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Methos/Other - Smut_69 Table ~ (FRAO,NC-17): 69 stories (drabbles, ficlets, or chaptered fics) challenge responses; as challenged by Smut_69 LJ Community. Stories contained in set listed hereafter:

Harry Potter

Peace ~ (NC-17): Set sometime during early Book 6. Draco POV. A moment of peace. Pairing: Draco/Ginny. Written for 'thepiratequeen' for Harry Holidays (Dec 2005).

A Very, Merry Christmas ~ (PG-13): The events at the end of Book 6 did not happen. Harry and Ron get a very special Christmas present for their Seventh year at Hogwarts. Pairings: Harry & Ron friendship; other pairings implied. Written for 'thepiratequeen' for Harry Holidays (Dec 2005).

Gifts From Others
* Each author has granted me permission to post their story. *

Christmas Bride by Pennymintlick ~ (Universal): Pairing Draco/Luna. Written as a gift to me for Harry Holidays (Dec 2005). Draco's taken a bride.