Chapter 12


“Buffy?” Spike looked at her, concerned.


“Spike..” Buffy shook her head, she couldn’t- wouldn’t think anything like that about Spike, even if he wasn’t a vampire, she worked with him, there would be all kinds of weird and bad in that situation. She tried to shut off her thoughts, it was almost impossible.


“Bevelle’s in sight!” Cid announced, “We can’t land so we’re gonna have to try for something a little more fun.”


Moments later buffy was holding a thick piece of cable, she stared at it. “Fun?”


“In the game they had to slide down on their feet.” Spike said, trying to offer some comfort. Buffy only groaned more.


She felt a shudder through the ship as Cid shot two, six inch thick cables towards the bridge, far below. Buffy watched as Auron jumped from the edge of the ship.


“It’s alright for him.” Buffy pouted.


“C’mon, slayer, you’re not scared?” Spike said, a mocking look on his face.


She groaned again, walking over to the edge.


“If I die I’m haunting you.” She said, jumping off, as she fell towards the cable below she flipped her own piece of cable over it, hanging on as she slid downwards. Half way down it became fun, she leapt off as she approached the ground.


She turned to run up the stairs to where Yuna stood, only to find fifteen guns pointed at her face.


“Uh, great.”


They battled their way towards the top of the stairs where a fat guy in a yellow dress waved his arms, yelling. “This has gone far enough.”


Yuna pulled a staff from behind her dress, holding it in front of her.


“You would play at marriage for the chance to send me, your resolve is admirable, perfect to make you my lovely wife.”


Yuna glared at him, beginning the sending.


“Stop.” An old, withered looking man hobbled over to them. “Do you not value your friends lives, your actions determine their fate, protect them or throw them away. The choice is yours.”

Buffy would have yelled at her just to send him but guns were pointed at her from all angles and they were all reaching the point of exhaustion.


Yuna dropped her staff, it clattered down the steps to land at Tidus’ feet.


Seymour stepped forward, placing both hands on Yuna’s shoulders, he leant down, kissing her. Buffy looked around, Tidus was glaring at the Maester, Rikku was waving her hands around, making squeaking noises, Buffy watched as Yuna’s hands tightened into fists. Seymour stood up, pulling Yuna towards him, with a sneer on his already ugly face he spoke. “Kill them.”

Yuna gasped, breaking free of his grip. “Stop!” Everyone looked up at her. Let them go, or else.” She stepped backwards towards the edge of the building.


Seymour waved his hands and the guns were taken off them. They raced up the stairs.

Yuna stepped back again. “Leave now, please. Don’t worry, go.”


Seymour stepped forward. “This is foolish, if you fall you’ll die.’


Yuna looked straight past the ugly Guado-man, straight at Tidus. “Don’t worry, I can fly. Believe.” She then turned and jumped off the building, Everyone stared over the edge, she was surrounded by symbols and light, she lifted her arms and out of the sky a shape shot towards her. She landed softly on the upturned stomach of Valefor as feathers floated through the air.

Rikku suddenly yelled. “Cover your eyes.” Buffy and the others did and Rikku threw something onto the ground, as all the guards and guests moaned they raced down the stairs.


“What was that?” Wakka asked.


“An Al Behd flashbomb.” Rikku answered.


Tidus growled in Kimahri’s grip. “Lemme go, I have to go help Yuna.”


“Yuna said go- we go.” Kimahri growled back.


“Where’d Yunie go?” Rikku asked.


“I think she flew away.” Buffy said, searching the sky for any sign of the summoner.


“Bevelle palace temple, Yuna go to one place only.” Kimahri said.


“The chamber of the Fayth.” Tidus said.


“Bloody brilliant bunch, the lot of them.” Spike commented sarcastically about the guardians- excepting Kimahri.


 ‘Ieyui nobomeno

Renimiri yojuyogo

Hasate kanae



They could hear the singing as they entered the chamber of the fayth. Tidus ran over to the heavy stone door, shaped like an inverted teardrop, trying to lift it from the bottom.


Buffy looked at Kimahri, something passed between them and they grabbed the door from either side, lifting it with relative ease. As they stepped inside crystal fans pulled away, allowing them through into the chamber.


Tidus and Buffy stared at the strange, translucent boy as he floated above what appeared to be a large, amber floor.


“What is that?” Tidus said.


“That is the fayth.” Auron came through behind them as Kimahri waited outside. “Imprisoned in stone long ago by Yevon rites. The dead should be allowed to rest.”


As they watched the boy flew towards flying inside her. She collapsed to the ground.

“Yuna!” Tidus ran over to her, cradling her in his arms. “Yuna..”


He picked her up, the white tail of her dress hanging down to the ground.


“Don’t come out here!” Rikku called as they stepped through the door.


“It’s a little late now, don’t you think?” Buffy said.


The room was full of people with guns, Maester Kinoc, the man in the flowy dress smiled smugly.


“You are to stand trial.” He announced.


Auron let out a small, dry laugh. “I expect it will be a fair trial?”


“Of course it will.” Kinoc said with a smile as sweet as arsenic.


They were herded off into a huge courtroom, Seymour stood high up on a balcony to one side, Kinoc on another, A large Ronso stood before them.


Seymour seemed to look directly at Buffy, an unpleasant smile playing across his face.

“The high court of Yevon is now in session, The sacred offices of this court seek nothing but absolute truth in Yevons name. To those on trial, believe in Yevon and speak only the truth.”

Lulu turned to Tidus and Buffy. “Maester Kelk Ronso.”


The Ronso kept talking. “Summoner Yuna. You have sworn to protect the people of Yevon, true?”


Yuna stood by herdelf on a tiny platform in the centre of the room. “Yes.”


“Then, consider: You have inflicted dire injury upon Maester Seymour Guado…”


Buffy couldn’t suppress an Auron-like ‘hmph’ at this, the Ronso either didn’t hear her or ignored her.


“..conspired with the Al Behd and joined in their insurrection.  These are traitorous and unforgivable crimes that disturb the order of Yevon. Tell this court what possessed you to participate in such violence.”


“Your Grace… The real traitor is Maester Seymour! He killed his father Jyscal with his own hands!”


Kelk looked like he had actually been hit, he stepped back. “What is this!”


Seymour offered him a sugary smile, then, with a sickly sweetness he answered. “Hmm? Hadn’t you heard?”


Buffy was shocked, he didn’t even protest his innocence.


Yuna continued. “Not only that… Maester Seymour is already dead!”


Lulu held her hands out. “It is a summoners sacred duty to send the souls of the departed to the Farplane! Yuna was only doing her job as a summoner!”


“Grand Maester Mika… Please, send Seymour now!” Yuna pleaded.


Mika stepped forward, Kelk standing back. “Send the unsent to where they belong?”




Mika let out an unpleasant laugh and Buffy had a sinking feeling.


“Maester?” Yuna asked.


“Send the dead… hmm? You would have to send me, too.”


Wakka blanched. “What!”


Seymour turned to them. “Grand Maester Mika is an invaluable leader, even in death he is invaluable to Spira.”


“Enlightened rule by the dead is favourable to the misguided failures of the living.” Kinoc added. Buffy frowned, was there anyone left in Spira with a pulse?


“Life is but a passing dream but the death that follows is eternal.” Seymour said.


“Men die. Beasts Die. Trees die. Even continents perish. Only the power of death truly commands in Spira. Resisting it’s power is futile.” Mika said in a croaking voice.


“But what of Sin? I am a summoner, my lord, like my father before me! I am on a pilgrimage to stop the death that Sin brings. Are you… Are you telling me that, too is futile? Grand Maester Mika, I am not alone! All the people who have opposed Sin… Their battles, their sacrafices—were they all in vain?”


“ Not in vain. No matter how many summoners give their lives Sin cannot be truly defeated. The rebirth cannot be stopped.Yet the courage of those who fight gives the people hope. There is nothing futile in the life and death of a summoner.” Mika spoke as though this little speech was rehearsed.


Auron shifted his weight. “Never futile.. but never ending.”


“Indeed that is the essence of Yevon”.


“Lord Mika!” Yuna said, shocked.


Mika ignored her, droning on. “Yevon is embodied by eternal, unchanging continuity, summoner.”


“No, that can’t be right!”


“Those who question these truths-- they are traitors!”


“Lord Mika!” She repeated as they were suddenly seized.


Buffy was bored, she was swinging, alone in a large cage, suspended by chain from the ceiling. Yuna was also in a cage by herself. Kimahri and Spike were locked in together as were Rikku and Tidus. Wakka was locked by himself while Auron and Lulu sat in silence.


Tidus let out a ridiculously long groaning noise, his voice echoing around the room. Buffy felt acute sympathy for those with greater than human hearing, both of whom were suspended metres away from her, a little further down.


“Buffy?” Spike called up.


“Spike. I’m gonna kill that Seymour again, and I really hope he comes back ‘cause I wanna kill him a third time as well.” Buffy smashed her fist into the side of the cage.


“It’s alright, pet, they’re going to drop us into a big hallway full of fiends, I think we’re supposed to wither up and die or somethin’.”




“Don’t worry.” Spike reassured her.


“Get me outta here, I want out now, you hear me?” Tidus’ voice was really getting irritating.

Auron spoke from a nearby cage. “You waste your breath.”


Tidus sank to the ground, his voice quieter, though Auron could still hear him. “Man, I hope Yuna’s okay.”


“She’s strong, she’ll make it.”


“She’ll make it? What, so she can die?” His voice rose so that Buffy, once again, could hear him. “Why is it, everything in Spira seems to revolve around people dying?”


“Ahh, the spiral of death.” Auron answered.


Buffy thought this was a stupid answer and the two of them continued talking so that Buffy couldn’t hear them.


She sat by the side of the cage nearest Spike, to her surprise the vampire spoke.


“So, what do you reckon your watcher would do?”




“Now, here in Bevelle, what do you think he would have done? Or.. Oh, Red, what would she have done?”


“Oh, she probly would have turned them all into newts or something, she’s getting pretty good with the magicks, you know. She’s pretty close to getting Amy fixed up”




“Oh, Amy the rat, she used to be kind of a friend of ours, she turned herself into a rat when Will, me and her were being burnt at the stake by Hansel and Gretel.”


Spikes eyebrows shot up and Buffy grinned. Spike shook his head.


“Sunnydale, you never can guess what the bloody Hellmouth’s gonna spit out at you next.”


“Hey, it’s like a slogan, we can do an advertisy thing on T.V and that can be our slogan.”


Footsteps interrupted them, they turned to the bridge below, Kinoc walked in front of the cages and stopped.


“Come out, your sentences have been decided.”


“Sentence? Don’t you mean execution?” Auron asked.


Buffy’s eyes widened. “Execution?”


“Really, now, what person would execute a dear friend?”


Very levelly and without any hesitation Auron answered. “You would.”


Kinoc chuckled, waving his hands as people began hauling the cages to the bridge and unloading the occupants at gun point.


Buffy stared as everyone was unloaded and the men with guns began to herd them off.

“Buffy.” Spike called, trying to break free. “Buffy!!”


“Relax, Al Behd, Seymour has spared her alone, it was decided that she was led astray, under the influence of Sin’s toxin.


“NO! Buffy!”


He turned, ramming his fist into one of their noses, waiting for the sharp stab of pain in his head, nothing. He grinned, kneeing the guard in the stomach. The other guards turned and took aim, they shot one bullet straight through his right ribcage and one into his stomach. He doubled over in pain and they shot him with a tazer to be sure, they then dragged him along the bridge, out of Buffy’s sight.


Buffy slammed her fists against the side of the cage. “Let me out, let me out! Spike!”


Spike was dropped into a long, dark tunnel. He stared off through the hallways, each identical and unending, and smelling strongly of off fish. He ran his hand through his hair. What was going on, why had Seymour kept Buffy? Spike knew that it couldn’t be for any reason that was good.


He winced thinking about the things Seymour could be wanting her for, he shook his head, as soon as he got out of here he would rescue her.


As he walked he left a long trail of blood on the ground behind him. He often found himself at the entrance to the damper part of the Via Purifico but he preferred to stay dry. Fiends kept making the mistake of jumping out at him until they became quite comical- they jumped, he snapped their necks or ripped them open, glad for their presence, for the release of tension.

“Oh, hello.” He turned around, Lulu stood in a small alcove, waiting for Yuna to turn up.

He frowned. “You know, if you went looking you’d be more likely to find her.”

“Perhaps, but she is here now,, so we no longer have to bother ourselves with that.”

Spike turned and Yuna walked into the room.




Lulu placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “It’s alright.”


“Oh, Spike.. I am sorry about Buffy, maybe.. We can go back for her, after we escape. I could not.. I could not continue my pilgrimage until I knew she was safe.”


Spike was relieved, it obviously showed on his face. “And, you will be joining me too, yes? As my guardian. Cid sent you- didn’t he.”


“He cares about you a lot, pet. And I wanted to come, to protect Buffy.”


“You love her, don’t you?” Yuna said. “She cares about you as well.”


Lulu nodded. “After she saw your brother in Guadosalam, she’s been desperate to find you ever since.”

”My brother?” Spike frowned, he didn’t have a sodding brother, unless.. “My.. brother- William?”


“Yes, that was he, let us go find the others.” Lulu said.


Spike sniffed the air. “This way.”


Having found Kimahri and Auron they wandered around, eventually the soft, blue lights gave way to harsher red ones.


“Lady Yuna, so it is you.” Isaaru stepped out of the shadows as they entered a small room.

“Why are you here?” Yuna asked.


“We rode the airship to the Calm Lands, then came to Bevelle. Maester Kinoc summoned us and ordered us to ‘deal with the traitors’.”


“You will fight us?” Auron asked.


“The temples orders are law. Even if you are Lord Braksa’s flesh and blood… You’re a traitor!”

“His guardians.. I don’t see them.” Lulu stated.


“Maroda and Pacce are not here. I will do this unhappy deed myself. Forgive me, Lady Yuna.”

Isaaru summoned his Aeons, one by one, Ifrit, Valefor and finally the newest Aeon, the one Yuna herself had only just received, the dragon king, Bahamut.


Yuna had very firmly told her guardians ‘no’ when they asked to help, she summoned Shiva, the icy blue goddess, who dodged and struck, defeating Isaaru’s Aeons and knocking the summoner himself to the ground.


“Stay away!” Isaaru shouted as Yuna approached.


“Yuna, let’s go.” Lulu said, stepping forward.


“There’s a way to the surface, up ahead.” Isaaru said.


Yuna bowed deeply.


“Come on, pet, no need to bow to the backstabbing poofter, let’s get out of here and save Buffy. Who knows what Seymour’s doing to her.”


“He is correct, we should hurry.” Auron said.


As Spike left the room he heard Auron walk over to Isaaru and clearly say. “Your pilgrimage is over.”


He smirked, stupid treacherous ponce of a summoner..


“Yunie!” Rikku called as She pulled herself out of the water near the exit. “You’re alright? We were so worried, it’s good to have you back. Oh, Spike, you’re still here.”


“Oh, Spike will be staying with us, to Zanarkand.”


“Great to have you on board.” Rikku announced jubilantly.


Tidus was in the middle of working up to say something when they heard the footsteps. They turned, Seymour, Kinoc and several Guado guards approached.


When they were fairly close Seymour stopped, turning. Kinocs body slumped to the floor as the guard holding it let go.


“Kinoc!” Auron said.


“Why you.”


Spike frowned, didn’t they all hate him..? Ah well.


“What have you done with Buffy?” He yelled.


“Ahh, Buffy. That is her name? She is quite safe.”


“You.. You killed Kinoc.” Lulu was almost disbelieving.


“I have saved him.” Seymour answered cryptically. Spike vaguely recalled what came next. “He was a man who craved power and great power he had but he feared losing it. Trembling at unseen enemies he spent his days scheming petty schemes. Chased by his fears, never knowing rest. You see.. now he has no worries, he has been granted sleep eternal. Death is a sweet slumber all the pain of life is gently swept away, ahh, yes. So you see, if all life in Spira were to end all suffering would end, don’t you see?”


“You stupid, spineless, blue haired ponce. Do you actually listen to what you say?” Spike was mad for more reasons than one. “You open your mouth, crap falls out and you expect everyone to lap it up. ‘Death is a sweet slumber’ I’m not bloody sleeping, how about you? You’re worse than my bloody grandsire.”


“You do not understand.” Seymour answered Spike. “You are naught but a boy with his toys, you would never understand eternity. Pay no heed to him, Yuna, come with me to Zanarkand, the lost city of the dead, with death by our sides we can save Spira once and for all and for that.. I will take your strength from you, Yuna, your life and become the next sin. Together we will destroy Spira, we will save it.”


“I’m with Spike.” Tidus announced. “You’re totally nuts!”


Kimahri ran forward, plunging his long lance into Seymour’s chest, Seymour looked down at him.


“Unpleasant… Very well. I will give you your death, you seem to want it so.”


He raised his hand and the guards surrounding him and Maester Kinoc dissolved into pyreflies, filling Seymour’s body and making a big flash of light. When the light cleared Seymour had changed, he had become what seemed to be a great big, silver fairy. His dress had become blue, his hair had grown really long and turned into big stone wings either side of his body and some of it still hung like hair down past his ankles which floated above the ground.


Kimahri turned and yelled. “Run, protect Yuna.”


“Bloody hell I will.” Spike announced, running over to Kimahri’s side.


“Go.” Auron said to the others.


“No way, I’m fighting.” Tidus yelled, Aurons answer was to pull out his large and pointy sword, placing it at Tidus’ neck. “I said go.” Auron almost growled.


Spike suddenly heard a shout behind him. “Hey, Kimahri, leave some for us!” He turned to see Yuna and Tidus running towards them. Wakka soon followed, then Rikku. Auron and Lulu appeared to confer, Lulu running after them and Auron eventually following.


Seymour floated in the air, a gloating look on his face, a small creature floating before him. Without waiting for the others Spike leapt forwards, planting on the creature a kick strong enough to crush a ribcage or knock a mans head completely from his body. It seemed to writhe around, then it dug its’ long tail into Seymour and seemed to suck his energy, healing itself.

Lulu shot a spear of ice towards Seymour, impaling him through the chest, he grunted. “Do you think that is enough to stop me?”


“We’re gonna kill you, Seymour!”


“How about you fight more and talk less, boy.” Spike said, sick of Tidus’ constant noise.

They lashed at Seymour, Kimahri swinging his scythe with deadly accuracy, Auron hacking with his sword, Spike kicking, Yuna whacking him with her staff and Rikkku throwing the occasional grenade at him in between slashes of her ninja claws.


“Hey, watch out.” Wakka called, hurling a large, spiked ball at Seymours face, his answer to this was to hurl a lightning bolt at Lulu.


Lulu cried out, growing suddenly silent, a dark purple mist seemed to surround her and a wind blew her braids around. Small crackles of electricity shot from her and her red eyes seemed to shoot sparks. Spike stared at her for a second, then back to Seymour.


A wave of fire seemed to fall on the Guado and his little parasite, rolling and hissing until they were completely obscured, it raged for nearly a minute, fading away and leaving Lulu looking spent.


Seymour collapsed downwards, his feet nearly touching the ground, he raised his white, marble head and glared at the black mage.


Just as it seemed he was about to gloat his small parasitic friend reached up from the charcoal black ground, stabbing into Seymour with its’ tail. Seymour shuddered, falling to the ground.

“Run!” Auron announced.


“Come on, we will rescue Buffy after we escape.” Lulu told spike.


“Hey, if we hide in the city we can sneak back into the castle.” Rikku offered.


“It is a good idea, though impractical.” Lulu motioned to the city, far below the bridge. “It would undoubtedly be a fatal fall.”


“No problem.” Rikku answered, pulling out a small machina from the pouch on her belt. “Come on.” She quickly wrapped a hook around the balcony, jumping from the edge. “Grab it and hold on.” She yelled up as she began to fall.


Auron jumped over, grabbing the cable. They each leapt over, Spike went last and they fell towards the brightly lit city, red in the light of the setting sun.


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