"New Beginnings"

by Oracleholly

Last Round (18) of the 'End of the Bloody Line' Round Robin for the Bloodshedverse.

A/N: I have a lot of people to thank so bear with me. Thank you for all of the authors who have contributed to the round robin. The story has been amazing. Thank you to Bloodshedbaby for her patience, while I've hampered with illness for the past several weeks. Thanks go to Slaymesoftly and Megan Peta for their advice and betaing. Without further ado, I give you the last chapter of the 'End of the Bloody Line.'

** Two Weeks Later **

Buffy had to hurry but still had to keep her cool. He'd be able to tell something was up, if she weren't careful. Knowing that she couldn't do this at home, Buffy now sat in the last stall in one of the girls' bathroom at Sunnydale High with a brown paper bag.

She had almost panicked when she had shopped in the pharmacy. Fortunately since she was never sick, she had never been inside. The pharmacist on duty had been a younger woman who either appeared sympathetic to her plight or thought she was a shoplifter. Buffy realized that she must have looked weird to that lady. Pacing back and forth in front of a little section in one of the aisles. Buffy had no clue really what brand would be the most accurate. There had been so many to choose from that keeping her heart rate under control had been almost impossible.

"Can I help you?"

"Ummm…no…yes…I mean maybe?" Buffy had really tried to keep the fear out of her eyes and not look at the boxes beside her. She was the Slayer for the Powers that Be's sake, and yet, she couldn't look this lady in the eye. Although she was excited by the possibility of having Spike's baby, she also knew that hey, seventeen here, people judge.

The lady must have been some sort of empath, because she immediately softened her stance and removed a box from the shelf. "This one is easy to use and 99.8% accurate. Come with me, please. I'll get you checked out."

The lady had kept the box in her pocket of her white lab coat. So considerate. She had taken out a plain brown paper bag as she rang up the sale. Buffy handed over the cash, and the lady held her hand for a moment. "It will be okay. I've put in some information for you."

Buffy had turned her grateful eyes to the lady, quickly reading her nametag. "Thank you, Tami. Thank you very much." With that she had run out of the store, hoping she wouldn't be late for history. She had skipped her lunch period to make that trip, and she really didn't need Willow or Xan… not Xander…she had almost choked on a small sob…Oz and Cordy to find out, yet.

In History, Willow had asked her why she hadn't been at lunch. She had shrugged and told her just a little bit of Slayer business, no big. Well it was Slayer business, 'cause hey, she already suspected that she was going to be a Slayer mama anyway. And that really would affect her Slayer duties. So no lie there, just not full disclosure, either. Will would understand, eventually.

So now, here she sat reading over the instructions. She was supposed to hold the stick while she peed on it? A world of ewwww. She so didn't want to do this. Buffy had already felt certain changes in her body, being the Slayer did have its advantages. Weirdly she trusted Dru, of all people, with her prediction. She had followed Dru's instructions and had seduced the Big Bad before that glorious sunrise. Just replaying that glorious lovemaking left her wet and wanting him. Physically shaking her head as if to clear those thoughts, it so wouldn't do to have Spike show up at school right now, she reasserted her calming thoughts and breathing.

Okay she did the ewwww part, now she had to wait. Strangely, Spike had not commented on the subtle changes in her body, but then again he had been so preoccupied with reclaiming the title of Master of Sunnydale in the past weeks. He told her his doing so was necessary in order to help keep Sunnydale relatively safe for her and her friends. The slayer part of her wanted to argue and tell him, hey, Slayer here, that's my job, but the common sense part of her recognized the value in having some sort of order reining in the demon community. Of course, that had been only one of the huge changes that had happened in the past two weeks.

**** Flashback - The Day After ****

Waking up safely in each other's arms after the events at the Magic Box, Buffy snuggled closer to Spike's hard chest delighting in the secret hope that they had conceived a child. Her eyes threatened to swim with tears of joy.

Spike, though, saw her tears and misread them for sadness over the loss of one of her best friends and the natural reaction to the culmination of events of the past few weeks. He took a moment of reflection on how much everything had changed since his attempt to cure Drusilla. The failure of the spell to cure his dark princess would have broken him had it not been for the blonde goddess resting in his arms. He originally told himself that he saved the Slayer in order to fix the spell and get his princess back. But now, he had to acknowledge that his attraction to Buffy had colored his actions even then.

Now he felt the love that had been denied to him for over a century. Since turning to his enemy and falling for her, his unlife felt pregnant with possibilities. He had even gained the feeling of pure love from the ghostly Drusilla. His princess was happy, and that knowledge did wonders toward assuaging the loss of his sire.

Turning his mind back to the bundle in his arms, he began to kiss a tear that had leaked from her eye. "Love, it'll be alright."

Lost in her happy thoughts, Buffy smiled and realized that her vampire thought she was mourning the loss of her friend. She knew that it would hit her later, but for right now she was too overjoyed at the possibilities that the next nine months would bring. Well she hoped it was nine months, 'cause hey, half demon baby here. "I know, Spike. I know. I need to talk to mom and Kendra." With that, she reluctantly began to slip out of his comforting embrace. He playfully tugged her back to give her a soul-searing kiss that promised later delights, but for now he was being good. Oh yes, he'll need to be rewarded later for being such a good vampire.

Later, with Spike as silent support, Buffy broke the news of Xander's turning and subsequent dusting to Joyce. Kendra had listened to a cursory summary of what happened when they had returned home the night before. So now she sat on the bed with Joyce, listening as the overwhelming feeling of failure as a slayer weighed heavily in her mind. Joyce shed a few tears at the passing of the male Scooby and asked about Willow. Kendra appeared ashamed that she had slept through vamp Xander coaxing Willow out of the house and into danger.

Surprisingly, Spike placed a firm hand on the shoulder of the Island Slayer. "Nothing you could have done, pet. Injured like you were, you needed rest. If anyone blames you, they got the Big Bad to answer to. Right? Red should have known better. Doesn't mean she's got anything to be sorry for either. He was her friend. She didn't think."

Both Buffy and Joyce were amazed that Spike took it upon himself to comfort Kendra. Even though Buffy had seen the compassionate, caring side of her mate, she knew that sharing that side of his personality did not come easily. It was a gift that he bestowed on very few. She didn't think that she could have loved him more than in that moment.

More shocking was Kendra's reaction. As if forgetting his very nature, she launched herself into the arms of one very shocked vampire. Hugging tightly so that even Spike looked uncomfortable, Kendra allowed herself to cry a little before releasing him. Buffy shared a look with Spike speaking volumes. In that look they had agreed that despite whatever orders the Council would send, Kendra was staying put with them. Watching her sister Slayer-who had been so steadfast in staking 'all dis vampires'-had shattered her preconceived bias and her easy acceptance of comfort from Spike dismantled whatever remained of her reservations in getting close to this sister. Spike also seemed to have moved this Slayer into his own picture of family. Kendra was now his, too. Not only would he make sure no harm came to his mate or her mother, but also no harm would ever come to this new sister as long as he could help it.

Joyce asked where Willow and Giles were; if they were in the hospital. While neither of them had sought treatment for their injuries the previous night, deciding instead to return home, they both would need some sort of care - both physically and emotionally. Buffy told her mother that a Scooby meeting would be held around dinnertime.

Dinnertime that day approached faster than Buffy expected. Cordelia arrived early. In fact, her mere appearance made Buffy realize that the cheerleader had not been around. Buffy felt the stirrings of guilt form in her mind. No one had kept Cordy in the loop. She could have been turned or killed and no one would have bothered to notice. Cordelia had somehow sensed what Buffy was thinking and she held up her hand as if to stop those thoughts. She thought back to when she had last spoken to Cordy - and it had been before the destruction of Ted. And now she also grasped that her lack of attention extended to Oz also. Boy, she was a bad friend.

"Buffy, look, we're not friends. I'm not on your 'who you gotta call' list; I know that. Anyway, Oz called me about Willow and then told me what happened." She had paused and started to cry. The crying had taken Buffy completely by surprise. "The stupid jerk. I mean **sniff** he kisses me a few times, and he has the nerve to go and get himself turned before prom."

Xander and Cordelia? When did this happen? Before she could stop her mouth, Buffy uttered, "You and Xander?"

Cordy looked up and said, "Yeah, big surprise. Remember that icky bug man? Had us trapped. We were arguing, then there was kissing. Then at the chapel there was the stomping of the bug man. Next day at school, I confronted him to tell him never again. I mean, I'm a cheerleader and he is …was… well, Xander." Buffy shrugged in agreement. "So anyway, more arguing, more kissing. It was getting to be a thing. I started to care."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Well, I've a reputation to think of…how do you think I felt knowing that I was hot for Xander Harris?"

Now the world righted on its axis, this was the real Cordelia Chase. "So…"

But Cordy interrupted her as if she didn't notice Buffy starting to talk. "He told me about Miss Calendar getting taken by Angelus. He hated vampires, ever since Jesse." Taking in Buffy's surprised eyes, Cordelia added, "Yeah, he told me about what happened to Jesse. I think his parents just said that he ran away. Anyway, he was so mad at you with Spike. I think he was jealous. So for him to become one, just doesn't make any sense."

"Cordelia, do you remember when the hyena spirit possessed Xander last year?"

"Was that when he went all 'rico suave' and hung with those losers?" Seeing the incredulous look on Buffy's face, "What?"

Buffy couldn't believe Queen C had called those popular kids losers. "(Snort) Nothing." No way would she bring to Cordy's attention that Cordy sort of moved her and Willow out of the 'loser' category. "Anyway, Vamp Xan was way more GRR ARGG than Hyena Xan." Vamp Xander's words replayed over again in her mind. "I almost had you that day." "I'm gonna fuck you 'til you scream, Buffy." Buffy swallowed hard and began to continue, "He…"

"Buffy, don't. I know he was one of your best friends, okay. Now, if you tell anybody I asked this, I'll deny it later, but are you okay?" A soft, sincere smile appeared on Cordy's face, and Buffy could almost see what a grown-up Cordelia would be like. Sure, she'd still be Queen C, but she would also have compassion for others.

"Not so much, but I will be. Hey Cordy, why are you being so nice to me?"

"In the words of Molly Ringwald, 'cause you're letting me.'" Both began to snicker, surprising Willow, Oz and Giles who had just arrived.

***End Flashback ***

Since that early evening, Cordelia had become one of her closest friends. Willow at first had been none too happy with the change in the dynamic, but after she had persuaded Cordy to telling Willow what had been starting between her and Xander, the choppy water of that relationship began to smooth out.

Yes, life had moved on after the Magic Box. Evil never took a break on the Hellmouth. The egg thing had been way gross. The Gorches had been jokes. Those Southern cowboy-wannabes had Spike rolling with laughter for days. Then she had had her birthday. Some master vamp from another country had tried to put together some judge demon. Fortunately, Spike's contacts and new minions had helped keep the boxes separate. Why, she didn't care, but apparently separate was a good thing. She wasn't going to argue, one less thing for her to worry about.

Buffy glanced at her watch, noting that the appropriate time interval had passed, and she picked up the stick. Sure enough, the test read positive. She stood, wrapped the stick in the brown bag and pocketed it in her satchel. Test done. Confirmation that a little Spikey or Spikette was growing inside of her. All she needed to do now was figure out how to tell her vampire that he was going to be 'Big Bad Daddy' and, of course, tell her mom. She wasn't sure which scared her more. She'd make sure that no axes, swords, stakes or other weapons were in arms reach of her mom. Wouldn't do any good to have 'daddy' becoming dust now, would it? She thought as she instinctively rubbed her belly.

Walking down the hall to her next class, she spied Willow and Oz hugging in a corner. It appeared as if Willow had been crying. She wanted to go to her friend and offer comfort, but right when she paused Oz had sensed her and shook his head slightly, telling her not now. Part of her suspected that Willow still had issues with Buffy's having dusted Xander.

She couldn't blame Willow for having those feelings. She'd been guilt-o-rama girl herself. Gee, Buffy, what did you do your junior year of high school? Well, I killed two of my closest friends, giving them both dusty endings. Do I win a prize? 'You already have, you silly girl.' Drusilla's voice answered, and Buffy smiled. Yeah, she sure did. She gained a mate, a child, and a chance at a semi-normal life, well normal in the sense that she'd be technically married with child.

Poor Willow. Willow and Xander had been best of friends since kindergarten. Sometimes she had felt envious of their relationship. She had nothing to compare it to. None of her friends in LA had kept in touch; of course, burning down the high school and dating an outcast pretty much exiled her from Coolville. She hoped that, with time, Willow would be okay. The powers contained in her red-headed friend sort of freaked her; Spike had filled her in on the power drain that Vamp Jenny had started and how all that had rushed back into Willow after Jenny's 'death'. For now, though, she just worried about her friend ever being happy again.

*** Flashback, the week earlier, 3 AM ***

A phone was ringing somewhere. In her dream, she was just about to have a Spike and Brad Pitt sandwich when a huge phone appeared on the bed before her. Stupid phone. Waking from the dream, she realized it was her phone. She turned to Spike, who was sleeping soundly, no indication that he heard the offending sound in the slightest. Oh well, she would have to answer it before it roused her mom and Kendra.

Grabbing the phone, she breathed, "Hello?"

"Buffy? **Sniff** I can't… I just …"

She immediately recognized the caller was Willow. "Will? What's wrong? Did something happen?" She winced at her poorly chosen words, of course something had happened. Duh.

Heavy sobs sounded through the phone, and Buffy was tempted to get dressed and head over to Willow's right then.

"My yellow crayon is all broken." Huh? "Xander…(sob)…he…he… my yellow crayon."

Okay, 'Xander' she understood, 'yellow crayon', not so much. But she knew that yellow crayons had something to do with Xander. Perhaps they both liked yellow crayons? "Will? Tell me."

*** End Flashback ***

For over two hours that night, she had stayed on the phone listening to Willow recall how she and Xander met in kindergarten. How the three of them - Jesse, Xander and Willow - had formed such a tight bond. How Willow didn't know now how she could face the world without either of them.

Throughout that night, Buffy's heart ached for Willow. She knew loss, understood its power. She would have never wished such pain on her best friend.

Spike had awoken at some point, sensing her emotional turmoil and held her hand while she stayed on the phone. Buffy stayed as strong as she could for her friend, knowing that adding her grief over losing Xander on top of Willow's pile would be selfish. At one point Willow had even said, "Oh, and you're missing him too, aren't you, Buffy?" She could have taken that bait and run with it, but she refrained. Only acknowledging the missage, but turning the conversation's focus to Willow - allowing her to purge some of those bottled up emotions. Perhaps therapy would be a career choice.

As if he had sensed her replaying painful memories, she felt Spike send her comforting, soothing thoughts through their link. Spike had been her therapist, a surprisingly good one. Better than those quacks at the institution.

During the past two weeks, Spike had held her and comforted her on those nights when the nightmares of Miss Calendar and Xander plagued her. The nightmares were irregular and came without any warning. Sometimes they would come after she was resting peacefully after making love to her mate. Sometimes they came during a nap.

She hadn't wanted anyone to know that she wasn't truly dealing, but her mate put a stop to that right quick. He'd gotten her mom to come in and listen to every heartbreaking detail. Somehow even memories of Pike had crept into those discussions.

The last class ended, and Buffy was ashamed to think that she had no clue what had happened during class. She supposed she would get notes from Cordy. Buffy walked to her locker and saw Kendra and Willow waiting for her.

Joyce had enrolled Kendra in Sunnydale High, convincing the Snyder troll that Kendra's mother had been a dear friend who had died recently and left guardianship of Kendra to her. Through Giles' efforts, the Council had provided the needed paperwork giving guardianship to Joyce. Kendra had become her 'sister.' Snyder was not pleased to have another 'Summers' at his school.

Kendra wore a stern expression on her face, while Willow just looked nervous. Something was up. "Hey guys!"

Kendra narrowed her eyes, "You will tell Willow and me what is 'dis that is going on. Now."

Willow stammered, "Hmm, Buffy, you've been with the not talky…and well, I'm worried."

Buffy took a breath and smiled cheerfully. "Guys, I can't tell you right now. I have to do something first before I can. Promise to tell you everything tomorrow? It's nothing bad or GRR worthy, okay? Promise." She looked hopefully at the pair.

Kendra rolled her eyes but nodded only after Willow relaxed. "S'okay d'en, but tomorrow you will tell." Kendra started to smile, "Or I will show you some moves that Spike has taught me and kick your ass."

"Language, Kendra!" Willow exclaimed. Everyone had noticed that since Kendra had started to 'train' more with Spike that her language and expressions had become more Spike-like.

"Like you could, sister. Not a chance. Let's go home."

On the way home, walking next to Kendra, Buffy found herself thinking about her watcher.

Giles had not been the same since Miss Calendar's death. She saw it, everyone saw it, but no one knew how to help him through his grief. Although she still held onto remnants of mistrust and anger toward her watcher for his deception and reckless behavior toward her mom during the Ted incident, she couldn't help but want to let all that go after seeing him so destroyed that night. Finding out that Angelus had Jenny and not being able to save her tore at him. She was glad she hadn't been in the shop. Spike didn't share many of the details of what happened while she was out in the alley getting rid of Jenny's minions, but what he did share wasn't pretty. Giles had pretended to be his Ripper persona and stake Jenny. After being magically blasted across the room and left barely alive, Giles had regrouped and found a crossbow, shooting an arrow through his love's heart. Miss Calendar had met her final 'death' at his hands.

Buffy could sympathize with how hard that must have been for Giles. He had loved Miss Calendar, or was beginning to really love her. She couldn't help but feel proud at his actions; she knew that if she ever had to be faced with the necessity of killing Spike, she might be unable to do so. Life without her Spike… she didn't want to think about that. Had she had been forced to be the one who had to kill Angelus, she knew she could have done that now without hesitation, but that was because she now understood what real love was. She now realized that what she had had with Angel was the idyllic, romanticized version of puppy love. Sure she had been crushed when she realized that Angel had lost his soul, but Spike showed her that even without a soul, vampires and demons could love. Angelus couldn't or wouldn't. Had he truly loved her, then becoming Angelus-- once he gained 'Angel's' memories-- should not have mattered. But it did, and that spoke volumes of what they had not shared.

That first evening when Giles came for the Scooby roundup, Joyce had taken one hard look at his condition and told him in no uncertain terms that he was staying at their house until his injuries were healed. Buffy at first was shocked by her mom's insistence; she didn't know of Giles' hospital visit and what was said. And though she wanted to argue against him staying at their house, she had seen the determined look and set jaw on her mother's face and knew any arguing would have been a lost cause.

So for a few days, Giles had healed at their house. Buffy had to give him credit, not once did he complain about any soreness or pain. He had been numb. Still, during those days he had buried himself in the tasks of what to do about Kendra and other watchery duties. One of the most shocking requests he had made during that time had been for Spike to temporarily take over the training of his two charges. Gone had been his derision in his attitude toward her mate. In its place some silent understanding had taken root between the two. Spike had simply tilted his head to one side, paused, then nodded in agreement.

Kendra embraced getting trained by Spike. Buffy's sister slayer still smarted from her defeat and blood loss by Angelus and Jenny. She had taken Spike's words to heart that day in the hospital. She needed to train to get stronger, and who better to train her to defeat the stronger vampires than a master?

At first the Council had sent flunkies-- under the orders of Quentin Travers-- to try and take Kendra away, to send her back to her previous watcher. Unfortunately, in Kendra's absence, her previous watcher had been killed in a car accident. Kendra had been rocked by that news. Her watcher had raised her; he had been her only family. Travers had assigned a new watcher to Kendra. Buffy inwardly smirked. That dolt hadn't lasted three days. In a complete reversal of attitude from when she had first arrived, Kendra blatantly refused to listen to the ninny. Travers had threatened to send in the Council's retrieval team, but once Giles or Ripper coldly told him that each member would be sent back to him in body bags courtesy of the new Master of Sunnydale, Travers had backed off. For now anyway.

Buffy was shaken out of her reverie by Kendra asking, "I know something has happened, Buffy." Buffy considered the compassionate brown eyes of her sister for a few seconds, before deciding to reveal what her secret was.

"Kendra, sorry that I've been all distancy lately. It's just that… well, I guess I could use your help if you're willing."

"I know it's hard for a slayer to ask for help. Dis is not in our nature."

"Oh, it's not a slayer thing… well, not really… but … okay, here's the thing. I'm gonna be a slayer mama!"

Kendra paused in her walking, her eyes incredulous. "What do ya mean, slayer mama? Slayers are not able to have children."

"Well, actually that's a lie that the Council has told all the slayers. It has happened before. Sometimes a Slayer has been called after she has had, like, a teen pregnancy - that happened like in the 1950s I think - also another one in the 1970s. I snuck into Giles' books and found a reference to one slayer who had a kid after she was called, but that was like in the 17th century. So it's happened."

"But my watcher said…"

"Kendra, maybe he didn't know. You know how Giles is sort of not the typical watcher stiff."

"Dat's true. So how? When?"

"Remember how Spike…"

"Spike? Vampires cannot have children."

"Well mine did," she added angrily. She saw the slight alarm in Kendra's eyes and took a step back and a calming breath. "Sorry, little hormonal."

Kendra pursed her lips then giggled. "I'd feel sorry for de vampire that meets you now, then."

They shared a laugh then Buffy continued. "I'd be all GRR. Anyway, remember how I told you about Drusilla finishing off Xander?"


"Well, she whispered a little something before she faded away. Said in her Dru way that Spike's little swimmers would be alive until sunrise." Kendra appeared amazed. "Remember how Spike said that Jenny had placed her hand over his chest, muttering some mojo, and his heart felt hot? I think that Jenny made parts of his body alive again. I'm not telling you anymore, 'cause the rest would be sort of gross to tell you."

"I don't want to know, Buffy. You've…both of you have been given a precious gift."

Buffy threw her arms around her sister slayer, hugging her tightly. She'd been afraid of what her friends would think; she knew she'd get grief and taunts at school once word spread. But with Kendra's acceptance, she felt a part of that weight lifted off her shoulders.

"Anyway, can you help get mom out of the house for a few hours? Gotta tell Spike he's gonna be a daddy." Her joy seemed to have enveloped Kendra, because the girl broke into the biggest smile she had ever seen on her sister's face.

"You will need more than a few hours then." Kendra seemed lost in thought, giving no notice to the shocked, open-mouthed Buffy. Kendra made a joke! Wait, was it a joke? Were Spike and I really that loud? Oh God, what did her mom think? "I'll take her on patrol with me, if that is alright with you. She's been asking to go and help. Do not worry, I will not take her into the more dangerous cemeteries."

Buffy really didn't want her mom on patrol, but she knew that her mom had been asking and sort of training with Giles. It would solve the 'mom' problem for part of the evening. So she agreed to the plan.

When they had gotten home, Joyce had just returned from the gallery after having left work early, and Spike was out. He had left a note telling her he'd be back after sunset, which gave her a few hours to prepare. Kendra's help was invaluable during those few hours, keeping Joyce from getting wind that something was in the works. Watching Kendra play her mom, Buffy saw a true master manipulator in the making.

An hour before sunset, Kendra asked Joyce to accompany her on patrol, but first stopping to have short dinner with Giles. When they had gotten home, Kendra had called Giles asking him to go with her and Joyce on patrol, that Buffy had a big test the next day, and that in order to keep Buffy's Slayer identity a secret, Buffy needed to study. Buffy's eyes had threatened to bulge out of her head. Now why had she never thought of studying as an excuse to get out of slaying duty before? Man, her sis was good. Giles had suggested them stopping by for some dinner before patrol.

In the hour she had to herself, Buffy had busily placed candles throughout her bedroom; they would be lit five minutes before sunset. She had drawn herself a bath and soaked in the tub, sending romantic and naughty thoughts to her mate the entire time. She wanted him hungry for her when he arrived, not that he wasn't always… hungry for her, that is.

Precisely as the sun was setting, Spike strolled through the front door, coming home to find the lights dimmed, soft music playing - Chris Botti? - and rose petals strewn about the floor. The petals made a path up the stairs. Quirking his eyebrow, he reached out with his senses and detected that only his mate was in the house. Now, what did his goddess have in store for him? He had felt weird sensations through the link all day - happiness, excitement, sadness, grief, happiness again. He almost accidentally dusted one of his favorite minions when about an hour ago, he had felt her arousal. The minx. She had been acting sort of strangely lately, keeping secrets. He had wanted to try to get her to open up, but he had been so busy dealing with the aftermath of Angelus, Drusilla and Jenny that he hadn't pushed as hard as he could have.

As he made his way up the stairs, he smelled the remnants of her bubble bath and the burning of candles. He began to remove his duster as he prowled toward their bedroom. Opening the door, he found his mate lounging seductively on the bed in a skimpy black lace négligé, vanilla and jasmine candles the only lighting offered. She had changed the sheets to his favorite blue silk. She was a portrait of seduction.

"Hello, cutie," Spike said while hooking his thumb in his jeans, bringing his already hardening erection forward. "What's all this?"

"You don't like?" Buffy purred, slightly pouting her lower lip. "Well, I guess I could change." She slowly stood, allowing one of her straps to fall off her tanned shoulder. She began to make her way to one of the candles, bringing her lips together, all set to blow out the candle.

Spike grabbed a hold of her arms, bringing her back flush with his front, his erection grinding into her ass. "Let's not be so hasty, luv. Not complain'." He breathed in her scent, eyes rolling back, then dipped his lips to the nape of her neck licking and kissing one of her most sensitive spots.

Buffy felt like a puddle of goo. Her anticipation at his arrival had almost been her undoing. She had scenarios all planned out in her mind, but once he stood before her, all her plans disappeared. Now he was kissing her neck, eliciting warm sensations to race through her body. She somehow regained her focus and pulled out of his embrace.

Spike looked slightly hurt that she had removed herself from his arms, but then he saw her smile and knew it was her game. Well, he could play. He watched as Buffy sauntered over to her desk, where she had wineglasses and a bucket. Her back was turned to him, but the moment the heady aroma filled the air, Spike's mouth began to water. She had filled his glass with Slayer's blood; her own filled with what smelled like club soda.

Buffy turned back to her mate, holding out his glass for him. He took it with appreciative eyes. She tentatively sipped her club soda, her stomach doing flip-flops.

In the two weeks since the Magic Box, Buffy, for some reason, had stalled his attempts to bite her. At first he had been confused by her behavior, then chalked it off to the nightmares she had been having. Now, she was offering him her precious blood. He began to drink, noting a foreign flavor had been added. Had she tried to poison him? What was going on? Then as he continued to taste the blood still in his mouth, he couldn't believe what he tasted.

Buffy watched as different emotions flickered across his face. She noted elation at first, then disbelief, then shock. His eyes pleaded with her. She reached behind her to grab the hidden test stick, bringing it forward and placing it in his hand.

Spike looked down at the white plastic strip, not fully registering it for what it was at first. Then he saw the plus sign and knew it was a pregnancy test. His mate was pregnant. Had it not been for the blood now tasted, he would have thought someone had messed with his girl. But the precious blood she had offered held not only Buffy's unique taste, but also a new flavor, one that combined both Buffy and his own tastes. His girl was pregnant with his child!

He immediately dropped to his knees, pulling her stomach to his face. Tears fell from his eyes. Now the slight weight gain made sense, now the slight changes in her breasts became clear… she had deliberately not allowed him to taste her until she was sure. He snuggled closer to the non-existent bulge in her tummy. With his senses he listened and smelled the now tiny baby inside. His baby.

Buffy began to run her fingers through his soft hair, making soothing noises. Seeing Spike completely overwhelmed with happiness filled her heart with so much joy that she was glad her soul was not cursed like Angel's had been. She would have been gone in that instant. Spike's tearful eyes searched hers. "How?"

"Happy early Father's Day, daddy. Jenny's spell that warmed you…Drusilla whispered to me before she left what could happen. The heat, baby. Did you not notice that when I seduced you that night, your …erm… cum was warm? The Powers gave us a present. Do you like your gift?"

"Yes! Oh God, yes!" Spike pulled Buffy down to her knees and began smothering her with kisses. "I'm going to be a dad!"

"The bed…" Buffy muttered in between kisses. Spike stood and picked her up, carrying her in his arms, then gently placed her on the bed. He felt like a right git for not noticing the changes before…but then again, how was he supposed to know what signs to look for?

He rested on his side and gazed lovingly down onto her glowing form. She shone. She was effulgent. Perhaps Drusilla, all those years ago, had glimpsed Buffy in this state, and decided to help him meet his destiny. He sent up a word of thanks to his sire, almost hearing a whispered echo of "You're welcome, my William."

As he traced her body with his fingertips, rediscovering every inch of her, his fingers helped relieve her of her attire. Her nipples were already hardened from desire, begging to be tasted and touched. He obliged, suckling one pert breast into his mouth while teasing and pinching the other.

Buffy felt as if she was on fire. She needed him so much. She had missed the biting and being truly one with her mate. She needed to reclaim him, to reaffirm that connection. Her hand reached his belt, tugging it til she felt it give, then moved to unzip his jeans. The button popped open with his straining erection.

Spike hissed as he felt her hot, little hand take his cock. Her thumb teasing the already weeping tip. He suddenly stood, almost ripping his jeans off his body and pulling off his t-shirt. Just as quickly he returned to her body, this time crawling up her legs. Meeting her moist, succulent core, he dipped his tongue into her slit.

Buffy arched off the bed, only to be held down by one of Spike's hands. He began to tease her cunt without mercy. Her release surprised her; it happened without him once touching her clit. Then he pulled the demanding bundle of nerves into his mouth, and her second orgasm ripped through her. She would not be able to move ever again, she thought.

Spike removed his head when the tight grip from her thighs eased. Smirking as he licked the remains of her juices off his face, he crawled up to taste her mouth. His cock practically sang when it touched her heat. It wanted in, now.

When she felt the touch of his cock meeting her cunt, Buffy arched her hips trying to pull that most desired part of Spike's anatomy in by sheer will. Her hands gripped his ass, making small half-moons in his flesh.

"That's it, baby. Take in the Big Bad," he purred, which then became a growl as his member sank into her depths. Both sighed at the way their bodies fit together. Buffy brought her heels up to above his ass, giving him a better angle for his thrusts.

"Big … Bad… Daddy," she panted between his ministrations. Spike's eyes danced with delight at the new moniker. "But … not … going … to … play… whose… your …daddy… and you … can't … make … me."

He almost lost his concentration, messing up his timing. He couldn't help it; that had to be the funniest thing she had ever said. Her laughing eyes turned serious and dilated even more as he surged harder into her core. Instinctively she turned her head and he immediately brought forth his fangs. Spike knew she was close, and so was he. On the next plunge, he worried his marks on her neck. She began to orgasm at that simple touch. Her inner muscles clenched and strangled his cock. In time with the next thrust, his fangs bit into his marks, the combined taste of her and his child and the ministrations of her inner muscles took him over the edge. Spike collapsed on top of her for only a moment, before he shifted to her side, not wanting to hurt his sprog.

Spike pulled her into his arms, snuggling her as they both drifted to sleep; one of his hands resting on her belly.

**** Eight months later ***

Willow rushed into the house of Revello Drive just as Cordy and Kendra finished hanging the banner. "Two minutes!" Willow gasped, almost out of breath. "Be here in two minutes."

Cordy jumped off her stool, running up to Willow and directed her to a stool in the kitchen. She poured the witch a glass of water to help her calm down.

Buffy and Spike were coming home today.

Oz entered in the back kitchen door, taking in the sight of Cordelia Chase worrying over his girl. It still amazed him, though he would never say so. After he had become a werewolf, Willow pushed away whatever remaining objections she had to Buffy and Spike's relationship and embraced loving a part-demon. Oz secretly thought she had held onto those beliefs, in memory of Xander. But time had healed most of those wounds.

"Hurry guys! I see Joyce's van coming up the street! Wait, there is Spike's Desoto!" exclaimed Devon, Oz's band mate and Cordy's new beau. After saving Devon from being a vamp snackable, he had joined the Scoobies. Cordy was happy, which made the rest of the group happy. Oz just hoped that the relationship never soured. He'd hate to see Cordelia Chase on a path of vengeance.

Kendra began shoving hats and balloons into everybody's hands. "Put on de hats," she ordered with pure Slayer authority. Over the past months, especially the last three, Kendra had taken on the entire responsibility of slayer duty. Spike had loaned her a couple of good demon friends to assist her on very bad nights. Cordelia, more surprisingly, patrolled almost every night with Kendra, her skills with a sword rivaling near any master swordsman.

The door opened, and the gang all cheered, "Welcome home!"

Buffy almost jumped out of her skin; her senses were all out of whack now. Spike had assured her they would calm down and return to normal in a few weeks. Spike had known what was to come before approaching the door; he had sensed all those present inside.

Buffy teared up at reading the banner, gathering her bundle closer to her chest. "Welcome home, Lillian!"

'Lillian'-- already a very alert babe at three days old-- perked up her head slightly as if she could already read the banner. She began to howl. Her good howl.

Spike began purring and kissed Lil' Bit's forehead. "Hush now. Let's meet all the nice people, ya?" Taking Lilly from her mum, Spike began to half walk, half dance around the room, introducing his Bit to her extended family.

Joyce and Giles stood behind Buffy only slightly inside the house. "Mom, Giles, look at the Big Bad Vampire."

"Yes, quite," said Giles.

"Honey, he's so good with her. I'm so proud of you both." Joyce said. Buffy hugged her mom; their relationship had come a long way. Her mom had been royally pissed that someone, some vamp, had knocked up her baby girl, but once she calmed down and knew that this might be her only chance at a grandchild, things changed.

Giles had been slightly irked, but he had already formed a bond with William the Bloody, the Council be damned.

Looking around the den, seeing the happy faces of all her friends, her mate, her child, her mom, and her surrogate father, Buffy sent a prayer of thanks to the Powers and to her guardian angel, Drusilla. She thanked the Powers for messing up Spike's spell and putting him in her life, for sending her Drusilla as her guardian, for watching over them this past year and blessing them with Lillian.

Lillian Drusilla Anne Summers (the Bloody) Thornton had been an early baby, but the docs didn't think she was. Instead, they thought Buffy had miscalculated the date of conception. Lilly didn't appear to be a preemie, but she and Spike figured that she was more advanced being the offspring of a slayer and a master vampire. Her 'Uncle' Rupert would be helping them in her development, in case she displayed any abnormal talents. Spike scoffed at the 'abnormal,' saying that his daughter was the normal one and those other babies were trying to play catch up.

Buffy had stayed in the hospital a day longer than she needed or wanted to, at the insistence of her hovering mate. She had received gifts from both the human world and the demon world. Her child was both feared and revered.

She was happy, truly happy. Spike shared her look and sent a wave of love through their connection. Her family had been shattered and changed. But as it reformed, it had been built on stronger foundations and undying love. Yes, the Scooby gang and family were complete.

= the end =

Read the rest of End of the Bloody Line
