Chapter 9



Spike boarded the airship, he grinned to himself, thinking, by the time he found Buffy he’d be able to add ‘saving damsels in distress’ to his resume. Of course he knew whichever summoner he was ‘rescuing’ probably wouldn’t appreciate his efforts but she’d be safer for it.

“Ready to go.” Brother said flicking controls.

“Ready.” Keyakku added.

“Everything’s good down here.” Spike added, pulling himself out of the engine hatch and lighting up a cigarette with an oversized lighter.

The airship took off, hanging, precariously in the air. It then began to move, sliding freely through the sky and taking on a grace like a swan on water.

The Al Behd back in Home waved as they flew over.

The flight to Macalania took very little time, they landed a little way off so they could catch her unawares, snowmobiles were brought out of the airship and Spike was glad for his coat as Brother, who had no shirt on, began to shiver. They didn’t need to wait long before the summoner came into view and when she did Spike had to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning, it was Yuna.

He knew this part of the game too well, Tromell would come to take her to Seymour, the Al Behd would attack while Tromell took Yuna off, Yuna would break free and beat the snot out of the Al Behd, Spike didn’t want to be around when that happened, he looked up as the snow began to fall.

Yuna came walking out onto the ice, Spike frowned when Tromell didn’t arrive. “What’s taking so bloody long?” He whispered to herself.

Keyakku looked at him, surprised. “We have to wait for her to come further out.”

The snow wasn‘t so heavy that Spike couldn’t make out the shapes of her guardians. Keyakku could see her guardians too.

Seven guardians?” Keyakku said in surprise.

“Yeah.” Spike said. “This is gonna be fun.” He began to think, remembering her guardians, there was Lulu, he remembered her easy enough, Tidus, Wakka and Auron. Rikku was probably the weakest of the lot, and there was Kimahri. Spike frowned, thinking them over. Lulu, Tidus, Wakka, Auron, Rikku and Kimahri, that was six, he didn’t think he was forgetting any.

“Keyakku, she only has six guardians.”

 “No, she definitely has seven.”
”Spike, I think there’s a leak in the coolant.” A voice called from behind him

“I’ll be there in a minute.” He stared out across the snow one last time before he remembered Oaka, the salesman who followed them from place to place, he was probably with them. He did come out of Macalania woods with them.



“I’ll see your ‘whoa’ and raise you a holy cow!” Buffy said to Tidus.

As they walked along a narrow ledge made completely of ice the Macalania Temple loomed up before them. And it didn’t just go upwards, looking over the edge Buffy could see the base of the temple went down into the ice far below them, it resembled some sort of palace more than a temple. The icy path led into a wide door, the building itself was enormous and lavishly decorated, going higher in the air than Buffy cared to look whilst walking along a narrow piece of ice suspended in midair. Her and Tidus stopped to admire the place, Buffy had never seen anything like it. Well, she’d seen the palace in Disneyland, she’d seen giant palaces at ice shows, made of coloured ice but none of these things compared to the feeling this place gave off, it was more than size and looks, it was a feeling. This place seemed as though it came before time and would continue long after, the same way it went through the ice and high into the sky, but it didn’t look crumbly, it was- perfect.

As they approached the door they saw a priest, standing in front of the door. When Tidus and Buffy arrived the others began to walk into the temple. Rikku ran in first, the priest held up his hand. “Halt, the likes of her are not permitted in this hallowed place.”

Auron kept his voice level. “She is a guardian.” He said.

The priest looked outraged under his very high collar, Buffy sniffed, Auron pulled off that look way better. “An Al Behd, a guardian? Preposterous!”

Buffy wanted to yell, some things about this world were perfect but other things.. Like this constant racism. Rikku, however, remained calm.

“I’ve decided to be Yuna’s guardian now and that is all I want.”

Auron began to walk up the stairs. “And that’s all one needs to become a guardian.”

The priest shook his head. “Very well.”

Everyone ran into the temple, Buffy came second last, followed by Tidus.

As they entered the temple they were stopped by Tromell, he gave them a long and slow speech about his thanks and gratitude and hopes for the future, yada yada, boredom, boredom, she was surprised that Yuna took this all the time, Buffy would have ordered them to leave her alone. She looked past the guardians, looking for Yuna, she wasn’t there, Buffy’s eyes widened in panic.

“Another Guado took her away the moment we arrived.” Lulu told her.

Buffy frowned. “I should have been keeping a closer eye, I really suck at this, first Dawn, now Yuna.”

“It is okay, you will learn given time.”

Buffy didn’t know whether to feel insulted or uplifted.

“…And so I thank you again and ask that you make yourselves comfortable.”

Buffy watched as he did the funny bow, it looked even more ridiculous on him because Guado’s arms were hugely long.

Tidus went to look at the group of musicians playing in the temple while Buffy, more out of curiosity than anything tried out the weird bowing thing. She laughed at the thought of the look on Giles’ face if she acted Spiran when she got back, she silently vowed to try it to see what happened.

“It goes like this..” Lulu said.


“Watch.” Lulu slowly stepped back with one foot, holding her arms to the side, she made cups with her hands and brought them together, elbows still out to the side, in front of her chest, so that they made a shape like a ball.

Buffy watched and nodded, executing a neat bow.

“It’s called the ‘prayer’.” Lulu explained.

“Oh, thankyou. I didn’t need to know it, I was just..”

“You do not have to know it- that’s true- however learning to fit in would not be a terrible thing, you have a unique personality, however some situations require a little more tact.”

“Oh, Lady Yuna’s guardians.” A voice came from behind them.

Lulu turned. “Forgive me.” Shelinda said to Buffy. “I do not believe we have met..”

“Oh.” Buffy shot a worried glance at Lulu who gave an almost imperceptible nod. Buffy turned back to the girl, doing the ‘prayer’ back.

“My name is Buffy.” She said, in what she hoped sounded like the same way Yuna talked.

“It is an honour to meet you Lady Buffy.” Shelinda answered. “I.. I wish you luck in your pilgrimage.”

“Where is Yuna.” Lulu asked.

“Oh, I believe she went to the Cloister of Trials with Maester Seymour.”

“Thankyou.” Lulu inclined her head.

As Shelinda left Buffy turned back to Lulu. “See, that was uber embarrassing.”

“I thought you did it very nicely, come, let us go to the Cloister of trials.”

Kimahri heard her and began to head up the stairs, Auron and the others following suit. The priest blocked their way.

Suddenly a voice was heard from downstairs. “Lord Jyscal!” A girl came running out of a room.

“I was cleaning and I found a sphere under some cushions.”

Auron walked in the room first, they all crowded in. Out of a small, blue sphere came the figure of a Guado.

Listen carefully, what I am about to tell you is the unclouded truth about my son, Seymour. His heart is closed, even to me, a Maester of Yevon, but I can feel flames of darkness burning in his heart. He is using Yevon, the Guado and even the summoners. If he is not stopped he will surely bring destruction and chaos to Spira.I will leave this world soon, killed by my own son. But I do not fault him. Because I was not wise enough he has suffered, and become twisted. I could not protect him and his mother from the world and its’ cruelty. I will accept death as punishment for my deeds. But whoever is watching this.. I implore you to stop Seymour, stop my son.

Auron grunted. “Wonderful.”

Rikku frowned. “Will Yuna be alright?”

“Without us, no.”

“Let’s go kick his ass.” Buffy said, happily. Now that she no longer wanted to slay Spike she required some violence to keep her going.

“Perhaps.” Lulu said. “Though possibly with a little more discretion, hmm?”

“Where you all goin?” Wakka asked in a panic.

“Come on Wakka, the guys evil.” Buffy pointed out.

“He’s bad news.” Tidus added.

“But.. but, he’s a Maester.”

Lulu intervened. “Let’s at least hear him out.”

“This can’t be happenin.’ Ohh.” Wakka groaned.

Buffy ran out into the main room as the priest tried to block the way. Kimahri’s answer to this was to pick him up bodily and toss him down the stairs like a beany baby.

As Buffy walked past the priest grabbed her leg. “That Ronso, he.. Bevelle will here about this.”

“Could I care less?” Buffy kicked his hand, continuing up the stairs.


They ran through an icy tunnel, coming out into a round room with stairs at one end.

“Seymour!” Tidus yelled, running into the room.

“Please be silent. Lady Yuna prays to the fayth.”

“Make me.” Was Tidus’ answer.

“You’re heading for a hell of a fight.” Buffy added, clutching her sword. “By the way, what’s with the clothes, and the hair. I mean talk about ‘individual’ you look like you’ve thrown on every item in your grandmothers closet. And can you say ‘wax.’ If you’re gonna walk around with your stomach hanging out- never a good look I might add- at least apply some wax so the rest of the world doesn’t want to hurl every time they see you. And really, what’s with the bow, it’s cute on Yuna, on  you.. well, I don’t wanna go there but I know what my frien... what Spike would call you and it’s not friendly.” Buffy felt pleased with herself, she thought she had successfully channelled Cordelia.

Seymour headed down the stairs, giving them the death stare, suddenly the door at the top opened and Yuna stumbled out.

“Yuna!” Tidus yelled.

Yuna noticed her guardians looking like they were going to kill Seymour. “But why..?”

“We saw a sphere Jyscal had, a recording.”

Auron put the full force of his disapproving gaze on Seymour. “You killed him.”

“What of it?” Seymour answered. Yuna gasped, her hand in front of her face, as Buffy watched her face hardened and Yuna looked like an avenging angel, a slight wind came through, blowing Yuna’s hair out and ruffling her skirt and arm things.

“You.” Yuna stared.

“Yes?” Seymour asked.

“I..I shall have to stop you!”

Seymour turned. “I see, you’re going to punish me then?”

“Eww.” Buffy said. “Talk about wording something badly, that’s wrong on every level.”

Seymour stared at her strangely before turning his eyes back to Yuna. He held out his hand to her, she stared at it for a second, stepping back..

“What a pity.” Murder was in Seymours eyes. Buffy pulled Yuna behind her as Auron and Tidus stepped in front.

“Ah, of course. ‘protect the summoner even at the cost of one’s life’ the code of the guardian, how admirable.” He stuck his arm into the air, the two Guado either side of him stepping forward. “Well, if you’re offering your lives I will have to take them.”

“Maester Seymour, these people may be my guardians but they are also my friends, I will not stand by and watch them be hurt.” Yuna held her staff up. “I will fight you too.”

“All right!” Tidus exclaimed.

Buffy pulled her sword out of its’ sheath, slashing at Seymour,  to her surprise one of the Guado stepped in the way, putting off her balance and taking the blow on its’ armoured arm. At this time Tidus slashed at the other Guado, ripping a gaping hole from it’s chest to its’ hip. Instead of dying it simply healed itself magically.

In a second the room was full of flying fireballs, electricity and ice. Buffy gasped as a shard of ice erupted from the ground beneath her feet, using reflexes and strength that only a slayer has she leapt from the ground, spinning through the air and delivering a kick to the Guado’s head. Obviously unused to this form of combat the Guado fell, unconscious to the ground and she rammed her sword deep into its’ chest. At this moment Tidus, Kimahri and Auron slashed at the other Guado simultaneously. It too didn’t get up.

“Seymour!” Tidus called. “You coward, you can’t hide behind them any more, watcha gonna do?”

Seymour smiled unpleasantly, raising his arm as a dark mist seemed to fill the room, a dark pattern appeared on the floor as the room shook.

“Tidus!” Buffy called.

The room groaned and a creature appeared, it was the most disgusting creature she had ever seen, chained and bound with only one eye exposed. It appeared to be wearing a straightjacket and as it appeared it let out a moan of torment beyond Buffy’s imagining.

Yuna stepped forwards, staff in hand. She stood before the massive creature, staff clasped in front of her chest, suddenly she held the staff towards the ground as red symbols began to glow, spinning around and shooting upwards, where they joined a shape appeared, flying downwards and taking the form of a giant bird, it spread its’ wings as it approached the ground, landing beside Yuna and purring as it nuzzled her hand.

It was obviously a supernatural creature, back home Buffy would have slain it the minute she saw it, but now.. It was beautiful and gave off an air of peace. Buffy began to think, in Spira it was almost like, it didn’t matter what kind of creature you were, you could be a priest and evil, or a giant demon bird and be good. She shook her head, it couldn’t be this way everywhere, certainly not back in Sunnydale, could it?

As she watched the bird flapped into the air, dodging what appeared to be a laser beam, shooting from the eye of the giant creature. The bird then swooped down, digging claws into its’ flesh, raking a large chunk from it.

The beast that Seymour gloatingly called Anima writhed in pain, roaring and shooting another laser beam which grazed the birds wing, causing it to fly awkwardly.

Yuna’s Aeon flew upwards, staring down Anima, it made a circular motion with its’ head, a circle of light appearing before it, light seemed to come from its’ beak, intensified by the circle in front of it, the light then shot in four beams towards Anima, greatly weakening it. Even as it struggled to remain upright it shot a laser beam straight through the birds chest and it fell to the ground, dissolving into pyreflies as it hit the ground.

Yuna gasped, seeming to deflate. Almost without thinking Buffy jumped in front of Yuna as Anima shot a laser towards her.

“Buffy!” Yuna called, half stepping forwards, Buffy didn’t hear anything, the pain in her side where a large chunk of her was missing was nothing to the pressure that seemed to be trying to escape from her, it was almost..

Tidus, Lulu and Kimahri seemed to sink into the ground as Buffy seemed to grow, she remembered this feeling. When she’d fought Adam her friends had mixed their power with hers, essentially turning her into a super slayer, this is what was happening now.

Her eyes glowed and, as Anima shot at her with another laser, Buffy waved her hand, waving his attack away. She stepped forward, leaping into the air she placed a kick into his chest, where her foot met flesh ice seemed to sprout like a weed, weaving its’ way into his body, causing him to roar in pain, his writhing caused him to break free of his straightjacket. Buffy ignored his flailing arms, jumping almost weightlessly from the ground, landing on his giant shoulder, almost two storeys from the ground, she grabbed his head from behind, twisting sharply. His neck snapped and he slumped forward as Buffy jumped lightly back to the ground.

He dissolved the way the bird did and Buffy was suddenly left, collapsed, on the ground, all the extra power gone from  her body and her side hurting. Rikku pulled her towards her, casting a spell much like the one the Guado were casting before. Her side began to super heal, flesh knitting back together and she found she could stand without pain, she turned to see Tidus, Lulu and Yuna standing in front of Seymour as he called out through the room.

“That power that defeated Anima, it will be mine!”

Bull, Buffy thought, she stepped forward to help but Auron placed a hand on her shoulder. “Your part of this is done, Yuna must do this.”

“Why?” Buffy asked.

“Your power is diminished.” Auron answered. “And this is Yuna’s story.”

As Tidus attacked Seymour the Maester cast a spell, deflecting his attack, he glared at Lulu as she threw a ball of fire at him.

Buffy watched all this in silence, it wasn’t until Yuna summoned again that she gasped.

Ice flew out of the sky in chunks, imbedding in the ground and something floated from the sky amidst sparkling lights. As it reached the ground it threw its’ arm out, smashing the ice and that’s when Buffy gasped.



“Can’t you tell I’m busy?”

Buffy looked past him. “Uh huh, because god knows naked blue women are of the important.” She placed her hands on her hips.

“Wait a minute, she’s not naked.” He held his hands up. “That’s not.. it’s a computer game.”



In front of her stood the woman from Spikes television, down to the last icicle, long, blue, dreadlocked hair, pale blue skin, a tiny little bikini with a string hanging down from the back like a tail. Buffy shook her head. Her suspicions were true, it was like she’d been sucked into a computer game- which made her sound like a science fiction nut or a character out of one of Xander’s comic books.

She suddenly felt angry, if Spike knew where they were why wasn’t he looking for her. She glared at the ground, looking up sharply when she heard gasps of shock. Seymour collapsed to the ground, talking even to his last breath. Buffy stood up, pulling away from her thoughts- she had know she was in another world, now she knew which one- she walked over to where the others were standing, Seymour lay on the ground, motionless.

“Yuna, send him.” Auron said, gruffly.”

“Okay.” Yuna answered.

“Um.” Buffy said. “Send him?”

Lulu turned to her. “She is going to guide his soul to the Farplane.”

“Oh.” Buffy frowned, watching as Yuna stepped back, clutching her staff, just then a large roup of Guado burst into the room.

“Get away from him.” Tromell groaned.

“But he needs to be sent.” Yuna answered.

“You are traitors, infidels.” Tromell said. “Seize them!”

“Yuna, come.” Auron pushed Yuna back into the icy tunnel they came in through, they raced along, coming out into the temple where they all raced out through the door and along the icy ledge. Buffy couldn’t look behind her as they ran for fear of falling off the narrow, slippery ledge. She was amazed that the others could run along it, it was taking all of her slayer agility and years as a cheerleader to remain on the thin piece of ice.

They came out on the ice where they had been attacked by the Al Behd, Buffy’s breath was coming in short gasps, icy mist hung around her face as she breathed.

She turned around and saw two Guado, running out after them.

Buffy pushed her hanging fringe back, angrily. Usually she was against the killing of anything with a soul but these guys were really starting to piss her off. They held their hands out and something jumped from the ice. Buffy rolled her eyes. It stood about twice the height of a man, covered in thick, coarse fur, it had an ape like face and grunted as it approached.

“Great, the abominable snowman.” Buffy groaned.

Lulu stepped forward, summoning a pool of fire underneath it which erupted like lava. It grunted, stepping back, then ran forward, ramming it’s fists into Auron, throwing him through the air. Buffy ran towards it, sword in front of her, she rammed the sword into its’ throat, causing bright red blood to gush all over the ice. It roared, stomping its’ feet and making a funny, cracking noise. Buffy frowned, cracking noise? As she thought this the ice gave way beneath her feet and she fell through the air for what felt like forever.