My Spuffy Inventions

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I Buffy, You Spike ~ (NC-17):  Written for the Twisted_Spuffy Community, my Spuffy twist of BtVS S1.8:: I Robot You Jane.

Chap 1

Fun With Dick and Kate ~ (NC-17):  Plot? Not much. Angel has a problem. Spike and Buffy have learned of his “situation.” ATS S1, BTVS S4. Set post "Harsh Light of Day."

Chap 1  Chap 2

Spike's Way ~  (NC-17):  AR/ Sequel to "The Poetry Slam."  Picks up the action right before onset of battle in "Not Fade Away."  Takes off from there. Has now become a BTVS/ATS/Highlander crossover.

Chap 1  Chap 2  Chap 3  Chap 4  Chap 5  Chap 6 
Chap 7  Chap 8  Chap 9  Chap 10  Chap 11  Chap 12
Chap 13  Chap 14  Chap 15  Chap 16

Spike/Buffy - Smut_69 table ~  (FRAO, NC-17):  69 stories (drabbles, ficlets, or chaptered fics) challenge responses; as challenged by Smut_69 LJ Community.

Spike/Buffy - Joss100 table ~  (various ratings):   100 drabbles or ficlets per Set Prompt Table # 2; responses to challenge by Jossverse100. Stories contained in set listed hereafter:

Fight The Power, Fight The Powers That Be ~  (NC-17):  Written in response to Redwulf50's personal challenge to me.  Post Buffy S4: "Doomed," diverges way off canon from there.  Semi-crossover with DC Comics.  Semi-related to Redwulf50's "Time Tossed" as certain characters are the same.  Hey he used me as a character, might as well follow up with it.

Prologue  Chap 1

Completed Fics

A Slayer's Path ~ (NC-17):  Buffy gets one hell of a Slayer dream and must follow the path to her heart. Post-"Chosen" set during ATS S5 "Damage." Written for the Seasonal Spuffy LJ community. (Spring 2006).

Chap 1  Chap 2  Chap 3  Chap 4  Chap 5  Chap 6
Chap 7  Chap 8  Chap 9  Chap 10  Chap 11  Chap12

A Twisted Welcome ~ (R): My twisted take on "Welcome to the Hellmouth." Buffy is not as "retired" as she claims to her Watcher and has a spy of her own. Written for the Twisted_Spuffy Community. (Rated R due to biting and hints of sex.) ONE SHOT. [prequel & sequel will follow]

I Hate, Not You ~  (R):  Begins during 'Showtime.' What happened after Buffy saved Spike?   Spoilers for BTVS S7 "Showtime".   Written for the Summer of Spike LJ Community - Season 2 (Summer 2005).

The Poetry Slam ~  (R):  Spike's poetry slam leads him to reminiscing on Buffy, of course.  Spoilers for BTVS S7 "Chosen" and ATS S5 "Not Fade Away".

End of the Bloody Line chap 2 ~  (NC-17):  Written for the Bloodshedverse End of the Bloody Line Round Robin.  The entire RR is a twist from Buffy S2: "What's My Line Again," as twisted by Bloodshedbaby and can be found here. Please note that this round featured the pairing of Angelus and Drusilla; but it's placed here since the entire story is Spuffy centric.

End of the Bloody Line chap 18 - final chapter ~  (NC-17):  Written for the Bloodshedverse End of the Bloody Line Round Robin.  The entire RR is a twist from Buffy S2: "What's My Line Again," as twisted by Bloodshedbaby and can be found here.


Smack~ (R): Written for Waywardchilde's as his birthday present (2005). Set BTVS S6. Just a smutty moment between Spike and Buffy.

Gifts From Others
* Each author has granted me permission to post their story. *

A Letter Can Say So Much by Jackofspikes~ (universal):  Written as a thank you to me for doing her LJ layout. BTVS S6, "Wrecked."