Become a Beta-Reader
Name: 2zen2
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar, sentence structure, plot guidance/advice.
Not willing to beta:
No - I'm pretty good with editing anything.
Can typically return a chapter:
1-2 days depending on length
Other useful information:
I like canon material, though I've become interested in reading AU/all human fics. I have knowledge of the music business and I'm a history major. I have no problem with either BtVS or ATS fic.
Name: Adriana
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Spelling, grammar, general stuff. I love to write so whatever I can help with.
Not willing to beta:
slash, major ick factor for me. Especially if Spike is involved. Oh and those really depressing angst ones that make you want to go to your room and cry, those too.
Can typically return a chapter:
A few days depending on my schedule. Not more than a week.
Other useful information:
New at Beta reading. Want to try my hand at it. If I suck at it, I'll be the first one to tell you. Otherwise, I am willing to try. I am a sometimes poet, of the bloody awful variety, but I still do it. I just don't share it with the rest of humanity. :)
I am bilingual, English and Spanish, an am taking classes to become a certified Translator. I freelance once in a while, translating projects for others and get a kick out of that. Would love to work from home and get paid beaucoup bucks for it.

But, I digress. I'll be happy to help so let me know.

Adriana :)
Name: Amy
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm probably best able to help with plot guidance/advice. I'm pretty good at catching grammar, spelling, and general sentence structure type errors too.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
couple of days at the most
Other useful information:
I'm not particularly knowledgable in any one area, but I know a lot of people who are very knowledgeable in history, languages, mythology, withcraft, etc. So, if I have no idea, I can ask one of them.
Name: AmyB
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Best able to help with grammar, punctuation, & sentence structuring...would be happy to help with plot guidance/advice as well.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
2 days at most, usually.
Other useful information:
I have a M.A. in English Lit, so I'm pretty good with literature and grammar; I also worked my way through college as an English tutor, so editing is a real strong suit. I used to tutor History of World Civilizations as well, so I'm fairly well-versed in the high points...I'm also willing to do a bit of outside reading/research if need be.
Name: Angel*Dust
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
Just call me a grammar Nazi. I'll help with punctuation, sentence structure and all that jazz too. Human thesaurus, here!
Not willing to beta:
Please note, I am 17 so I legally can't beta anything smutty or slashy.
Can typically return a chapter:
I work around school hours, as I am still at HS. Can usually get a chapter done in three days.
Other useful information:
I read heaps. I'm good with mythology, especially the greek kind, and your basic CSI-type crime jargon.
Name: Angie
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar and punctuation are no problem. I'm willing to work with an author on any other areas as well. Sometimes times a little discussion and brain-storming can generate the best ideas! I always have an opinion so I'd be happy to share a few :o)
Not willing to beta:
I'm open to anything.
Can typically return a chapter:
24h at best. Usually no langer than 3 days. Will contact you if it takes longer.
Other useful information:
I'm a systems analyst for JCPenney so I have loads of Corporate America Stress. Join the club, right? Reading Buffy fanfics has been my absolute saving grace and preferred method of relaxation for a LONG time. I have not yet attempted to write a fanfic, but I read everything I can find :o) I have an adorable, prissy pooch and two chubby, bossy kitties that love to interrupt Mommy's reading as often as possible. Of course none of them are spoiled. RIGHT! I also have a wonderful fiance who is incredibly understanding of my Buffy obsession. I would love to help out anyone I can with regards to their creations, and I can't say that getting sneak peaks would be a back perk ;o) I honestly hope that by helping out a little, I might get some inspiration to try my hand at writing a bit. Who knows? Thanks for the opportunity.
Name: anonnymouse
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I graded English papers in HS and have enough hours in English for a minor, so I know I can help with grammar and puctuation. I proofread my husband's fiction occaisionally, so I believe I would be good at making plot and charachterization suggestions without taking over the story.
Not willing to beta:
I am pretty much willing to beta anything. I really prefer happy endings, but I don't mind angst along the way!
Can typically return a chapter:
24 hours for a single chapter. Maybe longer if it is a weekend and I am away from a computer.
Other useful information:
I double majored in History and Gov't. I minored in Middle Eastern and Eastern European studies, but I concentrated on current era. I also have 18 hours of upperclass level English courses.
Name: Aribelle
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm very nit-picky about grammar and spelling as well as plot pit falls. Often an author will use the wrong name or will inadvertantly contradict himself or herself in an effort to post the newest chapter. While this is understandable it often distracts the readers by drawing attention away from the story. Unfortunately I also do this for movies and consequently am no longer allowed to speak while watching with friends. I'm also a great sounding board for the author and will give advice if asked. I'm willing to beta any length and any rating fic... yes, even the 'G' rated ones.
Not willing to beta:
No restrictions. Willing to beta any pairing or threesome in any situation. If you happen to pick something I've never read before I'll still welcome it.
Can typically return a chapter:
Usually same or next day but could be up to two days for multiple chapters.
Other useful information:
I live on the east coast of the US. I'm a college student- psychology major with criminal justice minor. I volunteer at the college rape center. I am not easily offended. If you have any questions feel free to email me for anything
Name: Ashley Rose
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation, plot guidance/advice, sentence strucuring, anything really.
Not willing to beta:
Nothing too angsty.
Can typically return a chapter:
1 normally. up to 3.
Other useful information:
Arts enthusiast.
Name: AthenaHahn
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Pretty much anything; I'm an avid reader and have absorbed most of the rules of grammar as a result, as well as spelling, sentence structure, and advice on plots; typically I make suggestions and leave it at that, but that's what I'd be here for!
Not willing to beta:
Nope, nada. There is very little that bothers me in fic writing.
Can typically return a chapter:
No more than 2 days; typically less than one. I would contact you if it were otherwise.
Other useful information:
I have a background in nursing, so medical terms is something I'm fairly good at; I am also former military, so I'm particularly good at the Initiative bull if you have it in your story. As for others, as I said, avid reader, so I've seen information on many subjects. If I don't know something, I'd let you know; otherwise, I'd research a bit and give you my best response.
Name: Audry
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
I think I would be good with everything listed above. I'm an excellent speller, good with grammer, and can follow a plot line without messing everything up. I'm good for advice, too.
Not willing to beta:
The only thing I don't want to beta is slash and EXTREME sexual scenes.
Can typically return a chapter:
It will take me no more than two days.
Other useful information:
I haven't watched seasons 4,5, or 6 yet, so I probably can't help wit hfics based there. But after 7, during 7, or 1,2,3 I can be of great help.
Name: Azurian (Azzie) Dreamer
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
I can help with conventions once a story has found its form. Things that I am uncertian of , be they any of the componiants involved in convention, I a capebable of finding the answer. If I am asked to temper plot twists, do, with enjoymentl What I am able to do for a particualr plot must be related to the authors want for teeks in manuscript. If that made sense to you, you are so far away from mel
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
Ah! A loded question. If it's under 10 pages, I'd say twenty-four hoursl Aprox.
Other useful information:
I have in innate knowege of characterization. Yes, you read that right, I was born with the ability to look at a person and instantly know who they were. Also, when I was born, I could takl. Jut poped out of there a'rambling. I still havent stopped. End Resut: Knowledge of what makes a creature streach. I have brief medical knowledge based in severl genera. History, in the sense that you are probably gathering, I undersatnd very well. If History is ancient myth. I love to read. Not just love, LOVE with doves and roses and pencial. That love will hold my though a fic, even if it is one of the most insiginfigant. I will not interfear with anyones story like, unless they asked me to.
Name: Bethann Fields
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are my strengths. I hesitate giving plot guidance/advice unless asked for it, because I think, unless stuck, writers should go with their instincts. I do, however, give a thorough review after reading/betaing a chapter - giving the writer my praise and opinion, but also telling him/her where the chapter took me emotionally and what my predictions are regarding the plot, etc.
Not willing to beta:
I will beta anything, but while I enjoy a little angst as much as the next person - I try to stay away from the really, really dark stuff.
Can typically return a chapter:
I am typically a same day or next day service kind of gal
Other useful information:
I am in grad school as a history/government major. I have seen every episode of Buffy (gotta love DVDs) and most of Angel (work in progress :D)
Name: Binney
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I think i would be best with sentence structuring, plot guidance/advice ( i always have ideas, just not enough to write my own) and i could a lot with grammar and punctuation.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
about a day to two days
Other useful information:
I am a 19 year old freshman currently living in Las Vegas, about to move back to Ohio. I am knowledgable in history and mythology and religion.
Name: blacknblue2
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar, punctuation, sentence structuring, continuity. Pretty much anything, I'll try to help with.
Not willing to beta:
I don't want to beta fics with rape between the two main characters.
Can typically return a chapter:
depending on my schedule, 1-3 days.
Other useful information:
I'm in college to become a fiction copy editor.
Name: Bob
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
i love english so...grammer, punctuation, sentence structuring and plot guidance...i'll have a go at anything:)
Not willing to beta:
really bad slashy stuff...not so keen on the really really dark themes...sorry:( am 2 happy 4 that
Can typically return a chapter:
usually 2 - 24 hours depending on wot time of day fic is sent but around 48 hours tops
Other useful information:
ermm...well i love english, history and i am generally good on general knowledge...also anything to do with horses i know about:)
Name: Caitie
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I can help with grammer, punctuation and plot guidance/advice and pretty well anything that's needed.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
24 hours at the most
Other useful information:
I'm extremly knowledgeable in terms of BtVS and AtS, which sometimes helps authors when they're trying to gauge a character's reaction to an occurance.
Name: Candice
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm pretty good with everything. Grammar sometimes eludes me but i have good plot guidance and making sure the story flows
Not willing to beta:
Anything and everything. It takes a lot to squick me out.
Can typically return a chapter:
1-2d, week if it is long
Other useful information:
I've always been a history buff and i am getting a double major in elementary education and history.

Don't count on me for dates though, not good with that kind of memorization
Name: Cari
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I would be able to help best with grammar and sentence structuring. But I would love to help in any other way possible.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
1-2 days
Other useful information:
I am knowledgable in many areas specifically history, literature, and pop culture.
Name: Carrie
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm good with things like using correct grammar and punctuation, as well as considering sentence structure (thanks to stupid mandatory degree courses), but I also think I'll be good at looking at the story as a whole and making little suggestions when things just don't feel right.
Not willing to beta:
I'm up for anything!
Can typically return a chapter:
I reckon I'll only need a day, maybe two at the most
Other useful information:
Like everyone here I'm a huge Buffy fan, and I also love Angel (but I don't suppose you guys need any help with stuff regarding the shows...)I'm doing a science and journalism degree, so I have a broad knowledge about sciency stuff, which could be useful. Or you know, not. I'm also an ancient history fan... and basically anything I don't know much about, I'm willing to spend the time to help research it- call me a knowledge whore! :P
Name: Cass
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation, sentence structuring, maybe some plot guidance/advice depending how much you need, in charachterness season 5 and on
Not willing to beta:
slash, non-Spuffy, sex scenes
Can typically return a chapter:
a day or two
Other useful information:
not particularly knowledgable on anything, but if you asked for some help researching something for a story, I'd be more than happy to help when I have the time. I'm still in high school, so fairly young here, guys. Been reading fanfic for about 4 or 5 years, and I started writing for a year or year and a half.
Name: Celeste Rutledge
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
week or less
Other useful information:
knowledgeable in history and psychology
very knowledgeable in all fields of medicine
Name: Cewcew
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I’m a reader and I love it. I’ve been loosing my self in the written word since I was 9, been reading Spuffy, for 5 or 6 years. Read so much of it that I now have wonderful Spuffy dreams at night. (lol, I’m abscessed.) Any way, I feel with my well-versed Spuffy knowledge, I would be good at the whole grammar, punctuation, plot guidance/advice, sentence structuring, etc, etc, etc thing.
Not willing to beta:
You write it, I'll read it! I'm not one to read stories with bestiality in them, but will make exception if its simple references of say Riley and sheep. Any and all Riley bashing is acceptable, and even encouraged.
Can typically return a chapter:
I should be able to return a page with in a day 98% of the time, two days tops.
Other useful information:
I figure 24 years as a bookworm, Should help me be a good beta. The only real experience I have in writing is, (other then my drabble that no one sees,) I was an I.T. recruiter, part of the job was to make my clients résumés’ all fancy. I’d take a simple sentence and turn it into an elaborate paragraph. Had to make the clients' look good. Other then that, I know a little of this and a little of that. I do have lots of fictional life experience!
Name: Charlene
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I taught English for 10 years, so I feel comfortable with any aspect of proof-reading.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
Depending on the length, I would say no longer than a day or two at the most.
Other useful information:
Like I said, I taught school. I am now a Lt. Detective with my local Sheriff's Dept. so I know about criminal investigations, etc.
Name: Confused_Muse
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm happy to help with grammar and punctuation, but my speciality is vocab checking - I'm a dictionary dominatrix :)
Not willing to beta:
I don't beta AtS, although having characters from there in your fic isn't a problem. Mainly it's because I just didn't enjoy the series. Go figure!
Can typically return a chapter:
3-4 days depending on chapter length and what you want me to comment on.
Other useful information:
Word is easiest for me to review in. I'm 29, have professionally edited in the past, UK based so cultural background there :) I know bits about a lot of things, ask me a question and if I don't know, I'll find out for you.
Name: CrimsonAngel
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar, puncuation, plot guidnace/advice/ structuring, pretty much anything u need help with
Not willing to beta:
slash. dont like anything other then spike and buffy or spike and faith, or spike and angel. dont like character death but will read
Can typically return a chapter:
No more then 3 days
Other useful information:
I've been writing for 5 years. I aced english through high school and im very good at telling stories. Good with details.
Name: cyntia
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammer, punctuation, i could help in checking if all the story plots and the events flow together and are interesting and fun to read..i could be of alot of help
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
not very long maybe a day 2 at most
Other useful information:
well i am very knowledgable on vampirism and of course buffy and angel..more so on those subjects 2...
Name: D. Kane
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation,and spelling
Not willing to beta:
rape and Angel and Riley fics
Can typically return a chapter:
It depends on when I'm able to check My e-mails.
Other useful information:
I'm 17 almost 18. I'm a Senior in HS. I love reading Spuffy fics and the Harry Potter Books. I can Help with anything in the Culinary Arts Field.
Name: dare2differ
Is willing to beta up to this rating: PG
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation etc.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
Other useful information:
I just like reading a lot
Name: DarkShadow
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammer, puncuation, plot guidence/advice, sentence structuring, etc.
Not willing to beta:
I'm open for anything.
Can typically return a chapter:
1-2 days depending on work
Other useful information:
I'm knowledgable about magicks, I'm a certified Wicca so to speak.
Name: Deborah Weatherhogg
Is willing to beta up to this rating: PG-13
This beta is most able to help with:
Not great with grammer - but quite happy to read for general flow - and any help for those with writers block!
Not willing to beta:
Non-consensual sex
Can typically return a chapter:
Hopefully within 4-5 days
Other useful information:
I am English, an osteopath - and the same age as James Marsters!!! I fence, horse-ride and play in a concert band and an orchestra (clarinet)
Name: Devlin
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
plot guidence/advice, sentence structure, puncuation and an opton on grammer
Not willing to beta:
Send it my way whatever the genra!!
Can typically return a chapter:
depending on chapter length..about a day or two on average
Other useful information:
medical, musical, historical, weaponary, cultural. I tend to dabble a bit.
Name: Emma
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Im good at sentence struckturing and punctuation and som grammar. Not so well with the last one; I'm from Sweden.
Not willing to beta:
No, I don't think so.
Can typically return a chapter:
up to 3 days, most.
Other useful information:
some History, and about kids, other tha nthat, I don't realy know. I have n't Tried this before. :)
Name: Erin
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Grammar, punctuation, sentence structuring. Pretty much anything, I can help with.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
Depending on my schedual, it will probably take from 1 day to about 3 days.
Other useful information:
Name: Essi
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'd say I'm best with the story flow, but I'm good with everything. Lol.
Not willing to beta:
No man on man action. If there is a threesome or two (or more) girls, it's fine.
Can typically return a chapter:
a day. up to three
Other useful information:
Well I'm Finnish, so I know quite much about the country. (like someone would write a fic about Finland o.0) I speak Swedish, English, Finnish and Spanish. I'll also start Japanese next year... I've been speaking English for nine years, so althought it's not my first language, I know the grammar...
I study photographing, history and psychology, so I have basic knowledge (and little more) of those... Do I need to tell more? I hope I didn't suck...
Name: fallen_angel
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation, plot guidance, sentence structuring etc.
Not willing to beta:
slash. I prefer AU fics.
Can typically return a chapter:
1-3 days depending on length
Other useful information:
I just enjoying reading. I am a science student. If yuo want to use any foreign languages in your fics I could help you in Hindi and Hindu mythology. I am willing to reseach anything on the net for you.
Name: FlexSis
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I've been editing for grammar/punctuation and sentence structure since HS, so I'm probably best at that. Willing to take a shot at plot guidance, but my creative writing instincts kinda got squashed in law school ....
Not willing to beta:
Nah, I'm open to anything
Can typically return a chapter:
24h best, a week at worst - depending on how long it is and my job.
Other useful information:
Hmmm ... not sure if any of this will be helpful for bitey Spuffy fanfic; I'm kinda boring. I'm a lawyer by profession: ex-litigator (i.e., trial lawyer), currently a telecom policy wonk. Studied poli sci in college, w/an emphasis on Japanese culture & politics (s'posed to speak Japanese, can't really do it anymore). I love to cook; have an amazing ability to retain completley useless info, which makes me a great Trivial Pursuit partner (and that + $2 will get you on the NYC subway ...). Oh, and I'm a complete Buffyverse FREAK - I've seen every episode of both series multiple times over, and own all the DVD sets (w/Angel S.5 on pre-order). Is that helpful?
Name: Franchesca Gindler
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, flow of story.
Not willing to beta:
none listed
Can typically return a chapter:
hopefully 1 day, 3 to be safe
Other useful information:
Name: hisluvpet
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I can do most types of beta - pretty good with grammar, etc., but OK with plot help, too.
Not willing to beta:
I'm not easily squicked - as in it hasn't happened yet :p
Can typically return a chapter:
hopefully 1d. couple at worst
Other useful information:
I have extensive law enforcement knowledge.
Name: icemink
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I'm fairly useless when it comes to grammar and spelling. So why offer to be a beta? I know when I write I sometimes just want to know if people are getting the right impression from what I right. So what I can help with is plot guidance, characterization. Stuff like that. If you want someone to tell you how it reads (and don't worry, I do it nicely) I'm your girl.
Not willing to beta:
I'll beta anything.
Can typically return a chapter:
say 2 days to be on the safe side
Other useful information:
I have a B.A. in linguistics, although I'm not sure how much that helps. I'm also pretty familiar with the Victorian period, so if you needed help with some aspect of William's past I could either help you or point you in the right direction.
Name: Irishrose
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
All. I run everything through spelling and grammar check. My biggest thing is flow and characterization. I am the angst queen and pretty good with humor as well
Not willing to beta:
submissive girly Spike
Can typically return a chapter:
Depending on amount, but usually within a week. Will notify if I take longer.
Other useful information:
I have extensive medical knowledge
Name: Jace Nox
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
plot guidance/advice and other details. Grammer and punctuation as well as spelling are some of my less defined areas but I am still willing to beta for those.
Not willing to beta:
Slash, Bangels or anything else that isn't Spuffy or Spuffy friendly.
Can typically return a chapter:
three to four days at max! If any longer I will email explaining why.
Other useful information:
I know witchcraft, vampires and anything else that basically go bump in the night. But I don't stick to any one particular style.
Name: Jaime
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
I was an English major for 2yrs. I am able to help with any and all of the above.
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
Other useful information:
I have a fiarly extensive knowledge of shakespere and poetry.
Name: Janys
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, sentence structuring, plot guidance/advice
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
depends on the length (1-2 days)
Other useful information:
I speak German, French and English fluently.
Name: jeanie
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Sometimes grammar is so bad that I can not finish the story. A lot of writers (betas too since they do no catch the errors) do not know the difference in there, their and they're. Once or twice can be typing errors, but not every single instance. I'm not an English scholar but I can spell, know correct word usage, and love to read.
Not willing to beta:
I'm not too fond of slash unless its vital to the story or vampire Buffy stories.
Can typically return a chapter:
Since I work during the day, not untill the evening. Then, usually as soon as I have read it.
Other useful information:
I know some history; I have read many historical novels, medical thrillers, horror, techno thrillers and romance novels. I am reasonably intelligent.

I have read everything I could get my hands on since I learned how to read.
Name: Jessica
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
The thing I'm best at is plot guidence and advice. I will pick up on word confusions like, witch instead of which ect. I will get the chapter back within one or two days as I can't stay off the computor to long without going through withdrawl.
Not willing to beta:
I don't like Spike/other pices but I will review them.
Can typically return a chapter:
1-2 days unless on vacation
Other useful information:
I have a decent understanding of European and American history anything else I don't really get. I have a great wealth of medical information especilly cancer and mentail disorders.
Name: Joey
Is willing to beta up to this rating: R
This beta is most able to help with:
I mostly beta for punctuation errors and grammar, but i also love helping with plots or advice for idea's but I won't push an idea if the writer doesn't like it or jsut doesn't think it would work good. I work pretty fast and I have beta'd before for the spuffyfantasy archives.
Not willing to beta:
I won't beta NC-17 fics (I have my reasons >.>) and I also won't beta smut because i don't like fic's with no romance or some kind of bonding (other then physical).
Can typically return a chapter:
I am usualy able to return a chapter(s) in about 2 days or a LITTLE longer but I don't take long....
Other useful information:
Hmmm....not really I'm just pretty good at writing is all.
Name: Judy
Is willing to beta up to this rating: PG-13
This beta is most able to help with:
Can help with grammar, punctuation, sentence struture.
Not willing to beta:
Don't want to do slash.
Can typically return a chapter:
Usually 2 to 3 days.
Other useful information:
Spent twenty years as an administrative assistant in the computer industry, owned my own dance studio for ten years (taught ballroom dancing).
Name: Kao
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
grammar, punctuation, and helping sentences to flow well
Not willing to beta:
Can typically return a chapter:
day or two tops
Other useful information:
i'm somewhat of a history buff and also a literature buff
Name: Kar
Is willing to beta up to this rating: NC-17
This beta is most able to help with:
Best with Plot Guidance and advice. Do grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation
Not willing to beta:
Not a big fan of Slash. No paradies... can do humor
Can typically return a chapter:
20-30h weekday, 24-72h weekend
Other useful information:
I am an author and beta other works. I work with business documents and can spot wordiness. I'm great at working out plotlines and rhthym of the story. I'll be best use as a secondary beta that can work out some inconsistences of a story.