
Written by: David H. Goodman Original Air Date: December 10, 2001

Cordelia, Wes, Fred, Gunn and Angel arrive back at the hotel. Cordy notes they'll need to make some kid safe changes like putting locks on the weapons cabinet and covering the electrical outlets. She notices the trashed condition of the lobby and considers perhaps they should gut the place and redecorate.
arriving back at the hotel
Fred sees the cages and suggests everyone take care, whatever was in them might still be loose in the hotel.

Angel looks at her.

She notices the labels on the cages, "Baby", "Mother."
Angel & baby
Gunn points out bloodstains.

Wes notices some "bastard" blew a gaping hole in the elevator doors.

Angel informs Wes he's the bastard responsible for that.

Wes says that they didn't really use them anyway.

Everyone's attention is directed toward the lobby door as something crashes against it. Wes aims his crossbow, Gunn holds his ax at the ready, Cordelia has a stake in hand.
Lorne arrives
Lorne enters, pushing through the door with his open umbrella. He notices all the weapons and wonders if this is any way to greet a house guest.

Gunn wonders what he means by that.

Lorne figures since his club has been destroyed, again, he'd stay at the hotel for awhile. He looks around, notices the shambles that is the lobby and considers that perhaps the offer he's got from a "marginally attractive Mulix demon" might not be such a bad idea.

Wes thinks if the accommodations are more suitable, perhaps Lorne should consider it.
Lorne, Angel
Lorne walks over to Angel, asking to hold the baby. He assumes everyone else has already had a turn.

Angel pulls away. He's not interested in parting with the kid.

Gunn subtly peels away the "Baby" label from one of the cages.
Lorne notes the "mama bear vibe".

Cordy tells him they're all still waiting for their turn.

Lorne points out a bleeding scratch on the baby's face.

Cordelia offers to put some ointment on it.

Angel takes the stuff from her. He'd rather do it himself. He lays the baby down and swabs the scratch. The baby starts to cry, startling Angel who wonders what he did wrong.
Cordy, Lorne look on
Cordelia informs him that in spite of what his taste in clothes says about him, he really doesn't have a "woman's touch." She walks away and sits down.

Gunn picks up a sharp, wicked looking implement left behind by Dr. Fetvanovich, thinking he'd rather not know what it's for.

Fred asks if he thinks he can throw it.

Gunn figures he can, but wonders why she's asking.

Fred points out the sword wielding demon who has just entered the lobby.

Gunn throws the implement, embedding it in the demon's head.

Wes fires the crossbow at the same time, hitting it in the chest. The demon falls back, dead.

Cordelia's afraid there will be more where that one came from.

Wes confirms that's likely. The child is part of the prophecy, others will be coming for him.

Gunn thinks they need a plan.

Angel offers that he's figured it out.

The others look to him for the answer but don't get what they're expecting. What Angel has figured out is why the baby is crying. He needs changing.

Wes finds Angel in his office
Angel is in Wesley's office with the baby.

Wes enters, telling him they could use his assistance. He's not happy to see that Angel is changing the baby on his desk.

Angel apologizes but explains that he needed the space.

Wes accepts that, remembering Angel nearly had sex on his desk once ("Carpe Noctem") so why be surprised he's now using it as a changing table?

Angel reminds Wes the 'almost sex' thing wasn't him and he'd prefer they keep the s-e-x talk away from the baby. He continues fussing with the diaper change.

Wes asks if he needs some help with that as he picks up and examines the disposable diaper package.

Angel assures him he knows how to do a diaper as he continues struggling with it. He clarifies that he's familiar with the type that secures with pins, it's the modern fasteners that are giving him problems.

Wes reads off the package that the diapers are made with space age material designed by NASA for astronauts. He suddenly finds the mental image of grown men in diapers a bit disturbing.
Angel finishes changing
Angel gets the baby changed, wraps him in his blanket and tosses the used diaper to Wes. He asks Wes how they're coming on the list as they walk back into the lobby and examine a whiteboard.
checking out the whiteboard
Wes explains that they've divided the enemies list into two categories. The first is comprised of those they know pose a threat to the child; Holtz, Wolfram & Hart, the vampire cult. The second list contains those they feel may be a threat once they hear about the child.

Angel peruses the list. The baby starts to cry.
Angel offers the kid a bottle
Angel assumes the kid is hungry. He takes him over to the desk and frantically searches for the bottle he had ready.

Cordelia comes over, finds it and hands it to him.

Angel offers the bottle to the baby, who's having none of it. Angel tries to coax it into his mouth but doesn't have any luck.

Gunn approaches and offers to do it, he's taken care of a younger cousin, this isn't new to him.

Angel says he can handle it. He tells the others they have a list, now they just have to erase everyone on it.
Fred misunderstanding
Fred thinks that sounds simple enough as she begins to erase the whiteboard.

Cordelia gets her attention.

Fred realizes Angel meant "erase" as in kill those on the list, not remove the names from the board. She restores the list.

The baby continues crying. Angel continues cajoling and pleading with the kid to take the bottle.

Sahjhan, Holtz
Holtz, Sahjhan and several of the Grappler demons are making their way through the tunnel to Sahjhan's place. The Grapplers are feasting on fast food.

Sahjhan is still irritated that Holtz let Angel walk away in the alley.

Holtz wants to know why he wasn't told Darla was pregnant.

Sahjhan answers that it didn't matter, Holtz was supposed to kill both Darla and Angel before the child was born.

Holtz notes that Darla sacrificed herself to save the child.

Sahjhan figures she did Holtz's job for him.

Holtz assures him she got off easy, Angel's end will be much more painful.

A frustrated Sahjhan thinks Holtz talks big, but when it comes to follow through, he's coming up short. He's still waiting to see some action to back up the tough talk.

As they enter Sahjhan's dwelling, he tells Holtz they don't need any complicated, dark plans for Angel. They've got prophecies to fulfill. All Holtz needs to do is stick a stake in Angel and finish it. Simple.
Holtz explains the first step
Holtz says the first step is to get rid of the "minions", indicating the Grapplers.

Sahjhan informs him step one is to dust Angel and that's the only step that's necessary. Besides, he says, they can't get rid of the demons, he signed a contract and he assures Holtz it's not wise to make them angry.

Holtz's problem is that the Grapplers are soulless demons whose only purpose is to "maim and kill."

Sahjhan likes the sound of that. He doesn't see the problem unless Holtz's plan is to kill Angel with kindness.

The demons grab at their throats and begin to choke. Sahjhan wants to know what's going on.

Holtz explains that he needs more than just mindless fighters.

Sahjhan is concerned about the demons, asking Holtz if he can do the Heimlich. Sahjhan explains he's unable to do it in this dimension, his arms would go through them.

The demons begin to fall and convulse.
Holtz prepares for step two
Sahjhan demands to know what Holtz has done.

Holtz coldly answers that he poisoned their drinks.

Sahjhan doesn't understand why.

Holtz explains that he doesn't need mercenaries who will kill for the highest bidder. He wants warriors who will willingly die for his cause. One of the Grapplers rushes him from behind. Without looking back, Holtz pulls a dagger and drives it into the demon's chest.

Sahjhan notes that step one seems to be him stuck with four very expensive, and very dead, demons. He wonders what step two is.

Holtz points out a computer. He figures they can use "the box" to get information. He looks to Sahjhan for verification of that.

Sahjhan confirms it can be useful. He asks Holtz what he' s looking for.

He answers, "obituaries."

the gang at the hotel
At the hotel, Cordelia is working at the computer.

Gunn asks about the Ninja guy that attacked them at the hospital.

Wes reminds him the vampire cult killed him before he could do anything.

Fred offers there could more.

Cordelia notes there are several websites offering a bounty on the baby.

Angel comes downstairs, still carrying the baby, and directs Fred to help Cordelia trace the websites.

As Fred and Cordy work on that, Angel continues trying to get the baby to take the bottle. He picks up a teddy bear from the desk and offers that.

The baby isn't interested.

Angel shows him the bear likes the bottle as he fakes feeding it, then takes a drink of it himself, assuring the kid it's tasty. He holds it in his mouth briefly, realizes it's not so tasty after all, turns his head and spits it on the floor.
the Furies' spell is finished
A flash of blue light illuminates the lobby. Fred wonders what caused it.

Lorne enters the lobby and tells the others the Furies have departed.

Wes asks if the flash was the spell taking effect.

Lorne explains the Furies cast a force field over the hotel. Nothing gets in or out.

Fred hopes that means they're all safe then realizes things didn't work out so well at Caritas which was protected by a similar spell when Holtz firebombed the place.
Lorne explains the escape plan
Angel knows she's right, the baby won't be safe there for long.

Lorne tells him they can get out if the need arises. He's installed an emergency exit in the sewer tunnel. It's locked with a mystical barrier that opens and closes with a password. He looks at Fred and tells her it's the Pylean word for "hedgehog."

Fred laughs, the only one who gets the joke.

Gunn assumes it must mean something entirely different in English.
Cordy perusing the book
Cordelia steps from behind the desk, carrying the open book she's been reading. She says they'll have to use the password, the baby needs to see a doctor.

Angel doesn't know what she's talking about, the kid isn't sick. He's concerned now, asking if he looks sick.

Cordelia leafs through the baby book and explains the necessity for a newborn examination, some tests and shots.

Lorne asks if there are any fluorescent lights in the hotel, he hears a persistent hum. He's not fond of fluorescent lighting, it doesn't go with his skin tone.

Everyone just stares at him. He takes their silence as a no.
Angel tells Gunn to increase the firepower
Angel tells Gunn they have a war, they'll need something more potent to fight with than what they've got.

Gunn has sources for that. He'll take care of it. He departs.

Angel asks if there's been any progress tracing the sites offering a bounty for the baby.

Fred explains why that's not easily accomplished.

The explanation is lost on Angel who urges them to find the answers, they don't have the luxury of time.
the gang reacts to "do better"
Wes offers they're working on other leads. They all have the same goal. They're doing their best.

Angel directs them to "do better."

Wes is slightly offended by that.

Angel tells him he promised Darla nobody was going to touch the baby. He heads back upstairs with his son.

Lilah, Gavin
In a conference room at W&H, Linwood is watching and listening to events in the Hyperion lobby on a monitor. He wonders what's going on since their translators claimed the Nyazian scroll stated this child would never be born.

Gavin Park terms it a technicality.

Lilah explains that since Darla dusted herself leaving the child behind, it wasn't actually 'born.'

Linwood ponders the semantics, noting they could use that kind of creative compositional skill in the contracts division.

Park assures Linwood he has a tactical team working on plans to get the baby. He smugly notes Lilah probably would have come up with a similar plan if they'd waited long enough.
Linwood takes up the next order of business
Linwood moves on to the next order of business as he picks up a photo of Holtz, taken from the surveillance camera. He wants to know everything there is to know about this man. Linwood figures since Holtz succeeded in killing some of W&H's best trained men, he's going to be a problem.

Lilah is confident they'll find him.

Linwood hopes they accomplish that before Holtz finds them.
Linwood watching the baby
Linwood notices the image from the surveillance camera on the monitor. He walks over to it, cooing over how cute the baby is. He talks to the baby's image onscreen, telling him his father is a souled vampire who sometimes reverts to a creature of pure evil who can rip his little throat out. He laughs, then turns and notices Park and Lilah looking at him. He tells them he likes kids. The Senior Partners took his before he got a chance to really know them. He instructs Lilah to turn the sound up.

She complies, using the remote she's holding.

The baby starts crying.

Linwood instructs Lilah to turn the sound back down. He doesn't like kids that much.

Angel tries to calm the baby
In his room, Angel is playing teddy bear peek-a-boo with the baby, trying to get it to stop crying. It's not working. He decides to try something else. He starts singing to it. That's not working either.
Lorne, Angel serenade the baby
Lorne enters and suggests perhaps he should try. He starts to sing, Angel joins him a bit, the kid still keeps crying.

Angel doesn't know what else to try since the baby is fed and changed. He's tried holding him, he cries. He's tried putting him down, he cries. Angel is running out of ideas. He doesn't think he's much of a father if he can't even get the kid to stop crying. He picks the baby up.
Angel questions his competence as  dad
Lorne notes Angel has been tense since the child was born and that's the vibe the kid is getting.

Angel points out that the baby is only a day old and he's already got an enemies list. He thinks being on edge is understandable.

Lorne agrees with that but suggests Angel take some time to just look at his son and realize he's more than a mere mission. Lorne leaves.
Angel makes a facebaby quiets at the sight of dad's gameface
Angel sits down in the chair with the still crying infant. He tells him everything will be okay. He starts making faces, acting like a goof, trying to get the kid to be quiet.

Still not working.

He tries a couple of other faces, nothing. He says he's only got one left as he morphs into vamp face.

The baby finally stops bawling.

Angel smiles and remains in vamp face, talking baby talk to the kid.

Lilah checks out records and files
Lilah enters the records room at W&H and checks in with the clerk who asks how she can help her.

Lilah tells the clerk she wants everything the firm has on Angel. She hands the clerk the picture of Holtz and says she's looking for someone Angel crossed paths with, perhaps 100 or more years ago. She needs the information as soon as possible.

The clerk reaches to a shelf behind her and pulls out a huge binder containing a stack of paperwork. She hands it to Lilah who wants to know if everything about Angel is contained therein.

The clerk assures her it's all there, right up to the birth of the baby that wasn't supposed to be born.

Lilah wonders how the clerk knew about that detail.

She answers it's her job.

Lilah picks up the folder and heads for the door.

The clerk wonders if she realizes there are no documents in it, it's just a reference key for the actual files.

That's news to Lilah who returns to the clerk's desk and asks where the complete file is located.
the clerk shows Lilah the file area
The clerk switches on the lights illuminating the back area of the office where the walls are lined with file cabinets. She explains the reference key is only useful for locating whatever section of the file is wanted.

Lilah looks at the collection of file cabinets and wonders if they're all part of Angel's file.

The clerk answers, "only the first 35."

Lilah realizes she's in for a long search.

Holtz waiting for someone
Holtz looks at a printout he's holding with a picture of a young woman on it. He watches as a tough looking young woman who resembles the image on the printout comes out the back door of a building. She lights a cigarette and walks on. Holtz follows.
Holtz follows the woman
He notices the cigarette lying on the ground, the woman no longer in sight. He grabs her hand and blocks her punch as the woman tries to strike him. He suggests her punch could have been quicker if she hadn't been drinking so much.

The woman tells him without so much to drink, the pain is greater when she makes her next move as she head butts him.

He still doesn't lose his grip on her hand. He throws her into the side of a parked car.
Holtz gets the upper hand
As the woman gets to her feet, she picks up a board that's laying on the ground.

Holtz tells her he's not there to fight with her.

She takes a swing at him with the board, missing him.

He shoves her against the wall of a nearby building and pins her there by the throat.
Justine hears Holtz out
Holtz tells her he knows about pain and grief as he lets loose his grip on her throat.

The woman figures it's time to go as she begins to walk away.

Holtz calls after her by name, "Justine."

She turns back in response. She's surprised he knows her name.

Holtz fills Justine in He assures her he knows more than that; her address, her habit of staying out nights and sleeping days since her twin sister was murdered six months earlier. He shows her the printout of her sister's obituary. He knows it wasn't a mugging. He also knows about the blood loss and the two puncture wounds in her sister's neck. He introduces himself and tells her he wants to help her.

Justine just wants him to stay away from her. She walks away.

Holtz stares after her.

Fred, Cordelia
At the hotel, Fred is still working on the computer. Cordelia brings her a mug of coffee.

Fred notices Angel coming downstairs, holding the baby. She's doesn't think he's going to be happy she's made no progress on trying to trace the websites.

Cordy offers to take care of it as she approaches Angel at the base of the steps.
Cordelia, Angel
Cordy asks if he got any sleep.

Angel answers that he was up all night, watching his son.

She suggests that if he'd let them take shifts, he could get some sleep.

Angel clarifies that he wasn't watching him as in protecting, more like watching him, appreciating. He wonders if she thinks the baby looks like him.

Cordy thinks he does, same brow.
Cordelia urges Angel to share the responsibility
She offers to take the baby for awhile so Angel can get some sleep but Angel isn't interested in handing him off. He isn't concerned about sleeping until he knows his son is safe.

Cordelia figures that will be never. She tries to convince him to share the responsibility a bit, pointing out he can't be everything to the kid.

Angel responds that he's the only family his son has. It's his responsibility to be everything to him.

Cordelia figures it's time to make a point. She tells Angel to follow her as she pulls him by the arm toward the doors.

He asks her where they're going.
Cordelia makes a point
As Cordelia leads him out onto the steps that exit into the courtyard, Angel stops short of a wash of sunlight.

Cordelia tells him his son is going to want to play outside, in the sun. She wonders how Angel thinks he'll handle it if the child gets sick and needs to be taken to the hospital in the light of day. She reminds him he can't do the things other parents do for their children because of what he is, and even if he wasn't, he still couldn't be everything to his son.
Angel assures Cordy he'll  do what he has to
Angel extends his hand into the shaft of sunlight. As his skin smokes, he holds it there, assuring Cordelia that if his son needs to get to the hospital at noon on the sunniest day of the year, he'll get there, even if Angel doesn't.

She pushes his hand out of the sun.

He retreats back into the hotel.
Lorne clues Angel in
As Angel enters the lobby, Lorne comes downstairs. He wonders if that smell is bacon cooking or if someone slept with the shades up. He looks at the baby and tells it the only safe place in the hotel is probably the janitor's closet. He tucks a piece of paper into Angel's shirt pocket.

Angel thanks him for the "tip."

Fred wonders if Lorne got any sleep or if he was still hearing the humming noise.

He tells her he got some earplugs and slept fine.
Gunn gives a report
Gunn enters with a bag containing a flame-thrower he secured. He tells the others they've got company out front. When he saw them, he walked on by then doubled back and entered through the sewers.

Angel asks who he saw.

Gunn fills him in; two blacked out cars he figures belong to the vampire cultists, a biker gang of humans into extortion and kidnapping he recognizes from back in the day, and some guys in vans he didn't recognize wearing hooded cloaks.
Wes offers info on the demons
Wes has a guess on the latter, Lilliad demons. They make a magical soup from the bones of human children. Wes figures they want to see how the child born of a vampire affects the mix.

Fred adds the Lilliad demons to the whiteboard.

Wes says the Lilliads use strong magic, they may be able to break the Furies' spell.

Angel wonders what they're waiting for.

Wes explains their power is tied to lunar cycles. They'll be waiting for nightfall.

Fred points out there will be a full moon.

Gunn knows no matter how much firepower they have, they won't be able to hold off everybody once the Furies' spell is broken.

Wes doesn't see any other choice.

Lilah does some research
In the records room at W&H, Lilah is sitting on the floor, surrounded by files. She doesn't find the reading all that interesting as she wonders what kind of "wussy name" Liam is. She thinks out loud on her encounter with Holtz at the Hyperion, trying to recall what name Angel had addressed him by. She gets close to the name, but not quite.

The clerk offers the correct name, Holtz. She goes on to fill in the details; Daniel Holtz, vampire killer who hunted Angel and Darla the world over until he mysteriously disappeared. She cites the source of the information.
Lilah listens to the clerk
Lilah wonders how the clerk just did that.

She answers that it's her job.

Lilah realizes she's just spent 14 hours sitting on the floor poring over files when the clerk already knows all the information in the file.

The clerk clarifies that she knows every detail of every file.

Lilah tells her to fill her in on why Holtz hates Angel.

The woman, who appears to be a not-quite-human database, pauses briefly as a clicking noise is heard, her eyes flash as she retrieves the requested information. She fills Lilah in. Angel and Darla killed Holtz's wife, daughter and infant son.

Lilah figures that's a strong enough motive for his hatred.
Lilah likes what she hears
The clicking noise is heard as the clerk once again accesses information. She fills in more details. Holtz vows vengeance 1764, pursues them for nine years, killing over 300 vampires in that time.

Lilah sees Holtz as a focused killing machine with a taste for blood. She finds that very appealing.

In a cemetery at night, Justine is fighting with a vampire as Holtz looks on. As Justine knocks the vamp backward, Holtz catches him. Justine wants to know what he's doing there.

Holtz tells her he's watching as he throws the vampire back toward her. He watches as Justine and the vamp continue to fight.

She manages to get the vamp on the ground then raises a stake, poised to dust it. The vamp manages to get up and punch her, knocking the stake out of her hand. He gets Justine on the ground, jumps on top of her and turns to dust as Holtz stakes him from behind using the stake Justine had dropped in the fight.
Holtz, Justine
Holtz extends his hand and pulls Justine to her feet. She wonders why he didn't help her out sooner.

He answers that he was curious to see if she could win.

She assures him she always does. She would have this time if Holtz hadn't distracted her.

Holtz doesn't think he was her problem. He offers his opinion that her fighting style lacks strategy. She fights with too much emotion. He offers to help her learn to fight.

Justine wants to know what he gets out of it.

Holtz tells her he wants her help in killing a vampire.

Justine doesn't think he needs her help with that.

Holtz tells her he does, this is a strong vampire.
Justine wonders if this is a 'Karate Kid' kind of thing with Holtz playing Mr. Miyagi.

Holtz hands the stake back to her and tells her pop culture references are wasted on him.

She's not surprised.

Holtz knows she's interested in more than trivial things. He knows she doesn't sleep, just roams the streets making others pay for what happened to her sister. He sees her hate and her talent. He believes he can shape that into an effective instrument of vengeance.

Justine thinks that sounds like fun.

Holtz tells her it won't be as he turns and walks out of the cemetery.

Justine hesitantly follows after him.

Across the street outside of the Hyperion, the robed Lilliad demons raise their hands toward the building and chant in unison.

Inside, Gunn notices the demons at work from a window. He relays the information to the others as he continues his watch. He sees the vampire cultists arrive.
Fred asks what's going on as the sounds of a fight are heard outside.

Gunn tells her the competing factions are fighting it out to determine who gets to kill them first.

Everyone inside takes up weapons.

Wes tells everyone they need to hold the ground. If they are forced to make a retreat, they can do it through the sewer tunnel.
Angel's not keen on the plan
Angel is standing to the side of the door, holding the baby. He tells Wes it won't work.

Wesley assures him the flame-thrower is primed and ready.

Angel clarifies he was talking about the plan, not the weapon.
Lorne hopes for a better plan
Lorne is relieved somebody said it. He doesn't think sitting around, waiting to die, is a particularly good plan. Lorne asks Angel what his plan is.

Angel answers that he'll go and take the baby to a safe place.

Wesley isn't liking that plan, reminding Angel he said this was a war.

Angel responds that now he's in retreat as he packs some things into a bag.

Wes wonders what happened to the plan to take out the enemy.

Angel knows there's too many of them. He can get out through the sewer tunnel and with luck, be a couple of miles away before they notice he's gone.
Cordelia complains about Angel's plan
Cordelia asks if he's just going to run away.

Gunn figures that's predictable. Running away is what Angel is good at. He wonders if Angel is going to fire them this time before he leaves them behind to do the fighting.

Lorne thinks this is a bad plan.
the gang watches as Angel leaves
Angel believes they'll be fine once the intruders break the spell and storm the place and realize he's gone with the baby. He figures they'll come after him. He tells Wes to hold them off as long as possible as he heads out.

Cordelia blocks his way, telling him that she's sure tripping over their corpses will slow down his enemies. She wonders if he heard anything she said earlier.

He tells her he did and leaves in spite of Fred's pleading with him not to.

Park, Linwood in front of the monitor
In the conference room at W&H, Linwood and Gavin Park watch the monitor showing Angel leaving the hotel via the basement. Linwood sees this as the chance they need to get the jump on the competition.

Park reports on a radio he's carrying that Angel is entering the sewer tunnels.
Linwood worries about the future
Linwood notes the world is a different place. A vampire sacrificed herself for her child. He wonders if anyone knows what that means.

Lilah offers that there may be something good about the kid.

Linwood answers his own question. It means the child can grow up to hunt them all down. He doesn't want that to happen.
Park, Lilah
Park assures him they'll have the baby by sunrise, dead or alive.

Lilah asks him if he's crazy.

Gavin wonders if she's concerned all of a sudden about the child getting hurt.

Lilah's concern is that the kid will get killed before they have a chance to dissect him while he's still breathing in an effort to discover how and why he came to be in the first place.

Linwood turns to Lilah and smiles at that.

Angel is moving through the sewer tunnels, carrying the baby wrapped in a blanket.

preparing for a fight
Outside of the hotel, the Lilliad demons continue their chanting.

W&H's operatives pull up in their vehicles and watch the goings on.

There is a flash as the Furies' spell is broken, the mystical barrier comes down.

Inside the lobby, the gang prepares for a fight.

Outside, the various factions fight each other in an effort to gain first entry into the hotel.

Angel slides a manhole cover aside and climbs out onto the street from the sewer tunnel. He gets into his car which is parked nearby.

The W&H teams watch as he drives off then pursue.

Some of the Lilliads enter the lobby. One of them demands to know where the child is.

Wes informs it he's upstairs, they can go look if they want. He offers that he has a better idea as he immolates the demons with the flame-thrower.
Wes about to immolate vamp guy
Outside, the various factions continue their fighting. One of the vamp cultists sees Angel's car drive away with other vehicles giving chase. He rushes through the front door to inform his master they've been tricked. He sees the corpse of one of the Lilliads, still smoldering on the steps.

Wes greets him with a smile, then torches him with the flame-thrower.

Outside, the various factions have bought a clue as they all get to their vehicles and join in the pursuit of Angel's car.

Wes hopes they managed to stall long enough.

Gunn figures it doesn't matter. It was Angel's decision to run.

Angel making an escape
Flash cuts of Angel trying to elude his pursuers. Angel assures the baby this isn't something that concerns him, as one of the W&H vehicles bumps the rear of his car. He's more concerned about the questions the kid will have that he can't answer like what makes the sky blue, why do people get ill, why is there pig's blood in the fridge. He realizes he can answer that last one.

The W&H vehicle rams his car again. Angel pulls off the main road, drives through a wooden fence then through the side of an abandoned building. He gets out of the car and makes a run for it into the lower level of the building as the others are in close pursuit.

He comes to a dead end, the exit closed off by an iron grate. He tries to pull it loose but it doesn't budge.

Angel turns back to find his way blocked by various minions. He figures there's a bright spot. For a change, the kid isn't bawling.

One of the Lilliads demands the baby.

Angel tells them if they want it, they can have it as he throws the 'baby' into the air. He makes his escape up a shaft with an opening at the top as the minions fight over possession of the baby.

One of the vamps ends up with the baby, unwraps the blanket and sees it's not the baby but the teddy bear with an electronic timer on it that's counting down.

Someone asks what it is, but before the vamp can answer the bomb explodes leaving nothing but a fireball as Angel drives away.

Wes, Gunn, Cordelia and Fred are at the hospital with the baby. A doctor arrives and apologizes for keeping them waiting as they all follow her into the exam room.

Linwood examines the surveillance tape
At W&H, Linwood is reviewing a section of the surveillance tape from the Hyperion. He directs Lilah to back the tape up as he watches Lorne approach Angel and make the bacon comment. He instructs her to stop the tape and magnify the image. Once that's done, Linwood sees that Lorne slipped a piece of paper into Angel's pocket. The tape plays from that point, Lorne telling Angel the only safe room in the hotel is the janitor's closet. Linwood knows Lorne was telling Angel where to read the note, the janitor's closet, where there's no surveillance.
Lilah knows they've been had
Lilah points out to Gavin that Lorne picked up the hum of the surveillance equipment's transmission frequency.

Linwood knows the act about Angel leaving the gang behind was just that, a performance put on for W&H's benefit.

Lilah didn't think Angel had the chops to pull it off.

Park thought it was a one note performance.

Lilah reminds him he bought it at the time.

Linwood figures Angel's trick worked to their advantage since it thinned out the competition. He asks about Holtz.

Park offers they have no reports that Holtz was involved in the pursuit.

Linwood was hoping Holtz was among the casualties.

As the three of them sit at the conference table, Linwood asks what they've got on Holtz.

Lilah fills him in. Holtz is a vampire hunter, Angel killed his family and this happened over 200 years ago.
Lilah fills in the details about Holtz
That gets Linwood's attention. He thought Holtz was human.

Lilah informs him he is. Linwood knows that means time travel.

Park says his arrival was foretold in the scrolls. He's a part of it.

Linwood ponders they all have their parts to play in the whole. He wonders what Holtz wants.

Lilah figures he wants to eviscerate Angel.

Linwood wants all the details they can come up with about where Holtz is, who he's working with, where he's staying. He knows it's only a matter of time before their goals come into conflict with each other.
Angel pays a visit
An alarm sounds. Angel enters the conference room, grabs Linwood and slashes his cheek. He shoves his head down onto the table and holds it there, informing him that his son has a scratch on his cheek and now Linwood does as well. He assures him that from now on, anything that happens to his son will happen to Linwood and then some, whether he's directly responsible or not.
Angel makes a point
He pulls him up from the table and slams him back into the chair. Angel tells him he won't be coming after his son and suggests he see to it the boy lives a long life because he's just been made the child's godfather. He wants to know Linwood understands that.

He assures Angel he does.

A couple of guards enter the office. Linwood tells them it's okay.

As Angel heads out the door, he reminds Linwood to start saving for the college fund. Angel's thinking he'd like his son to attend Notre Dame. He leaves.

Lilah grabs Gavin's handkerchief from his pocket and dabs at the bloody gash on Linwood's face. He grabs it from her and throws it aside. Linwood is definitely not in a good mood.

Cordy, Wes
At the hospital, a nurse carries the baby out into the waiting area where Wes, Cordy, and Fred are waiting. The doctor tells Cordy she's happy to tell her she has a healthy baby.

Cordelia says she's not the mother.

The doctor looks at Fred and tells her that her baby is healthy.

Fred informs her she's not the mother either.

Wes says the mother isn't around anymore.

The doctor tells the gang that the baby is healthy, everything is fine. She looks at the records and notes they don't have the baby's name. She asks what it is.

Angel arrives and answers the question, the baby's name is "Connor."
Fred explains "Mr. Angel"
The doctor makes a note of that on the record and thanks "Mr. Angel" as the nurse hands him his son. The doctor and nurse depart.

Angel wonders what that "Mr. Angel" thing was about.

Fred tells him his first name is "Geraldo."

Cordy adds that they had to tell them something for the record.
Gunn arrives with a stroller
Angel thanks them for everything.

Gunn enters the waiting area pushing a stroller.

As Cordelia takes the baby and puts him in the stroller, Wes says Connor is a lovely name. He wonders if Angel ever considered "Wesley".

Everyone answers in unison, "no."
heading for home
Fred wonders if things are safe now, if anybody else will be coming after the baby or them.

Angel tells her things are settled for now and suggests they go home.

They all walk down the hallway, Angel pushing the stroller, headed for the exit.

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