Bad Girl

By  Vampirische Liebe



Buffy fidgeted in class. She couldn’t concentrate properly, because she kept thinking about Spike and what he might do to her. She had deliberately not patrolled after going to the Bronze last night, as she hadn’t wanted to meet the blond Vampire. Whatever it was they had together had to stop. But Buffy couldn’t help wondering how Spike would take her rejection.

Willow looked over at her friend with concern, “Are you okay, Buffy?” She whispered.

Buffy forced a smile, “Yes, thanks, Will. Just a bit tired after last night.”

Willow smiled in relief, “Me too. Fun was had by all, apart from Cordy. I don’t think her date turned up.”

“Lucky escape, if you ask me.”

Both girls giggled and then quickly ducked their heads down to their books after a glare from the teacher.


Buffy was laying on her bed in a vest top and shorts. She was writing in her diary, kicking her legs in time to the music she had on, and so she took little notice of the door opening. It was only her Mom with her tea. But the door closed and locked and a feeling of menace hung in the air.

Buffy turned to the door and squealed when she saw Spike there. She scrambled to a sitting position as he advanced into the room.

“How…how did you get in?” She asked nervously.

“Your Mum let me come up. We’re supposed to be going out, remember?”

Spike could hear her heartbeat quicken and he relished her fear. She should be scared. She had disobeyed him and failed to turn up to meet him. He had waited with increasing anger, as she hadn’t shown, before going back to a whining Dru and spending a frustrating night. Now the Slayer was going to be punished.

“You didn’t meet me, Slayer, like I told you to.”

“Erm…no,” she stuttered and then her chin came up in defiance. Why should she have to explain herself to him?

“I didn’t meet you, Spikey, because it’s over between us. We were never even dating…..”

Spike’s eyes glittered, “Funny. I seem to remember my telling you that I would have you whenever I wanted you and I would be the one to finish it,” he said menacingly.

Buffy had never seen him so angry and she tried to hide her feelings of fear and more importantly the sheer lust at his words, but Spike noticed, damn him. He smirked in response, which she resented.

“You can’t just bust into my room and…and ravish me, Spike. There’s a word for that,” she said in a final determined effort to stop the inevitable.

“Grow up, Slayer. This isn’t rape. We’re playing sex games. The missionary position and some college boy pounding you into the mattress without a thought for your pleasure is not for you. Besides, you deliberately stood me up last night, didn’t you? Wondering how I would react, hmmm? It’s all just part of the game. You’re as wet for me as I’m hard for you.”

“Go to hell,” she seethed, furious that he was affecting her again and that he could see through her so easily.

Spike grinned. Oh, he was so hoping that would be her reaction. He knew he could rely on his sassy little Slayer to play. And she was going to like it.
“I thought you might say that, Luv.”

And he suddenly grabbed her, sat down on the bed and flung her face down over his knees.

Buffy was so surprised by his speed that she couldn’t stop him, but she wriggled in earnest on his lap when he pulled her shorts and panties down.

“What are you doing, you bastard?” She squeaked in mortification.

Spike stroked both cheeks of her pert bottom before bringing a hand down hard on the left cheek.

“I’m punishing you for making me feel a fool last night,” he growled.

Buffy cried out more in shock than any pain.


How dare he!

Slap to the right cheek.

“Arrggh,” she grunted.

“Sssh, Kitten. Don’t let your shouts go above the music or your Mum will come up. Imagine that? I know I couldn’t explain myself,” he whispered wickedly in her ear.

Buffy squirmed in desperation. He was absolutely crazy.

Spike smacked her extra hard across both cheeks, “Stop squirming!”

Amazingly she did and Spike grinned as he continued. He could smell her arousal and knew he wasn’t hurting her.

“Please…Spike…I’m… sorry,” Buffy sobbed at last.


“Sorry for what?”


“Sorry for not meeting you. It won’t happen again.”

Spike stilled his hand, “And?”

“And we’re not finished.”

He let Buffy up.

“Damn right we’re not. Now take off your clothes and get on your hands and knees on the bed.”

Buffy was too stunned by events to do anything else. A deep dark side of her loved him for doing this to her. It made her feel so naughty and no one had ever dared to touch her like Spike had.

Spike watched as she quickly undressed and knelt on the bed. He was as hard as nails at the sight of his red handprints on her bum. He’d half expected his proud Slayer not to put up with the punishment, but she had. And now she would be rewarded.

Spike stripped off his clothes and knelt behind her. He spread her legs and thrust a finger into her heat.

“Christ, your sopping wet, Luv. I knew you’d like that.”

Buffy tried shaking her head in denial but Spike played with her clit and she moaned in pleasure. Then he thrust his cock into her, amazed as always at her tightness. There was no one like her and he would never let her go, not now.

Buffy was horrified. She had let Spike spank her like some naughty child and it had turned her on. It had hurt a little, but the pain had become pleasure. And deep down she knew he had tempered his smacks. Oh, God, but he felt good inside her. She pushed back as he thrust deep inside and whimpered with desire.

Spike growled as he thrust harder and deeper. He knew the Slayer liked it this way.

“Oh, Spike,” Buffy groaned as his fingers worked her clit with each thrust. He truly was evil doing this to her, turning her into a quivering wreck. She finally spasmed around him, squeezing with all her might.

Buffy’s breathless cry of his name and her orgasm took Spike over the edge and he came. Bloody hell, she was something else. He slumped down beside her and gathered her in his arms. Her head lay on his chest and he kissed her forehead.

“Okay, Kitten?”

“Okay,” she agreed, heart still racing.


“Yes, Pet?”

“Is sex always like that?”

“Well, you need a good partner like me first…oh, you mean with the spanking? No. I did that, cos you deserved it. Spoilt you are and I bet no one has ever had the nerve to give you punishment. But I also knew you’d like it. There are many games and levels to sex, some more extreme than others.”

“What do you mean?” She frowned.

Spike smiled at her innocence.

“Well, Luv, games you’ll never play. Some people are into real pain, either inflicting it or receiving it. I’m talking more than the pain/pleasure threshold we just crossed; these people are into serious harm. But at the end of the day, it’s whatever turns you on.”


Buffy blushed. She’d had no idea.

Spike saw her blushes and lifted her chin so that she looked at him again.

“I don’t want you to ever feel embarrassed about what we do, Buffy. If you’re enjoying it, consider it natural. And I promise that I won’t ever do anything that you’re not willing to try or ready for.”

She smiled, “Deep down I know that,” she said and snuggled up to him once more.

Spike held a breath he didn’t need. Wow, the Slayer had smiled at him. How could someone’s smile make you feel so good? He revelled in their bickering and her anger, but her smile was something entirely different. God, I’m turning into a poof! Worse than that wanker Peaches.

They both slept, until a knock on the door woke Buffy up.

“Buffy? I’ve made you both some tea,” Joyce called.

“Be right there, Mom.”

Buffy started to get up and wondered what that strange noise was nearby. Then she looked down at Spike and giggled. He was purring in his sleep. He hadn’t done that before and she certainly didn’t expect it from a serial killer.

One blue eye opened and looked at her

“What’s so funny, Pet?”

“You purr in your sleep.”

“Bloody don’t!” He growled, opening the other eye and sitting up.

“Like a big old cat!” She teased, jumping up from the bed, “A really old cat!”

She yelped as he sprang at her and she dove for the bedroom door, but Spike easily caught her. She wriggled against him trying to free herself, but only succeeded in giving him a hard on.

“What was that you said, Luv?” He whispered near her ear, causing a shiver down her back.

“You purr like a big cat.”

“And what kind of cat?”

“A really old one,” she taunted again, loving the feel of his arms around her.

“Take that back, Missy.”


Spike swung her round and hoisted her over his shoulders. He then dumped her back on the bed and straddled her.

Buffy saw his intent and suddenly regretted her insult.

“We can’t do it again, Spike. Mom called. She’s got tea for us.”

“Tea can wait, woman. I obviously need to show you that I can still satisfy you, decrepit though I am.”

Buffy gave in to him. Well, he seemed so determined to prove his point and his tongue felt so right licking that particular spot. Maybe tea could wait after all.


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