Title: Peace
For thepiratequeen
Rating: NC-17 (to be on the safe side)
Set sometime during early Book 6. Draco POV. A moment of peace.
Written for the Harry Holidays LJ community. Please contact me if you would like to include this piece for your archive.
The characters of the Harry Potter universe belong to J.K. Rowling. This is written purely for fun and no profit is being made from it.
Word Count:

The only time I feel whole is inside her. If I ever believed in good, I'd say she was my miracle. With her, I can let down some of those barriers I maintain with everyone at all times. No one really knows me - except for her and my mother.

I watch my prey with great anticipation. She is laughing with some of her friends after their Quidditch practice. I'd not really noticed her at first all those years ago. She'd been very small and mousy, not noteworthy at all. Then came the Chamber, and I found myself drawn in by her understated style.

Over the past three years, she's blossomed, causing many, boys and girls alike, to yearn for a simple glance in their direction. Last year, I watched those fools fall over themselves thinking they had a chance with her. I secretly loved how she'd rebelled from her overprotective brothers and took a boyfriend to spite them. But her choice, in my mind, was poorly thought out. He was and still is a pathetic sap who, fortunately for me, didn't know that he had a lioness just waiting to come out and play.

Ours is a secret affair. I don't delude myself, thinking that she loves me, or even likes me. Her true feelings for me don't concern me. What matters is that for those moments I'm with her, I can forget the Dark Lord's wishes and just be me.

I watch as she approaches our tree. I stand with my back to one side, as she does the same on the other. Warm, soft, and surprisingly strong fingers edge around the bark to meet mine. I wonder if she feels the same spark I do every time we touch.

"Our place?" I ask, holding my breath for her response. I so need to be with her; I'm hopelessly addicted.


Ten minutes have passed, and I am once again inside my lioness.

She leans down to kiss me, and I taste the intoxicating mix of butter beer, raspberry cream, and her. Her pink tongue darts out to seek mine. My tongue wrestles with hers until we both must come up for air. I see that her face is flushed, and I think that I, Draco Malfoy, am a lucky bloke for being the only one graced with this face.

Her hands press against my chest as she starts moving herself in excruciatingly slow circles. My hands drift from her perfectly round breasts to caress her firm buttocks, and roughly I dig my fingers into her flesh. My eyes tell her I'm growing impatient, and she laughs. Such a sound to experience, like a lark in the springtime.

She bends down again, allowing her hair to cascade over my face. Her hair radiates a fire and intensity only matched by her wit, and her anger. She's a sight to behold, her lithe frame toned within a millimeter of perfection. Her movement allows me to hit that spongey bundle of nerves that sets her off every time.

Her breath comes in short gasps now, and her grip on me borders on the painful side of pleasure. Keeping one hand on her hip to maintain the pace, I slide my other to her ginger-red nestle of curls. Dipping two fingers between where our bodies meet, I can feel her heat and myself sliding in and out of her. I bring my fingers back just a bit to manipulate her nubbin. I watch her face and love all its expressions. She's like a wild horse that refuses to be tamed.

Her body trembles and starts to fall on top of me. I catch her and roll her to her back. Somehow, I maintain our connection and continue our dance. Her kewpie mouth forms a perfect "O," and her eyes flutter, trying to stay open.

"Kiss me, my Dragon," she commands.

My lips meet her parted ones, and once again I delve into the delights of her mouth. As I feel my body start to convulse and my calves start to cramp, I reluctantly release her lips to moan my completion.

She catches me and wraps her arms my exhausted form. "Ginny," I whisper. "My lioness."

And again, for a little while, I succumb to peace.
