Chapter 6

The Scoobies erupted at Rebecca’s revelation; everyone started firing questions at her at once. Rebecca rubbed her brow feeling the beginnings of a headache.

Spike moved forward “Everyone SHUT UP! She can’t understand you if you all talk at once.”

The gang abruptly closed their mouth’s then all started to speak again.

“Right” Spike grabbed Rebecca’s hand and pulled her towards the door

“Hey where do you think your going with her dead boy” protested Xander

Spike waved his hand in the general direction of the door “If you haven’t noticed whelp its dark out and I am taking MY wife away from this third degree. She has had enough for today.”

Buffy spoke up “And where are you going to take your wife. To your crypt to play in the dirt and dust? You don’t even have a bed for her to sleep on”

“And who’s fault is that, slayer?” Spike snarled back. Spike would never admit to it but Buffy did have a point. There was no way he could take Rebecca back to the mess that was his home. Maybe he could get a room somewhere.

Dawn ran forward to link her arm through Rebecca’s “They can stay with us for the night”

“I’m not having Spike in my home overnight” Buffy started

Dawn frowned at Buffy “Why not. He was there looking after me every night when you were dead”

“Dawnie that was different” Buffy’s mind raced as she tried to think of reasons to keep Spike and Rebecca apart for the night. She could barely stand the newly reunited couples cuddling she shuddered to think what else they might get up to if given the opportunity.

“I don’t care” stated Dawn firmly, she looked towards Giles and
Willow for support “This situation needs to be researched more and I’m pretty sure that means a late night and an early start. So it makes sense for all the Scoobies to come back to our place and just sleep over.” Dawn walked back towards the others pulling Rebecca and Spike with her “Giles have you organised anywhere to stay or did you come straight to our place?”

“Well I thought it best to go to see Buffy directly” replied Giles weariness evident in his voice.

Dawn nodded “Ok then this is what’s going to happen. Giles you can have the sofa, Xander”.

Xander almost jumped to attention at the authority in Dawn’s voice. “You have some of those inflatable bed thingies don’t you?” Xander nodded “alright you go home and get those. How many do you have?”

Xander thought for a moment “I’ve got a double and a single, Anya made me buy them together because we got a ‘respectable discount which represented future savings’ if we did” he grew silent at the thought of his absent ex- fiancé.

Dawns manner softened slightly “she’ll be back soon I’m sure Xander” Dawn looked at the others “So Xander and I can sleep on the inflatable beds and Tara can have my room” Dawn’s forehead crinkled in concentration “No that still won’t work. Umm Xander can have the single and maybe Tara and I could share the double then Rebecca could have my bed” she looked at Spike “Cot in the basement?”

Spike nodded “Sounds like a plan nibblet” feeling a small amount of disappointment at the arrangement.

Rebecca felt her heart sink a little; she had been hoping to spend the night in Williams’s arms. They still had much to talk about.

Buffy noticed the look of disappointment that briefly crossed Rebecca’s face and felt a small moment of triumph.

Tara noticed as well and spoke up “We could do that Dawnie or...” she cast a glance at Willow “you could keep your bed and Willow and I could share the double.”

Willow beamed up at Tara “Really?”

Tara smiled coyly “Really.” She turned her attention back to Dawn “Then Rebecca and Spike could have Willow
’s room”

Murmurs of disapproval began to emerge from Xander, Buffy and Giles

Spike cut them off quickly “Sounds like a plan to me luv.”

Giles quashed his reservations about the situation and spoke up “Very well the sleeping arrangements are settled. Xander we will meet you at Buffy’s after you collect the beds.” He looked at Buffy “A short patrol should suffice for tonight, perhaps you could take Rebecca or Spike with you?”

“I’ll go, Becca’s had a long day” he spoke softly to Rebecca “Won’t be long pet.” He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Rebecca looked up at him with uncertain eyes “promise?”

Spike tenderly tucked a stray curl behind one ear “promise.” He strode off towards the training room. “Just get a few weapons and we can be on our way.” He turned to look at Buffy “Coming slayer?”

Buffy stomped after him grumbling all the way.

The others quickly closed up the Magic Box and were on their way.


Buffy and Spike remained silent during their patrol. Only speaking when they required the other’s assistance, which wasn’t very often.

Buffy was unsettled by Spike’s silence; usually she couldn’t shut him up. She wanted him to snipe at her and make snarky comments about her fighting technique or try to get her to go back to his crypt. She felt misery settle over her, she had called an end to their dysfunctional relationship, but she never thought he would actually leave her. She had always thought that she could start things off again with him at any time.

Her musings, no hang on, her sulking was interrupted when they came upon a group of six vamps. Spike was already battling a large vamp who reminded her a little of Riley. She was paying so much attention to Spike’s fight that she was surprised when she was tackled by another vamp. She quickly regained her feet and concentrated on her own fight.

Spike was enjoying himself immensely taking out all his pent up frustrations on the Captain Cardboard look alike. When his stake finally found its way home he felt an enormous amount of satisfaction. He let out a wicked laugh and rushed forward to attack the remaining vamps, dusting two in quick succession. He turned round to look for Buffy she had already dusted two and was struggling with the final vamp. He rushed forward as the vamp grabbed her violently.

Buffy drove her stake home just as Spike was reaching for the vamp. Spike’s momentum carried him forward as the vamp turned to dust, the stake heading towards his heart.

Buffy’s eyes widen in shock as she saw the stake heading towards Spike, she managed to move the stake slightly before it imbedded itself into his chest, missing his heart by a mere inch.

They tumbled to the ground Spike swearing as the stake jarred in its place. Buffy disentangled herself and moved to pull the stake out of his chest. She didn’t notice the tears that were streaming down her face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she wept as she pulled the stake out, Spike yelling in pain.

“BLOODY, BUGGERING HELL, SLAYER,” he felt as though his chest was on fire.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see” Buffy cried as she ran her hands over his torso checking for other injuries. She leant forward and began kissing him hard, stretching her body against his, her tongue seeking entry into his mouth.

Spike opened his mouth to allow Buffy entry, moaning as her hands moved lower, his hands began to run lightly over her body. He plunged his own tongue into her mouth, the sensations taking over.


Buffy tugged at the buttons on jeans popping them loose and sliding her hand inside.  Her fingertips lightly brushed the tip of his shaft; she allowed her fingernail to graze across the tender slit making Spike groan into her mouth. Spike’s own hands began to make their way inside her pants searching for her soft curls.


Buffy began to slide her hand downwards when Spike suddenly stopped, pushing her off him “NO!”

Buffy sat up looking dazed and a little pissed “No?” she asked incredulously

Spike stood drawing in an un-needed breathe as he buttoned himself up “No.” he stated firmly “I love you Buffy, you know I do. But you only want me when it’s convenient for you.”

Buffy looked down ashamed at the truth in his words, tears once again rolling down her face.

Spike wanted to go to her but he stood firm “I love you Buffy, but I also love Becca just as much.” He thought for a moment, “Maybe, maybe even more and I won’t betray her.” A look of resolve passed over his face, “You finished whatever it was that we had. It’s over and I’m not going back. I love my wife and I want us to be together again.” With that he turned and headed back to Revello drive.

Buffy sat in the middle of the cemetery crying, she had only just realised how much she actually did need him and she had lost him forever. She cried her misery out to the night sky before she calmed herself and followed him home.


Spike stood in the shadows in front of Buffy’s home watching the activity inside. He took a deep drag on his smoke allowing his own tears to roll down his face. It was finally over, Buffy had called things off but he had never really believed it. Now he had been the one to end it, for good, he felt the grief welling in his heart until he saw Rebecca move into view. She was chatting happily with
Tara; they seemed to have become firm friends. As he watched the scene he felt his grief subside, it was replaced with joy and pride and love.

He wiped the evidence of his tears from his face and strode out of the dark and into the light of his new life.

Spike walked through the door to be met by the sound of laughter; he leant against the entrance to the living room and surveyed the scene before him.

Tara and Willow were taking turns using a small foot pump to blow up the double bed, which left the single one to Xander. He had started to blow up the bed taking deep breathes and blowing fiercely into the valve. The only problem was that Dawn would bounce onto the lower part of the bed sending the air back into Xander's mouth in a rush. Rebecca sat on the sofa laughing at their antics; even Giles seemed amused by the childish display.

“Always knew you were full of it Whelp” Spike chuckled

“Hey” protested Xander then left it at that.

Willow and Tara looked at him in surprise, Xander just grinned sheepishly back at them.

Rebecca jumped up happily moving to Spikes side “William! You're back!”

Spike gave her a gentle kiss “Told you I wouldn’t be long”

Rebecca looked towards the door “Where’s Buffy?”

“She’ll be back in a bit.” Spike lifted Rebecca up and carried her back into the room, depositing her onto Xander's half inflated bed.

Everyone laughed as the air once again burst into Xander's mouth causing him to cough and splutter in protest.

Buffy chose that moment to return home. She saw the laughter on everyone’s faces and felt even more miserable “I’m going to bed, I’m tired.” She made her way upstairs a fresh batch of tears filling her eyes.

Tara looked at the now subdued group “I think perhaps we should all get some sleep and start fresh in the morning.” She tossed the pump to Xander “I think you’ll have more luck with this.”

Xander caught the pump losing his balance as he did and tumbling backwards. The group began to laugh at his clumsiness the mood lightening once again.

“Come on bit, time for bed. Don’t forget to brush your teeth.” Spike ushered Dawn upstairs, before turning around to speak to Rebecca. “I don’t have to sleep up there with you if your not ready luv. Basement will be fine”

Rebecca took his hand and pulled him up the stairs “I want you with me William.”

Spike felt his heart swell even more ‘God he was turning into the Git again’. The thing is he didn’t really seem to care. “You go get ready luv, I’ll just have a shower.”

Rebecca sat perched on the end of the bed looking around the room and worrying her bottom lip. ‘It had been a long time since she had been with William what if she wasn’t enough any more? What if he compared her to Buffy and found her lacking? His actions were telling her that he wanted to be with her but what if he was just acting?’ Rebecca was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Spike enter the room.

“What’s wrong luv” Spike knelt before her a look of concern in his eyes.

Rebecca’s gave him a reassuring smile “Just lost in my thoughts is all” Her eyes travelled over his bare torso taking in his injury “William what happened?” she cried

“Just a little mishap, nothing to concern you. It’s already half healed, see!” he straightened slightly to give her a better look.

Rebecca’s fingers skirted around the injury she bent forward and place a kiss on it Spike moaned softly at the warm caress.

Rebecca was suddenly unsure again and she stood abruptly giving her back to Spike “unzip me?”

Spike stood and slowly drew the zipper down sliding the dress from her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet. He placed gentle kisses on her neck running his hands down her bare arms. Rebecca moved away from him and divested herself of the rest of her clothing before slipping into the bed.

Spike walked over to the window drawing the curtains shut, before removing his jeans and sliding in next to Rebecca, pulling her close. He whispered in his ear “We’ll take our time my love”

Rebecca turned in his arms “That’s the first time you’ve called me that.”

“Called you what?”

“Your love” Rebecca started to run her hands over his naked body, placing small kisses on his chest “I missed it”

Spike once again caught her mouth in a deep kiss his hands starting their own exploration.

Spike and Rebecca passed the next few hours with tender caresses, gentle kisses and whispered words.

As Spike finally gave way to sleep he realised that for the first time in 100 plus years he felt at peace.

