
By Oracleholly

Rated: R
Written for: Waywardchilde as a birthday present
Summary: Set in BTVS S6 - Spuffy smut
Word Count: 100

The only sound filling the room was the smacking of two bodies joining together in raw need. No words. No whispered declarations of love. Just 'smack'...'smack'...'smack.' No stopping. No slowing. Just the rhythmic beat of two slickened, glistening bodies battling for domination. A constant battle. A war. One side would start to give, only to be engulfed in the rhythm again.

And finally, other sounds. A grunt. A moan. Still no words.

And then... as if a bell had sounded, utter silence. The war had ended...with neither side capitulating.

Blue eyes met green ones.

Spike thought, "Bitch." Buffy thought, "Asshole."

The End
