Chapter 16



Buffy walked into a hallway, lit with a blue glow, the hall seemed to go on forever, lined with doors. She opened one of the doors, walking into chamber of the fayth. She walked around the outside of the amber where the fayth lay, she looked down through the amber to where the body was preserved, for all time. She frowned, the fayth was large and grotesque, demonic horns sprouted from its’ head, its’ face disfigured and pulled into a snarl.

Buffy knelt on the edge of the amber, hands folded in her lap. She heard the hymn of the fayth in the background, opening her eyes she saw three men on the other side  of the chamber, singing the hymn, the demon rose, translucent from the stone, floating before her. She raised her head boldly, closing her eyes as the demon flew towards her, into her chest, filling her mind and body.

A shape emerged in front of her, dark skin and dreadlocked hair. A light suddenly appeared and Buffy realised it was the first slayer.

The first slayer looked at her, her head on the side. “Hello, sister. Now we are one.”

The light grew brighter, forcing her eyes closed.

Her eyes shot open, she stumbled to her feet, walking out of the chamber unsteadily.

Outside of the chamber Giles, Xander, Willow, Tara, Dawn and Anya waited in the kitchen.

“She’s done it.” Willow said excitedly, grinning exuberantly.

“Yes, yes, well it would seem she has exceeded our previous expectations.” Giles said, his robe swishing around his feet as he walked over to help her into the kitchen.

“Now we can send her to die, right?” Anya asked, taking the cookies out of the pantry.

“Hey, I was saving those for myself..” Buffy began, trailing off.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. You won’t be needing them.” Anya said. “All slayers die once they get to Sunnydale.”

“She’s right.” Xander said, snagging a biscuit. “Maybe if you weren’t boinking the evil undead we could forgive you. But some things are just no-goes.”

“And you forgot to study for Psych.” Willow added.

“See what I mean, you have to stop what your doing.” Xander said. “Mmm, these are good.”

“Yes, it’s a shame Dawn can’t eat them.” Anya said. “Don’t worry Dawny, we’ll tell you how they taste. Do you think she understands the concept of ‘taste’?” She asked, turning back to Buffy and Giles.

“Well, I assume she does.” Tara said. “It would make sense, she’s made from Buffy and Buffy can taste.”
Buffy frowned, turning to her little sister, she was glowing with a vibrant green light, her features hidden by the light.”

“Dawny? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, why does everyone treat me like I’m a little kid?”

Buffy looked around, someone was knocking at the door. “I’ll get it.”

“No. Don’t.” Xander said.

“You really shouldn’t, you know it’s wrong. I’ll tell Mom.”

“But, I want to.”

“Buffy, there’s some things you want that you just can’t have.” Giles said. “There’s no need to be upset. He’s fine out there.”

“I.. I’m not sure..” Buffy’s top lip curled up as she spoke, the way it did when she was upset. She looked out the window, the white/blue energy shot, crackling out of the sky.

“What if he gets hit?”

“Buffy, he’s evil.” Xander said. “Besides, imagine what the kids would be like.” He pulled a face.

“I.. I’m gonna go up to bed.” Buffy said.

She walked up the stairs, back into the hallway. She walked down past several doors. Looking in one she saw Anya, walking through the rain, long white dress trailing in the muddy street. Another door showed Jonathan, sitting at a table with two other guys, as they laughed giant buzz saws crashed through the place, destroying everything.

In another door she saw an Incan temple, inside an ancient woman waited, holding a large, red axe thing, she turned to Buffy as she looked in. Her eyes were solid white and unseeing. Buffy leapt back, closing the door. She kept walking, suddenly a door caught her eye, she stepped  through it. The little boy she’d seen in the chamber of the fayth in Bevelle stood there.

“Hello again, Buffy.”

“Um, hello.”

“Remember his advice, things will only change if you make them.”

“I’ll.. try to remember.”

“Good, I want to give you this, later when its’ mouth is closed this will open a new door. Both of you will return with both of them.” He handed her a small, silver ring.


“Honey?” Buffy turned at the familiar voice.

“Oh, I’m so glad to see you. Maybe you should get back, you don’t want to sleep in again. “You’ve always have been grumpy in the mornings.”


“Yes dear?”

“Do you think..”

“Oh, don’t worry about that now, off you go, have fun.”


“Buffy, Buffy?”


“Wake up pet.”

Buffy opened her eyes to find Spike looking at her in concern.

“You okay?”

“Huh, oh, I’m fine.” She frowned, remembering her dream. She shrugged it off, burying her head in Spike’s chest.

“We have to get up, love.”

“Ugh.” She sat up, sleepily, rubbing her eyes.


She came out to breakfast and her eyes widened in surprise.

Platters of cold meat and large eggs, along with thick, crusty fruit toast sat on the table. Milk and juice sat in jugs and cereal in bowls.

“Huh, I didn’t think they ate meat.” She said, glad for it.


Breakfast was over all too soon and they began walking. To her surprise she saw another chocobo, this one, however, had a saddle and a rider on its’ back.

“Lady summoner.” The rider said.

“You are to walk to Gagazet?”

“Yes.” Yuna answered.

“Gagazet?” Buffy asked.

“Sacred Mt Gagazet, Kimahri home.”

“Really?” Tidus asked. “Maybe you’ll see your family?”

“Kimahri has no family. But Kimahri not alone.”

“Well, if you are to get there by nightfall I can lend you some chocobos, of course you can only take them as far as the bridge. If you let them go they’ll come back to me within a day.”

“You would let us?” Yuna asked.

“Of course. Come along, the stable is this way.”

Ride a chocobo?” Buffy asked, skeptically.

“Of course.” Rikku answered, “That’s what they’re there for.”


Buffy stared at the chocobo she was to ride, it stared back,  a rope came over its’ beak like reigns, the saddle was tiny and very light, she wasn’t surprised to see Lulu jump on, side-saddle. Kirrel chirped, jumping onto its’ back and hopping up and down.

“Need a leg up, slayer.” Spike asked, his eyes shining with mirth.

She poked her tongue at him. Eyeing the bird.

“Here goes.” She jumped up into the saddle, it closed it’s wings over her legs.

“Let’s go.” Yuna said.

“Whoo hoo.” Tidus yelled.

“Humph.” Auron commented.


“Let’s rest.” Rikku said, the sun was falling towards the horizon and they hadn’t stopped for lunch.

“I need food.” Tidus added.

“If you’d woken up earlier you could have had a larger breakfast.” Auron told him.

Buffy’s legs were tired, the chocobo had fairly easy movement, but holding on with her legs had become painful after a while, even with slayer strength.

“The bridge isn’t far.” Lulu said. “We can rest then.”


They dismounted from the chocobos, Buffy reached up to give hers’ a pat on the beak, it made a trilling noise, rubbing its’ head against her.

Kirrel sat on her shoulder, licking himself clean. They walked along a pass between two mountains, coming out near a gorge, a bridge crossed the narrow gorge. Kirrel sniffed the air, seeming agitated.

“What’s up, Kirrel?” Buffy asked.

“Halt.” A voice said, as two Guado stepped from behind a rock on the other side of the bridge.

“Summons from Lord Seymour, come with us.” The lead Guado said.

Yuna stepped forward. “We have nothing to discuss with Maester Seymour.

The guardians all stepped forward, Tidus waved his hand. “Yeah, so out of our way.”

“Lord Seymour’s commands must be obeyed. You will come.”

“I warn you.” The other Guado said. “The Maester doesn’t need you alive.”

They felt vibrations through the ground, heard great footsteps in the gorge below, a giant robot climbed up, out of the hole, standing like a human, covered in large guns. The symbol of Yevon was engraved on it’s leg plates.

“Yuna, look out.” Wakka called, jumping forward and hurling his spikey ball at it, the spikes made slight indents in its’ surface.

“I will take it from here.” Lulu announced, summoning a giant bolt of lighting, which crackled around its’ surface and made it writhe backwards.

Rikku jumped forwards,  secretive grin on her face, she waved her hand, aiming it at the robot and a crackle of electricity surrounded it, dissipating a moment later.

“Very well done.” Lulu commented as the slow moving creature lunged towards them, bladed arms swinging, she dodged but Auron wasn’t so quick, he received a clawed fist through his chest.

Yuna ran over, healing him with magick. “Yuna, come back.” Buffy shouted, racing after the summoner who had put herself in the path of danger.

The robot lunged towards Yuna, Buffy raced forward, stabbing its’ shell with her sword and planting kicks and punches all over it, denting it still more.

The creature swung around, knocking Buffy to the ground. Spike raced over as it went to stomp on her, kicking it and knocking it to the ground.

Lulu walked over to Buffy, handing her a crystal. “You use this, focus on it and it will allow you to cast fire on the machina. Whilst you and Rikku use fire on it I shall use ice. The sudden change in temperature should cause it to fall apart.”

Buffy stared at the gem. Magick? She was unsure. Rikku ran over to her as the giant robot rocked around in an attempt to get up.

“C’mon, it’s no biggie, here, I’ll help you. Okay, focus on the gem.”

Buffy focused, to her surprise a flicker of fire appeared before her.

“The gem stores fire magick, it only needs to be released.” Rikku explained. “So, focus the fire on the robot.”


Spike threw a potion over the injured Kimahri, turning around to see Buffy, standing next to Rikku, a reddish glow surrounding her. As he watched fire shot from her hands, engulfing the robot. Rikku and Buffy kept the robot under extreme heat until it was red hot. They stepped back and Lulu raised her arms. First a shard of ice came up beneath it, piercing the molten metal. Then ice completely surrounded it, shattering and destroying the robot at the same time.


Lulu stepped back, breathing deeply. Yuna turned to see the Guado running off into the Calm Lands.

“Come.” Lulu said. “Gagazet is not far off.”




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