"Over the Rainbow"

Written by: Mere Smith Original Air Date: May 8, 2001

Wes realizes what's happened
Wes and Angel check out the karaoke bar, searching for Cordelia. Wes realizes what's happened, she's been pulled through the portal and is now in the Host's home dimension.

Angel asks the Host where that is.

yelling not a good ideanice doggy
In the forest, Cordelia calls out for Wesley, Angel, Landok. She screams "help" then realizes probably not a smart thing to do. She closes her eyes, clicks her heels together three times, opens her eyes to see she's still in the same place. She figured it was worth a try. She looks around, noting it's not so bad, woods, nice weather --- and a growling creature that leaps to the top of a rock a short distance from her. She talks nice to it briefly then takes off running. It chases after her.

Angel, Host, Wes
At Caritas, the Host is behind the bar, guzzling a drink, wishing he could get drunk. He says he doesn't know where she is, there's no way to know that exactly.

Wes suggests approaching the problem logically. Angel is too impatient for logic. He retrieves the book from the stage and brings it back to the bar, determined to open the portal.

Wesley thinks they need to be prepared, they should go back to the hotel and do some research. Angel isn't interested in wasting time. The Host ducks behind the bar.

Angel takes the book and approaches the stage where the portal had opened before. Wes reminds him they may not be able to get back. Angel reminds him Cordelia is there. Wesley agrees, Angel begins reading from the book.
the Host takes cover
The Host peeks over the top of the bar as Angel is reading, then ducks back out of sight. Angel finishes reading, nothing happens. The Host cautiously peers over the top of the bar. Angel thinks maybe he has to be closer to the portal opening to make it work, approaches the stage and begins reading again. The Host ducks back behind the bar.
Wes takes a seat
Wes takes a seat at one of the tables, realizing it's not working. Angel asks the Host why the portal won't open. The Host doesn't know. Wes points out the obvious, they can't go through the portal unless there's a portal to go through. He suggests they go back to the hotel and find a way to make one open.

The Host offers that perhaps it's best they can't get in. Angel wants to know what he's talking about. The Host says his world isn't a good place to be when you look human.

Cordelia gets tackled
Cordelia is running through the woods, the creature still chasing her. It tackles her to the ground, ending up on top of her, slobbering like an exuberant puppy, much to Cordelia's relief.
creature & master
The creature's master comes calling for it. It jumps off of Cordelia and returns to its master who praises it for finding him a good "cow". Cordelia doesn't much like the description. He ties her arms to her sides, noting she's a good cow that will get a good price for him at market.

Cordelia is hoping these people are like Hindus, no eating the cows.

The guy approaches her, noting the endless chatter will bring the price down. He pulls a rag from his pocket and ties it around her mouth.

At the hotel, the Host is saying that he was there, now he's here, he wants to stay here. He can't offer anymore information and figures he needs to get back to the club.
Angel, Wes
Angel tells him to sit down. The Host complies. Angel wants to know exactly how the Host got from his world to LA.

The Host says he arrived through a portal.

Angel wants to know how he opened it.

The Host says he didn't.

Angel notes that he's not being very helpful.
the Host explains
The Host offers that it's not a secret he hates Pylea, his home dimension. When he lived there he would have done anything he could have to get out. One day he was walking through the woods and a portal just opened in front of him. He felt like his prayers had been answered. He didn't know what it was exactly, but when he walked closer to it to see, he got pulled into it and ended up in LA. He realized he loves it here and is never going to leave.

Angel wants to know who opened the portal. The Host doesn't know how it opened, he didn't ask.

Angel asks where he ended up. The Host says it was an abandoned building, different than anything he'd ever seen. He felt he'd been delivered from hell. He established Caritas in that place.

Angel thinks the Host is saying that Pylea is a hell dimension, that Cordelia is stuck in hell.

The Host says that's not it, exactly, but it's close enough. They have no music, there is no such thing. He thought he was crazy because he could hear music in his head, but nobody else did. He didn't know what it was, he just knew it was something he liked. Then he ended up in LA and heard Aretha Franklin for the first time. He says Cordelia is in a bad place.

Wesley has been going through books, researching. He says the hot spot is cold. Neither Angel or the Host knows what he's talking about.
Wes explains hot spots
Wesley goes on to explain that certain locations contain a lot of psychic energy. These places serve as "dimensional hot spots" between worlds. He assumes Caritas is one of these places. The catch is that creation of a portal expends the location's psychic energy. That's why they couldn't open the portal again in Caritas and he figures the same applies to the one in the library.

The Host suggests waiting until the locations have time to rebuild their energy. Angel says they don't have time for that. Wes says there's another problem. When individual entities enter a portal, they usually end up separating. Even if they manage to find another portal and enter it together, it's likely they could end up in polar opposite locations from each other when they emerge from it.

The Host notes that would mean Cordelia and Landok didn't arrive at the same place. Angel realizes Cordelia really is alone.

Gunn comes in, quietly greets the guys. Wes asks where he's been, he hadn't talked to him for hours. Gunn apologizes. Wes says it's okay. He tells Angel to bring Gunn up to speed.
Gunn's decision
Angel tells him they have to find a hot spot and figure out how they can all get through the portal. Before he can explain further, Gunn tells him he isn't going.

Angel doesn't understand.

Gunn says he lost one of his gang the night before, he should have been there. Wesley had told him the trip was one way and he just can't go. He figured he owed it to them to tell them in person. He wishes them luck, tells Angel to "please, find her" then leaves.

The Host says that was a tough decision for Gunn, but he agrees with it. Angel indicates he understands as well. The Host clarifies he meant he agreed with Gunn on the "not going" part. He wants to make sure Angel understands he isn't going.

Angel isn't keen on that position. He tells the Host they need a guide, it's his home dimension, he's the best one for the job.

The Host reminds him that he said he liked it here and was never going to leave. When he said never, he meant it. He does have an idea on how to help them find a hot spot though. He heads out of the hotel.

Wesley notes that Gunn does have responsibilities, people to take care of.

Angel says he does as well and right now they need to find a way to get Cordelia back.

Wes goes back to his books.

a buyer is found
Cordelia is on her back, tied by her hands and feet to a pole, being carried to the center of a village. The pole is placed in a stand. She's left in that position as the guy who caught her walks over to her, accompanied by a woman of his kind. He tells the woman the cow is strong (referring to Cordelia), it talks too much but he figures the woman can beat that out of her.

The woman looks Cordelia over, notes she's skinny and ugly. She offers one pig. Cordelia takes offense at that, mumbling through the gag that's still in her mouth.

The guy wants two pigs for Cordelia. The woman doesn't think she's worth that, she figures she probably won't even make it back to the farm. The guy relents, saying he'll accept one pig and a pint of liquor. The woman agrees. She pulls a metal collar from her bag and instructs the guy to put it on Cordelia. As he's doing that, she says they've had to clean out the stalls themselves since their last cow died. It's not a chore she's fond of.

The guy puts the collar on Cordelia and cuts the ropes tying her to the pole. She pulls the gag off and tells them she's a person, not a cow, they can't just barter for a person. She also figures she's worth more than one measly pig. She tells them she has rights and continues to babble.
Cordelia gets a shockFred looks on
The woman points a small, handheld device in Cordelia's direction and pushes a button. Cordelia gets a shock from the collar. The woman informs her cows work, they don't talk. She instructs Cordy to follow her. She starts to protest, gets shocked again and decides best to do what she's told as she follows after the woman.

A dirty, disheveled human girl (Fred) looks on as Cordelia passes.

Gunn is sitting in his truck, thinking things over.

the Host in "disguise"
The Host walks into an office and approaches one of the cubicles. The woman inside is on the phone, giving a psychic reading to the caller. The Host wonders if it's a bad time. The woman greets him with a hug. He greets her by name, Aggie. He asks her how it's going. She says it's the usual, long pauses, generic predictions, anything to keep callers on the line to run up the bill. She asks what's brought him to see her.

The Host figures she already knows. She says she does, but she's interested in hearing his version. He says he needs to find a psychic hot spot to open a dimensional portal, some of his friends are taking a trip. He asks if she can help him find a hot spot.

Aggie says no. She's getting lots of conflict from his aura, she figures it all relates to the portal.
The Host tries to laugh it off, suggesting perhaps she's reading the chili he had for lunch. Aggie isn't buying the diversionary tactic. The Host admits his friends are going to his home dimension of Pylea. Aggie asks if he's going with them. The Host says he'd rather bathe in acid. He doesn't want to go back.

Aggie says it's too bad because his friends won't be able to rescue the girl then. She says she can find the hot spot but she'll only do it if he agrees to accompany his friends. It's the only way he'll be able to resolve things. She knows this. She figures he's always known too that he'd have to go back "one last time" to deal with things.

The Host notes it's the "last" part that concerns him.

Wes works out a plan
At the hotel, Angel paces while Wesley ponders solutions. He thinks perhaps he could try a binding spell that would fuse them together for the trip through the portal. Angel tells him that's good. Wesley thinks on it a bit more and offers that they might end up as a Siamese twin of some sort on the other side of the portal if things didn't go exactly right. Angel suggests he keep looking for a solution. Wes notes there have been several references to iron or metal. He thinks it may be a clue. He goes over to a stack of books piled on the floor, picks one up and goes through it.

Angel is getting edgy, pointing out it's been twelve hours since Cordelia got pulled into the portal. They need to do something.

A couple of well dressed men in suits, both carrying briefcases, enter the hotel. Angel asks what they want.

One of the men greets Angel by name. He recognizes them as lawyers.
Gavin Park & Mr. Hayes
Gavin Park introduces himself and his associate, Mr. Hayes. They work for W&H. They've come to appraise the hotel.

Angel doesn't know where they're going with this.

Park explains that they know Angel's lease expires in six months and W&H is interested in buying the building.

Angel is irritated, noting they couldn't turn him evil so now they're trying to evict him. He figures their new plan must be to annoy him to death.

Park and Hayes start to explore the hotel, telling Angel they want to look around, if he doesn't mind.
Angel makes a point
Angel morphs into vamp face and asks if they think he minds.

Park calmly tells him they'll just notify the real estate company of his noncompliance. They'll issue a notice for him to cooperate and if he still doesn't, they're sure there are loopholes in the lease that can be exploited. Park and Hayes depart.

Angel morphs back into human face and asks Wes how soon they can leave.

Cordelia is shoveling manure in a stable, talking to herself about all the things she'd rather be doing back home than what she's doing at the moment. She gets a shock from the collar and realizes that though her 'owner' is not in sight, she can be overheard. She figures there must be a way to get the collar off as she starts working at it.

A woman's voice tells her not to do it.
Cordelia converses with Fred
Cordelia follows the voice to the other side of a wall of the stable. There's a small peephole in the wood. The woman on the other side is Fred but Cordelia can't see her, the hole is too small.

Fred tells her bad things will happen if she takes the collar off, her head will blow up. She can't talk to her if she's headless. She's nervous, talking fast, a little unhinged.
Cordelia asks if she's human. Fred tells her to keep shoveling then asks where Cordelia came from. Cordelia tells her she came from LA and asks Fred how long she's been there. Fred answers that she was born there.

She doesn't mean really, but sometimes she thinks she was. She doesn't think it with thoughts, she forgets things. She asks how Cordelia got there.

Cordelia asks where she is exactly.

Fred tells her the place is Pylea, another dimension. She can tell Cordelia is lost. She knows many get lost, even there. She says she's not crazy, it's true. Okay, she might be crazy but she knows she's right.

Cordelia asks how she can get out of there.

Fred stifles a nervous laugh and tells Cordelia there is no way out. There's only existence as a slave and when your body gives out, you're gone.

Cordelia says that's not going to happen to her. She has friends in LA and they'll come to rescue her soon.

Fred says she tried to return but she couldn't remember the math. She asks how Cordelia got there.

Cordy says she thinks she got pulled into a portal.

Fred asks where the portal was.
Fred gets caught
Before Cordy can answer, a voice shouts "fugitive!" as several men enter the barn and grab Fred. Cordelia tries to protest but is shoved face down to the ground. She still can't see the face of the woman she's been talking to so she can recognize it's the woman she saw in her vision back in LA.

The Constable checks Fred's collar, notes that she's a smart cow having figured out how to disable it. He tells her she should have remained in the woods. The men drag Fred away.

Angel leaves a message
At the hotel, Angel is on the phone, leaving a message on someone's answering machine. He says they'll be going as soon as Wes solves the scattering problem, he doesn't know if they'll make it back. He notes the time, and the fact Cordelia's been gone for 24 hours. He says the mortgage for the hotel is under the company name, the lease is up in six months. He ends with "take care of yourself" and hangs up.
Wes has a eureka moment
The Host enters the office and asks how Angel is doing. He says he's anxious to get going, he's just waiting for Wes to have that "eureka moment". From the outer office Wes shouts, "eureka!" The Host thought Angel was kidding.

Wes runs into the office saying he knows how to get them through the portal. Angel is glad to hear it, they all run out of the office.

Back at the village, Cordelia is packing a load following her owner around as she's doing her shopping. Cordelia tries to ask about the girl in the barn. The woman tells her to shut up and be careful she's about to spill her milk.
vision time
Cordelia starts with a vision, begins to teeter. The woman warns her to stand up, the milk she's carrying is worth more than Cordelia is.

Cordelia goes into vision fit mode, dropping the load she's been carrying and falls to the ground. She tells the woman what she sees, one of the villagers is being attacked by a Drokken. She gives the specific location.

Cordelia is suddenly surrounded by villagers who stand silently looking at her. She wonders if anyone is going to ask if she's all right.
the cow is cursed
The woman shouts that her cow has been cursed. One of the villagers points a pitchfork at Cordelia. She tells them it's not a curse, one of the villagers is in trouble, they need to go help him.

The villagers all begin shouting "cursed". Someone says they must tell the elders.

the car outside the gates
Angel, Wes and the Host pull the car up outside of a movie studio. Angel wonders if this is where they're supposed to be. The Host says Aggie told him this was the place and she's never wrong. The Host asks Wes if he has the book. Wes holds it up. The Host just wanted to be sure. He doesn't want to get stuck on the other side of the portal.

Wes figures it's time to do it as he opens the book. Angel wonders if he should put the top up. Wes says it shouldn't be necessary. They just need to be surrounded on all four sides by metal to keep them together. It shouldn't make any difference if the top is up or down. He's almost positive.
Angel notices "almost"
Angel notes the "almost". Wes concedes he's 96% positive he's right. Angel isn't reassured. Wesley is a bit defensive, saying he's under a lot of pressure and he's been rushed.
Gunn arrives
Gunn arrives, tells Wes to "suck it up" and gets into the back seat. Wes is relieved to see him and asks how he knew. Gunn says someone left a message on his answering machine sounding like "the captain of the Titanic getting ready to go down with the ship." He looks at Angel. Angel looks at Wes and tells him he just thought somebody there should know what happened, just in case.

The Host is pleased Gunn has arrived as backup, he figures he's not needed now. He starts to get out of the car. The others pull him back in.
the car goes through
Wes begins reading from the book with no vowels. The portal begins to open in front of the studio gates. Angel tells them to take a look around and say good-bye as they fasten their seatbelts and he heads for the portal.

The car disappears through the portal. The book falls to the street, left behind.

The car emerges from the portal in the bright sunlight of a wooded area. Angel panics, tries to pull his coat up over his head and starts looking for a blanket before he burns up. The Host and Gunn look around the area as Wes frantically removes his coat to cover Angel with.
Angel notices he's not burning
Angel realizes he's not covered and he's not burning. He wonders why. Wesley offers there may be something different, it is another dimension, after all. The Host points out the two suns in the sky. Wesley guesses they must not have the same effect on vampires as he pinches Angel's ear. Angel abruptly turns toward Wesley who then pinches his face. He's amazed Angel's not burning up.

Angel confirms with the Host they're in the right place, that this is his home dimension. He again comments on not burning up as Wesley notes they arrived without turning into some kind of four part Siamese twin. Gunn didn't realize that was a risk, nobody mentioned that part.

The Host suggests they find a way to conceal the car since they don't have cars in this dimension.
Angel spots some brush
Angel offers to gather some brush to do the job. He sees some in a bright, sunny area that looks promising. He runs toward it. As the others look on, Angel takes a moment to enjoy the suns.

Gunn congratulates Wes on getting things right for their trip through the portal but he's anxious to find Cordelia. The Host says he wants to do the job quickly as well, for Cordy's sake of course. He figures she could probably use a friend, knowing his world as he does.

Cordelia is pushed to the floor of what resembles the lower levels of a castle. Torches are burning on the walls. She is surrounded by villagers. She says she doesn't know anything about a curse, she just gets visions sometimes, not very often .
the Constable arrives
The Constable arrives and announces they've found the villager's body, he had been partially eaten by a Drokken.

Cordelia recognizes him as the one who was present when Fred was taken away from the barn. She says she's sorry about what happened to the villager but she didn't cause it to happen, she just saw it. The Constable notes she saw it before it happened. He says it's a curse.
Cordelia tries to explain
Cordelia assures him it's not a curse, she uses the visions to help people.
testing implements
A priest, Silas, approaches and declares they must determine for certain if Cordelia is cursed with the sight. He orders the tests to begin. He calls for the implements to be brought forth.
Silas prepares for the test
Two other robed priests pull a table filled with various nasty looking objects into the room. Silas takes something resembling a metal stake from the table and tells Cordelia they'll now determine if she is cursed. He hopes for her sake she isn't.

Cordelia promises to keep the visions to herself, she'll never mention them again.

The guy approaches her, pointing the sharp end of the object toward her. Cordelia shouts "no".

The guys finish covering the car with branches. The Host says it's a couple of miles into town, they'll have to walk. Angel's up for a walk in the sun. Wes calls to remember the book. They all look at each other. Angel doesn't think that's humorous. He says he doesn't have the book. Gunn asks who had it then. There's a round of "anybody but me" that goes on for a bit.

Wesley figures it out. Perhaps the book is only used to open portals leading to Pylea, not out of it, so it only exists in their dimension.
the guys head for town
The Host says he usually deals with bad news by downing a gin and tonic but neither exists in this dimension.

Angel figures they'll find a way back, but right now they need to find Cordelia. That's why they came. They head out towards town.

Cordelia is lying on the floor, still surrounded by onlookers. Silas announces that the tests are completed and it is the unanimous decision that she is "afflicted," she's cursed with "the sight." He nods toward other priests who pull Cordelia to her feet and escort her out.

Angel and the others follow the Host through an alley. The Host warns them to keep a low profile, his people tend to be xenophobic. Gunn wonders why they'd be afraid of Xena, he thinks she's cool. Wesley defines xenophobic, fear of foreigners. Gunn would like them to forget his previous comment.
the guys in the alley
They stop at the end of the alley. The Host points out the house across the street. He says his childhood friend lives there, they were always close. He figures he can get help from him. He tells the others he'll make contact, they should stay out of sight. Angel asks why. The Host informs him they might get beaten to death if they don't. He heads across the street.

Before long, the Host runs out of the house, being chased by his friend who shouts "traitor" as he pursues him. Others join in the chase. The Host dashes past Angel and the others and suggests they run.
making a run for it
The guys run through the streets of the village but don't get very far before they find themselves surrounded.

A fight ensues but the guys lose, ending up on their knees, tied up.
the guys in a pickle
The Constable arrives and recognizes the Host immediately. The Host attempts to make small talk. The Constable wants to know why he came back. The Host is wondering that as well at this point.

The Constable looks over the others and asks who the "cow scum" are. The Host says they're not cow scum, they're his friends.
The Constable responds that cows aren't friends, they're for work, nothing else. He doesn't know where the Host has been, but it's obvious that he has abandoned the ways of his own people. He directs that the Host be taken away for interrogation.

As he is taken away, Angel protests. The Constable gives him a hard kick for his insolence. As the guys are pulled to their feet, the Constable orders that for assaulting their "betters", they will be held in the dungeon until their "Royal Highness" passes judgment on them. Gunn figures there's probably no community service option. The Constable punches him. Gunn makes another wisecrack and gets hit again. Wes tells Gunn to stop. The Constable eyes Wesley a moment then orders the guys be taken away.

Several priests are gathered in a room. Silas tells them the time has come, the girl has the sight. He says "measures must be taken, blood must be spilled."

In a cell in the dungeon, Gunn is straining against the manacles binding his wrists. He figures the metal must be mystical in origin. Wesley wonders how he can tell that. Gunn admits he can't, but it makes him feel better about not being able to get out of them.

Angel is pacing by the door. Wesley asks if he found any possibilities for an escape. Angel hasn't. Wes admits he's had no better luck. Wes looks around and says he was always horrified by the stories about the Tower of London. Angel says it wasn't that bad. Gunn and Wes look at him. Wes figures compared to where they are, the Tower probably takes on a certain "nostalgic glow."
Angel hears something
Angel hears something and moves toward the door, listening to something on the other side.

Wes wonders if the Host is getting any better treatment than they are. Gunn figures that's not likely. Angel tells them to be quiet as he listens at the door. Wes and Gunn move over to the door as well.
the guys at the door
Gunn wonders how they're supposed to hear anything through the thick door. Angel says he can hear two men talking on the other side. Gunn nudges Wes and gives him an "I don't hear anything" look. Wes whispers "vampire" as he nods toward Angel. Gunn gets it.

Angel relays what he's hearing of the discussion; a girl with visions, covenant, curse, testing the girl for sight, they said she screamed. He continues listening, picking up that they're about to be taken to a castle where they'll be sentenced. He tells the others someone's coming. They all move quickly away from the door.

The door opens, the guard orders them out. As they walk down the hall, Angel tells the others to "be ready."

reunited with the Host
The guys are brought into a hallway of the castle. The Host is already there. Angel asks what they did to him. The Host says it was the standard fare, locked him in a room, pushed him around some. Angel says they think they have a lead on Cordelia. Angel relays what he overheard in the dungeon. Wes says they need to find a way out of there.
the Constable bids farewell to Lorne
The Constable approaches and instructs them to keep silent. He calls the Host a traitor and tells him he'll enjoy watching him die slowly. He walks away.

Angel asks the Host if they'll take them in for sentencing separately or together. He needs to know, they're short on time. The Host says he's not sure, this is his first time being sentenced to death, but he'll guess together. Angel tells the others to pay attention.

The Constable directs the guards to drag the bodies to the village square for display after the executions. He tells the guys the time of judgment has come. They will be brought before the "Monarch of Pylea, General of the ravenous legions, eater of our enemies flesh, prelate of the sacrificial blood rites and sovereign proconsul of death" for sentencing.
the guys brought before the monarchQueen C.
Angel counts to three as the guards open the doors. The guys try to fight, but don't get very far. Angel and Wes end up on their knees, Gunn and the Host standing behind them, in the room where they are cheerfully greeted with "hi guys" by Cordelia who is sitting on a throne. She's wearing a skimpy sequined outfit that doesn't cover much, a crown and a lot of jewelry.

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