Title: A Very, Merry Christmas
Author: Oracleholly
Gift: For thepiratequeen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The events at the end of Book 6 did not happen. Harry and Ron get a very special Christmas present for their Seventh year at Hogwarts.
Harry/Ron friendship, other pairings implied.
Written for the Harry Holidays LJ community. Please contact me if you would like to include this piece for your archive.
The characters of the Harry Potter universe belong to J.K. Rowling. This is written purely for fun and no profit is being made from it.
Word Count:

Christmas had come to Hogwarts, and in the Gryffindor Tower, presents were being distributed and opened. Ron watched the other, richer students with envy. He knew for sure he would be getting another sweater from his mum. No surprise there. Still, he did look forward to seeing what else his family had sent him.

He'd gotten Harry some licorice wands and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and he'd asked the kitchen elves if they would make Hermione a butter cream cake and an éclair for her present. The elves hadn't wanted anything in return but, mindful of Hermione's feelings toward the house elves, Ron had bartered through Dobby. Before the school year began, Ron had gotten some yarn from his mum, knowing that Dobby had taken up knitting his own socks. The trade was made: yarn for sweets. Dobby was particularly delighted with the emerald green yarn Ron had gotten for Winky.

Ron saw Harry enter the common room with a few packages in hand. Smiling, Harry noticed Ron and joined him. "This is for you," Harry said, handing over a red package tied with yellow string. "And this is yours," Ron responded, giving Harry his present.

While Harry was untying his present, he casually said, "Your mum sent me a sweater. Did you get another color this year?"

"Nah, it's the same." Ron ripped the string and lifted the lid. Inside was a large box of Chocolate Frogs, two quills, and an inkwell. He needed a new quill after he'd broken his the other day. "Thanks, Harry." Seizing the box of Chocolate Frogs, Ron whispered, "I wonder if I'll get some good cards. I need to trade some of my extras."

Harry mumbled his thanks, as he had already started chewing on a licorice wand. "You see Hermione yet?"

"No. She and Ginny must still be in their room. Wonder what they do up there?" Ron got a faraway look in his eye. Harry just smiled, thinking the same thing.

"Harry! Ron! Merry Christmas!" Hermione had snuck up behind them. Handing her neatly wrapped presents over to her best friend and her crush, Hermione lingered over Ron's shoulder a bit.

Ron blushed at the nearness of Hermione's breast to his shoulder. If he leaned just so, they'd be touching. He carefully began to unwrap her present, and then stopped, picked up hers and handed it to her. "Merry Christmas, Hermione."

Wrapped in The Daily Prophet, Hermione opened her present and gasped in surprise. "Oh, this is so sweet of you Ron. Harry, Ron - hurry up and open yours."

Harry and Ron shared a look and then opened up the boxes containing their presents. Ron looked at Harry in utter confusion, but Harry was still staring at the contents, his face growing redder by the second. Ron leaned over to peek inside Harry's box - it was the same as his.

Ron reached in to pick it up, when Hermione said, "Don't. Not out here, silly. Meet me in the Prefect's bathroom in twenty minutes. Harry, Ginny wants you to go to the Room of Requirement and say…" She bent over and whispered in Harry's ear. If possible, Harry grew even more crimson. Then she turned on her heel and raced back up the stairs leading to the girl's dormitory.

"Harry, what is it?" Ron asked, poking the small, square, plastic package on the bottom of the box.

"Ron, we need to take our presents up to our room. Now."

Still confused, Ron followed Harry. "What is it?" Ron picked up the package and sniffed. It was clearly something Muggle.

"Don't do that, Ron. It's… it's a con… a condom."

"Is it something muggles use?"

"Yes, and it wouldn't be a bad idea if the wizarding community used them too. It's for… it's for sex, Ron."

"What d'ya mean they're for sex?"

"You unwrap it, and the condom is inside. You put it on your …" Harry gazed uncomfortably at his best friend's denim-covered penis.

Ron's eyes grew large with understanding. "So, why did Hermione give us these?"

Harry just looked at Ron. Suddenly, realization dawned on Ron, and he sputtered, "But… but…all we've ever done is snog. And, wait a minute, what are you doing with one? Ginny…. No, I don't want to know."


With five minutes to spare, the freshly showered, redressed Ron and Harry stood outside the Gryffindor dormitory in front of the Fat Lady. "Merry Christmas, Harry." "Merry Christmas, Ron."
