland is packing up, putting his things in a box.

Lindsey apologizes, he says he did what was necessary.
Holland notes Lindsey's 'nobility'
Holland finds it noble Lindsey felt the need to save the children.

Lindsey lays the disks on the desk and tells Holland he has returned them.

Holland knows Lindsey has kept copies.

Lindsey confirms that's true, just enough to secure his own protection. He doesn't want to be at odds with W&H, he just wants to live his life.
Holland wonders if Lindsey's learned the lesson
Holland wonders if Lindsey hasn't yet learned the lesson, that nobody truly has a life of their own, everyone is a part of something bigger.

Lindsey assumes Holland is referring to Wolfram & Hart.
Holland says Lindsey was chosen by him when just a sophomore in college. He chose him because he had the potential to see things as they really are. It's not about right or wrong, it's about power and who has it. W&H has a lot of power and Holland believes that makes the world a better place. He wonders why Lindsey came back to the office. He doesn't think the reason had to do with returning the disks or being moral. He noticed that when Lindsey entered the office, he addressed Holland by his first name for the first time. He doesn't think Lindsey had the guts to do that before but now he does. Something has changed and he thinks he knows what. Lindsey stood up to W&H in this matter and he came out on top. Holland admires his nerve. There aren't many people who have it and he wants those who do working for them.
Lindsey wonders if he's getting a job offer
After a moment of consideration, Lindsey asks if Holland is offering to give him his job back.

Holland isn't offering Lindsey his old job, he's offering a new one with a hefty pay raise and very generous benefits. He says Lindsey can have his old office. He's been promoted "upstairs". He's offering Lindsey the world and he believes he knows Lindsey well enough to know he'll take it.
Lindsey isn't sure Holland knows him
As Holland picks up the box with his things and heads for the door, Lindsey says maybe Holland doesn't know him as well as he thinks.

Holland says each person has to decide for themselves. If Lindsey wants it, he can have it. It's up to him. If he doesn't want it, he's free to go. Holland is going upstairs. He leaves.
L:indsey appreciates his new surroundings
Lindsey pauses for a moment, leaning against the edge of the desk. He slowly walks over to the office doors Holland left open when he departed and closes them. He scans the office, then sits down in the chair behind the desk. He runs his hands along the top of the desk then removes the phone from its cradle. After a moment more of savoring his new surroundings, he turns the chair to face the window and looks out over the flickering city lights of nighttime LA.
Angel is standing on a rooftop, also overlooking the flickering city lights of nighttime LA, then slowly turns to look back over his shoulder to the glass and steel tower of Wolfram & Hart..

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