Chapter Seven

Disclaimer: I do not own Adam Pierson, much to my chagrin. He is the property of Davis-Panzer Productions who own Highlander: The Series. He also goes by another name, which will be revealed later on…but telling that now will spoil it for those who aren’t in the know.

A/N: Inner thoughts are noted in italics. Also, French is denoted in italics.


Spike heard Connor ask, “So, is this guy the same kind of ‘immortal’ as the Immortal?”

Spike watched as the man who called himself Adam Pierson just smiled at his nephew’s question.

“Well, quite frankly, yes, we are of the same species; however, I would ask you nicely to never again put us in the same sentence. As if he is the ‘only one’ who can call himself ‘the Immortal!’ Righteous bastard is more like it. A cad, a cheat, a fool, a drunkard, a …I’m getting ahead of myself. I apologize.” Adam tipped his head to the side, reminiscent of Spike's trademark gesture, which everyone noticed.

Spike felt everyone’s eyes on him. However, he was lost in thoughts of times past.


(Paris, France May 20, 1927)

The bloke before him little resembled the drunken gambler he had met back in 1927 in Paris. Dru had had visions of the pretty, blue-eyed flying man. At first he had thought she had gone on one too many vision quests and this was the result. A flying man, indeed. But then he'd overheard a radio broadcast while he'd killed some poor bugger in a bar, about how some Charles Lindbergh had successfully departed on May 20th from near New York City in an airplane. Apparently, the tosser had blue eyes.

Looking around the bar, his eyes fell on a rather drunk dark-headed fellow bellowing out that he would bet that the Lindbergh chap would crash into the ocean, never to be heard from again. Knowing that Dru had foreseen blue-eyed bonnie Charlie’s landing, Spike felt this fellow was ripe to not only be his meal the following night, but also help add to his rapidly depleting purse.

The dark-headed chap was speaking French but with an English accent. Good, I can play the part of the fool, a fellow countryman who just happened to fall into some inheritance, come to France for a holiday. Perfect. He smirked. He knew that as Spike this wanker would piss off and not fall for his act. Have to play William for a bit. Bugger all.

Pardon, monsieur. Parlez vous anglais? Je parle très peu le français. I dare say, but I do believe that I detect that you are a fellow Englishman far from home such as myself, are you not?” Spike prattled, gnashing his teeth into an innocent smile.

The dark-haired bloke lit his eyes on what he perceived as a bumbling mama’s boy, English gent and smiled. “Why yes, indeed, I am. So good of you to come over to my table. Please, would you care to join me in a round of cards? I was just discussing with these fine Frenchmen about this American Charles Lindbergh. My name is Ben Adams, pleasure to meet you.”

“William. William Drayton. I would be delighted to join you. Thank you.” He nodded cheerfully to the other chaps. All nice and friendly like. This was too much fun. “Yes, I heard you say something to the effect that Mr. Lindbergh might perish during his flight. Pray tell, why do you think such a way, sir?”

“Oh, my good man,” Ben laid a hand on Spike’s shoulder, patting it twice, “let me order you a beer, or as they say here, 'une bière.' Garçon! Est-ce que nous pourrions avoir deux bières? C’est ma tournée!

“So, my new friend, what brings you to this little bar in Gay Paree?” asked Ben.

Spike lowered his lashes almost seductively, “I’m on holiday. My sister has accompanied me, but has retired for the evening. Our dear father recently passed, and we came into a little sum. I thought she would like to see Paris. My sister is not well either you see. Forgive me, I do go on.” He had noticed that when he spoke of the inheritance, Ben’s eyes had sparked with mirth. The fly had fallen prey to the spider’s web. Excellent. “You were saying, sir, about the American flyer?”

“Oh yes, of course, Lindbergh. Well, recently, I’ve traveled to America. Fascinating place. Have you ever been? No? Someday, if you are able, you should try to go, perhaps take your sister. Some places, I hear, are quite beneficial for ill health. I digress. I’ve seen some designs for these so-called aeroplanes. I really doubt that the fellow will make it across the Atlantic in one piece,” Ben answered smugly.

“Sir, you cannot possibly mean that he will perish, that the poor man will have effectively committed suicide? Has he not a wife?” Spike made sure he sounded quite perplexed, and the very air of concern.

“No, I do not think he does at the moment.”

The waiter, or garçon, arrived with two frothy beers.

“Cheers!” said Ben.

Merci,” answered Spike as he sipped his beer, faking a frown at the taste. He was supposed to be the delicate gentleman.

“Oh William, if you must dwell on the demise, think upon it thus, he will die a hero’s death. In the name of science, he flies to further the possibilities of reaching the Heavens. Really, who wants to live forever anyhow?” The wanker winked at him. If he only knew that he was sitting all cozy like with a vampire who, by his very nature, is immortal in his undeadness. Hmmm contradiction in there somewhere, the mix of the beer and the fresh kill still flowing through his undead veins was sending his senses reeling.

“I have just wagered mes amis here a small sum concerning the Yank’s flight. Would you care to join in a friendly wager?”

Spike about choked on his beer. He didn’t even have to do a lot of work for this tosser to ask him. Perhaps he should pull out his William during certain kitten poker games. “I do not know Ben. Surely, you’re not suggesting a wager on whether the gentleman lives or dies?” Spike asked, using his wide-eyed, innocent look. Made him want to heave.

“Why yes, I know it’s a tad morbid. But do not let the unpleasantness keep you from a spot of fun, dear William.”

“If I were to wager any amount of my purse, I would care to place my chances on him surviving and landing his plane. I would much rather think of positive thoughts,” Spike countered reeling his prey in some more.

“Brilliant. Care to say £6?”

Feigning shock, Spike sputtered, “£6! Why that’s outrageous!” Even though he was secretly quite pleased to know that he would be winning such a huge sum of money, the thought that this bugger thought he was going to rob him blind only fuelled his enthusiasm. “Our housing in Pimlico alone…pardon me. I forgot where I was. Do forgive me, sir.”

Looking through his lush lashes while he sipped on his beer, giving the appearance of composing himself, Spike watched as this Ben assessed the moderately well-to-do suburb of London that he had just mentioned. The bloke was falling for his play. Ben had nodded to his two French companions, neither of whom Spike had paid any considerable amount of attention to prior to the nod. His vampire senses were on high alert, just in case the Frogs decided to get bouncy. Having already savored one delicacy of French cuisine this evening, he might as well take home dinner for Dru.

Ben was speaking to him in cautious, coaxing tones that made him want to just rip the man's throat out right there. However, no one in their right mind carried that sort of capital on their person. He would have to be smart, win the bet, and collect it at wherever the pilot chap was to land tomorrow evening.

“William…I certainly did not mean to cause you any distress. Perhaps the amount is a bit excessive?” Ben began.

“No, no…that’s quite alright. I am quite settled now. The shock overwhelmed me initially that is all. The amount is of no consequence. It is fine. Since I prefer to pray that Mr. Lindbergh will fly with success, that God himself will alight under his wings and carry him here to Paris, I feel that it is a safe wager. How will we find each other sir? Do you know where he is to land supposedly?” He had almost choked on the invocation of God during that little speech, but since he was not dust…no brimstone had struck him, he thought maybe the blighter liked his performance too.

“One moment please, and I’ll find out where he is to land.” Ben turned to one of the Frenchmen, the one with a pug nose and asked, “Savez-vous où Lindbergh sera obligé à atterrir demain?

Pug nose answered, “Oui. Il est supposé pour atterrir au Champ de Bourget de L'un jour autour de 10 du soir s'il le fait.

Merci, Luca.” Ben turned back to Spike and translated, unaware that he was not in need of the translation, “He says that Lindbergh is supposed to land at the Le Bourget Field around 10:00 tomorrow evening if he makes it. Why don’t we meet there? I suspect a crowd will be there as well, should be quite a spectacle.”

“Splendid, I shall have my funds ready just in case, and you do the same, agreed?” Ben nodded. “Thank you for the beer. I really must be going. I have stayed longer than I had intended, but your company sir has been a pleasure. My sister is expecting me you see, mustn’t keep her waiting. I bid you a good evening.” Spike even did his stupid, pratty little bow.

“And good evening to you, William. I shall meet you at the Field tomorrow!” Ben’s voice carried after him into the night.

Spike loved creating mischief. The Poofter would have been amazed at his acting this evening. Damn Angelus. Running off to New York of all places. Darla had gone off to the Master, who quite frankly, was a little too old, stodgy, and controlling for the likes of him. No, now it was just he and Dru. But still, Dru longed for her Daddy. Someday soon, though, he thought, she would stop yearning for her Sire and be content with just him. Someday. Shaking off his thoughts, he grimaced. Too much acting like William tonight cannot be good. Leads to bad thoughts. He continued down the street.


(Le Bourget Field, May 21, 1927, 10:10 P.M.)

Spike was standing among a sea of people. Approximately 100,000 others had gathered to witness the bonnie, blue-eyed pilot from America fly into Paris to land in this overcrowded field at night. Dru was off somewhere circling the masses. He scented the air for Ben’s scent which was sort of woodsy, but old at the same time. Something he just couldn’t quite explain.

Ah, he smelled the bloke. Putting on his William spectacles, he lowered his head in a coy-like manner as he shuffled through the crowd. He wanted to appear to run into Ben sort of unexpected-like. With a bump into the chap’s shoulder, and a muffled “Oomph,” he knew he'd scored a successful hit.

“Oi, watch it there mate ... oh, hey there, William!” Ben grabbed his arm through his coat. “William, here you are. Been looking for you, mate.”

“Mr. Adams, so sorry to have run into you like I did. My apologies.”

“William, call me Ben…remember. We’re mates now. Well, it looks as if you might win this, if he lands without crashing. I cannot believe so many have come out to see this pilot.”

“You know, I was thinking the very same thing. I do hope no one gets injured. If the plane crashes, as you say, then what about all the people? I cannot believe they arrange to have such bright searchlights out and ready and these rockets! Oh look another lighted parachute. And if it lands, do you think the crowd would contain itself behind the iron fence? I, myself, am glad to be on this rooftop out of the way.” He almost could not hold in his snicker – a vampire worried about humans getting injured!

“I’m here with Pierre and Luca, you remember them from last night?”

“Ah yes, bonsoir.”

Pug nose and bland boy nodded and replied.

It was now 10:15 P.M., and the roar of an engine could be heard above his head. His eyes flashed amber briefly; he could make out the outline of the plane better than most. The plane circled overhead and turned. A few minutes passed. At 10:22 P.M., a great, shark-like nose came into his view, gliding down to the earth, alighting on the field. Two seconds later, the swell of humanity teeming at the high iron fence surged forward and broke down the gate, swarming the field. Spike could picture the rotor of the plane tearing into the lovely flesh of the stupid mob running toward the plane. Ah, Dru would think it such a lovely party.

In his fascination with the landing, Spike had almost forgotten the presence of his soon-to-be meal and profit for the evening. However, once the plane touched down, he turned to gloat to the bastard. Unfortunately, Ben had fled through the crowd. Spike observed Luca and Pierre chasing him shouting obscenities. Damn welsher! With that thought, he gave chase.

When he caught up to the group, he was stunned. Luca and Pierre were aiming pistols at both Ben and another tosser, but did not seem to know just who to really aim at. Ben was in the middle of a sword fight with another strange looking, blonde-haired git – well, not really a sword fight. Ben had a sword; the other guy had what looked like a medieval battle-axe. They were speaking in what sounded like some Scandinavian language, but Spike didn’t speak it, so he could not be sure.

Dropping the pretense of William, Spike hollered, “Oi! What are you blokes doin’? You welshing on a bet, Ben? Who is this nasty buggah?”

Without looking his way, which greatly impressed him, Ben shouted, “William, don’t know about that accent of yours, but this is none of your concern. I’m not a welsher. I just have to take care of a little something.” Nodding to the fellow attempting to strike a blow to his head and countering with a block and sucker punch to the gut, “Could you do your fellow Englishman a favor and get the Frenchies off my back? Guns are not a good item to bring to this little soirée.”

Wanting his money, and really intrigued that a human would actually sword fight in the early 20th century? The modern era, for blood’s sake! “Right, then.” He grabbed Pierre hauling him away from the fracas, twisting his neck before returning for Luca of the pug nosed clan.

Just as he returned, Ben stabbed Blondie in the gut. Apparently, Luca was displeased with this turn of events. Right, the bastard must work for the Axe-Wielding Swede. A gunshot went off. Smoke plumed from Luca's gun barrel as Spike jerked him backwards. Too late, he saw that Ben had been shot in the heart by Luca’s gun. Vamping, he drained Luca, who had a decidedly bad taste.

Afterwards, he'd searched Ben’s pockets and found not one quid to the tosser’s name. Bastard.

***End of Flashback***

(Private hanger, Cleveland’s Burke Lakefront Airport)

“So, Adam now, is it? Interesting how that was your surname our last go round,” Spike said, coming out of his reverie.

“Like you are one to talk, William. Imagine my surprise to find out that you were a demon, a vampire no less,” Adam countered.

“Can I just say 'whoa!' and 'Holy Bazooka Joe!' Okay, wait just a second here. Adam is an immortal, but he has a heartbeat, right? Is an immortal some sort of demon?” asked a flustered Xander.

Adam cracked a smile, “Immortals are not demons. Well, not really. Some of us are evil though; some of us are good. We are born without a mother, somehow; I don’t quite understand it myself. Anyway, we are human until our first death. If our first death is from an act of violence and not a natural one from old age, then we are ... re-animated, I guess you could call it, at that point. Spike is correct. He saw me suffer a gunshot wound to the heart. However, at that point, I had already been around awhile. That was another immortal that you saw me fighting with, by the way,” he said, nodding to Spike. “Soon after, he must have left the scene; I awakened in that damned field free to continue my existence.”

Rona walked back up to her Watcher, staring him intently in his eyes. Then she turned back around, getting a permissive smile from Spike, and spoke, “Well, ain’t that something. I’ve got the coolest Watcher. One that I can kill in training and everything! Cool, man!”

With that, everyone relaxed. The entire troop piled into the “let-us-not-announce-our-arrival" limo.

“Hey, Ahab.”

“Hey, Bleached Wonder?”

“I thought I told you that we didn’t want to go around announcing to the world that we had arrived here in Cleveland? This limo just screams ‘subtle’ to me,” Spike quipped.

“Well, Ode to All Things Peroxide, we had to fit all of us into one vehicle, and seeing as how we were coming from a private hanger, I didn't think a beat-up Honda would say, ‘Yeah, we can afford the parking, storage, and the costs of a private jet.’ Come on man, lay off. Wait until we get to HQ,” Xander pleaded.

Spike observed his charges and the rest of the group. Next to him on his left sat Connor, tense but heart rate steady just like a warrior. He was observing as well, but also looking out the tinted window. On his right was Illyria.

On the side seats next to Connor sat Gunn and Rona. They were whispering and flirting. Perhaps Gunn should stay in Cleveland with Rona to heal when I depart for Rome. Be good for the lad. He had heard that Gunn and Fred had been a couple long before she and Wes had started having feelings for each other. It was good to see him at least approaching a happy smile. And Rona, who had never cracked a smile, except after that potential excursion when he and Buffy left the girls to fend for themselves in the crypt with the newly risen vamp, was showing one through her eyes.

Opposite them sat an obscenely snuggled Faith and Wood. She was draped over his body like he was the dark chocolate to her vanilla, making them one of those Hershey Hugs or something. Could he give it a Buffy and Dawn, "ewww!" He now could appreciate what Rupert felt like during the whacked out ‘Will Be Done’ spell that Willow had cast those many years ago. Unfortunately he wasn’t blessed with Rupert’s blindness, and as for his hearing ... Bloody hell.

Xander was sitting on the opposite end, back facing the driver, on the same seat as Dana and Adam. Xan was pulling on Dana’s pigtail bobs, or whatever those things sticking out from her head were called. She was beaming at him and relaying all the carnage that she had brought forth in Los Angeles. Watching the way the whelp brought out the playful side of the formerly-deranged murderer softened his undead heart just a tad for his former roommate.

Adam was staring out the window, seeming to pay no one any attention whatsoever. However, Spike noticed that Illyria was staring intently at the Immortal Watcher. Her face conveyed a look he had not seen since the Time Bomb incident when she thought they had sought to destroy her completely.

He whispered, “What’s wrong, Blue?”

Without shifting her stare, Bluebell whispered back, “That one. I know that one somehow, from when I laid entombed in that well with others of my kind. At times when violence reigned, images floated around me. That one and three others riding horses brought destruction and terror wherever they played. He made even demons tremble in fear. He rode a white horse. He was Death. Apes, such as you, had only begun to cluster together in what you now call cities when that one began his reign of terror.”

Adam shifted his gaze to Illyria seemingly having overheard her whisper, even though no one else had; either that, or he felt that they were discussing him. He quirked a cocky smile and nodded at the Goddess.

Spike contained his shock. He knew that Grandma was around during the last great demon age, which was over 8000 years ago. She could not possibly mean that the being sitting so casually across from him was thousands of years old. No, she must be mistaken. For if she was correct, he shuddered at the thought of his young vampiric-self trying to match such an old one. But, then again, he wondered if any vampire had ever attempted to turn an immortal. Something he would definitely have to ask later.

The limo had arrived at some suburban street. As it turned the corner, he looked out onto the houses that lined the street. The car slowed, and Spike took in an unneeded breath. Both Blue and Con looked at him strangely. But they didn’t understand what he was seeing.

Before the car had come to a complete stop, he leaped from the car, unmindful of the sun’s deadly rays. Thankfully, Con or someone threw a blanket on him and rushed him to the porch. It was Xander. Hastily saying, “You’re welcome to my home, Spike,” thereby shattering the barrier keeping him out, Xander rushed him into the house.

Inside, he remained gobsmacked. Too many shocks to his system in the last twenty-four hours. His mind could not take much more, he thought. For here he was, standing in an exact replica of 1630 Revello Drive, right down to his tree in the front yard and the furniture layout inside.

Faith had appeared beside him. “I know, it’s freaky, with the whole déjà vu thing and all, but you get used to it, Bleachy. Everything’s five by five.”

**end chap 7**

A/N: In 1906, a pint of beer cost approximately 2 pence (2d). 240d or 240 pennies = £1. 12d = 1s (shilling) and 20s = £1. A guinea is 21 shillings. An upper middle class gentleman (not landed gentry) would earn roughly £700 yearly. So to estimate £1 would pay for approximately 120 pints of beer for Spike back in the 1920s! Credit for this information: and For the information regarding Charles Lindbergh’s first solo flight:

Chapter Eight

Spike was standing in the foyer, with Slayer’s den just to his left. Without turning, he knew if he looked to the right, he would see the dining room table and chairs that many a dinner was served on in a destroyed Sunnydale. Before him lay the exact same stairs, where he could almost envision the sight of Buffy, newly returned from Heaven, wearing her white button down blouse. Over there was the spot he had cornered Buffy during their secret relationship - well, to him it was a relationship - while the Scoobs were in the next room, only to be interrupted by Glinda.

He heard Faith, but his mind was not registering any of them. As he moved into the den that had the same color scheme, the same furniture, the same fireplace, more memories flooded his mind. Babysitting Dawn; watching Passions; even that first sit down with Joyce, when she had learned of Buffy’s calling and his true nature.

However, he did notice that the pictures he was expecting to be displayed weren’t. Still, this was all wrong. This wasn’t Joyce’s house. This wasn’t Buffy’s house. Everything was destroyed and rested in the bottom of a crater once called Sunnydale.

Eyes flashing amber, he turned angrily on Xander, grabbing him by the arms. “What the bleeding hell have you done, Harris?”

He felt both Rogue’s and Con’s hands on him, trying to restrain him. Much to his displeasure, Ahab was acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

“Calm down, Fang breath. Ease up, will ya? It’s my house, and I wanted a reminder of the only place that made me feel at home. Don’t tell me this doesn’t make you think ‘home.’ I know that it does,” Xander calmly responded.

Jerkily releasing him, Spike huffed unnecessarily, not wanting to give Xander the satisfaction of agreeing with him.

Xander continued, “Besides, I wanted to make sure that these future Slayers knew where it all began ... well, sorta. Once you look around, you’ll see that really it isn’t the same. I have more rooms in the back and on the second floor, which comes in handy for any emergency Scooby crisis. And that’s good for you…‘cause you’ll be staying here for the night.”

“S’alright Con. Rogue, let go of the leather.” He refocused on the rest of the group. Charlie and Blue had moved in behind him while Rona, Dana, Adam, and Wood skirted around the edge more into the center of the room behind Xander. Unconsciously, the two cliques had once again separated into their camps, and Spike had to inwardly smirk at this.

Regaining his cool, he decided to give the replica house a closer inspection, trying to keep his emotions in check. He had remembered Pinks telling him about her Watcher crying over pictures of his Ahn, and once he cleared his memory-vision, he noticed several pictures of Demon Girl. How had the whelp recovered these? Spike walked over to one, feeling the Whelp’s eyes on him the entire time.

“She was a right bird. Miss hearing her prattle on about money and vengeance.” He looked over at Xander, who was focused solely on the photograph. Bloody hell, first the house and now the pictures of the Demon bird … Harris was making a shrine to Sunnydale. Bloke was wallowing in his grief, and no one was seeing it. Just like Willow, after Oz that time.

Xander seemingly shook himself out of whatever thought he was having and responded with a goofy grin, “Yeah, my beautiful Ahn. And wouldn’t ya’ know, my stupid girl died saving Andrew. Anyway, welcome to me casa. Dana can show you to your rooms later. Right now, we need to catch up on a few matters, don’t you think?”

As everyone was placing the baggage in the dining room, Gunn moved in close to Spike and whispered, “So, this is what the Summers’ house looked like? I always wondered you know. I never made it to Sunnydale. LA was always my scene.”

“Yeah, Charlie boy. Bloody shrine’s what Harris has done. I’d say in all my dealings with the First, this about tops that. If the First would deign to appear as a house, I would almost think I was back in its bloody clutches,” Spike confided.

Gunn placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m here if you need perspective, Spike. But for now, I’ve got me a fine honey to cuddle up to on that sofa in there. Excuse me.”

Spike smiled as he watched Charlie saunter back in the direction of the den. He felt a presence at his side. Adam.

“I need to speak to you privately before the main festivities. I have some information for you that the others do not know and can never know.” The Immortal Watcher dourly eyed him. “Come, I’ve already told Xander that I need a moment with you, before he begins. He will detain the others.”

“Where do you propose we talk in private in this house? I know this house, nowhere is actually private.” Spike asked, careful to keep the hesitancy out of his voice. The whispered words of Illyria were still replaying in his mind. Who was this bloke, really?

“No, you knew the other house. Harris, from what I gather, has changed a lot of the back of the house. Just these front rooms copy the one from the pre-Cleveland Hellmouth days. Come, there is a study.”

With a shrug, Spike followed. Adam was not lying. After the stairwell, the rest of the house was designed differently. They entered a study - the Whelp has a study - that was obviously a Watcher’s oasis. He could have easily pictured Rupert here, but Ahab was an entirely different matter.

Xander had amassed quite the collection of dusty tomes, a fully complete Watcher starter set; but, in the corner, displayed proudly behind glass and backlit, were his Star Wars action figures and Babylon Five collector plates. Either Xander had shipped them out before the final days, or had restarted his collection afterwards. He remembered Xander being so proud of those damned plates when they had been forced roomies after he first got the chip and he had worn out his welcome at the Rupert’s. Ah, the smelly, fruit rollup basement, with the plethora of Hawaiian shirts. Brando said it best, “The Horror.

“Ahem,” caught his wandering attention. He turned his focus to the other individual in the room. He found him propped up against the desk, having removed his camel colored long overcoat that had previously hid his sword. If I bought into all that color mojo, then I would suspect someone had switched the playbook without telling me, sneering internally. For here he was, wearing all black – a good guy, as if that wasn’t worth a chuckle; and then there was Adam over by the desk, wearing a white-Heather cable knit sweater with khaki pants – the quintessential white hat but was he really? That was the question of the moment?

“Ah yes, I see you’ve noticed our host’s priceless collection. What Americans consider art these days! Although I do sort of appreciate watching 'Stargate' on occasion.” Pausing for a moment, Adam continued, “I need to tell you about Kristophe, how I know about him, what else I know, and lastly, who I really am. First, let me assure you that, in this matter, I have my own reasons for wanting in on this hunt. No, I personally have never had the pleasure of meeting either Miss Summers or her dear sister, but I have had the pleasure of correspondence with Dawn. She is really quite the intelligent young lady, a voracious researcher.”

“Whoa there, Ben, Adam, whoever the bleedin’ hell you say you are. Just because we shared a few pints back in Paris don’t mean I’m gonna let you go on about my Nibblet. So, just shut your gob about her.” He wasn’t about to let this ‘immortal’ bugger even discuss his Dawn. He didn’t have the right. Arrogant prick.

As he began to pace the floor of the library, his questions kept on piling. “All right, you mentioned a 'Kristophe.' Who the bloody hell is Kristophe?”

Adam looked dumbfounded. “Why, he is the one you call ‘the Immortal,’ of course. Kristophe is his given name. He has had several throughout his lifetime, actually, as have I.” At that statement, he cast a smile back at Spike. “However, Kristophe is his real name. He is an Immortal, and there is but one true way to kill him. Unfortunately, you will need me to do that for you.”

“Sod off, you gormless tit! That bastard apparently helped the Senior Partners get a hold of my girls, and mate, that makes him mine,” Spike practically screamed back at Adam.

“An Immortal must kill another Immortal.” Adam sighed as if he was teaching a remedial pupil in school, and had given this lecture time and time again. Spike figured he probably had. Adam began to mutter more to himself, “True, a human or I guess another being, such as yourself could get lucky and kill one of us the proper way, but the quickening is lost, and that is entirely unacceptable at this stage of the game.”

“Quickening? Game? Is that it? Are we some lesser beings here to be toyed with while you Immortals play your games? You shite!” Spike was ready to put a sword through this guy’s heart right now … just for the pain of it, knowing it wouldn’t kill him, but it would make Spike feel a lot better.

“I wish Duncan were here, he could explain it better. Of course you two, would both go in balls to the wall after the damsels without a plan, which is why he needed me, why my former brothers needed me til I betrayed them for Duncan.” Spike noticed that the Immortal Watcher stared off into some haunted past from which he was still trying to recover. His voice was almost timid, alarming Spike at first, “I’m sure you can appreciate this, as I’ve read your tale in what Rupert has written, and also the unofficial accounts from the potentials, Andrew, Dawn, and Faith. You’re born. You grow up in a hard existence, not quite fitting in, and not really understanding why. Three older boys suddenly start to take an interest in you. Sure you are the smartest of the four, and you figure that is why they need you, but you don’t really care as long as they need you. It feels good to be part of something. They teach you to ride, to do unspeakable acts and enjoy them. I was a Horseman. I became the Most Feared, for I rode the Pale Horse, and I was Death.”

Adam paused. Spike felt he should keep quiet, because he knew Adam would be continuing his story soon. “We raided countless villages, laid waste to thousands of communities, raped and pillaged and looted. We took, because it was all ours, don’t you see? The life of a horseman. Until she came. Cassandra. We'd ridden into her camp, destroyed her entire people, including her. She, of course, was one of us. I waited for her first rebirth to immortal life; you know what that is like. Feisty wench tried to stab me right off! Fiery green eyes that matched her disposition. For some reason, I did not treat her the way I normally treated our other spoils. I kept her for myself, and she in turn began, I believe, to care for me. Unfortunately, this move of mine did not go unnoticed; Kronos made his move. In order to not be killed myself, I had to deny her, and she was taken out of my care immediately. She escaped. Funny thing; for millennia, I thought she was dead. Then she appears at Duncan’s, sees me, goes into vengeance mode, and tries to do me in. Bloody women! Further complicating matters, Kronos had reappeared along with my other brothers, Silas and Caspian, both of whom I had long thought were dead; unfortunately, they weren’t, and Kronos released them. The Four Horsemen rode again!”

He snickered, “You thought Angelus cornered the market on being a right bastard? Just know he could have been properly schooled by Kronos. He saw Duncan as an obstacle to their getting me to return to their ways, and the bonus that Cassandra was in town was too great an opportunity to pass up. Had to play both sides close to the vest; fortunately I chose Duncan.”

Methos, "Death," stalked over to the bar cabinet, opened up the mini-fridge, took out a beer, raised his eyebrow in offer to grab one for Spike, threw one to him, and then moved to a comfy chair to sit. “My real name is Methos. Please do not let anybody in the Watcher’s Council know that Methos and I are the same.” Spike nodded in agreement; when would he ever tell the Wankers’ Council anything anyway? He twisted off the top of his imported beer; impressive choice of Harris, must keep it on hand for Adam…Methos. Feeling the cool liquid soothe his throat, he felt better just having the bottle in hand; if nothing else, he could beat the bloke over the head with it once it was empty.

Now that he was Methos, his demeanor changed, and Spike could see the inner warrior that had waged war millennia ago. “So mate, how old are you, if you don’t mind me askin’?”

“Working on 5000 years, give or take a few.”

Drawing an appreciative whistle, “So what’s with all the secrecy about being Methos? Hell of a better name than Ben or Adam.”

“Well, the Council has it in their minds that, if I really existed, being that I’m the oldest living Immortal, I would be quite the find. Furthermore, imagine the embarrassment of having had me under their bloody noses for years without any of them being the wiser. In 1984, as Adam I graduated from their Academy to study Immortals and to become a Watcher. I maneuvered myself into the task of compiling the Methos Chronicles, to separate fact from myth, as many of my colleagues who are now dead, due to the Immortals/Renegade Watchers Wars and then the Caleb explosion, believed he (I) was a hoax. With this plum assignment, I was able to control what information flowed about me. However, the Cassandra and Kronos debacle blew not only my human cover, but also my Adam Immortal identity as well to those in that division. Here’s some bitter irony, I had my own Watchers assigned to me.”

He closed his eyes for a second. Spike figured that whatever had happened must have been bad. His past dealings with the Council proved they were a bunch of wankers; Travers was no great loss to him. So, for this guy to have infiltrated the lot, knowing his chance at exposure could bring him a world of trouble raised Spike's estimation of him slightly. What surprised him was that the Council had this supposed separate division he never knew about, dedicated only to immortals. Who knew? And here, the tosser, Kristophe - what a poncy name - was holding himself out to be the only one. Right bastard!

Methos continued, “I had severed my official dealings with the Watchers, but those of us that were part of the Immortal section bore these tattoos.” He raised his sleeve slightly to show a blue, Celtic-looking circle that contained a weird "W." “If you see this, you know it is one of us. However, there are still some of the renegades out there, so we have to be cautious. Years went by; I went sort of underground, only keeping contact with a certain trusted member of the Council – and no, before you ask, not Rupert. Anyway, after the bomb that destroyed HQ, and incidentally my three Watchers, my friend contacted me. He informed me what Rupert Giles was trying to establish and how I could be of assistance. When I came here, Rupert knew of my research skills, and he needed trained Watchers; fortunately, the records containing the information about my expulsion were in the building at the time of the explosion, and were never recovered. I had a clean slate again, until you threw a spanner in the works.” The last was said with a smirk.

“My heart bleeds for ya, truly.” Finding a chair of his own to settle into, Spike sat down and asked, “So, Methos, tell me about the tosser, Kristophe, and what else it is that you know. I plan on lettin’ the kiddies rest the night, but I don’t intend on wasting my time dawdling here in Cleveland while Evil Incorporated is holding my girls. So get on with your tale.”

“Spike, before I tell you more about Kristophe, let me put your mind at ease about one thing. I have a friend watching out for Buffy and Dawn.”


“Hopefully, if all goes to plan, he’ll be making contact with them soon. Then he’ll give me a status update. I expect to hear from him within the next few hours.”

Chapter Nine

A/N: Inner thoughts are in italics. Dialogue credited to BTVS: "Chosen" and my own "Poetry Slam." This chapter contains sexual situations, so purely NC-17... then again, the whole fic is rated that, but I wanted to emphasize this.

(Rome, Italy)

Curled up on the green plush chair in the makeshift sitting area, Buffy reflected on the past 24 hours.

When Dawn had first awoken, she was still drowsy from the drug these ‘lawyers’ had given her. Buffy had scoped out a medicine cabinet and found some aspirin, but she wasn’t about to trust any medicine they put forth. Instead, she found a washcloth, wet it, and used it to cool Dawn’s forehead hoping to prevent any headaches.

Dawnie, of course, wanted to seriously put a hurt on anyone and anything when she became fully aware of what had happened. Learning that the Immortal helped kidnap them brought her Summers temper royally on, in full force. Her eyes flashed with a hurt that looked so much like Spike’s, it tore at Buffy's heart even more.

Neither of them had liked the Immortal at first. They had moved to Rome for Dawn’s studies. Buffy had been emotionally numb since Spike’s death; well, romantically, at least. She did feel free to do things she never thought she would be able to do, like travel, and see Europe. The only downside to having that freedom was she didn’t have Spike by her side.

She'd tried to put on a brave front, like she always did. Only Dawn really knew how she cried at night; how the nightmares - repeatedly seeing his hand ignite in hers, and him telling her, “No, you don’t. But thanks for saying it.” - haunted her, night after night. But even Dawn didn’t know about that last night, the night before she lost him.


Standing across from him in her basement, he stood before her. She knew that he would be happy to merely hold her for the night, as he had the past several nights. As he stood there, she could almost picture the man he once was, the man he had become, and the man he was destined to be, and it astounded her. He had done it for her, to be hers; to be given such a gift, and only now, here at the end, to really appreciate it. But still he stood there, anxious to see what her next move would be. Here stood the man - yep, no longer just a vampire to her - a man who had pieced her back together the other night, and helped her regain her confidence when she so desperately needed it; he was always there. He'd never left - only that one time, when he went out to get a soul for her.

Standing there, she realized that yes, she loved him, the whole package, and tonight she would show him.

Buffy had caressed his cheek, then moved her fingers to the curls on the nape of his neck, breathing, “Kiss me.”

He had smirked before pleasuring her with one of his knee-quivering kisses. God, he could kiss! She had learned that during Willow’s ‘Will Be Done’ spell, but foolishly tried to deny it for so long afterwards.

Pushing him back onto his cot, she removed her white sweater. She hissed as she felt his cold hands rub her nipples through her simple cotton bra. And, just like that, a flood of wetness dampened her panties. He could arouse her in the simplest of ways, sometimes with just a look, sometimes watching him fight; and now, here, with his touch.

He leaned forward nuzzling her stomach and growling, causing wicked sensations throughout her body but especially to her most sensitive spot.

“Spike,” she moaned. Leaning down, she nibbled his earlobe, which always drove him to distraction.

“Slay-er,” he sing-songed back to her. Using his hands, he swiftly undid her pants, and she kicked them somewhere to the side. Then he ripped her underwear from body.

Damn. Oh well, if she died tomorrow, she wouldn’t need to shop for more anyway. She tugged at the black tee shirt that seemed permanently attached to his rock-hard body. Whimpering got his attention, and he complied by raising his arms for her to remove his shirt. Oooo…delicious. She bent down to taste the skin on his chest, teasing one of his nipples.

At that, he flipped her onto the cot, causing her to momentarily lose her breath. While she recovered, he had already removed her bra, and had one nipple in his mouth, tweaking the other between his thumb and finger. His demin-clad cock was hitting her clit. Damn! What are his jeans still doing on?!

As much as, oh yes, that felt good, she really wanted to feel more of him; but he wasn’t pushing the issue, due to what had happened last year. Trailing her fingers down his back, to his waist, she manipulated his belt buckle and unzipped his jeans, releasing his cock into her ready hand. He stopped with a questioning look in his eyes. In answer to his question, she began to move her hand on his cock, to use her feet to push down his jeans, and eagerly press her lips to his in a hungry kiss.

When she broke the kiss for much-needed air, he moved to kiss and nip at her neck and breasts. Again he gazed up, but this time his face contained a demon’s mischief. Oh, she was in for it now! Even though his lips were cool, her skin seemed to sizzle with each kiss as he moved further down her torso.

The menace teased her with that talented tongue of his, swirling it in ways that reminded her of Heaven. Pulling on his bleached locks, she locked her knees around his head, so happy that he didn’t need to breathe. She had so missed this! Trembling, she found herself coming hard into his waiting mouth. Of course, he had to smirk at her, coated with her juices.

Jerking him back to her lips, she kissed him, tasting herself. Before he could get settled, she flipped him so that she was on top. Smiling wickedly, Buffy grabbed his cock, positioned herself over him, and then slowly inched herself down onto him. His girth stretched her walls, and his length reached her in places no one else ever had reached.

His eyes had rolled back in his head, and his hands strayed to her hips, urging her to move. Varying the pace, she started to ride him faster, placing her hands on his chest for support. Spike shifted his hips, raising himself to a seated position, and kissed her lips.

Sitting astride his lap with him nuzzling her breast, a sudden urgency overwhelmed her. She needed more. She needed to tell him, show him, and give herself to him. Purposefully slowing her rhythm, Buffy waited for him to turn his sapphire eyes up to her face.

Studying his face, wanting to savor each moment, she whispered, “I want you to make me your girl.”

For a moment, he eyes shone, but then dulled. “You don’t mean it, luv,” he replied.

His expression echoed the same one he'd after she told him she was just using him, after she had helped blow up his crypt. God, could she have been any more a bitch? Watching Spike quickly cover his true emotions, Buffy realized just how emotionally scarred her vampire really was, and her heart felt heavy with the guilt of her contribution to those scars.

Inspiration struck. The words came to her; she suddenly knew just what to say. She urgently whispered, “Yes, I do. I want it more than anything. This may be our last night. I am yours, William. I am yours, Spike.”

Keeping her slow rhythm, Buffy watched as Spike shifted into his beautiful game-face. She had always secretly thought that, for some reason; he'd always had the most beautiful vamp face, even when she'd first met him.

“Tell me you love me,” he pressed as his pelvic bone hit her clit.

Could he read her mind? Did he know that she had just thought of that moment too? Should have known he would have that memorized, but she’d surprise him by showing him that she did, too! Not able to stop the smile forming on her face, she replied, “I love you. You know I do.”

“Tell me you want me.”

As she said this, she allowed the truth to fill the words, hoping he'd pick up on it, “I always want you. In point of fact…”

“Good enough.”

Buffy felt his fangs enter her neck where it had been marred by the Master and Dracula. Even though her Slayer instinct should have been screaming at her for allowing him to bite her as it had the three previous times, this time, her Primal Slayer self arched closer to his fangs.

After she felt him pull her blood from her body, he demanded, “MINE.”

None of her previous bites had been anything like this. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, in time with pace of their bodies joining, his cock hitting her cervix. Spike’s hands seemed everywhere at once – her arms, her breasts, her back, her hair, her ass, her stomach. All the while his tongue lapped more blood, each time causing a deep pull in her loins.

What now? Her Primal Slayer instructed her. Licking her lips, she latched her teeth onto his alabaster skin. Biting harder than probably necessary, she smiled inwardly when his blood pooled into her mouth. Swallowing a bit, she removed her mouth to clearly state, “MINE.”

Spike growled in her ear, and her womb quivered in responding climax as his filled her. Her inner muscles squeezed and milked his cock for the last of its spendings. Meeting his stare, she found love in his sapphire depths.

***End of Flashback***

Later that night, she had coaxed him into marking her over Angel’s bite. Now she rubbed both sides of her neck through her black turtleneck sweater.

The first few hours after being rejoined with Dawn, she went into reconnaissance mode. Searching the prison apartment, she discovered hidden cameras and microphones. When she had ripped out the first microphone, Miss Voice had immediately squawked that she stop removing them. Two burly, Italian-suited goons entered the apartment, guns drawn, with a techie-type, who replaced the mike.

Earlier, she had also found one camera in the bathroom, which she promptly had obliterated into a million little pieces. Now it was a safe place to at least shower and pee. No one was going to tape her Dawnie using the bathroom. That was just too much!

When Miss Voice had come on, she let her have it with both barrels, asking Miss Thang how she'd like being sued for taping an underage girl without her consent, and basically in the realm of child pornography? She had listened to Willow rant about child internet pornography so many times that she guessed it had soaked into her brain, because enough legal jargon spewed out of her mouth that Miss Voice shut the hell up and didn’t replace the bathroom camera. Score one for the Buffster, Buffy the Evil Lawyer Slayer!

Still, microphones were embedded in all parts of the furnished prison apartment, so they had to be careful about their conversations. If they truly wanted a private conversation, they went to the bathroom and turned the water on full blast, but nevertheless kept their voices lowered.

Buffy came out of her reverie as the door to their cell opened, and two men entered. Both men were different from those who had come before; however, that wasn’t unusual. One pushed a food cart; he was heavy set, and looked stupid, in an old black-n-white movie comedy "stupid crook" sort of way. He obviously deferred to the other one, who walked with a cane.

Mr. Cane had salt-and-pepper hair, cut messily short, with a beard to match. Unlike the others at this firm, this guy wore a worn, heather-gray wool jacket and jeans. Also unlike the others, he looked straight at her. This drew her attention even more to him, which made her realize that it wasn’t a limp that caused him to walk with the cane for assistance; he wore prosthetics on both legs.

“How did you lose your legs?” she couldn’t resist asking. She knew that all her conversations were monitored and that these "helpers" were directed not to speak to her. None of them had, so she just had to see if she could get this one to.

“Little lady, now, that was a rude question.” He hobbled over toward her. He then motioned to Stupid to bring the cart over to him. To Stupid he said, “Wait for me at the door; I need to correct Miss Summers' manners.”

Buffy at first couldn’t believe that he'd responded to her question, and then got suspiciously angry at what he implied to Stupid. Dawn had noticed the unusual interaction, and had moved from sitting on the edge of the bed to a defensive position behind her. Good.

“Miss Summers, and ah, I see your sister has joined us.”

“Leave her out of this, don’t speak to her,” she interrupted him.

“Of course.” He lowered his voice noticeably, “Damn it, girl, wise up and play along. You think just anyone here would speak to you?” Louder, “Miss Summers, it is rude to address me in such a manner. And here I am to serve you a nice dinner of your favorites.”

Buffy closely observed as he raised the lids to one of the entrée plates, his wrist sleeve raised just slightly, showing a weird looking blue tattoo of a Celtic-looking circle enclosing a blue "W;" but, more importantly inside the lid cover was a note. She looked up into Cane Man’s face, and saw an urgent but kind expression there.

Opting to play along as if she didn’t see the hidden note, she coyly said, “Oooo, goody. Look, Dawn at the yummy goodness, aren’t we fortunate! So, how did you lose the legs?”


“Oh, sorry.” Buffy actually felt a little tinge of regret, but then again this guy was working here for her abductors. Regardless of what he'd said in the lowered voice, she’d been played too many times in her recent history to just listen to someone who told her to. Yep, Rupert would be proud. Heh, Spike would be even prouder. Spike. Her heart ached for him; but now was not the time to dwell on what she would like to do when she finally saw him again. Well, if he’d let her, that is.

“Well, your highness, you and the princess will be so happy to know that I’ll be your regular server from here on out. Franz, who doesn’t speak any English,” he said with a nod, “will be assisting me. You can call me Joe.”

“So Joe, what d’ya know?” she giggled.

She couldn’t help it. His name just brought out her inner Xander, and God what an awful image that conjured in her mind. Yuck. Oooo, Snoopy dance. I wander if Spike would do a naked Snoopy dance for me…yummy naked Spike parts, dancing.

Her mind felt a definite, sharp rebuke, as if Spike was telling her, "No bloody way in hell!" about the Snoopy dance. Well, that was certainly different. Okay, no time to focus on what that meant, back to business. Be serious Slayer Buffy now.

Joe and Dawn were both looking at her strangely. She must have zoned out there for a second. “Sorry, must be the low blood sugar. You were saying?” Dawnie kept giving her a weird look, so she tried to signal to her to leave it alone for now.

Joe continued, “Like I said, I’ll be by later to collect the plates. My ‘boss’ will be happy to note that both of you look well.” Buffy again felt that when he said "boss" he wasn’t meaning Wolfram & Hart, or Miss Mysterious Voice. She had to find a way to read that letter without the monitors catching her doing so.

“Oh yeah, confinement just does wonders for our complexions. I hear it’s the latest spa treatment. Don’t you, Dawnie?”

“Umm, yeah, Buffy…what you said.”

“I will see you later, Miss Summers.” With that, Joe departed.

“Buffy, what in the world….” Buffy brushed her bangs away from her face, interrupting Dawn. That was their signal to stop any conversation until they got to a safe spot.

“Dawnie, let’s just see what exactly we have to eat first, okay?” She gave her one of Joyce’s best "I want no arguments young lady," looks. Dawn immediately took the cue, realizing the seriousness of the look and the request behind it, and joined Buffy at the food cart.

Carefully lifting each lid off their respective plates, Buffy saw that each dish contained either her or Dawn’s favorite foods. She did not flip the lids to look underneath them in case the hidden cameras had zoom lenses. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to covertly feel under them either to see if any others possessed a note. Stacking them could possibly ruin the ink, so she took each one over to the bed. If Dawn found that odd, she didn’t let on, because Dawn was already digging into one of her dishes.

“Ummm, Dawnie?”

With her mouth full of food, so typical Dawn, even more mature, “Mm…yeah?”

“I’m just going to eat on the bed tonight, okay. I don’t feel like eating at the table. I’ll be sure to clear off any crumbs.”

“M’okay,” said Dawn, taking in another forkful of food.

Buffy helped herself to a small plate of her favorites and settled herself on the bed. She made a big production for the cameras of arranging the lids to serve as a makeshift food tray, which enabled her to feel underneath each one. Those that didn’t have a note underneath, she stacked on top of each other.

Two had notes. Those she surreptitiously slipped into her long-sleeved black sweater. Hey, she did learn Spike’s slight-of-hand! Fake stretching; she made sure they stayed in her sleeves, while she ate.

Finishing her food as quickly but in as unsuspicious a manner as possible, which was extremely hard to do, Buffy made her way to the bathroom.

Opening the first note, she gasped in surprise. Quickly flushing the toilet to cover her gasp, she began to read.

The heart that now only sees half of everything sends his regards. Friend of Eve’s husband.
I’m one who records & keeps a diary.

That note ended, due to the length of the paper; she quickly unfolded the second.

Remember Cleveland Rocks!
An Observer

Turning on the sink, Buffy began to cry. Xander! This guy, if this wasn’t a trick, was sent by Xander and Adam, and on top of all that was a Watcher. She and Dawn were no longer alone here. Relief filled her body, as her tears ran down her face.

Upon hearing the sink, Dawn came into the bathroom.

“Buffy, are you okay?” she said loudly for the microphones in the other room.

“No, Dawnie, I think I have an upset stomach. Too much good food,” Buffy responded, equally as loud. She handed over the notes for Dawn to read.

Wiping away her tears, she watched as Dawn’s face went from incredulity to barely-contained elation. Nodding after Dawn mouthed in question, “Xander? Adam? Watcher? Joe?” She ran and hugged Buffy tight.

Drying her tears, Buffy signaled Dawn to calm down. Running water over the notes, Buffy wet the paper and swallowed them, in order to assure herself that no one would find them. Putting her arm around Dawn, together they returned to the main room more hopeful about the future.

A/N: Here I officially disclaim that I do not own Joe Dawson. He is the property of Highlander: The Series and Davis-Panzer Productions.

Chapter Ten

A/N: Much thanks & patience to my beta Always_jbj. Stephi & Jesse this chapter’s dedicated to you both. Thanks for keeping me encouraged to write even when I felt like curling under the covers and sleeping.

(Cleveland, Ohio)

Methos' cell phone buzzed from his coat pocket; he crossed the room to retrieve it as he said to Spike, “Hopefully, this will be news.” Answering the cell, “Pierson, ya? Good. So, made initial contact…how did they seem? So the contact worked getting you inside? Wonderful; well, he owed me a huge favor. (Smiling) She asked what? (snickering) Right. Straightforward, isn’t she!?, Too bad, old man; she’s way too young for you. Besides, a certain vampire would take offense, Dawson, if you tried your rock-blues musician play on her. He’s got that whole punk rock idol look going for him, old man.”

Spike arched his brow listening to Methos’ description of him to some guy who was in contact with his girls. Earlier, he had felt her have the most revolting, disgusting thought ever, and he had been author to more than a few in his hundred-plus years. First, he had clearly received the image of the Whelp doing that hideous Snoopy dance of his, which then sickeningly morphed to a naked version of him doing the exact same dance!. No bloody way in hell! He felt he needed a shower, just at the thought of being so closely connected with anything Xanderish, especially whilst naked. Fuck!

Tuning back to the conversation Methos was having with this ‘Dawson’ person, he focused intently on the relieved vibes he picked up from Methos. Clearly whatever Dawson was telling him was good news. This meant that Buffy and his Nibblet were at least physically unharmed. However, he was royally ticked off that he had to learn about his girls from others, instead of just relying on the claim.

Since he had been hit with that first real feeling of connection with Buffy on the plane, he had been testing out their link through the claim. True, it had been well over a year since they had claimed each other. It was weak. Hell, he hadn’t even known until then that it still worked! Like a muscle that had atrophied from lack of use, the power of their claim just needed to be exercised. So he began trying to just feel her, reach her in some way. And what does he get for his troubles? An image of Xander’s Snoopy dance and then him performing the same dance, naked! Bugger!

“Thank you, Joe. Talk to you in say two hours. All right.” Clicking off the phone, Methos shared a tiny smile that Spike supposed he’d used to woo women throughout the centuries. “That was Joe Dawson, the only Watcher that I trusted for a solid decade before throwing in with you lot.”

“And he’s the one you were hinting at earlier, the one who told you about Giles and whatnot?” Spike asked.

“Yes. Joe is ... well, you’ll be meeting him, so you’ll see…he’s quite unique…not the typical Watcher, by any definition.”

“Well, Ripper didn’t turn out to be Travers’ pride and joy, either; come to think of it, neither did Wesley,” Spike countered, unsure what Methos was trying to imply. Although he really didn’t understand why he rose to defend Rupert like he had. He was still right cheesed off at Giles for slamming the phone down on Peaches when they were trying to save Fred. Habit? Must be being in this damn replica house.

“Quite. I only meant, in our little circle, Joe was never to have revealed himself to his charge, which was Duncan. He did. He also plays a mean blues guitar, and owns his own club. You’d really enjoy it.” Methos seemingly glided from his chair to the door to the study. “The others will have started to wonder about us by now.”

Tilting his head, Spike had picked up angry snippets from both Connor and Gunn just a few moments earlier. Sensing Illyria and Connor approaching the door quickly, he cautioned, “I’d open the door now if I were you, Adam.”

Methos quickly heeded his warning, throwing open the door and jumping out of the way, just as Connor ran shoulder first into the room almost tripping on the rug. Illyria stood stoically at the entrance to the study, examining in turn Connor, Methos, and then Spike.

Laughing, Spike said, “Brilliant technique, Connor! I give it a 7.5 on execution, but full marks on comedy effect. Blue? Something we can do for ya?”

Spike swore for a brief moment that Illyria’s skin suit flickered a deeper blue, as if warning him of her anger. Shifting her icy gaze at Methos, Blue said, “Connor seemed agitated that this Immortal kept you separated from him. I, too, felt this alien sensation you refer to as concern. It makes my skin crawl like little ants marching. I did not like it. These new humans are strange. The one you call ‘Rogue’ keeps exchanging mouth fluids with her companion. ” Cocking her head to the side, she addressed Methos: “You say you are Adam. You are not. I have seen you fill fields with the blood of innocents and ride the mount of Death.”

Spike saw Methos pale and start to back away from Blue towards his sword. Connor had risen to his feet, confused but ready to battle. Fuck, things were going to get all bollixed up quickly if Spike didn’t stop it now.

“Easy, Bluebell. Everything’s aces, luv. Adam and I have an understanding, and yeah, I know who he really is now. No need to get all ‘Old One’ over me, though I do appreciate it. Could cause a bloke to get all sentimental. Now Con, you haven’t known me long, I realize that, but use that noggin of yours, boy. Don’t be all like your da, barging in here, not knowing the full situation. Could have gotten yourself killed, and that would have been just brilliant, now, wouldn’t it?” he said, trying to adopt a scolding look, but he couldn’t quite pull it off. Hell, who the fuck did he think he was kidding? He’d gone into situations knowing a damned sight less.

He added, “Now Illyria, please close the door. Adam, my nephew and this Old One can be let in on your secret. If you don’t want the others out there to know, that’s fine with me, but if you’re going with us, then I insist that these two know. Gunn, I’ll worry about later. He’s going to need to stay here. He won’t like it, but he won’t have a say.”

Spike could tell Methos didn’t like it, but he didn’t give a shit. Behind the closed doors of that study, Methos retold Connor and Illyria his own tale.

**** 10 minutes later ****

Emerging from the study, the four of them reentered the den area. Gunn and Rona had snuggled on the couch. Dana was sitting on the floor, doodling on a pad of paper. Xander was in a green comfy chair talking to Gunn. Faith and Wood had pulled in more seating from other rooms it seemed, just to accommodate the extra people. Connor took a seat beside Gunn on the couch.

For some strange reason now that Methos had confirmed his identity, Blue appeared to exhibit actual fascination, an emotion Spike would never have thought to see expressed by the usually impassive goddess. Perhaps it was Methos being the next oldest person in the room, or perhaps he saw a spark of Fred’s old scientist instinct. Spike watched as she followed Methos - if not physically, at least with her eyes - as he purposefully found a chair opposite her.

Spike simply leaned against the wall, as was his habit of late. “So, Xander, you’ve been all promoted to big Watcher now. That little Slayer of yours was a right surprise in LA. So were Roni and Rogue.” Pinky smiled brightly at him. Chit still gave him the shivers. “Ta for them helping out and all, but unless you’re going to help us on our way to Rome, I’m not clear on why we’re here.”

Xander slowly smiled in response, “And now I remember how much I hated you. Well, Mr. Formerly-Evil Dead, I’ll accept your thanks, 'cause hey, I know how much you hate saying it to me. But how I feel about you and how you feel about me isn’t important right now. Buffy and Dawn, they’re the important ones. Now, I’ve got some information about this Immortal and more about Buffy & Dawn’s kidnapping.”

“Right, then. Go on, tell me who I need to thrash,” Spike said slowly.

“Okay. First off, the Immortal was up to his Gucci shirts in this. Adam has a contact who hacked into the Immortal’s bank records. Guido received a sizable wire transfer from the Lobo Corporation about three hours before Dawn was grabbed at school and Buffy was taken from her apartment. The sleaze actually took part in Buffy’s…” Xander began.

Before Spike could say anything, Adam piped up. “For those of you who don’t know, the Immortal has a name. Kristophe. He makes like he’s the only one of us running around, but to the rest of my kind he is a joke. He shies away from others of our kind, which is why he is still running around at the moment. Also, the Lobo Corporation if you haven’t guessed, is a shell company for Wolfram & Hart. Lobo, of course, means 'wolf.' The arrogance of this firm astounds me. They haven’t really even tried covering their tracks. My informant traced back other transactions between Lobo and Kristophe. He’s secretly been receiving payments for some time; especially in the last six months, ever since Buffy came into his sphere of influence.”

“That bastard! He accepted Euros to court my Slayer?” Spike began pacing the floor, his anger coming off of him in waves. “First, he made me a cuckold with my Dark Princess, and now this indignation! Who the bleeding hell does he think he is?”

“Easy there, Uncle, we will all make this Kristophe pay for his audacity.” Connor’s hands on Spike's shoulders stopped his pacing. When he looked into his nephew’s eyes, Spike saw fire and anger there. His nephew actually cared that his "uncle" had been made furious. In such a small amount of time, this boy had decided to love him unconditionally, and his undead heart swelled with that realization.

“Ta, Con. That we will.” Spike smiled and ruffled Con’s hair.

“Watch the hair!” Connor fussed, trying to tamp it back down into place.

“Oh no! Not another one! First we suffered through the Master of Hair Gel, then the Bleached Wonder, and now here’s the Miracle Son who must have that 'I’m a misunderstood and complicated scamp' hair,” cracked Xander. Just like old times, Xander had come to the rescue by delivering the perfect remark to break the tension in the room. Slowly, the Slayerettes began to giggle; the laugh that Charlie-boy had tried to suppress bubbled forth; Methos was smiling, even though he hadn’t known Peaches; and even Wood cracked a smile in his stoic façade.

“Mr. Eye Patch, you’re so funny,” said Pinky, as she held her stomach laughing way too hard. Poor bint didn’t know good humor; he’d have to fix that. Bugger, when did he start liking the psycho?

“Pinky luv, Captain Ahab has sheltered you. You poor girl, having to listen to his feeble attempts at humor,” Spike joked.

“Bite me.”

“Ummm. As tempting as that may be, you’re not my type, monkey-boy.”

Methos cleared his throat, “Yes, well, this banter, witty such as it is, does not get us closer to Rome, now, does it? Now, I’m sure that Spike and Xander can go round and round with this, but really now, wouldn’t our time be better suited to planning the rescue of the Senior Slayer and her sister?”

Spike suppressed the urge to sarcastically retort, and apparently Xander silently agreed to do the same. Xander immediately sobered his expression and continued, “We believe that the layout of all the Wolfram & Hart offices are the same. Spike, when you and Angelboy went to Rome, was that the case?”

“Yeah, Whelp, it was. How did you know Peaches and I traveled to the Eternal City?”

“After the G-man sent for Dana, he kept tabs on Angel’s whereabouts. You know he never really trusted Angel after Ms. Calendar. Learning that Soul Boy was heading up Wolfram & Hart didn’t exactly give any of us warm fuzzies. However, his info wasn’t great, 'cause he didn’t know about you. Well, then again, if he did, he didn’t tell us. But I think that the Big G was as much in the dark as the rest of us. He just reported that Angel and some associate traveled to Rome. I think whatever guy he had on Dead Boy had no clue about who you were,” Xander explained. “It wasn’t until later that I figured out just who the mysterious blonde associate was. Which I’ll go into later.”

“I think ol’ Rupes knew about me, especially after Fred,” Spike huffed. Yes, when all this was finished, he would have his moment with the "Big G." Now, though, he had to focus on his Goldilocks and Nibblet. “Layout should be the same. Gunn, do you still have any knowledge left that the Senior Partners crammed into that skull of yours?”

To his credit, Gunn looked startled and embarrassed at the question. “Yeah. I don’t believe they can take it away after what that doc did to me. Rome branch might have resourced their bottom floor different than Los Angeles. But the Senior Partners demand conformity, that’s why all branches look the same. If we were to enter Hong Kong, Berlin, Moscow, or any other branch… the set up would all be the same.”

Spike tried to recall all that he could remember about the law firm’s lowest level. “Wasn’t the basement where Peaches locked up that tosser, Pavayne?”

“Yes. Angel made a special storage unit for him. You know, I believe other rooms were down there, but that place creeped me out. Even living in the sewers of LA is better than that. Oh, sorry man. I’m sure they're okay. Ilona wouldn’t harm them. They’re assets in what she probably deems ‘negotiations,” Gunn offered.

Adam interjected, “My friend has seen first hand that Buffy and Dawn Summers are in perfect health. He’s managed to charm ‘Miss Hell in High Heels,’ as my friend calls her. He making sure that nothing happens to them while they are there.”

Faith piped up, “Good. Nothing better happen to B or the pipsqueak.”

“Faith, calm down. Xander and Adam haven’t finished. Buffy is strong. Dawn’s feisty. Everything will work out,” soothed the Principal, running his hands over Rogue’s arms. Spike watched their display with revulsion. Rogue could do so much better than that wanker. For now, though Rogue had calmed.

“So, Monkey-boy, not that this little get-together hasn’t been delightful, but I could have been well on my way to Rome right now had we not had to stop to listen to you blithering on.” Spike felt his irritation grow. He needed to be moving, doing something. He wanted to rescue his girls, and then yell at Buffy for being so bleeding stupid. Not that he hadn’t learned some helpful morsels about the Immortal, but he still wasn’t closer to his Slayer or his Nibblet.

For just a moment Spike noticed a shift in the ponce’s attitude. The hairs on the back of Spike’s neck started to tingle. Whenever Xander had that look, trouble followed; at least, that had been his experience in Sunnyhell. What he knew for certain was, he detested that gleam in the whelp’s eye.

“Oh, Captain Peroxide, I’m so sorry that returning the slayers here inconvenienced you on your way to probably storming into Rome’s office and getting everyone killed. Your plans always worked out so well in the past, didn’t they?” The whelp rolled his eyes to the ceiling and muttered, “Ahn give me patience.”

What Ahab said next shocked Spike to his very core. “Look, Spike, you’re really going to hate what I’m about to tell you now. I believe I know how you are back from the ashes.”

Chapter Eleven

Silence engulfed the entire room. Had a pin dropped, it would have been the loudest sound for miles. Apparently, Harris had kept this morsel all for himself. Yes, he was shocked by the self-satisfied look on the Whelp's face, but his brief scan of the room soon told him that none of the rest of the Cleveland gang knew about this either, except for Dana.

"Harris, I'm not some bleeding naïve bloke that can have the wool thrown over my eyes…" he began.

"After Dana was assigned to me, she kept rambling on about some blonde vamp and crying out 'William.' At first, I still thought she was reliving the visions from the two slayers you had killed." Xander briefly looked over at Robin, guiltily. "Sorry man," he said, nodding to Robin.

"S'alright. Spike and I have come to terms about that." Wood said, very coldly.

"Oh, that's what you're calling it now. Hmmm," Spike bit back sharply. As far as he was concerned, what he'd said after Wood tried to kill him in that bleeding shack of a hundred crosses still held true. He would rip out that bastard's throat if he ever tried anything again.

"Down boys. Let's not get off point; I, for one, am dying to know all about Xander's story," Faith inserted, tying to cut the visible tension in the room. Spike noted that while everyone from LA appeared visibly upset and ready to spring at the first sign of any action from Wood, the ones who had been back in Sunnyhell - Rona, Faith and Xander - all seemed desperately resolved to putting that sordid chapter behind them. Only Dana and Methos looked confused as to what was going on.

With a slight nod to Xander, Spike let it go, for now. Rogue was right; he wanted to hear what the Whelp thought he'd found out.

Xander began again with one of his most serious expressions. "When I became concerned that Dana was not getting her marbles back, I contacted Andrew. Or rather I should say I flew to Rome, cornered him and threatened to shred his "The Living Daylights" poster; you know how he worships Timothy Dalton. Andy was pretty quick to spill the beans about your resurrection, and what exactly Dana had done in LA. Let me tell you, I was more than a little upset to hear that you were back… thought I would never have to see your mug again. Then to discover that you were willingly working with Angel; well, I thought for sure that, even if you were 'back in black,' you weren't the same. No way the Spike we knew would be anywhere near Deadboy much less working with him."

"Yeah, well, that's another tale, Ahab." He was itching to hear what Harris had to say, but he didn't want to let the whelp know he was so eager. He needed to appear calm despite every instinct in him fighting to break free and rip that "I know something you don't" look off the bastard's face. "Harris, before we get on with this fantasy of yours, I don't s'pose it'd be too much to ask for a cuppa, would it? I'm feelin' a bit peckish. You seemed to have planned our being here, did you happen across some O-neg for your dear ol' roomie?"

"Even have that disgusting Wheetabix you like to spice it up with, Blood-breath. Rona, would you mind? The Wheetabix is in the top right cabinet, first shelf on the left. Make sure to heat it for 30 seconds," Xander instructed.

Holding his hand over his non-beating heart, Spike played it brash, "I'm touched. Truly. You remembered." Inside, however, Spike couldn't believe that not only had the Whelp remembered how to prepare his blood, but also bought actual Wheetabix to add to it. But he just couldn't show that to Xander.

"Anyway, Andy told me of your connection to that amulet, how first you were sort of all ghostie, and then pop, solid again. So I began trying to find out just what the deal was about that amulet. I know, research, me… but I wasn't doing it for you. Ahn would have wanted me to do this. And as much as it kills me to say this, they need you. Somehow I stumbled across one piece of the puzzle, in one of the Council's old tomes that survived Caleb's bomb fest. Some archives had been buried - well the ones that Travers felt were too dangerous - in a crypt once owned by the Council. This book held the diary of two different Watchers; both were considered renegades in their time. The book is divided between the two; I guess the lack of paper caused the Council to put both together. Anyway the second one had only a short reference to an amulet that would bind the wearer. Apparently this Watcher had come across this some time in the early 1100s or something. There also was a mention of a wolf, a ram, and a hart." Here, Xander paused.

Rising from his seat, Xander moved toward a bookcase he'd obviously built, and drew out a very ancient-looking book that smelled weirdly of patchouli and lemon. Spike could tell that Xander held it reverently. Wanker had gone into full librarian mode. He opened the book to a much reviewed page; one that held a drawing of the amulet Buffy had given him on that last night in Sunnydale. The text appeared to be in Latin. Lost in the picture of the amulet in the book, Spike temporarily lost the trail of the conversation.

"Spike," Xander's voice regained his attention. "Do you happen to have the amulet with you? I just want to see if some markings match up to those in this book. I want to see if your amulet really is this one. Don't worry, I'll give it back. I know how you like to accessorize." Ahab held out his hand as if he fully expected Spike to produce the mystical amulet.

"Sorry, whelp, have it safely tucked away for now. For argument's sake, wot does the renegade Watcher tell you in his story?" Rona had returned with a nice mug of blood; handing it to him, she smiled. Spike sipped some of the precious concoction, testing it, and then nodded his thanks as he continued to listen to Xander.

"He writes of how the Wolf, Ram, & Hart stole an amulet from its rightful protectors, somewhere around the time of the Crusades. The recorder of this story used lots of coded words, 'cause remember, this was a time of great suspicion and religious hoo-hah. We believe we've translated this word here (pointng to some gibberish) to mean 'Guardian.' And I'm thinking, 'hey, Guardian, wonder if this doesn't mean the Guardians,' you know, of Buffy's Scythe. Okay, so anyway, it looks as if maybe Wolfram & Hart used this one battle in the Crusades to mask their true aim - to go after the amulet. So there was some great battle. This recorder had wanted to join forces with the guardians to retrieve this amulet, but was denied by his superiors at the time. They didn't trust either W&H or the Guardians, probably because it was a bunch of women." Xander flipped a page.

"Hold up, there." Spike flinched looking at the next page. On that page were symbols similar to what he remembered Lindsey wearing, both as Doyle and when fighting Angel, and also as the symbols he'd decorated his safe haven with. "These markings… I've seen some of these… what do these mean?"

"I'm not sure. They haven't been deciphered. These are not known in any language database I've been able to uncover. I even surreptiously sent one to Dawn, you know how she was getting so good at ancient languages. But even she was stumped. She suspected the one I sent her was related to ancient Sumerian, but she told me she would only be guessing."

Methos peeked at the markings. Spike noticed his jaw tighten, but the immortal remained tight-lipped. Perhaps he could decipher it, but given his secret, he would only be able to do so later.

"So, does this medieval watcher have anything to say about these symbols?"

"He only refers to them as 'power,' 'hide,' 'secret,' and from what I could gather possibly 'invisible.' But he doesn't say much. Whatever these are worked against W & H, but when they learned of them, their mystics countered it."

"Yeah." Spike remembered Angel breaking Lindsey's spell tats, and Hambone breaking through to Eve-o-rella's apartment. "So, Harris, what else does your diary of a wanker say?"

"I'm getting there, Bloodbreath. It says, well, some parts are still not intelligible, but it says that the wearer of the amulet would be at the mercy of its possessor, and the soul of the wearer would be lost in the great void. That only a great love would protect the wearer from losing his soul. Ironic huh? Buffy does have a way with souls, doesn't she?" he laughed nervously.

"You're wrong." Spike turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.


He stood at his tree, well, not his tree; his tree had probably incinerated in the downfall of Sunnyhell. But this one would do. Yes, it would do nicely. Having lit up a cigarette, Spike pulled the toxic chemicals into his dead lungs, blowing out streams of whispery smoke.

The Whelp had it wrong. Wolfram & Hart had intended that Peaches wear that amulet. He was the original vamp with a soul that all the prophecies had been about. Evil, Inc. had wanted their new CEO to wear the amulet, so that the tossers could make Angelus again and bring him out for parties. If Angel's soul was lost forever in some great nothingness, he would have to deal with the Supreme wanker again.

It didn't add up. Spike wore the amulet; when that amulet released him, he was like a ghost, but not, and he still had his soul. Fred had said he wasn't really like a ghost. Something about ecto-whatsis was not right. Amulet didn't make him lose his soul. So, that medieval watcher was wrong.

Still, if Angel had worn it? The short time he stalked the halls at the ol' Evil lawfirm, he'd learned that they usually know all the loopholes. They had to know that Angel would turn to ashes, like he did. Meaning that they knew whatever spells it took to release him. It didn't make sense otherwise. They had Peaches right where they wanted him, by the shorthairs with Connor and Queen C and in charge of their LA branch. They must have wanted to be able to control when Angel had a soul and when Angelus was let out to play. Some grand scheme for their Apocalypse.

He knew they had access to Soul Retrievers. Hell, from what he'd heard from Red when she got back from her little jaunt to LA, complete with bonus gift of Faith in tow, Percy had gotten one to perform the soul-ridding in order to get rid of the Beast.

Nah, that wasn't right. They wanted Angelus, so he could sign away the Shanshu? Was that it? No, 'cause in order to sign away the Shanshu, he would have to be Angel. Can only sign away what you have, and Angelus meant no soul. The renunciation would be invalid. Hey, he'd learned something from Charlie boy. To paraphrase the Great One, "the soul's the thing."*

Starting to come together a little bit, maybe. If Angelus was in the driver's seat, that took out Angel as a player in the apocalypse. No Angel equals free reign. Angelus wouldn't have cared, unless they intended to screw his own plans. Bastard was funny that way. However, if they 'controlled' him by the amulet… no, Angelus would have wormed his way out of that. He didn't like anyone telling him how to run his unlife. Perhaps an insurance policy? That had to be what those blighters were thinking.

So, okay, they had not planned on him wearing the trinket. Buffy screwed their plans. Didn't she always? he thought, smirking as he blew out another whirl of smoke. Whether she meant to or not. His girl had a nasty habit of storming in and mucking things up.

A hand on his shoulder caught him by surprise, so lost was he in his reverie that he hadn't noticed someone else join him out by the tree.

"I know. I hate saying this. All that time I denied it. I refused to see it. I didn't want to see it. Not with you. Not after Deadboy. But I was there after Sunnydale sunk into the pit of hell. I saw how she became. She closed off, she would hide it, but she had shut down her heart. Then, I went to Africa; I couldn't see anyone from Sunnydale, I had to make sense of Anya's death. I knew Andy had lied to me. She probably died in some stupid way that wasn't fitting to her at all. But I held onto what Andrew told me. I had to. Just like Buffy had to. Whatever you said to her down there, she held onto it." Xander paused.

Spike couldn't speak. He didn't turn to look at Xander as he moved beside him. He could still see the look on her face as he'd said, "No, you don't, but thanks for saying it." His last words to her. He'd just wanted her to get to safety. He didn't believe her, but he loved her enough not to let her sacrifice herself in that pit. She had Dawn and her friends and all the new slayers to find. Xander's words scorched his non-beating heart.

Xander had started talking again, "…so, yeah, I went to Africa. With Dana, I saw a way to help. She reminded me so much of Anya. She acts so young, but she's not really that young, you know. Hopefully, in time, she'll grow out of this stage of dressing like a teenaged anime babe. When I found that book and started learning about the amulet, I had to face some hard truths. I knew that you loved her. I thought it was some sick obsession, but now I know that you really loved her. What was harder to swallow was that, for the amulet to act as it did with you, Buffy had to love you, too."

"She didn't, mate, you're wrong. It's wrong," he whispered, his voice barely a crack.

"No, you idiot, you're wrong. Haven't you learned anything? Didn't you hear what Lucius said in his diary? Okay, let me ask you this… you still have your soul, don't you?"


"Well, that proves it right there. You would have come back all non-soul-having had her love not protected you, if you had come back at all. I'm still not clear why you came back all less than solid, and how Lindsey - was that his name? - played a role in all this. It's possible that this Lindsey had learned some things during his time at Wolfram & Hart. I overheard Gunn just a bit ago tell Rona about Wesley's books being able to call up texts long destroyed or forgotten, and translating them on site. Man, that would be neat. And maybe he took those secrets with him. Somehow, that amulet arrived at Angel's feet, and you emerged from the locket. I hear you were tied to that place while you were ghostie. That tracks with the control part of the amulet. It was the property of Evil, Inc. at the time. How he was able to give you your body back, I'm stumped."

"That makes two of us."

"But you missed the best part. And man, you and Buffy like to storm off, don't you?"


"Well, just the part that finally nailed the coffin of my denial about you two."

"Spit it out, whelp." Spike finally turned to look Xander in the eye.

With a stupid grin on his face, Harris said, "Ever hear of a little thing called destiny? On the next few pages in the diary, Lucius tells of a 'slayer' who goes against her calling and loves a 'champion of the night,' and together, they… well, do you want to know the rest?"

"That could have been about the Slayer and Peaches."

"No…no…no, you're just not getting this, are you? I know it took me a while to come to terms with it. But even I accept it now. I don't have to like it, but I accept it. The rest of it gives some weird details that only fit you and Buffy. It was meant for you. Except…"

Hope had started to rear its ugly head in his heart. Sure she was technically his mate; hell, technically, she had claimed him too, but that didn't mean she loved him. Had the Powers-that-like-to-fuck-you really wanted them together all along? "Except what?"

"Except that it says something about a mating ritual, something about blood. I say something because whatever it was had to have been so shocking that even Lucius tried to obliterate it. But I think it means that you guys have to be married or something."

Spike couldn't believe his ears. But, he had to ask, "Wot happens if Buffy and I do this ritual?"

"Oh, now you're interested. She becomes, I think either immortal or invincible, couldn't really make out the word, and you are to be her greatest protector. Each stronger because of the other. Oh, and some great battle with evil… but, as G-man always says, there's always a battle with evil in these things."

Breaking into a huge smile, Spike clapped Xander on his shoulder. "Ahab, you and your slayer just bought yourselves a ticket to Rome."

* A/N: The Great One to whom Spike refers is William Shakespeare. The actual full quote is, "The play's the thing. Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King."- Hamlet (II, ii, 633).


Chapter Twelve

*** "Love's Bitch, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean***

Spike drank some heated blood, while Connor and Dana munched on sandwiches that Rona had prepared for everyone before their departure. Watching Illyria, he guessed she was in some sort of trance; you never really knew what the bint was doing. Spike sort of missed Charlie-boy, but knew that he was getting some tender lovin' care from Roni. Tender Roni. How she had lived up to that moniker!

Gunn had wanted to join them on the mission. He didn't want to be left out. Spike knew the boy needed something to focus on to keep him going. In such a short time, his world had so drastically changed, that the mission - doing good, in this evil world - was his touchstone. In a weird way, the LA gang and the former Sunnydalers mirrored each other.

If Gunn had been in Xander's place right before the Scoobies broke into the Initiative to get to Adam, Gunn would have been used as the heart, or whatever mojo Giles was spouting. Spike understood how it felt to have your world stripped away. When the government had put that soddin' chip in his head, he'd thought his unlife was effectively over. The thought that maybe someday he'd find those arses and force them to take out the chip - and then, of course, draining them dry - well, that had initially been what'd kept him going. His focus had changed over time; so would Gunn's. And if a certain slayer helped him along, all the better. His respect for Rona had grown when she'd picked up on the tension and suggested that she might need Gunn's help on patrol, while her watcher was away. Then she'd made sandwiches. Chit really had grown.

While they could have used Faith's help, the group had agreed that her absence from Cleveland would be noticed. In true Faith style, she'd almost brawled her way onto the mission. She owed B. What a confrontation that had been! Rogue had started yelling and threatening to slay anyone who said she could not go. He'd guessed Her Highness had not had her fill of violence the day before when she'd stepped in front of the advancing slayer. With Spike safely behind her, she'd tilted her head. Apparently, to Rogue, that was the female version of "bring it," and Rogue had "brought it," only to find herself "being served" by having been thrown clear across the room and landing on the coffee table. Only this time, the table hadn't been destroyed. Well, that had been a first.

Xander had whispered in response to Spike's quirked eyebrow, "Re-enforced steel overlaid with mahogany." Hell, that had to hurt.

Rogue had immediately gotten back up; she'd looked like a stalking tigress staring down and assessing her prey. Faith had demanded, "Hey, Bleachy, I know this blue number shifted back in the alley in LA. Looked like Fred. Something about a shell? What gives?"

"You failed to heed my words…" Illyria began.

"Well, yeah, sister, there was a battle going on, and you told me about Wes. Told me you felt grief and needed to do more violence. Thought we bonded, but that don't mean I know who the hell you are."

"Thought I'd 'xplained. Old One, Goddess, as in she could crush you without much effort. No matter that you're a slayer. If you annoy her, she tends to rid herself of the offender. Right, Your Highness?" Spike had asserted.

"The half-breed is now our leader. You reek of your anger, distrust and worry. It offends my senses."

"Shiva, want to go outside? Fresh air. Oh, wait, Harris what's the situation here? Is it like Sunnydale? Do the natives not know of people such as myself and Lyrie here?"

"Yes, same as Sunnydale. Why?"

With a smirk, he turned back to Illyria, "Blue, how about you shed your normal look for a more Fred sense of fun. You can take a walk; I saw some plants out the window, must have a garden out back. You can meet some friends."

"Will you bring your clipboard?" Illyria had looked serious, but underneath the impenetrable façade, Spike had sensed that, for the first time, Illyria had been making a joke. Even Gunn'd had a grin on his face.

"No, Blue. No clipboard this time. Explore as you wish, just don't stray too far."

Shortly after everyone had seen Illyria morph into Fred and walk out the door, the arguing over who would be staying and who would be going had evaporated. Faith would stay in Cleveland with Robin, not only keeping up appearances, but also to provide cover stories for Adam, Xander and Dana.


Xander and Methos were discussing London in whispered tones. Didn't the idiots realize, hey, vampire here? Both expressed concern in regards to approaching Giles overtly, due to the expected Wolfram & Hart watchdogs that were probably posted on his person. Any move by them toward him would signal the Italian branch that Spike was now in Europe, thereby losing the element of surprise. Other avenues?

Spike agreed silently to himself. He didn't look forward to seeing Giles anytime soon. Frankly, he'd rather pass on seeing the tosser altogether, or at least until after he'd rescued Buffy and Dawn, so Giles could grimace and rub his glasses. In fact, if he saw Giles now, he wasn't sure that he wouldn't thrash him for Fred. Not that Blue didn't have her certain charm, but she wasn't Fredikins, as Lorne had called her.

Once they were on the plane, Methos had told Xander his true identity. To his credit, the Whelp had handled it well. Must have been since he was once engaged to Anya. Still, for all his bravado, Spike could sense grief still hovering over the boy. Something he needed to address before Rome.

Spike sauntered up to join Xander and Methos in their discussion, right as Methos' cell buzzed.

"Pierson. Good. Good. Umm. Right. Excellent, good work. Stopping in London for a brief stop, but then … yes. No. Yes. See you then. What? Okay, will do. Take care, old man."

Spike was practically bouncing on his toes wanting the update; obviously, that had to have been Dawson. He had quickly realized that, ironically, Methos called Joe, "old man." Methos was reaching for his laptop, booting it up, and opening up his wireless network, completely ignoring both the growling vampire and the eager watcher. Barely able to contain his impatient growl, he asked, "What? News about my girls?"

Methos turned to him as if he'd forgotten he was there, his face one of quiet amusement. Before answering, he held up one finger. "Yes, that call was from Dawson. Both Buffy and Dawn are in good health and good spirits, now that he's slipped to them both who he really is and Xander's message. He also told me the name of the additional person he has watching the outside of the Rome offices, so we can coordinate with them once we arrive." Before he could be interrupted again, this time by Xander, Methos pointed to the laptop, "Joe told me of an address I needed to sign into now. Let's see what Joe has cooking, shall we?"

As the laptop sprung to life, Methos opened up both his messenger and browser. His messenger immediately told him he had email. Clicking to retrieve the email, Methos whispered, "MacLeod."

Quickly reading the email, Methos closed it before Spike could read all of it. Something about meeting some lady on holy ground. If Methos thought he was getting in a shag before rescuing his girls, the arse was sorely mistaken.

Spike held his tongue as he watched the browser reveal a video feed. A web cam had been operated. And unlike the ones he knew about, this one you didn't have to register and pay to see. A petite, lithe brunette, her hair cutely short, walked in front of the cam, a cell phone to her ear. She paused and winked directly to the cam, mouthed, "Hey, Methos," and then blew him a kiss.

"What the bleeding hell is this? This your bird? Going to have your jollies on the net?"

"She's cute," muttered Xander. Spike rolled his eyes, the veins in his neck strained.

"No and no to both your questions. The 'bird,' as you so eloquently called her, is Amanda, one of us. She's no one's bird, although she and MacLeod have had a long-running on-again-off-again relationship over the past 400 years. She can't see us. I'm assuming the person on the cell with her is Dawson, telling her that we're signing on."

"Methos, how do you know that Amanda won't fall under Kristophe's influence? Clearly, he did something to Buffy and Dawn. What's stopping him from doing the same to her?" Harris chimed in.

"Yeah, what Ahab said?"

"Amanda is around 800 years old; she was trained by the best…dear, sweet Rebecca. She's a master criminal, thief, seductress, and actress many times over. She won't be swayed."

Before Spike could argue that he'd not really answered the question, Xander began to snicker, causing both Methos and Spike to look to see what Amanda was doing. She was belly dancing to the camera and making crazy faces. Finally, she put her hands on her hips, the cell phone long gone, pointed to her eye as in "watch," pointed to her ear as in "listen," and winked once more. They noticed another person had entered the room, but their face was turned away from the camera. Still, the voice that was carried over the net raised the hackles on the back of Spike's neck.

"The Immortal."


"That's the guy, hmmm? … thought he'd be more… umm, buff?" uttered Xander.

The Italian immortal was talking, "My precious Amanda, what did I do to deserve such an honor as your presence?" The oily bastard with his slightly paunched belly was wearing what appeared to be a reddish Gucci shirt half way unbuttoned with gold chains dangling from his neck.

Xander snorted, breaking into laughter, "Oh my god, what was the Buffster thinking? No way. No way. He's so ewwww."

Spike thought back to all his dealings with the Immortal, realizing that never once had he actually seen what the bastard looked like. He always had sent his flunkies. Only Dru and Darla had actually seen him; the image of their encounter made him shudder. He knew that Dru sometimes could be more than a little touched in the head, but even she wouldn't have wanted to lay one delectable finger on such a "prize."

The conversation in the room had continued:

"Krissy, you know that when it comes to business in Rome, I, at least come to visit."

"True, bella. But it has been far too long since I've been graced with your beauty. You've cut your hairl how I miss your long, dark tresses."

"That was a long time, then; Amanda's not had long hair in decades," Methos whispered.

"But still it's so you, bella." Kristophe caressed her hand, opening it and planting a kiss on her palm. Amanda appeared to flush. Spike began to worry.

"Why, thank you, Krissy. Would you mind getting me a glass of that fine merlot I've seen stashed? I'm so parched."

"I'll have to go retrieve the bottle. May I remind you that you may not steal any of my possessions while I'm gone?"

Kristophe left the room; Amanda scanned her surroundings before moving closer to where the cam had been positioned. Picking up a book and leaning as if reading, Amanda addressed the web cam, mouthing the words, "Phone me now."

Methos had already opened his cell phone and scrolled down to the name "Raven," hitting send. On the cam, Xander and Spike watched as Amanda's cell chimed Queen's "Who Wants to Live Forever" and she answered the call.

"Just how soon are you getting your ancient ass here, Methos?" Amanda hissed into the phone, her 'til then only honeyed, American-sounding voice now laced with venom. Xander and Spike exchanged a glance. "I'm putting up with this insufferable bore for you and MacLeod, but enough is enough! No more favors. I'm done."

Methos started, "Dearest Amanda…."

"Don't you 'dearest Amanda' me. You owe me huge. (more to herself) I can't believe I agreed to this. I hate this bastard. (then back to cam) My suffering better be worth it."

"Amanda, didn't MacLeod tell you why we needed your…erm…talents?"

Waving a hand in the air, "Some special girl or something. He screwed her over, too. (calmer) I'll find out what I can. But I'm drawing the line right now; I'm not bedding his stinky carcass. "

"Hand over the cell, Methos." Spike held out his hand.

"Miss Amanda," he purred into the cell phone, "thank you for what you're doing."

"Who's this? You have an incredible voice."

"Name's Spike;, and the 'special girl,' well, there are two of them, Buffy and Dawn - the Slayer and my Nibblet. The Immortal helped Wolfram & Hart nab them. I owe him pain."

Amanda was nodding her head at the cam. Before she could respond, Kristophe had reentered the room.

"Whom are you talking to, my dear?"

"Just a good friend; letting them know I'm in Rome."

"Your friend Nick, perhaps? Or one of your other playthings? Really, my precious Amanda, so many men. I know you just play with them in hopes of making me jealous. I don't know why you continue to play these games. You were meant for me, so why bother?"

Xander actually coughed, Methos snorted, and Spike gritted his teeth.

"Tsk, tsk, Kristophe. Nick is my friend; we will not discuss him. Fair warning: you should keep away from him. Still a little touchy about being one of us, now. And Krissy, we were never married, so don't presume to tell me who I can or cannot have some fun with."

Kristophe laughed. "No, true marriage never came our way. How fortunate for me, it seems. I've heard how you get a 'divorce,' Amanda."

she gasped, "you heard about him, did you? Still keeping tabs, are we?"

"Markham was a fool; marrying you just so you wouldn't testify about him taking that little child. You, of course, turned him in, rightly so. Heard he finally tracked you down for a little tête-à-tête."

Examining her nails while faking a yawn, Amanda replied, "Well, you see, really, it was such a common thing. Like all wives I felt I had had a 'headache' long enough; 132 years, I needed some relief." She laughed.

Spike had to give the bint credit; during the entire uncomfortable exchange about whatever had happened to her husband, not once had Amanda looked toward the web cam. He observed Methos intently. Obviously, Methos had no prior knowledge of any husband, any murder, or anything else really in Amanda's background. For some supposed Watcher and friend of this bird, he sure was in the dark. Perhaps the 'games' that these Immortals played needed to be brought out into the open.

"Did your friend the Highlander know about him? He doesn't strike me as one who would sleep with another man's wife."

"What Duncan knows or doesn't know isn't any of your business. Besides, it never was a 'real' marriage. That bastard killed that little child and made that family believe the child was still alive. He lied to me about that; fitting that the very person he married to save himself would be the one to turn him in."

"Yes, it's never wise to cross you, my dear."

"Too true. So, Krissy, after all these years, you still pine away only for me? Am I to seriously believe that? Please, all I've heard about since I've arrived in Rome is the Immortal and some little slip of a girl that was your recent conquest. Where is she now, by the way? Hidden away from me, so I wouldn't know?"

Both Spike & Xander physically shifted closer to the laptop waiting to hear what Guido said in response.

A small laugh came from Kristophe as he finished a sip of wine. "Ah, Buffy."


"Bella, she meant nothing to me. She's gone, no longer my concern, and she should not be yours, either."

Xander's hand was shaking with rage; without thinking, Spike placed his hand on Harris' shoulder. Xander looked at Spike and saw a tightly-closed jaw and the bumpies. Xander began to really look forward to seeing just what Spike would do to this Immortal. Xander then looked over at Methos, who appeared visibly tense and madder than hell.

Amanda coolly asked, "What do you mean she's gone? Back to America? Did you break her heart?"

Without seeming to have picked up on Amanda's sudden change in tone, Kristophe answered, "Business, Amanda. I do not discuss business, unless we are partners together in another heist. Is this what brings you to my Rome? Another trinket caught your eye?"

"Perhaps, but as you just said, I do not discuss business, either."
Both laughed. Amanda suddenly checked her watch. "Is that really the time? Oh, I'm so late." Offering her hand one last time, she said, "My apologies, Krissy, but I have to run."

Kristophe grabbed her hand, holding it longer than it appeared Amanda would have liked. She turned her attention back to him. Just as she was about to protest his holding her up, Kristophe pulled her into a slobbering kiss.

Xander cried, "Oh, ye gods, take my other eye! Please!"

"Gross!" exclaimed Dana, who with Connor, had snuck up front to see what everyone was watching.

Amanda craftily pulled out of his embrace, managing a smile, "Now, Krissy, I really must go. I'll call you. Ciao!"

With that, Amanda practically ran from the room, leaving Kristophe staring at where she exited.

Methos clicked a button and the browser closed. "I think I've seen enough. I've got that bookmarked, so we can sneak a peek another time."

Connor spoke up, "Cool surveillance. Sure that won't get detected?"

Methos turned to Connor, "If Amanda installed it, no. She's very, very good at what she does."

"Cool. 'Cause that would suck if he found it."

Methos' phone started to buzz. "Yes? Amanda…" Spike could hear the verbal insults being screamed into another phone somewhere in Rome. "Yes, I saw. I'm sorry. I know you'll collect, (aside) that's what I'm afraid of. (Into the phone) Amanda, calm down. Yes, I did tell you to calm down. Why? Cause I'm on a plane with the 'posse' who will come help rid the world of that piece of slime. Yes, I know that you would have rather kissed Silas or Caspian on any other day…"

Spike snatched the phone away from Methos, "What the wanker is trying to say, pet, is that we really do 'preciate your help. He messed with my girls, luv. Bit of advice, a nice glass of Jack Daniels will wash away his taste. We'll make sure you're there to help finish the bastard off. Say, a nice round of toasting his balls sounds lovely, now, doesn't it?"

Methos could hear Amanda giggling. Mouthing a "thank you" to Spike, he proceeded to close his laptop and store it.

Spike tried to focus on what Amanda was trying to tell him, but Pinky had started pleading with Xander, "I want my hair like 'Manda."

"Sorry, pet, you've got a fan. Hard to hear you right now. How 'bout we call you when we land? Right. Oh, and Amanda, thanks again." Spike closed the phone, watching Xander shaking his no as Dana tugged on his arm. If she weren't careful, she would yank his arm out of his socket.

"Dana." Everyone stopped. Illyria stood before the group, an unreadable expression on her icy face. "Your repetitive pleas are futile. You create much noise; it assaults my ears." Tilting her head to Spike, "Why does this one not wish to be unique? Is not uniqueness a quality that humans seek to possess? Things…humans have names distinctive to their being. Why does Dana seek otherwise?"

"Blue, she just liked how Amanda wore her hair. Don't make a to-do over it. Sometimes humans, hell, other demons, like to… emulate somebody they like. Just a thing that humans do."

"Yeah Lyrie, like you had to have noticed when you were in LA, how all the women wanted to look like people on TV?" Connor added.

"Okay, like years ago… there was an actress on TV, and everyone loved her haircut. So, thousands of women went to their hairdressers and asked for that haircut. It even got it own name, "the Rachel." Of course, not everyone looked good in that haircut, 'cause hey, not everyone is Jennifer Aniston. What? Am I wrong?" Xander tried to contribute.

Dana approached Illyria. Both studied each other intently. Suddenly, a huge smile broke out on Pinky's face. "I like your outfit."

"My covering, unlike your attire, may not be removed."

"Still, I like it. Even though it has brown." Dana reached out her hand, and Illyria permitted her to touch her skin-like covering. Spike was amazed when Pinky suddenly grabbed Blue's hand and started to tug her toward the back of the plane. "Come on, Blue."

He swore he saw a look of curiosity cross the Goddess' face, as Blue allowed herself to be pulled away. Perhaps humanity was growing on the Goddess after all.

~~ Tbc~~~

A/N1: Thank you to my beta, Alwaysjbj, for her incredible work with this chapter. It is greatly appreciated.

A/N2: For those of you who are not familiar with Amanda's spin-off series, "The Raven," some of the information revealed about her character came from that series. In the episode "Love and Death" (1.17), we learn that Amanda was forced into marrying another immortal, Derrick Markham when he kidnapped a child. Markham did not want Amanda to be able to testify against him, but when she learned that Markham had killed the child anyway, she turned him in. At the end of this episode, she takes his head and gets her final divorce. Also, at the end of the final episode "Dead on Arrival" (1.22), Nick Wolfe, mortal partner and friend of Amanda, is poisoned. Amanda shoots him, giving him a violent death. Nick revives and learns he's an immortal. Amanda had known he was a potential immortal. Nick walks away from Amanda, as he is unhappy that she has 'condemned' him to live forever. This episode confirmed in the Highlander mythos that one who has potential to be an immortal only becomes an immortal if they suffer a violent death. If anyone has seen the Highlander movie, "Endgame," Duncan stabbed his wife on their honeymoon, so that she could live forever and be with him. That didn't work out quite like he intended, though.


Chapter 13

A/N: Internal thoughts and conversations are in italics.

(Rome, Italy)

Joe Dawson had never been a laid-back kind of guy. Sure, he liked to believe he was, and at times, he almost passed as one; but the cold, hard truth of his personality was that he couldn't just sit back and watch as injustice and evil happened in front of him. Hell, that's what made him a terrible Watcher: he just couldn't ignore what had been happening to MacLeod, and had to get involved. Looking back now, he couldn't decide whether that had been a good thing or not. Still, he could reasonably call Mac his friend, even though their friendship had been pushed to the breaking point many times.

As he rode the slate gray elevator to his destination, Dawson asked himself for the hundredth time, - How in the hell did he get suckered into this? Perhaps it was an after-effect of being tempted by the demon Ahriman for the return of his legs: it was as if his sensitivity to the supernatural had been heightened, like some internal switch in his brain had flicked on. Now, this place raised the hackles on the back of his neck, and his left hand swiped it to try to chase away the chill that had made the hair at the nape of his neck stand on end.

The elevator doors opened to the top floor - well, not really the top floor - of Wolfram & Hart. Composing his features, Dawson strolled out of the elevator. He really needed to go back to Paris and say a thank you at the grave of that bastard, Horton, for teaching him how to suppress his emotions. James Horton had been his friend; hell, Horton was his brother-in-law. But he had also started a corrupt, covert group of Watchers who believed that the Immortals were a threat to humanity, even though that most Immortals never cared to get involved in mortal matters. Dawson had doubted MacLeod about Horton's involvement with that group, and especially the allegation of him working in conjunction with Xavier St. Cloud; that had not only almost ended his friendship with Duncan, but had also nearly caused his execution by his fellow Watchers.

Making his way through the den of evil, Dawson observed devil demons making deals with … well, he didn't know what they were exactly, except that they were purple with what appeared to be steel spikes in their chins and foreheads. Sometimes, he longed for those halcyon days where he only knew of the existence of Immortals. Good times.

He nodded to the receptionist, who was on the phone, and queried, "Is she in?"

A smile and a nod later, Dawson opened the door to the office of the CEO of the Rome branch of Wolfram & Hart. Before he was fully inside the office, he was grabbed and hugged by the tiny but strong Italian woman. He heard the door close behind him, and felt his ass being raked by very long fingernails.

"Joe! I was just thinking about you, darling. You are the perfection of timing." Ilona's heavily accented English filled the room.

"Ilona… I was coming up to invite you to lunch. You haven't eaten yet, have you?" Joe asked her. His skin crawled at her touch; but, apparently, the bitch thought that was a positive response.

"Not as of yet, my darling. You know how it is, work…work. But now is time for play, yes? I shall ring my chef." Ilona turned to head back to her desk, her heels briskly moving across the plush carpeted floor.

He couldn't let her eat in today; he needed to get her outside. Inwardly cringing at the saccharine in his voice (Mac's so going to owe me several favors; Methos too) Joe protested, "Ilona, my sweet," - he never called anyone 'sweet' - "it's a beautiful day out, the weather is mild. Come with me, out to lunch. There's a bistro not far from here that I've been wanting to try. Come out to play; a little sunshine and fresh air would do you good. You work too hard." He continued to press the right buttons.

Joe watched as an internal debate waged in Illona's head. She was good, he'd have to give her that. Had he not learned and studied her well, he'd never suspect she was trying to make a decision. The same look in a boardroom full of lawyers would have revealed nothing. Or perhaps he was deluding himself, thinking that he had successfully broken through to the ice-queen of Rome.

She smiled, which to him looked as lethal as her talon-like fingernails. "Yes! That sounds lovely. Let me tell my assistant." Watching her buzz some connection, he listened as he thought through all the steps of today's agenda.


Buffy and Dawn stood side-by-side in their shared cell suite. Fierce looks of concentration marred the young women's lovely faces. Both wore their own sweats; apparently, their wardrobes had been raided when they were kidnapped and brought here. Both were taking deep breaths, their legs planted slightly apart, knees bent.

Buffy blew out a deep breath, "First."

Both girls brought their left fists forward, punching the air. "Second." Their right fists took up the places where their lefts had been a moment before. They were training. Buffy knew she was a little out of shape since coming to Rome. Both needed the exercise, and both agreed they needed to be prepared to fight when the time came. Buffy felt a little like she was back home in Sunnydale, training the Potentials before the battle with the First. No; this reminded her of that peaceful summer before, while Willow was in recovery in England, when she had taken Dawn under her wing and had begun to train her to survive on the Hellmouth.

After twenty minutes of martial arts basics, Buffy and Dawn took a breather. Joe had not come with their lunch today; the other goon had. He was on Buffy's list. That guy gave her the creeps, the way he eyed Dawn; just the thought of him made her growl.

"Buffy, did you just growl?" Dawn asked, surprised at the noises coming from her sister. Did they slip Buffy something?

Buffy shook away her thoughts. "I think I did, Dawn. It's strange; I've been feeling a little weird since learning that Spike's alive." Unconsciously, Buffy fingered his marks on her neck. They'd faded in those months immediately following the destruction of Sunnydale, but for the last few months they'd started to reappear. She didn't know why before; now, maybe she did. Or at least, she hoped she understood. Especially since the other night, when she thought she could actually feel him in her mind.

"You okay?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, just making a mental list and 'grrr-ing' at it twice. Making sure I guess who's been evil and … well, evil." She laughed. It felt good to laugh. She'd be damned if she'd let those W&H bastards break her spirit.

Dawn laughed with her, and Buffy casually appreciated the changes in her sister. She had been growing up since before the fall of Sunnydale, but now, a year later, Dawn had matured into a beautiful, responsible, independent woman. Buffy knew their mom would have been so proud. See, Mommy. See how beautiful she is? Buffy thought she heard Joyce whisper back, "Yes, both of my girls are beautiful and strong. We're Summers women."

"So, Dawnie, you up for a game of Scrabble?"


"Let's shower first; I'm all smelly. Though, not as smelly as you…"

"Yeah, right. Dibs!" Dawn squealed, as she raced to the bathroom.

"Don't use all the hot water!" Buffy yelled after her. She picked up a pretzel left over from her lunch and began to munch on it. Buffy hoped nothing had happened to Joe; he was usually ever-present during their meals, and she had started to like the guy.

To the monitors videotaping their every move, Buffy knew she would appear to be simply sitting and munching on a pretzel. In reality, she was mediating, as Giles had taught her - tuning into her senses and trying to open up whatever remained of her connection with Spike.

Whether the claim still worked as it was supposed to, Buffy didn't know. Despite what others sometimes thought, she wasn't a neglectful Slayer. After having been bitten by not one, not two, but three vampires - well, at the time, it had only been three - had she not researched possible effects and what the bites meant, she would have been crazy. Dracula and his bites' effects had sent Buffy sneaking off into the restricted section of the Magic Box's books to look up vampire biting and rituals. With fondness, Buffy remembered stumbling across the chapter on claims and mating, and how turned on she had gotten reading how vamps mated.

So, in their last night together, Buffy had known exactly what she was asking of Spike. She had wanted him to claim her, to show him her true emotions without putting them into words. Her Slayer self instructed her, pushed her. Upon completion of the mutual claim and mating, Buffy felt Spike's confusion and surprise at her acceptance flow through here; then, she'd fought back tears as images of both William's and Spike's pasts flooded her psyche.

Poor Spike. Never in his life or unlife had he known true love. Other than the familial love he felt for his mother and, to some extent, Dawn, he'd never comprehended what true love felt like. Sadly, Buffy realized that Spike didn't grasp what he was feeling through their link from her. She'd vowed that, every day following the defeat of the First, she would teach him love, and make sure he knew he was loved.

Buffy's heart broke when she realized he didn't believe her when she'd told him she loved him. Time stood still for her as their entwined hands burst into flames; it began again when he ordered her to get out. Her stubborn self kept telling her as she ran that Spike would be okay; he never left her, and he never would.

Chasing the bus across the rooftops, Buffy could still feel him. However, once she leaped onto the roof of the bus, she'd felt the claim break. Grasping for a hold on the bus, Buffy had gasped as the emptiness overwhelmed her. Only thoughts of Dawn had kept her holding on; what she really wanted to do was to race back and find him.

Later, standing on the edge overlooking the crater that was once the Hellmouth, Buffy heard Dawn ask her, "What are we going to do now?" A small smile had crossed her face then, tears in her eyes. Her friends never knew why she smiled. In that brief moment, she'd almost believed she'd felt Spike kiss her cheek then whisper, "Live for me, love."

It had taken her a couple of months to get accustomed to the emptiness left in the aftermath of Spike's death. Before the claim, Buffy always felt alone. 'Til those few hours, she had known what it meant to be complete, to be truly whole. The marks had faded for those two months, but then they'd started to come back. She had never shared that with the others, not even Dawn - it was something only between her and Spike.

So, she sat and reached out with her senses, trying to tap into whatever remained of the link between her and Spike. It was like he was there, but just out of her grasp. At least she could sense him now. When his emotions got really strong, she could feel him more. She couldn't wait to be back in his arms again.

Buffy breathed out and focused on sending her love to Spike. She hoped that he would feel her and reach back. It was like she was nudging him - like how Dawn used to try to get her to wake up. There! Keeping her outward appearance calm, Buffy's heart leapt for joy.

'Spike! Spiiike, hey Big Bad.' Buffy imagined purring in his ear.

'Buffy? Pet? You okay?' she heard her vampire reply.

'Yep, Dawn and I are fine; well as fine as two highly angry Summers women can be in the belly of some evil lawfirm,' she retorted.

'I love it when you're all brassed, luv.'

'Stop with the sweet talk; not going to let you get of the doghouse just yet. You are so going to explain why you didn't tell me you're al…well undead again.'


Joe sat across from Ilona at an outside table at the bistro he'd suggested they try for lunch. He watched out the corner of his eye as the short waiter approached with their after-meal coffees. The waiter soundlessly placed their cups in front of them then cleared their plates and other glasses.

Ilona grimaced at her coffee and looked at Joe. Joe picked up his cup and sipped the rich, black coffee. Apparently satisfied that he wasn't about to keel over and die, Ilona smiled and began sipping hers. Fortuitously, an acquaintance of hers happened by, allowing Joe to look around. He gave a half nod to the waiter, then watched as the young man surreptitiously slipped Ilona's water glass into a satchel.

Joe motioned for the bill, and the waiter arrived shortly thereafter. All this took place while Ilona was discussing the latest Dolce & Gabbana fashion show with her female friend. The bill satisfied, the waiter disappeared - never to be seen serving at that bistro again.


Chapter 14

Methos felt nervous. If it hadn't been absolutely necessary to obtain this assistance, he wouldn't have even considered a meeting. He knew he was being cowardly, but cowardice had helped him keep his head various times throughout the millennia. Yet, here he was, willingly agreeing to meet the one person he didn't want to see. At least, the meeting was on holy ground, even though it was late at night.

Methos approached Highgate Cemetery . After 'Love's Bitch' had touched down at Heathrow, he'd taken his leave from the others, saying he needed to retrieve some supplies that weren't available at Watcher's HQ. It was a feeble excuse, and he could tell that Spike knew it. Still, the vampire hadn't said anything about it; the others had all followed Xander's lead. Fortunately Xander had called ahead from the plane and had arranged a van and a car to be waiting for their arrival. He had watched the motley crew board the van and depart before he made his way to his car. He hadn't wanted any followers.

For a bloke who'd survived millennia, Methos sure isn't terribly cautious or alert; he doesn't even realize he's being followed, thought Spike, as he surreptiously stalked the ancient Immortal. Something was up; didn't take a brain trust to see that. Fortunately, night provided his badly needed cover, so he could follow the git. After Methos had asked Xander to get him his own car, Spike had whispered to Xander to get him one, too. Had to give the Whelp credit, Xander had only given him a strange look for a moment before nodding his head in agreement.

After he had gotten into the car with the others, Spike had nudged Blue and asked her to watch over the others while he took care of something. Out of the corner of his eye, Spike had noticed that Connor had heard him too, because his nephew had bristled slightly. Connor had impressed him by not asking to accompany him and keeping his own emotions in check.

As soon as the van had driven around the corner of the building that housed the plane, Spike ordered the driver to stop. Dana had been confused with the sudden stop, but Connor had placed his firm, gentle hand on her shoulder, promising that she would see Spike again soon enough. With a nod of thanks, Spike hurried to his car to pick up Methos' trail.

From what he had gathered about Methos, a cemetery was not the sort of place Spike would have imagined ol' Death visiting... well then again. Perhaps he planned on saying his respects to a friend, or a little prayer to help the group in their endeavor, but for some reason Spike didn't think Methos had that in mind. Especially since Methos was clearly distracted and not tuned in to his surroundings. Angelus had taught him to always protect his flank, a tactic that Methos should have been heeding given their current situation. Considering that Methos boasted fighting as a Roman and in other numerous wars, Spike felt the old guy's guard had slipped. The air was ripe with the anxiety pouring off of the Immortal. Spike felt he could bathe in it.

What was the bloke doing?

No other person. No other way. Even as he entered the grounds of the cemetery and walked its hallowed path, Methos kept trying to think of any other solution he could have found besides this. He'd felt dread like this only a few times in his life. And the last time, he'd felt it had been for the same reason. Cassandra.

Methos began feeling that familiar tingling which announced the presence of another Immortal. As he rounded the corner of a mausoleum, he saw her. Even though her back was to him, Methos could see that she knew he was there, watching her. Their last encounter had left him on the ground, recovering after killing Silus, with Cassandra holding an axe above his head. If it hadn't been for MacLeod, he'd be dead now. With absolute clarity, he knew that was true. His guilt over their past condemned him to accept her contempt, even though he'd sought to bury all traces of the man he'd once been.

Well, I'll be buggered. A woman. Wonder why he'd been so secretive? Is she with Wolfram & Hart? Is he betraying us? From his vantage point, Spike could see Methos waiting for the woman to turn around. From her profile, she appeared to be a beauty. Long, brown hair. High cheekbones. Full lips.

What? Spike spied the tip of a metal blade at the corner of the woman's long coat. Was Methos armed? Spike readied himself for a fight if he was needed. He didn't want to alert them to his presence just yet.

Methos stood completely still, completely silent. He purposely kept his hands out of his coat pockets, even though his right hand itched for the comforting feel of his sword. He didn't think she would be foolish enough to attack on holy ground; surely she remembered what had happened in Pompeii.

Cassandra slowly turned around, her emerald eyes sharp. "Methos. You dared to have Duncan summon me. You presumed I would come like a dog when you beckoned?"

Methos struggled to keep his tone unthreatening, but his mouth had other ideas. "And yet, you came."

Cassandra's eyes flamed in anger. "I've not forgotten what a bastard you are, Methos."

Sighing, Methos shrugged. "Yes, I believe we covered that the last time we saw each other. Yes, my sins against you are great, but millennia have passed, or haven't you noticed? I've tried to tell you before; I am not the same, as I was then… Cassandra."

Cassandra. The name rings a bell…where have I heard that? Just recently. Then Spike remembered: Cassandra was the name of the immortal woman who Methos had wronged so many thousands of years ago. So, this is Cassandra.

"You allowed Kronos to cage me, like an animal."

"I didn't know he was going after you. I'd told MacLeod to get you out of town. But what you're failing to remember is that I also helped you regain your freedom." Methos countered quickly.

"Only because you thought McLeod was the stronger ally! I was your slave, your pawn. You willingly gave me to Kronos," Cassandra ranted, her green eyes appearing as if lit, despite the lack of moonlight.

"I had no choice! Has the millennia not granted you just a sliver of understanding about the position I was in? Has your heart become so blackened with hatred for me that you can not even put yourself in my shoes?" Methos could not help himself. This confrontation had been brewing for the many millennia. His guilt still weighed heavily on his conscience. He'd thought he'd let it go, and he had for the most part. His association with McLeod had forced him to do lots of self-reflection, and sometimes he didn't like what he saw.

"Your shoes!! Your shoes!! You and your ..." here Cassandra spat, "... Horsemen rode into my camp, slaughtering my family, my friends, my entire tribe! You had no feelings… only wants. You felt nothing for me. I was but a toy for your amusement," exclaimed the beautiful Immortal, pouring all her venom, all her hatred, into every word. With that turn, the fight about their last meeting dissolved like the sands of time, carrying both Immortals back to their beginnings.

Methos screamed, "You were NOT MY TOY!" He shook with frustration; he'd never planned to admit that to her. It gave her too much power.

Cassandra seemed momentarily stunned, but quickly recovered. Her right hand kept clenching and unclenching. "If we weren't on holy ground; you coward!"

"Cassandra," Methos' voice cracked with strain, his control barely restrained, "You meant more to me than that. Kronos would have had both our heads that night, that instant had I not …" He took a breath. "If for one moment Kronos had thought that I had genuine feelings for you, torture would have been too kind. You escaped him. I was happy that you did. Did you know I saw you flee the camp that night? I could have easily caught you and brought you back, but I didn't. Don't you understand?"

Cassandra shakily countered, "I understand that you were and still are a coward, Methos. Survival is your only mistress, the only thing you care about."

He couldn't help himself; he smiled. "As you say, Cassandra. On that point, I cannot argue with you. Still, my request to see you is not for my benefit, but for the good of the world."

Cassandra snorted in disbelief, "Good of the world? You, Methos?"

"Yes," he stated simply, his serious tone causing her smirk to falter. "What I'm now involved in may be greater than 'the Game' itself. Take it from the one who used to ride the pale horse and call himself Death. The Four Horsemen would be squashed like a bug under the evil that now threatens the world."

Cassandra visibly paled, "The Wolf… the Ram… the Hart! The girl!" She seemed to stumble for a second before regaining her composure.

"Are you well?" Methos asked, concern pooling in his brown eyes.

"As if you care."

"I do…"

Interrupting, Cassandra explained, "For the past few months, I've been receiving recurring dreams… visions. Of a wolf, a ram, a hart. Of a blonde girl battling with a powerful weapon. Of a battle of a small group in an alley with hordes of demons." She paused. "Sometimes, I see other confusing images."

"This vision… it's similar to the one you had about Duncan?" Duncan had told him one drunken day about how he had first met Cassandra in Donan Woods. Methos had often wondered if she had possessed these visions when they first met. Had she been apprenticed in witchcraft then? Could she have hidden it so well? If Kronos had known of her potential, she surely would have been exploited...well, even more than she had been. He inwardly cringed with that admission. He knew she had gained the power of the Voice, but that it didn't work on him or the other, now-dead Horsemen. He wondered what other gifts she possessed.

"No, not the same. Yet, in a few respects, yes."

"It is the side of the girl and the band of warriors in the alley with whom I am aligned," supplied Methos. Cassandra looked, disbelieving, at him. That was to be expected, though. "A further incentive … mixed in with the great evil is someone who you hate more than you do me."

"Kristophe!" Cassandra actually took three steps forward toward Methos in her shock. She unsheathed her sword in anger.

Methos backed away quickly. A sudden blur of white and black flew from the bushes knocking the sword out of the Immortal witch's hand. "Sorry, luv. Can't let you harm the git."

Spike had been listening, taking advantage of the greenery on the edge of the cemetery. The bint's green eyes made him miss his Slayer. He'd held in his laughter when she lashed out at Methos. Perhaps she had been destined to be a Slayer before she became an immortal. She sure sounded like Buffy when his love would unload her anger.

For a moment, Methos and Cassandra reminded him of some of the arguments he'd shared with his love. Her righteous anger rivaled Buffy's. To be fair though, this bird had cause. Of course, he could identify with Methos' struggle to overcome the sins of the past.

When Cassandra had blurted out the scenes in her dreams or visions, Spike had almost revealed himself. His muscles were taut from the control he was exerting over them. Yet he maintained his position. However, when she'd unsheathed her sword after stepping so close to Methos, he sprung. Tender Roni wouldn't like it if he allowed her Watcher to get himself beheaded.


"Spike!" Methos blurted out in surprise. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Then, with sudden realization, "You followed me!"

"And a good thing I did, too, you thankless tit. Rona would be unhappy with me if you got yourself beheaded, yeah? Making that particular Slayer unhappy wouldn't be too healthy for me."

"Who is this?" Accusatory eyes flicked back and forth between Methos and Spike. "One against one. That is the rule. No one interferes."

"Oh, come on, Cassandra. It's not like I knew he was there. Besides, we weren't in a challenge - we're on holy ground," Methos argued.

Cassandra studied the stranger wearing a black leather duster, his pale skin shining in the moonlight. "You're a vampire!"

"You figured that out all on your own? What gave me away?" Spike snarked. Turning to Methos, he purred, "So, Adam, this your Eve?" Spike seductively sized up the Immortal witch up as if she were a tasty morsel.

Cassandra's eyes widened, her nostrils flared. "How dare you! I'm not his … Eve!"

"Yeah, right. Seen that movie, lived it, burned up like a bloody pyre, went ghostie, got my body back. It's been played, pet."

"Wait… you!" Cassandra now looked shocked. Turning to Methos, she said, "This one was in the alley! Vampire with a soul."

Methos nodded his head, as Spike shared, "Yeah, now that's been settled. Come on, you old fart, best we be getting back. Sooner we get what we need here, the sooner we can get to my girl."

"Spike… Cassandra is who I came to England for. If she agrees, she would be able to help us."

Spike looked questionably at the witch. "Don't need another witch, if we get Red."

"Ms. Rosenberg would not give us an advantage, Spike. She is a known quantity. They would have her picture and a dossier compiled about her abilities. Cassandra is an unknown. No offense dear." Cassandra huffed. "Plus, she has abilities that Ms. Rosenberg would not fathom to possess."

Cassandra appeared stunned by Methos' words of praise. Well, stunned and confused. But the two men were arguing, ignoring her presence for the moment.

"Red almost ended the bloody world a few years back. She's tapped into the soddin' Goddess. You saying this bint has more mojo? That, I seriously doubt."

"The 'bint,' as you so eloquently put it, you bloodsucker…" Cassandra began.

"That's bloody original," Spike interjected.

"... is standing right here. What are you both talking about? What's going on? And did you call Methos a tit earlier?"

Methos and Spike shared a look and a smile, and then with a nod from Spike, Methos related the whole story to Cassandra.

(Much later at Watcher's HQ)


Distracted by the decidedly different location and feel of the new Watcher's HQ, Spike only at the last second caught the blur of red and brown, which tackled him after he had entered the Victorian house.

His alarm suddenly relaxed as he took in the unmistakable scent of incense and cinnamon. "Red!" He was slightly befuddled at the tight hug the powerful Wicca was giving him. He'd not expected such a reception, at least not from Willow. Casually glancing at who else was present, he noticed a decided lack of Rupert. Good. Didn't want to see that tosser right now, anyway.

Returning the hug, Spike savored the feelings of warmth and belonging that threatened to overwhelm him. Suddenly, the hug was broken. Spike opened his eyes and saw Willow now on the floor, her eyes flashing black for a few seconds.

"He is not for your arms, witch." Illyria had ripped Willow off her pet. Illyria detected the promise of great power held in check for a moment as the witch's eyes turned cobalt. Perhaps this one deserves study. Earlier, Illyria had acquired the names of the humans of this shelter, and had sensed a hint of something from the red headed one named for a tree. As the witch's eyes returned to normal, Illyria was reminded of Wesley, for the odor of old books and texts lingered on the witch's skin. Illyria held her head as an unbidden memory from her shell leaked into her consciousness - Wesley chanting over a cauldron, the glow of candlelight illuminating his face.

"Stop, Blue," Spike managed to say as he recovered from the loss of the hug. Then he saw her grab her head. "You alright?"

Illyria's eyes snapped open. The Goddess took in the worried faces of the humans surrounding her. "It is of no concern. An imprint of memory left by this shell. Nothing more." Illyria then turned her attention to the new human who now accompanied the old one and her pet. With her cold gaze, she assessed that this new female was also an Immortal but other powers emanated from her.

Willow had recovered from her unexpected fall and began introducing herself to Methos and Cassandra. "Hi, I'm Willow Rosenberg, Resident Head Wicca and Assistant to the Head of the Watchers' Council. Welcome."

"Ms. Rosenberg, we've spoken many times on the phone and through e-mail. I'm Adam Pierson." While Methos shook Willow's hand, Spike noticed his pointed look at Cassandra. Apparently, given her expression, Cassie didn't know of Methos' secret identity, or why he would withhold his true identity from his supposed colleagues.

"I'm Cassandra. Very nice to meet another who draws strength from the Earth Goddess." Spike could sense both Willow and Cassandra sizing each other up. This should prove interesting.

Xander interrupted the greet-fest by asking Spike if he'd like a tour of the place. Having noticed the lack of their presence in the foyer, Spike
instead asked, "Where's Pinks and the Destroyer?"

"In the training room. After being cooped up on the plane, both seemed itchy for a good spar. Connor took her off my hands for a bit. Which is good. My ribs still are sore from the other day. The Puffy Xander suit didn't fare so well."

Xander kept talking while leading Spike, with Illyria and the others following, through several hallways. Lots of girls of varying ages, a few looking as young as ten, peeked out from their rooms. Spike's vamp senses registered so many slayers that his skin crawled. His sense of self-preservation dictated that he remove his easily dusty self from this house as quickly as possible, but Spike fought that instinct. He'd lived with a house full of potential slayerettes before, no difference here, except that these girls didn't know him and all had their powers. Best be on guard, then.

As the group neared a set of double doors, Spike could smell old sweat, talcum powder, dried blood, and other odors that could only be attributed to a gymnasium. The door opened before Xander reached for it, and a vaguely familiar figure stood in the doorway.

"Xander, I can't believe how much she's progressed. You have to come see," the lithe, auburn haired pixie announced. Then taking in Xander's followers, her huge brown eyes got impossibly bigger. "Spike!!!!" Spike sensed an underlying fear that felt familiar, but that soon disappeared. "I heard you were back. I'm not scared of you anymore, and I dare you to try to twist my arm now."

In a flash, her identity came back to him. "Vi… my, my haven't you just flowered, little Violet. Don't ever dare a vampire, pet. Hasn't your Watcher taught you that lesson yet?" Spike teased.

"Spike, I'm glad you're alive…er… undead. I didn't believe Xander when he said that this boy could hold his own against Dana, but …" waving her arm, "... come inside and see."

Chapter 15

A/N: Thank you to Flexsis for the remarkably fast beta! *hugs*

(Inside Watcher's HQ, as Spike, Methos and Cassandra were meeting.)

Connor held in his wonderment at this headquarters. He still remembered how he'd felt walking in the doors to Wolfram & Hart, and how that all felt enormous. This building also gave a feeling of enormity, but while W&H was cold and unfeeling, Watchers' HQ felt homey. Yes, his mom would have called it homey, in that "old-English-countryside-yet-still-in-London" sort of way.

Xander had reintroduced him to Willow Rosenberg. By the way her eyes went from confusion to recognition, Connor knew that the old memory spell had reached her as well, and now it had been cleared. He understood. Before today, he wouldn't have been sure that he had met the redhead. Sometimes the old memories and the planted ones confused him. Now, he recalled that Willow had been called to re-ensoul his father after the Beast had been slain.

He stood there awkwardly with Xander and Willow. Illyria had remained outside, in her Fred form, to study the sounds of this place. Several young girls passed by the lobby, stopping for a moment to stare at him, before running off and giggling. He just didn't get young girls. Dana had run off somewhere, and a part of him wanted to take off and find her. He felt protective of her for some reason.

Xander and Willow continued talking and catching up, mentioning someone named Giles. He observed Xander breathing a small sigh of relief at whatever was said. Then Xander turned to him and said, "Why don't you go catch up with Dana? She's probably in the training room, killing the punching bag."

Another redhead was walking by when Xander called out to her, "Vi!"

"Hey, Xander!" she exclaimed, hugging him.

"Vi… is Dana in the training room?"

"You know she is. Can't keep her out of there. She sometimes scares the other girls," Vi answered. She looked curiously at Connor, causing him to shift his feet. She reminded him of a pixie queen.

"Will you take Connor there, too? Don't worry, he can hold his own," Xander requested.

"If you're sure…," said Vi, uncertainly plain on her face.

"I'm sure. Connor, let me know if you like the room. I've tried to make sure it's well equipped."

Connor followed Vi down the corridor and through the huddled masses of teenage girls.


Upon entering the training room, Connor beheld an enormous area, completely stocked with every weapon and every apparatus imaginable. He spied Dana in the corner, doing exactly what Xander had said: absolutely punishing the punching bag. She was impressive. A few other girls were gathered in a far corner, brushing up on their hand-to-hand combat, though to him it looked more like they were gossiping rather than doing any serious training.

His eyes smiled at the weaponry mounted on the walls. Connor sat his backpack down to retrieve his favorite weapon. Carefully lifting out the extremely sharp, curved, sickle-like weapon in his left hand, he grabbed a cloth with his right to polish its foreign metal.

Connor had crafted it in Quor'Toth, and during his time there, it had become like an extension of his arm - all the more so since it had been strapped to his arm with leather thongs crisscrossed in three places. While Spike had been talking to Faith and the other slayers in the Hyperion, he had discovered it in one of the hidden weapon cabinets. He knew he had to have it, and he'd thrust it into his backpack before they had left the hotel.

Had someone told Connor a year ago that his family wasn't really his, but rather one crafted under the commission of Wolfram & Hart to entice his "real" father into running the Los Angeles branch, he would have asked them what drugs were they taking. But, upon meeting Angel and learning that he had to face Sahjahn, his worldview had changed. And then, in the midst of getting his ass royally handed to him by the pockmarked and scarred demon, his true memories returned. The sudden incursion of his "real" past and identity allowed him to defeat the one who had opened up the portal to Quor'Toth, allowing Holtz to kidnap him.

In the aftermath, his mind had rebelled against the confusion of the two realities, and Connor embraced the known, the familiar - his "created" family. He'd been happy and content in his ignorance, or so he thought. Time and time again, he would wake up at night, sweating with excitement over his particularly violent dreams, in which he was relishing the kill of some demon in a hellish environment. Sometimes, he caught himself daydreaming about how the axe had felt in his hand and his satisfaction at how it had sliced through Sahjahn.

Even though Connor knew Wolfram & Hart represented the darkest of evil, he couldn't help but be thankful to them and his father for placing him with the Reillys. He knew he hadn't actually grown up in their household, but Connor still appreciated the implanted feelings of confidence and self-worth that had come with the package. Better still, his "Connor Reilly" life gave him perspective over his true past, and he no longer felt bitterness toward Angel.

When Angel had walked into that café to tell him about Nina and spend some time with him, Connor knew a big battle was brewing. Yet his father wouldn't give him any information. The whole setup in the café had felt like a good-bye. Connor realized then the gravity of the situation.

Connor had suppressed his desire to tell his father that he wanted to help with the fight. He instinctively understood that Angel would be distracted in the battle if Angel had to worry about his safety - although, considering some of the battles he'd waged on Q'uortoth, Angel didn't need to worry. He could handle himself, but Angel didn't know that,; or rather, Angel didn't want to recognize that fact.

Still, he couldn't help himself from following Angel back to Wolfram & Hart later. Good thing, too, since he'd saved his dad from that big goon. That Hamilton guy had possessed power; however, in the end, Angel had ordered him to go and be safe. Of course, Connor hadn't listened to Angel at all.

Connor had been surprised by the anger sparked in him by Angel's demise. It had been the one thing he'd wanted most in the world such a short time before; but now, he grieved. He needed to destroy something … anything. The battle in L.A. hadn't been enough.

As he strapped his sickle-ax to his left arm, Connor noticed that his actions had caught Dana's attention. Dana had stopped punching the bag and was grabbing a set of Kamas, twirling them by their hilts. Connor cocked his head to the side, and Dana nodded in silent agreement.

With a rush of preternatural speed, Connor dashed to the center of the room, meeting Dana on the mat in a clash of metal. Dana had stopped his strike with both daggers extended in a lunge. He did a one-handed cartwheel to give himself some distance and also to show off his skill to his opponent. Dana, for her part, readied herself for the next attack, bending at the knees and holding the Kamas, the left over her head and the right at her waist.

Behind him, Connor heard the startled gasps of the other young slayers, and could sense that some were about to come to their sister's aid. Dana shook her head at them and ordered, "No. Stay out of this. Only training." Murmured grunts of disbelief and disapproval followed in the wake of her order.

Dana flashed him a crooked smile and then charged. Connor wondered if Dana knew she had telegraphed her move to him. Didn't really matter to him if she did or didn't. It all came out the same.

Connor used his right hand to cross-grab the Kama in Dana's left hand as it came down in a classic disarming move taught to him by Holtz. With his left hand and blade, he blocked her undercut of the right Kama, swinging it away from her body. He took advantage of their close positions to do a side-sweep kick to her legs, causing her to fall to the mat.

Fire flashed in Dana's eyes. No one had taken her to the mat so quickly before. Xander wouldn't be happy with her. She had to fix this fast. The others were watching.

In fact, the small group of slayers forced one of the younger ones to leave and tell the others. They had all heard of Dana's abilities and her craziness. Two in the group had been with Andrew when they'd retrieved her in Los Angeles, and had seen what sort of damage she could unleash. So, most maintained a healthy dose of fear when it came to Dana. To see her in battle, even if it was just practice, was not to be missed.

Dana flipped back to her feet and held up one finger. Connor nodded but kept up his guard; he'd learned to always expect an unfair attack. Holtz had drilled that into his psyche at least a hundred times in Quor'Toth.

Dana walked slowly over to the punching bag and placed the Kamas on a nearby table. She sensed that Connor's fighting technique was fluid and adaptable. In order to fight him with any chance of success, she needed to feel unfettered and wild.

Pulling the ribbons out of her hair, Dana shook it loose. Her unruly mane of ebony hair cascaded over her shoulders and covered part of her face. She cast a backward glance at Connor and smirked. Her right hand reached for a throwing dagger, hurling it toward him with deadly accuracy.

At first, Connor had been caught off-guard by her transformation. In the flick of an eye, Dana had morphed from a mere girl to a beautiful, powerful woman, and he forgot to breathe. He barely had time to dodge her missile, before he found his hands full of an angry Slayer, wielding a halberd.

Dana understood that close combat would not be successful in battling his weapon. If she could separate him from that really cool blade, then she could go in close. She'd grabbed the halberd to allow her some distance; plus, she liked it. This one was a big pole with blades on both sides.

As the halberd slashed at his left arm, Connor blocked and weaved from its blows. He sensed more people coming into the room, and he hoped that they would stay back and allow him the room he needed to move. Seeing a broadsword mounted to a wall on his right, he feigned a move to the left, and then dashed to the right to get it.

He tested the sword by performing two figure eights. He liked its balance and deemed it worthy. He knew he was showing off when he whipped the sword in his palm in a tight circle, causing the sword to come out of his palm for a moment.

"Are you done?" Dana asked, mad at herself for falling for his move to her right, and at him for the audacity to show-off for the other girls.

Offering her a smile in response, Connor sassed, "Just about," and then ran up the wall and flipped over her head. "Now, I am."

Dana stopped herself from showing any signs of being impressed. She focused instead on slicing the leather thongs on his weapon. When the first gave way, she smiled triumphantly and continued her pursuit.

Connor felt the strand give on his weapon and was incensed. Gripping the hand strap tighter, he blocked her next strike, and lunged with the broadsword. He stiffened when he smelled her blood. He'd nicked her waist right above her hip.

"I'm sorry, Dana; I didn't mean to…" Connor hastily apologized, letting down his guard.

Instead of reacting to the cut, Dana took advantage of the situation, sweeping inside and elbowing Connor in the gut. When his head bent in reaction, she clocked him with her left punch. He was thrown back at least two feet. The observers gasped.

Feeling the blood pouring forth from his nose, Connor tasted it with his tongue. He wiped the blood from his nose, looked at his hand, and laughed. "Good one."

(Thirty minutes later)

The battle had turned into a war, from which no retreat would be permitted. Both Dana and Connor were bloodied but smiling from the pure enjoyment of finding one's true partner. Each time one thought they had the advantage, the other would quickly dispel that notion. The audience had grown in size, and no inch of wall space could be seen.

Dana was experiencing an alien feeling in her stomach and heart. She also felt a pooling of fluid at the junction of her thighs. She knew she'd just had her period a week and a half before, so it couldn't be that. But she didn't dare stop and ask someone about it. She had to continue to fight Connor. She would win!

Connor found himself thanking the Powers for the audience, because it kept him from just dropping his weapons, grabbing Dana and taking her against the pommel horse. He remembered feeling lust for Cordy and sleeping with her, believing himself to be in love with her. But those feelings were nothing in comparison to what he had started to feel for his opponent. She frustrated him, excited him, and challenged him at every turn.

Connor's sickle-axe was long shed, and Dana's halberd long forgotten; both had chosen Escrimas - Philippine fighting sticks. Connor enjoyed the feel of the light, white wax wood sticks in his hands. The wood was pretty much indestructible, and he trusted them not to split or splinter during the match. He couldn't tell for certain, but he thought that Dana had plain rattan ones. If he hit them in the right spot, it was possible to break them.

Connor met Dana in the center of the room, sticks meeting each other hard and fast. Throughout the contest, he had noticed that Dana would drop her left shoulder before making certain swipes. It was an opening that he planned to capitalize on.

Just then, he felt his uncle's presence nearby. Spike was back, and Connor wanted to show off for Spike. He couldn't let this slayer defeat him. He could now remember when Faith had so easily thrown him into a chain fence when they were on the hunt for Angelus. It still burned his pride.

Getting his mind back into the fight, Connor saw Dana drop her shoulder, and knew she would be following it up with an upward thrust. With his left hand, he blocked the stick, putting all his weight behind it and making Dana's left arm fly backwards. Then, he quickly followed up by dropping to his knees and sweeping the right stick behind her knees. Dana fell to the mat hard, and Connor crawled on top of her, pinning her down between his legs.

"Say it!" Connor demanded.

"Never!" Dana answered.

Connor grunted and squeezed with his thighs into her waist, with the right Escrima under her chin. "Say it, now!"

"Okay, you're a shit!"

Shocked gasps filled the room. No one knew that Dana even knew swear words.

Dana was furious, but extremely excited by Connor's position over her. Even though a part of her associated his dominant position with her upsetting past, the woman in her recognized the feel of his groin so near to hers. She licked her lips, as she caught him staring at her with aggravation.

Just then Spike, Methos, Cassandra, and Xander burst into the room. Connor paid them no mind, again insisting that she signal her defeat.

"Say it, Dana. You can't get out of this," Connor whispered.

His lips so close to her own, Dana became distracted by their fullness. "What?"

"Oh, no! No! No! Get Dead-boy's son off of my slayer, Spike. Or, so help me…." exclaimed Xander.

"Or you'll what, Xander, stomp your feet in outrage?" Spike answered loudly. "It seems that your slayer has given as good as she got. Look at the bruises and cuts on my nephew."

"But … he's on top of her," Xander protested. "And why do you keep sniffing the air?"

Spike turned away from Xander; he really didn't want the Whelp to know. Spike knew that particular scent well, although it was different each time. An excited female was something to be cherished. It sent his senses reeling, especially since it appeared that Dana wasn't the only one affected by the presence of his nephew. He also noticed the looks being exchanged between the two kids; they were enamored with each other.

Vi stepped into the room took one look at Connor and Dana's faces and blurted out, "Oh, that reminds me of that time in the cemetery when Buffy had you on the ground, Spike."

Xander's eyes bulged with sudden understanding. "No!"

"Go back to Egypt, Whelp. You like it there," Spike snickered.

Illyria materialized from somewhere and, observing the scene, decided she didn't like how her new pets were acting. She pushed through the audience of Slayerettes, and picked Connor up by the scruff of his shirt, while holding Dana at bay with her other arm. "You have damaged yourselves."

Pausing momentarily, Illyria suddenly dropped Connor on his ass, and pushed Dana away. She glared around the room with disdain. "Humans!" she spat, before backing away.

Spike had to ask, "What's wrong, Blue?"

"My pets lust after each other. These females lust after Connor. It disgusts me. Humans are ruled by such base instincts. How did they ever overtake my kind?"

Cassandra spoke up, "Love. It binds all, and destroys all."

Illyria tilted her head, absorbing Cassandra's words. "Disgusting emotion," she said finally, and left the room.

"Now look, you've ticked off Shiva. Good work," Spike said sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Connor and Dana, having recovered from Illyria's interference, had started once again to circle each other. One girl whispered, "This is like that episode of 'Star Trek' with Spock and Kirk. All we need is the music."

At that, Spike groaned. "Enough!" he growled.

The room fell silent. Connor and Dana turned to face him. "You two … enough training for today, yeah? We've got baddies in Rome we have to take care of, remember? Doesn't do Buffy and Dawn any good fighting each other. Save it for after."

Connor looked ashamed for forgetting about why they were there in the first place. He held out his right hand to Dana. "Good fight?"

Staring at his hand for a moment, Dana glanced at Spike first before accepting the hand and shaking it. "Yeah, good fight."

"I still won," said Connor.

"No, you didn't. I could have gotten out of your hold," replied Dana.

"No way," Connor began.

"Children! I said, shut it," Spike declared. "Now, let's get some shut-eye before leaving for Rome." Glancing at the swarm of slayerettes and trainers, Spike said, "'Night kiddies."

Chapter 16
Beta by Spikeslovebite
A/N: Much love to all my very patient and understanding readers - Slinky, Jesse, MaryP, Verda, Athene...thank you!

(Rome, Italy)

No one paid any attention as the short young man entered the Hotel Caprice Rome in the Via Veneto section of Rome. He'd learned over the years how not to be noticed when he wanted. Of course, it helped that a gaggle of tourists were registering at the time.

The normally short walk from the café near the Trevi had been made longer due to retracing his steps, looping twice around some streets - all in the effort to cover his tracks. Not that he expected anyone had been following him, but one never knew when dealing with Wolfram & Hart. So, he'd taken the necessary and extreme precautions in making his way back to the hotel.

He resisted the urge to check on the pocketed glass taken from the café once his entered the elevator. People might notice such an action. It was better for him to act completely bored with it all - allowing any wayward eyes cast in his direction to pass by quickly.

Exiting the elevator, he made his way to his room that had been registered under an alias. Joe had given him a list of names from which he could choose, so that when Joe needed him, he could start at the top of the list. Each name matched a specific hotel. Now, he stayed in the third on the list. The situation had escalated, and that had prompted the risk of being caught at the Trevi.

Once in the room, the man quickly divested himself of his jacket and placed the glass, which he'd placed in a Ziploc, on the table. He first checked to make sure no bugs had been planted by sweeping a device around the room. Then he switched on his computer, entered the passwords for three screens, and checked his hidden cameras. Briefly scanning the videos, he assured himself that no one had entered the room after he'd left.

Then he began his work.


Spike found himself itching to leave Watcher's HQ sooner rather than later. The longer they stayed here, the more likely he'd run into Rupert Giles. A part of him wanted to face the Watcher down and remind him that Spike wasn't so fangless anymore. However, the more he thought over the events of the past few months, the more his inner voice cautioned him.

If the Italian branch of Wolfram & Hart had somehow 'replaced' Andrew with whomever it was he spoke to in Rome, then how farfetched would it be for them to also have replaced Giles? If that had in fact taken place, it would explain a lot of things, including Giles' apparent blessing over Buffy's involvement with the Immortal. Additionally, Methos had explained how Joe Dawson had already been planted as a mole in the Italian branch months before when subtle changes had started to take place at HQ.

Therefore, Spike told himself that, at least for now, the Watcher or whoever was playing his part would be none-the-wiser of Spike's whereabouts.

Willow and Cassandra were in a huddle bestowing blessings and beseeching the Goddess for protection and wisdom in the coming battle. Willow had been miffed that she wouldn't be able to join the cavalry; however, she agreed that her departure from HQ would be noticed the most. She needed to maintain the status quo.

During the hours the group had been together, Willow and Cassandra had discussed several spells and devised some workable strategies for disabling W & H's security measures. Most interestingly, Spike had noticed that Illyria had joined the women. Apparently, Blue felt the urge to use hers and Fred's combined knowledge to assist in strategy. Making war plans suited and appeased Blue greatly.

Xander and Methos were keeping a close eye on Connor and Dana. Spike chuckled at how Xander was acting like a nervous, overprotective father who worried that someone would take advantage of his little girl. Yet, Connor seemed to be the one who needed protection. While Dana remained immature in some ways, that sparring session had awakened the woman in her. The psycho Slayer had spied a potential mate and she liked what she saw.

"I think everyone's ready," Willow announced to the group. "Spike, Cassandra and Illyria can go over some of what we planned with you. For your own protection, they will not be able to tell you everything."

"Not sure I like the sound of that, Red," Spike asserted.

Blushing furiously, Willow countered, "Oh, it's not like that, Spike. See, before Angel became CEO of Los Angeles, and then you joined there, of course, certain measures were installed at all branches of Wolfram & Hart to alert security when either of you entered the building. So, part of what we have to do will be to protect you. I can't say more in case their seers pick it up."

"I thought we were safe here, Wills?" Xander said.

"Oh yeah, here, I've got my mojo running big time. But once you are outside of HQ, their seers and who-knows-what-else might be able to pick up your thoughts or conversations. So, do I have to tell you, Alexander Lavelle Harris, to watch what you say and think?" Willow said, effectively instituting her resolve face.

"Ah, Wills, did ya have to say my full name? Dana's right here." Xander held his head in his hands. He mumbled, "She's never gonna respect me now."

Spike laid a comforting hand on Xander's shoulder. When Xander looked up, Spike teased, "What makes you think she does now?"

"Shut up, Spike," Xander huffed, with a smile on his face.

Methos coughed, interrupting the moment. "I've contacted Joe. We will be meeting a trusted contact of his at the Coliseum. He said that you would know the man, Xander."

"More cryptic stuff, cool," Connor commented.

"Yeah, cool," Dana repeated. "Why's that cool, Connor?"

"'Cause we'll be all cloak and dagger and super spy. Hasn't Xander introduced you to James Bond?" Connor asked.

"007, licensed-to-take-your-woman-and-kill-you?" Dana proffered.

Everyone laughed at Dana's confused look, except for Xander who blushed. "Dana, you know what I was telling you about not repeating everything I say?"

"But Mr. Xander, isn't that who Bond is?"

"That he is, ducks," Spike answered her and placated the girl by patting her on the head. Dana smiled appreciatively at his gesture.

Connor threw an arm around Dana's shoulders and moved her away before Xander could react. "Come on, D. Let's head to the van. Gotta let the ol' folks have some time."

"Who is he calling old?" Xander asked the room.

Methos, Cassandra, and Spike raised their hands in jest. Illyria, seeing that offense was not intended, raised hers as well.

"He really didn't mean us, Xander," Willow placated.

"Still." Xander pointed a finger at Spike. "I blame you."

"What? I've only known the bugger for a day!"

(Flying over Europe)

"You know, Cassie, I'm not sure I'm liking the sound of your plan. Magic has consequences, always," Spike huffed.

"Cassie? Don't call me that," Cassandra asserted.

"Too late," Xander replied. "Once you said those fatal words, the name's a keeper."

"Too right, whelp," Spike responded.

"See what I mean?"

"Oh well," Cassandra sighed, looking over at Methos. "He may call me that, but you certainly don't have permission to, understood?"

"Yes, Cassandra, perfectly," Methos said, not looking up from his laptop.

"What are you doing, Methos?" Cassandra asked.

"E-mailing Amanda, my dear," Methos casually replied.


"Oh, I apologize." Methos hazarded a glance at her frosty stare.

Illyria grabbed Spike's arm.

"Yeah, Blue?"

"My pet will not be harmed. It would not please me if it is so," she announced.

"Unless you are the one doing the damage, right, Blue?" Spike teased.

Illyria nodded and tilted her head. "Yes, you make funny noises."

Xander snickered. "I better go back and check on the kids."

(Rome, Italy, entrance to the Coliseum)

Methos, Spike, Cassandra, and Xander were standing relatively close together but milling about the square. Following Spike's request, Illyria was keeping 'the kids' safe at their hotel. Cassandra elected to come along in case a cloaking spell was needed.

Spike suddenly sensed something and got Xander's attention. He'd not smelled it in a long, long time - several years in fact. The last time had not been a pleasant memory, nor had it been a cool wardrobe choice.

From Xander's reaction, his mouth agape in disbelief, Spike knew it was whom he thought he'd sensed.

The short young man from the café and Joe's contact emerged from the crowd. One minute he wasn't there and the next he was. He took in the reactions of Xander and Spike and noted the curious glances of those whom he knew only from surveillance photos as Methos and Cassandra.

He watched as Methos and Cassandra started looking around suddenly and knew the other had arrived as well. Joe hadn't told them. Spike had placed a hand on Xander, keeping him from running up and greeting him. Xander got the message.

Methos and Cassandra relaxed as they saw the woman stand beside the young man.

"So, Methos, is that the way you greet me?" Amanda said, feigning disappointment. "Oh, I see, you can't because she's here. Oh well, another time."

Cassandra shifted a curious look at Methos, the briefest appearance of jealously flashed through her eyes.

Amanda threw her arm around the young man. "I thought you said they knew you."

"They do," Oz replied. Nodding his head slightly, he added, "Hey, guys."

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