Daughter of Darkness
by Ashlee

Summary: Sequel to Daughter of Prophecy - A year after the events of the first story, Buffy and Spike move to Los Angeles to begin a new life, intent on stepping up and handling Angel Investigations. But when promises are broken, unavoidable obstacles begin to resurface and boundaries are tested, the other has a decision to make. When you go to the darkest depths of your mind, is the one you love strong enough to pull you back? Or strong enough to let go?

Author's Note: Warning - This story will be extremely dark in later chapters and it is very NC17.

Chapter 1 - Daughter of Fate

“Spike, be careful with it,” Buffy said, watching him carry the heavy box over the threshold. “Be careful… Be careful!”

Jumping when he dropped the box on a nearby chair and spun around, her eyes widened as Spike’s face shifted. “One more word out of you, Princess, and I’m moving into a bleeding crypt,” he growled.

“Sir, yes, sir!” she said in a sharp voice, standing up straighter, trying to suppress a giggle when he narrowed his eyes on her.

“You think you’re so cute, don’t you, Summers?” he asked, slowly approaching her.

“I know you think I am,” she said with a smile, running her hands over his chest when he reached her.

Closing her eyes when she felt his lips against hers, Buffy sighed, eagerly deepening the kiss when she felt his arms band around her waist. Feeling his tongue brush along hers, she shivered in excitement, pulling away after a moment.

“We still have a lot of things to unload,” she said with a pout.

“Sod it,” Spike muttered, crushing his lips to hers again.

Smiling against his lips, she ran her hands through his hair, freeing it from the gel as he lifted her into his arms, holding her close.

Thrusting his erection against her, Spike fisted a hand in her hair, gaining more control over her.

Feeling lightheaded, Buffy hesitantly pushed him away, closing her eyes when he trailed kisses along her jaw before biting her neck with his blunt teeth.

“Spike,” she whispered, her voice thick with need. Placing a hand on the back of his neck, she guided him toward his mark. “Please.”

Vaguely hearing a car door, Spike pulled away, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. Hearing Buffy whimper in need, he pressed another quick kiss to her lips, seeing the uncertainty in her gaze.

“What’s wrong, love?” he asked in concern.

“What?” she replied, her voice distant and distracted. “Oh… uh… nothing,” she said, shaking her head. Clearing her throat in an attempt to change the subject, she walked toward the front of the house. “I guess we really need to finish this.”

“Don’t give me that tone of voice,” Spike replied with an amused smile. “My vote was for the movers, but apparently the popular vote was to move in ourselves.”

“Well, it was actually the popular vote that we all load you up, since you’re the one with super-strength, and then you can bring everything into the house,” Buffy replied, suppressing a grin.

“Excuse me?” he said with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s a compliment,” she said with a bright smile.

“I seem to recall you having your own strength, as well,” he replied.

“Aww, baby, you always told me my strength was in the bedroom,” she said, smiling when his eyes darkened. “You’re always so sensitive,” she said, backing away from him when he slowly advanced on her until she was pressed against a nearby wall.

“I’m not the only one,” he said in a husky voice, slipping a hand between her thighs, smiling when she closed her eyes as her breathing became labored. Studying her for a moment while her face flushed, he moved to kiss her, pulling away when he heard a noise at the front door. “We’ll finish this later,” he whispered, brushing a kiss to her cheek.

“I’m holding you to that,” she said, pushing away from the wall to go back into the main room, seeing her father and Cordelia bringing boxes into the living room.

“Was wondering if you two were gonna show up,” Spike said, walking in behind her.

“Be glad we’re helping at all,” Angel muttered, setting a box down. “We have our own problems to worry about.” Turning around, he came face-to-face with his daughter’s wide green eyes. “Not that I would pass up the opportunity to help you, sweetheart.”

Smiling brightly, Buffy stood on her tiptoes to kiss her father’s cheek before the group made their way back to the truck to finish moving their belongings into the house.

“How’s the remodeling going with the hotel?” Buffy asked, picking up one of the heavier boxes and turning toward her father and Cordelia.

“Good,” Cordy said, nodding slightly. “Still have to get up to code on a few things, but for a few months work, I think we’re doing a good job.”

“It should open on schedule,” Angel said, following his daughter back into the house. Setting the boxes down on the newly purchased dining room table, Angel gently kissed Buffy’s temple. “I’m glad you’re moving here.”

“Me, too,” she said, smiling up at him.

After a year of enjoying the perks of being human, Angel had soon realized that he would have to do something about Angel Investigations. As strong as he was, it still worried Cordelia when he went out to patrol alone. Between the two of them, they had decided to restore the Hyperion to former glory. One phone call to Buffy and Spike in Las Vegas had them agreeing to move to Los Angeles and maintain the demon population.

“Of course, it would have been a little nicer if Peaches had chipped in on the house,” Spike said, walking through the door with Cordelia.

“Be nice,” Buffy scolded, walking over to her mate and wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her chin against his shoulder. “He paid for the move. They have enough of their own expenses right now.”

“Wanting to retire so his daughter can carry on the family business,” Spike said, seeing Angel glower at him.

“As if either of you had a choice in the matter,” Cordelia said, exchanging a look with Buffy, knowing that the young woman wouldn’t do anything just because her father or the man she loved asked her to. She was strong enough to make her own choices, not depend on the men in her life to do that for her.

“Let’s get this finished,” Angel said, walking out the door.

Buffy gave Spike a pleading look, silently asking him to behave himself.

Spike sighed, gently kissing the top of Buffy’s head before following the other man outside.

Following them after a moment, Buffy had to smile when she saw Angel giving Spike orders as they tried to maneuver the couch down the ramp.

Just because Angel was no longer a vampire didn’t mean that he wasn’t Buffy’s father. The same was true with Spike. Human or vampire, he was still Spike’s grandsire, and both accepted the relationship to the same degree that they always had.

It didn’t mean Spike would always listen to Angel, but there was still an amount of respect that he held for the other man.

Cordelia soon joined Buffy on the porch, smiling at the two men as they argued back and forth.

“What do you say we leave them to their own devices and we start unpacking?”

Raising an eyebrow when Spike dropped his end of the couch on the driveway, forcing Angel to drop his, as well, she nearly laughed when her mate threw himself onto the couch, fed up with Angel’s orders.

“Sounds good,” Buffy said with a smile, turning her back on the argument as she followed Cordelia into the house.

* * * * *

Falling back on the bare mattress of her bed, Buffy instinctively knew that the sun was about to rise as she closed her eyes in exhaustion.

“I didn’t know we had so much stuff in our apartment,” she said when she sensed Spike walk into the room.

“Would have been a lot less if you hadn’t gone shopping for months before we came,” he teased, lying down next to her.

“It’s a big house for the two of us,” she said, rolling over and wrapping an arm around his waist as she rested her head against his chest. “I wanted to have it all ready to live in.”

“You forgot that means that we have to ‘ready’ it,” Spike said, closing his eyes as he tenderly ran a hand through her hair, relaxing both of them with the simple touch.

“Thought that was half the fun,” she replied with a yawn.

“Going to sleep so soon, baby?” he asked in a husky whisper.

“So soon?” she asked, suppressing another yawn. “It’s almost sunrise.”

“Thought we had a little something to finish,” he said, leaning over to gently bite her neck, sending her hips automatically thrusting against his thigh.

“Spike,” she whispered, her voice thick with desperation while he easily stripped her of her pants. “More.”

Maneuvering her until she was straddling his waist, Spike smiled as he shook his head. “Not so fast, Goldilocks,” he said, pulling her shirt over her head. “You’ll have to earn it,” he said with an evil smirk.

Biting her lip as her hips began to move with his, Buffy eagerly pushed his shirt up his chest, feeling the strong muscles beneath her fingertips, smiling when he sat up to quickly pull it off.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Spike took a nipple in his mouth, circling it with his tongue as he held her close.

Buffy arched against his mouth, threading her fingers through his hair. Feeling Spike’s hands abandon her waist as he quickly unbuckled his belt, she helped him push the jeans over his hips, freeing his erection.

Raising up onto her knees, she positioned him at her entrance, sinking onto him with a strangled cry.

Holding her hips in a brutal grip, Spike guided her movements, feeling the tension in her body. Pulling back to look at her face, his gaze darkened as he watched her.

Throwing her head back, Buffy dug her fingernails into his shoulders, her eyes closing as tremors of pleasure ran through her body.

“Open your eyes.”

Hearing the command in his voice, Buffy did as she was told, looking deep into his eyes.

Jerking her forward for a brutal kiss, Spike slowly broke away, holding her to him as he slowly moved his lips along her jaw. Kissing along her throat, he could feel her trembling in his arms.

“Please,” she whispered, closing her eyes and leaning more heavily into him. “Spike, please.”

Finally sensing that his features changed, she was able to moderately relax.

“You know I love to hear you beg, baby,” he whispered huskily seconds before plunging his fangs into her throat.

Feeling the slice of his razor-sharp fangs cutting into her skin sent Buffy into an instantaneous orgasm. Frantically moving on his lap, she screamed out her climax, desperately thrusting her hips against his as her inner muscles flexed around him. Still moving her hips while she slowly came down, Buffy whimpered when she felt him try to pull away from her.

“No,” she said, holding the back of his neck, pressing him more forcefully toward her neck. “Don’t leave me.”

Kissing the fresh puncture wounds, Spike pulled back, his demon face still in place as he looked at her, subtly shaking his head. Easily flipping them over on the mattress, Buffy felt her excitement building again. He’d always reverted back to his human face shortly after biting her. Seeing the demon on top of her had her trembling beneath him.

Noticing a difference in her reaction, Spike smiled. “See something you like, love?”

“Always,” she murmured, pulling him lower to kiss him, feeling his fangs leaving tiny scratches along her lips and tongue. Sensing through the claim when one of his fangs scraped along his own tongue, Buffy eagerly tasted the small amount of blood that came from the scratch, her hips arching against his until he was steadily pounding her into the mattress.

Feeling his climax approach, Spike pulled back in surprise when Buffy offered the side of her neck that he had just bitten. “Can’t,” he said, shaking his head, his movements never stopping. “It’ll hurt you.”

“It’s okay,” Buffy whispered, stroking the fine hairs at the back of his neck as her hips continued to move with his. “I like the pain,” she added with a smile.

The soft words were nearly enough to send Spike over the edge as he eagerly sunk his fangs into her throat for the second time. Numbly hearing her cry of pain turn into a scream of pleasure had the demon practically smiling in delight. Tremors shook through her body, forcing Spike’s own release as he spilled himself within her.

Taking a final swallow of blood, he prepared himself to pull away, surprised when he once again felt Buffy’s hand on the back of his neck. “Not yet,” she breathed, her hips still moving with his. “I need to come again.”

Lapping at the pool of blood on her neck, Spike smiled. “Insatiable minx.”

“Spike,” she said in a warning tone.

Slipping back into his human features, he kissed her gently before moving to the other side of her neck. Seeing the scar from the claiming bite he’d given her more than a year before, Spike eagerly sucked on the more sensitive flesh, reaching between their bodies until he found Buffy’s clit and languidly stroked the sensitive bundle.

Increasing the pressure of his lips and blunt teeth until the skin was bruised, Spike waited until he could feel her body trembling as she sought out her orgasm. Biting down until his blunt teeth nearly broke the skin, his hand moved over her clit at a rapid speed, hearing the scream that was ripped from her as he continued to manipulate her body.

Pulling away from her, Spike could feel himself harden inside of her, seeing the smile on her face as she breathed heavily.

“Up for another go, pet?” he asked with a smile.


Chapter 2 – Dark Desires

Opening her eyes a few hours later, Buffy frowned as she looked around the room. Sitting up, she clutched the sheet to her chest, pouting slightly when she didn’t see Spike anywhere.

“Alright, you bleached pest,” she muttered, climbing out of the bed. “It’s daylight- you have to be around here somewhere.

Concentrating for a long moment, she bit her lip when she felt his presence on the first floor. Still holding the sheet around her, she slowly walked down the stairs, glancing around the house before walking into the kitchen. Standing in the doorway for a moment, she watched as Spike calmly drank from a mug as he read the paper.

“When did you go all domestic?” she asked, raising an eyebrow when he looked up and smiled at her.

“And she’s awake. Thought you were going to sleep the day away.”

“No, that’s your job,” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.

Spike frowned as he looked at her, abandoning his place at the counter to walk over to Buffy. Gently resting his hands on her hips, he tugged her forward until she was flush against him. “What’s wrong?”

“You weren’t there,” she said with a pout, using it more to get her point across than to influence him.

“Not the first time that’s happened, pet,” he replied with a raised eyebrow, trailing a finger along her exposed cleavage, smiling when she closed her eyes.

“But this is the first time in a new place,” she said, the fighting quality of her voice fading away as she rested her head against his chest. “I wanted you there.”

“Sorry, baby,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head before pulling back to tilt her chin up to face him. “Forgive me?”

Hearing the teasing note of his voice, Buffy narrowed her eyes, playfully punching his chest. Moving away from him, she stopped when she got to the island in the center of the room.

“Please tell me you didn’t risk a sunburn to get this,” she said, turning to Spike with a raised eyebrow, holding the newspaper in her hand.

“It was in the shade,” he replied, walking behind her to wrap his arms around her waist.

Shivering against him when his lips ghosted over her shoulder, Buffy closed her eyes as she dropped the newspaper on the counter. Turning in his arms, she let her hands thread through his hair, pulling him closer to her.

“And you say I’m insatiable,” she murmured as his hands began to work on the sheet, slowly exposing her skin to his gaze. Closing her eyes when he lifted her up to sit on the island, her legs reflexively parted as he moved forward. Breathing more heavily when he finished his task of unwrapping the sheet, Buffy shivered when the cooler air swept over her body.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, enjoying the way she still flushed every time he paid her a compliment.

“You’re just getting senile in your old age,” she said, smiling slightly when his eyes darkened.

“Not too old to spank you,” he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

Angling her lips until they were nearly brushing against his, Buffy slowly smiled as she looked into his eyes. “Promise?”

Trembling when his face shifted, Buffy instinctively leaned toward him.

Spike intentionally breathed as he moved closer to her, breathing in the scent of her arousal. “Want me?” he whispered, letting his fangs gently graze her neck, enjoying the sharp gasp that she gave him.

“You know I do,” she whispered, clutching at his shoulders.

“Tell me,” he growled as his fangs slowly scratched the length of her throat, leaving a thin line of blood in their wake.

“I want you,” she whimpered, reaching for his belt, groaning in frustration when he swatted her hands away. “Spike, please…”

“Please, what?” he asked, his tone holding a certain amount of amusement as Buffy struggled to remain calm.

“Do something,” she said, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him toward her. “Do anything.”

“But it’s so much fun this way,” he said with a smile that looked more menacing with his fangs being showcased.

“Spike,” she groaned, digging her nails into his covered back.

“What do you want, Goldilocks?” he asked, tenderly running his hands along the smooth lines of her bare stomach. “This?”

“You know what I want,” she whispered, gasping when his hands moved lower.

“This?” he repeated, gently stroking her thighs.

Shifting uncomfortably, Buffy lifted her hips toward his hands, gritting her teeth when he moved away from her.

“Or this?” he asked.

Buffy barely had a chance to wonder what he was going to do to her next when she felt him bury two fingers inside of her.

“Yes,” she breathed, relaxing slightly with the moderate relief that she was given.

Leaning closer to kiss him, Buffy nearly jumped at the sharp knock on the door. Whimpering when Spike pulled away from her, she pouted as he looked at her, his eyes shifting from gold to blue.

Pressing a tender kiss to her lips, Spike gently trailed a hand along her cheek. “I better get that.”

“You owe me,” Buffy said, the pout never leaving her lip as she wrapped the sheet around herself.

Spike kissed the tip of her nose in response, waiting until she walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs before moving toward the door. Frowning when he opened it to reveal a chipper woman on the other side, he raised an eyebrow at the basket that was thrust toward him.

“Howdy, neighbor.”


“My name’s Rosie, and I’m your neighborhood welcome wagon.”

‘I could be inside the woman I love right now and instead I’m sitting here talking to a welcome wagon?’ he thought with disdain.


“You’re welcome,” she said with a friendly smile, trying to look over Spike’s shoulder. “Is there a lady of the house I could greet?” she asked, glancing at Spike as he moved to pull the door closer to him.

“There is, but she’s resting right now. I’ll be sure and tell her you stopped by.”

“Please do,” she said, taking a step back when Spike moved to shut the door.

“Oh, one more thing,” she said, putting her hand out to stop him from closing the door.

“Yes?” Spike asked in an irritated voice.

“I don’t know your name.”

“William,” he said, tightening his hold on the doorknob. “My…wife is Buffy,” he said, deciding that their relationship was as close as they would get to a husband and wife.

“Nice to meet you, William,” she said, holding out her hand.

Careful to avoid the sunlight, Spike grudgingly shook her hand, his mind on the images of Buffy wearing only a sheet, waiting for him. “You, too,” he said with a curt nod. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Shutting the door and twisting the lock with a violent turn of his wrist, Spike turned and dropped the fruit basket on the island before running through the house and up the stairs. Seeing Buffy standing in their bedroom with her back to him, attempting to clasp her bra, Spike’s eyes darkened. Crossing the room, he grasped her hips in his hands, jerking her back toward him.

Buffy knew that she would be bruised in a few hours from his harsh grip, but she also knew that it was just a show of ownership for Spike to do something that would only leave a temporary mark on her body.

“Did I tell you to get dressed?” he growled, sending shivers racing up and down Buffy’s spine.

“You were busy,” she said, hiding her smile when his grip tightened for a moment before one hand abandoned her skin. “You didn’t want to be with me enough to ignore whoever was at the door,” she said, her body trembling as she restrained her laughter when he growled possessively, hearing the sound of a zipper before he spoke again.

“Hands on the bed,” he said in a low voice.

“And if I don’t?” she asked, loving the more menacing snarl that Spike gave her when she challenged him.

Feeling the tip of his cock at her entrance, Buffy automatically closed her eyes and leaned forward, more out of reflex than obeying his command.

Thrusting into her with such force that he lifted her off the ground, Spike smiled when he saw her hands fist in the comforter.

Pulling out, only to slam into her once again, the demon delighted at the little whimper she gave him, while the man in him trailed a soothing hand along her back. Moving at a slower pace, Spike grew even harder when he heard her whispered plea for him to be rougher with her.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, Spike lifted her, turning them until she was facing the wall. “You know what to do,” he said in a low voice, listening to the small gasps and moans that she was emitting.

Spike felt her inner muscles flex around him as he continued to move in and out of her. Hearing her gasps turn to cries of pleasure, he pulled back for a moment before seeing that her hand was no longer pressed against the wall- it was now between her thighs, moving frantically over the sensitive bundle of nerves to help her toward her orgasm.

Grabbing her wrist in his hand, Spike shoved her more forcefully against the wall, growling at her. “You belong to me,” he said in a low whisper, his face shifting as the predator came to the surface.

“I belong to no one,” she said, wanting to see how far she could push him. Smiling when he nearly snarled at her, Buffy eagerly met his thrusts as he brutally slammed into her.

Listening carefully for any hint that he was hurting her beyond the painful pleasure that he was inflicting, Spike smiled as an idea occurred to him. Still holding her wrists in an unforgiving hold so that she couldn’t bring herself off, he pumped into her until he felt the tightening in his own body. Thrusting into her with a final grunt of pleasure, he vaguely heard Buffy whimper as he climaxed.

Pulling out of her, Spike let go of her wrists, taking a step away to see her turn around in confusion.


“Yeah, love?”

Looking at him in disbelief for a few moments, Buffy was torn between hurt and anger that he was being so thoughtless. Seeing him fixing his belt, her mouth dropped open. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Got what I wanted,” he said, trying to ignore the look on her face.

“Well, I’m happy for you,” she said sarcastically as she turned toward the bathroom. Gasping when she found herself slammed against the wall, Buffy looked into the cold amber eyes, seeing the challenge in his gaze.

“Say it,” he said, moving a hand between her thighs, feeling the dampness that remained.

Narrowing her eyes, even as her breathing became labored, Buffy tightened her lips. “No.”

Surprised when he didn’t pull away, Buffy’s eyes widened when Spike dropped to his knees.

Tasting her softly at first, Spike could hear the panic in her voice, even as her hands threaded through his hair.

“No, Spike…you’ll hurt me…no-oh!”

Her knees buckled when she felt one of his fangs gently touch her skin.

“Say it,” he growled, holding her upright as she nearly collapsed at the vibration he sent through her.

“No,” she rasped, arching her hips toward his mouth, uncaring that his demon was on the surface.

Moving even lower, Spike gently punctured the skin of her thigh, feeling her trembling in his arms. Pulling away at the barest taste of her blood, Spike climbed to his feet, seeing the frustration and longing in Buffy’s eyes.

“Say it,” he repeated, seeing her half-lidded gaze turn to him with contempt.

“Do you belong to me?” she asked, breathing heavily as he considered her for a moment.

“You know I do,” he finally said, brushing his fingertips over her exposed breast. “Now, say it.”

“I’m yours,” she said, dragging him closer to her. “Now finish what you started.”

Pulling him closer to her, Buffy eagerly thrust her hips against his thigh, growing restless when he didn’t make a move to finish her off.

“Spike,” she groaned, breathing a sigh of relief when she felt two fingers push into her. Opening her eyes, she could see the amusement in his gaze that he’d finally gotten what he wanted. Uncaring of his fangs, Buffy pulled him closer, kissing him as he continued to bring her closer to the edge. “You better make it good,” she whispered, smiling when he pulled back with an offended look on his face.

Narrowing his eyes in shock that she could even think he wouldn’t make it good for her, Spike withdrew his fingers, pausing just long enough to see the look of confusion on her face before lunging at her throat.

Biting her more savagely than he ever had in the past, Spike took deep pulls of her blood before reaching between them and twisting her clit, hearing her cry out as her orgasm swept over her. Unsatisfied with the result, Spike tightened his fingers and sunk his fangs in more violently until Buffy was screaming in pleasure.

Feeling her grow limp in his arms, he slowly withdrew, catching her before she fell to the ground. Seeing the soft smile that she gave him, Spike felt a momentary pang of remorse as his face shifted.

Laying her on the bed, he stretched out beside her, pulling her close.

“Didn’t mean to be so rough, baby,” he whispered, seeing her wince when she turned to look at him, the movement agitating the damaged skin of her throat.

“If that happens every time you bite me like that, that’s definitely of the good,” she murmured, her eyes closing in exhaustion.

Tightening his arms around her, Spike closed his eyes, breathing a heavy sigh as he kissed the top of her head.


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