"Evil Lurks Even In Church"

by Oracleholly

First Round of the 'End of the Bloody Line' Round Robin for the Bloodshedverse.

A/N: Our momma Bloodshedbaby started this wonderful journey, but I decided to back up the story just a bit to uncover a few things and take a different perspective. Warning: Biting and bloodshed (well, duh…isn't that a must?), sexual situations, violence.

Turn Pairings: Angelus/Drusilla

**** (Nave of a church)

Warmth. Pulsing warmth. His strength and power were ebbing away from his body. So weak, so very weak. His right hand has been chained, suspended over his body, and he was bound to another. A female other. Who? The scent was familiar but in this haze he was at a loss for even who he was. Until suddenly all became very clear indeed.

While the vampire bound to the chain was having these thoughts, chaos had erupted all around him. Several blurry individuals stormed into his peripheral vision and commenced an all out, intense battle. During the fight none of those individuals noticed when a burst of hot pink energy suddenly emerged from the wounds on the two entwined semi-conscious vampires, totally encapsulating them before dissipating. With that pink energy came awareness, and a pure unadulterated evil, a release of a being the world had not seen in over a century.

Angelus was lashed to his love, his Childe, his Drusilla. Anger poured from every fiber of his being. His senses reeled with the mingled smells of fresh human blood, demon and that of one of his other Childer. Ah…William was here. A great battle was being fought before him, but he was still too weak from the energy drain to figure out where he and his beloved were. The humans would pay dearly for daring to treat his Princess so roughly. Her beautiful eyes were still closed to him, and he could smell her illness. What had they done to her? William, his wayward childe, must be here to rescue his Sire from these mere humans. He better not hash up the job or he would have to relearn some lessons, he thought with relish.

Angelus knew his senses must be out of sync for he felt not one but two Slayers in the church? They hung us in a church? What did they believe in the Dracula legends? Did these pathetic mortals think that we couldn't enter a church? Oooo it burns! Please.

Ah, my love is coming round. Whatever they were trying, they mixed my blood with hers. Did they not know that Sire's blood would cure her, or at least make her stronger? Wait….

Fortunately for Spike, the vampire's attention was diverted from that thought as he noticed William flung back several pews, slamming into the wall with a hard crash. Then some little girl…a Slayer…ran over to him. Feigning unconsciousness, Angelus was ready to make whatever move presented itself. He smelled her vanilla scent. What a fresh little cunny. The little Slayer surprised him by not attempting to stake either him or Drusilla but rather helping him by pulling the dagger out of both their hands

"Angel," whispered the blonde slip of a Slayer. For her not only dare to be so familiar with him, but also to ruin his name in such a fashion sickened him. He would have rather fed his balls to a Pargo demon than to hear such slander. Biting his tongue and relishing the taste of his own blood flowing in his mouth, he bided his time. She was still too close to Drusilla for his liking. Luckily, Angelus sensed William making his way towards them.

Through half-lidded eyes, Angelus watched as his Grand-Childe grabbed the insolent Slayer and shoved her to the floor. The feisty wench sprang back to fight, but before she could make any moves, William backhand punched her knocking the cunt down again. Tsk, tsk. Instead of finishing the kill, William grabbed a torch setting ablaze old drapes from the smell of it.

Ah, William had made a barrier between the pestilence of humans who had obviously committed this offense, and his family. He may be young and brash, but William would not disappoint him, unlike Penn. However, he did tend to think himself above his station. William coveted His Drusilla thinking that she was 'his destiny.' The feckin' poet. Silly boy. Drusilla was His and His alone.

What did the upstart think he was doing with His Dark Princess? Unbinding only Drusilla? Oh Shite! Angelus thought, as his weakened muscles caused him to crumple to the floor. Angelus overheard William utter, "Sorry, baby. Gotta go," as he lifted Drusilla into his arms and started down the aisle. Bastard!

The little Slayer had crawled once again to be next to him. Just as he was about to turn on the stupid little wench, he heard William whisper, "Hope that was enough." Rage filled his very core. Not the humans then, William was responsible for this outrage! Drusilla, he sensed, had finally fully awakened and had begun struggling for release from William's arms.

Angelus felt her full panic and anger at being in her Childe's arms and not her Daddy's. He called out to her mind. Interesting. She calmed, but she still fought to return to him.

"Bad William. Let Mummy go. Now, my little Spike. Must go back to Daddy." She demanded.

"No Dru. Come on, luv. After all, I've done for you…after Prague?"

"Silly Spike. Mummy's never been to Prague. Unhand me now!"

Angelus watched this display with the attention of a caged mountain lion ready to spring on another male that was trying to round on its mate. Some sense of self-preservation though told him to keep playing dumb for now; but his demon was raging to mangle the upstart. For one thing, the blonde Slayer was now standing dangerously too close to his person. For the other, he had noticed that despite the threat of flickering flames descending from the ceiling and the walls, the band of humans accompanying said Slayer were capably handling the troop of demons.

"Buffy!" screamed a redheaded girl dressed in strange garb, and dare he sense - a witch? Buffy? What ye gods was a Buffy?

The eejit of a Slayer hovering next to him had finally noticed her separation from her comrades caused by the wall of flames. What? Was she so thick that she didn't understand that she was nothing but a lowly Slayer in the house of a God who didn't particularly care that she had been trapped in His 'holy house' with two Master Vampires and one very powerful, but soon to be very sorely tortured, Grand-Childe vamp? Was she that daft?

Aye, having not one, but two Slayers here did complicate matters a little. But first things first, he needed to get to his Dark Childe. He beckoned to his Princess calling her to him in his mind.

The lithe Slayer ordered her little band of humans, "Go on, and get out of here! Kendra, make sure they're safe." Aye, so even the Caribbean-looking Slayer followed this one's orders. Too bad they had a fool for a commander. The merry little band were still fighting the last dregs of whatever troop of demons remained standing as they made their way towards the main door.

Enough with the games! For once he was tired of playing asleep! Angelus had begun to feel his true strength returning as Drusilla's awareness had come back to her. His Dark Childe's eyes locked with his, and he swore he felt the earth shift on its axis. For a moment there, he could truly see Dru's delightfully wicked chirping stars. His Love broke free from her weirdly dressed Childe and ran to his welcoming arms. Enveloping her in his kisses, he felt complete. Whole. One.

"A rún mo chroí! A chuisle mo chroí! A mhuirnín dílis!" he urged between kisses. [O love of my heart! O pulse of my heart! O true sweetheart!] *

"Angel?" Angelus heard the sickenly saccharine voice of the blonde Slayer asking softly.

"Drusilla!" William bellowed.

Breaking their kiss, but keeping his love firmly in his embrace, Angelus gazed into Drusilla's eyes before answering the riff-raff. Her sweet sadistic smile served as his answer. Soon enough vengeance would be wrought on whatever town or village this was, and it would bleed and we shall waltz in their blood.

Turning his attention in the direction of the Slayer, Angelus smirked and replied, "There be no angels here, darling. Who are you, moppet? Are you a warm cunt I get to enjoy with dinner?"** Oh the look of complete and utter astonishment adorning this scanger's face was delicious.

He was almost distracted from his task by Drusilla's constant rain of velvety soft kisses, which she was planting on his throat and curve of his chin. His little minx. He needed to bed her now, but too many people were here - ha - not that that had stopped them before!

"Drusilla?" he heard William whine after her again.

"Mind yourself, boy!" he growled and delightfully sensed as William's body tensed with recognition. Strange, shouldn't he have known whom he was dealing with before now?

Angelus continued, "You've been bold just now. Aye Willy, none of that cheek, you be so famous for. I've a throat on me, and I could eat the lamb o' Jayjus through the rungs of a chair just now." ***

"Angelus." William whispered.

He nodded, "Aye. I heard your little confession to me lovely as you were untying her from me. And here I thought we were the best of friends. Did we not plunder through Europe together?"


"Yes, my wicked treat?" he asked, turning his attention back to Drusilla.

"The stars are calling, and they do not like this heat. May we go find some fresh young dollies to eat? There's nothing here but ashes." She whimpered.

"Yes, it certainly does reek in here." Angelus scanned the church for an exit eyeing one off to the far left. Inexplicably the blonde Slayer was standing stock-still. But who was he to complain for good fortune. As for his truly wayward Grand-childe, he would be dealt with later, if the flames failed to get him first.

Using his vampiric speed, he gathered Drusilla tight in his arms and bounded for the exit. Tendrils of flames licked the sides of his face singeing his beautiful hair. William would dearly pay! Rushing through a hard cherry door, he stood facing the squeaking runt of a boy, a dark beauty in some unattractive gray shirt, the coppertop witch, a tweed-suited, bespectacled older man, and the dark Slayer.

"Look Dru, darling, fresh pickings all for you. Mmmm…smell their blood fresh from battling all those that go 'bump' in the night."

"Really Angel, why did you save Drusilla? Is Buffy behind you? Did she stake Spike?" the insipid tweed-man asked.

Four questions answered. One a 'buffy' was, incredulously, the name of the blonde twit of a Slayer. Two, William was not in league with any of this human trash. Three they knew William by his nickname Spike, and lastly they presumed to know who he and Drusilla were. That would soon be remedied.

Shifting into game face, Angelus licked his fangs as he smiled. "Isn't this grand, Drusilla! Our reputation precedes us; however, I do believe the plonker has me confused. This cheeky bloke wonders why I saved my true love? How shall I answer him my sweet?"

"I think you should let me play with him Daddy. He smells of old magics and chaos. Oooo…someone's been a naughty boy. Rip…Rip…I shall make such delicious screams from this one. Please, Daddy." She pleaded, running her hands down his cock under his coat.

"You know I cannot resist when you ask me so kindly. He shall be yours. But the rest are fodder."

"Stay back Angelus!" The British plonker dared command him, with the added emphasis of raising a cross in one hand and a crossbow in his other. The mere children in his company, while confused, followed the Brit's suit raising their own stakes and other weapons.

"So you do me the honor of calling me, by my proper name. You still will die just the same."

"Run and catch. Run and catch. The witch, the bitch, and the boy, I'll fetch." Dru chanted.

"Back off, you crazy bitch!" the dark-haired beauty with the nice knobs vented at Drusilla.

"Tsk, tsk…so rude. Another cunny to serve as dinner…" Angelus began to scold.

"Not on me watch she ain't, vampire!" the dark Slayer finally decided to join the festivities.

"My, my, aren't you a juicy little Island slag. Such a gift this is. Not one Slayer, but two. Must thank your stars, Dru, to have such a bounty." He sneered.

"You not be dinin' on me, vampire - you or your whore. You both be dust soon." The island animal braved raising her chin in defiance.

"Hush little baby, say no more." Drusilla had stepped away from his arms, swaying to a beat only she could hear, and waving her elongated fingernails in front of the dark Slayer's eyes, she sing-songed, "Be in me."

The girl had started to sway with Drusilla held fast in her thrall. Unfortunately the whelp realized what was happening and grabbed the dark Slayer pulling her out of reach just before Dru was able to swipe her fingernails across the girl's throat. While he sensed no power from the boy, he marked him as a special project to be undertaken later.

For now both he and Dru needed to take their leave. He could feel the sunrise approaching, and not knowing quite where they were presented a dilemma. He needed to find them shelter, and quickly. And if possible, locate some easier prey along the way. Feigning a left, Angelus took Dru by the hand and fled to the right, growling as he ran, "You did not die this day, but mark my words…by my hands…you will all die!"

**** (Outside, Church, Graveyard)

Outside, Angelus was momentarily shaken by his surroundings. The sights, sounds, and smells screamed nothing akin to Europe of late 19th century. He had already noticed the tightness of his pants and dress of the others, but had paid it no significant attention inside. But out here, he could not help but wonder at what witchcraft might be at work to have so drastically changed his circumstances.

He felt Drusilla's fear of the overwhelming change and tried his best to clamp down his own fear through the bond. Sending her thoughts of safety, love, and tortured babes, he immediately sensed her emotions lighten. This helped him to think as he kept them moving through the church's graveyard. He wanted to put as much distance as possible between them and the Slayer's team.

He heard a large crash behind them and turned. Where the church once stood, now was a pile of burning rubble.

As they passed a particularly ornate crypt, a scrawny vamp stumbled into their path. He wore braces over his white button up oxford shirt and eyeglasses. What self-respecting vampire wore spectacles? Wait…vampires do not need glasses?

When the vamp saw whom he had bumped into, he eeked and tried to back away from them! Completely pathetic. Angelus grabbed the weasel by his ear and demanded he explain himself.

"Mistress Drusilla! Please, don't let him hurt me," the sap whined.

"Drusilla? He seems to know you. Have you been stepping out on me again?" Angelus growled wresting the vamp's ear almost off.

"No Angelus. This one is unfamiliar to me. Very funny though. I see that he knows books and secrets."

"Who are ye then?"

"Dalton. Mistress Drusilla used to laugh at my jokes when Master Spike went out to hunt. She was so very ill. So glad to see that she is feeling better now. But excuse me, sir…umm…Angel…but I thought you were with the Slayer now."

"Away with ye! Such cheek! Me with the Slayer. Vicious lies." Anger coursed through him threatening to overwhelm him until he almost beheaded this fount of information. Luckily for this Dalton, he came to his senses, "Tell me, Dalton, what town this be?"


"Sunnydale? Never heard tell of a Sunnydale anywhere in Europe…" he began.

"Oh well that's because Sunnydale is in California, not Europe. Why did you think…?" Dalton started to ask when Angelus stopped him with a glare.

"California? The New World you say. I wish to hear more, but the sun approaches fast. You will take us to Mistress Drusilla's quarters now." He ordered.

He noticed Dalton squirming, "Master Spike won't like that, sir. He has strict orders for you not to be allowed entrance, if we can prevent it, that is…and certainly we are not to let you anywhere near Miss Drusilla."

"Does he now? We shall see about that, if William returns home that is." Angelus laughed evilly.

"Funny little Dalton. Daddy's coming home. Set out the cakes and pour the tea."

"As you wish, Mistress," said Dalton adding a funny little bow.

Angelus allowed the skittish sap to lead them to a factory, which was far too drab for his liking. A change in accommodations would soon need to be made.

Entering the factory, he noticed the visible hatred emanating from William's minions. He became all too aware that his reputation here in this Sunnydale was not a favorable one. Not that he ever catered to the crowds, but he always fancied himself one vampire that others should aspire to emulate. Here, however, these vampires seethed with anger wanting to tear him limb from limb, were they able. What riled him the most was that they seemed to accept his presence only because he was accompanying Drusilla. He, Angelus, was on no female's leash!

Dalton had skidded off to the side unnoticed.

A burly, smelly bugger stepped up to challenge Angelus. "Angel, your kind isn't welcome here."

"Laddy, I'm really getting tired of everyone calling me Angel. My name is Angelus! And everyone better be showin' me and my girl the proper respect."

"You! The proper respect! Don't make me laugh. What sort of trick has the Slayer got you playing for her this week? You've already helped her rid be of the Master and your own Sire, and nowf you're playing on our poor Dru? Spike will tear you to shreds for this outrage!"

"Enough!" With that Angelus sped forward and took hold of the burly vamp by his head and twisted, beheading the mouthy plonker. How dare he say such lies!

As the dust settled around him, Angelus scanned the remaining minions and snarled, "Anybody else care to question who I really am? I do not cater to Slayers, and the next tosser who suggests otherwise will not meet such a quick fate."

Holding out his hand to Drusilla, which she took in her delicate fingers, "My Love and I will retire now. We do not wish to be disturbed." Gliding past the gaping minions, they went forth to explore the lower rooms in search of Drusilla's boudoir.

**** (In Drusilla's bedroom)

Angelus lay sprawled across the antique four-poster bed that obviously had been picked out with care. In fact the entire suite showed an inordinate amount of attention. William must have done this for Drusilla, he mused.

He watched as Drusilla danced across the room in a newly found camisole while playing with various dolls. One in particular had really captured her imagination when they had first arrived in the room.

Earlier, she had dashed across the room and stared at the very worn dolly. After picking the dolly up and embracing her, Drusilla began to pout saying, "This one says her name's Miss Edith. She's very cross with me, but I don't know why. The stars are silent and mixed. Miss Edith says Daddy came too soon, and now Princess may not have her birthday present."

"Miss Edith is just a doll, my love. Still, Daddy is here, and I say you can have any birthday present you want."

"Oooo, me thinks it is me birthday today." Shifting into her delightful game face, Drusilla ran her fangs over Angelus' lips drawing a thin line of blood, which she suckled. Then she traced her tongue down his jaw to his jugular nipping his Adam's apple as a tease. Moving her tongue just to the side of his jugular, she paused, raking her fangs over his skin without breaking the skin. Hovering over this spot on his neck, she knew she could not bite without his permission.

Angelus made her remain in this position, posed over his neck with her body just inches over his. Using his claws, he sliced her camisole off her body, and then raked his nails back up to her breasts digging little cuts along her sides bringing her precious blood to the surface. Drusilla started to whimper as he began his ministrations on her sex. Still he kept his head completely motionless.

With his other hand, he tore open his trousers and slammed into her ready pussy. Still she could not move her head. For if her fangs nipped his neck the sex would end. Oh yes, he could be cruel, but she loved him especially when he was vile. However she was free to employ her nails during this little game.

Their game was to see who would give in first. As Dru drew half-moon wells into his arse and thighs, he knew she would win this round. For some reason, he felt as if he had not been inside her in forever, and he was being welcomed home in abundance. Her inner muscles were like a cold vise strangling his cock.

Knowing he would not last much longer, he gave her the sign of consent by moving his head to the side. Upon the feel of her fangs descending into his flesh, he exploded. He responded in kind by biting into her beautiful porcelain neck, allowing her blood to flow into his mouth.

He felt her climax as she whispered, "My love."

Angelus licked her wound and promised, "Mine, forever, mo chroi!"

He heard Drusilla's soft reply as she lapped at his neck, "Mine, forever bound."

Now as he continued to watch her dance around the round, he started to contemplate the bizarre circumstances he now found himself in since having awoken bound in that damned church. William was prancing around as a Master vampire, and for some reason all these minions thought His Mate was rightfully William's. His blood burned with the thought.

The binding…must have been some ritual…and William performed it based upon his confessed words to a semi-conscious Dru. Her little Spike had certainly been a naughty devil. Well the lad had always been a feckin' sap about challenging him outright for Dru. Sap thought that just because she was his Sire, she should be his. He thought he had made that lesson clear to little Spike early on, but apparently the bugger needed a good lashing to remind him.

Even though Darla had been his Sire, he had always acted as the head of their little family. The girls had been his. When Dru desired, he permitted her to take her Spike to bed, not that he cared for it much. All to keep the family order. The Scourge of Europe was maintained. Didn't William learn by his example. Darla was never his…she was the Master's darling girl. His only Love was Drusilla. But even as he thought that, something nagged at the back of his mind.

Then there was the blonde Slayer and how she had looked at him. Such a lost little lamb. So dejected. The slanderous tales that the burly vamp had spouted off about this "Angel" helping the Slayer destroy not only the Master but also Darla. Surely not his Darla…not the Master. He needed to find out more information about that particular tale, but that Dalton had disappeared. No matter he would maim and destroy all of William's minions until he garnered the story.

He would rest now, but tomorrow he would start to plan for the destruction of this Sunnydale. He dreamed of ways of killing the blonde Slayer and her little friends, especially the whelp. And the dark Slayer who had insulted his Drusilla. For Spike, he dreamed of marring his flesh and slowly fucking Drusilla in front of him before setting him out to meet the sun. Ah his dreams were glorious indeed.

^^^end of turn ^^

Credits: * Old Irish translations of terms of endearment found at http://www.lincolnu.edu/~focal/docs/endear.htm. ** The delicious evil quote, "Are you a warm cunt I get to enjoy with dinner?" must be credited to Bloodshedbaby who graciously gave me permission to use it here. She originally used it in her originally take on "What's My Line, I & II" for Spuffyverse LJ community, which she changed for "End of the Bloody Line." This work can be found at /www.bringonthebloodshed.com/whatsmyline.htm. *** The Irish slang - 'I've a throat on me' means 'I'm thirsty' and 'I could eat the lamb o' Jayjus through the rungs of a chair' means 'I'm hungry'. I obtained these wonderfully appropriate sayings for Angelus from http://www.at.artslink.co.za/~gerry/print.htm

To continue reading the rest of the story: End Of the Bloody Line
