Chapter 7

Buffy woke the next morning and headed for the shower.  She felt awful her eyes were raw and swollen and she hadn’t gotten much sleep.  She glared at the door to the bedroom that held Spike and Rebecca; she had spent most of the night straining to hear what was happening in the offending room.  She hadn’t heard a sound and didn’t know whether to be pleased or worried about that.

She had just put her hand on the door knob when it swung open.  Rebecca almost collided with her as she walked out clad in a towel.  Rebecca smiled widely at her “Good morning Buffy.” Rebecca hummed to herself as she walked back into the bedroom.  Buffy could hear Spike as he greeted her before the door once again closed.

Buffy glared at the closed door before she turned to enter the bathroom.  She spotted Dawn leaning nonchalantly leaning against her own door.  “Watcha doing?” she asked innocently.

“Umm just going to have a shower” Buffy started to move forward.

“So the love birds awake?” Dawn felt like she was going to burst if she didn’t find out what was going on soon.

“Looks that way” grumbled Buffy as she closed the bathroom door with a bang.

“Geez grumpy much.” Dawn all but bounced to the bedroom door knocking before poking her head round the door. Her eyes were squeezed shut just in case she saw something she really shouldn’t see at her age.  Dawn had done that once when Buffy had been dead, the sight of a drunk and very naked Spike had embarrassed her for weeks.  “Hey guys you decent”

She heard Spike give a low laugh “I don’t know about decent Bit but you can look” Dawn opened her eyes to see Spike and Rebecca already dressed. 

“Everyone’s meeting downstairs” She smiled as Spike wrapped his arms around Rebecca “Come down when you’re ready.  I’ll go warm you some blood.”  Dawn thumped down the stairs to the kitchen pleased that it was now the weekend and she wouldn’t miss any of the juicy details.

Spike hugged Rebecca closer to him placing gentle kisses alone her neck.  He sighed deeply “We could just lock the door and stay here all day” he wasn’t looking forward to spending another day surrounded by Scoobies.

Rebecca wriggled out of his grasp and pulled him towards the door “Somehow I think they would send up a search party.”


Tara looked up as Dawn came bounding through the door “Pancakes?”

“Yes please!” Dawn walked over to the fridge grabbing a blood bag from behind the four day old Chinese takeout.  Weird how she was more grossed out by the funky looking leftovers than the blood.  She filled Spikes mug, putting it into the microwave to warm.

Spike and Rebecca walked into the kitchen just as the microwave finished.  Dawn plunked his mug onto the counter before grabbing a plate of pancakes and shovelling them into her mouth at an amazing speed.

Spike stared at her “That is disgusting Nibblet.”

Dawn shrugged

“Coming from someone how drinks blood, that’s saying something” Xander grimaced as he watched the teen continue to eat.

Giles moved to the dining table so he could drink his morning tea in relative peace.  The table was already strewn with papers from this morning’s research.

“So what’s the what G-man” Xander pulled up a chair at the table.

Giles sighed and looked at his watch ‘Yes a full 30 seconds peace and quiet’ he turned to Xander “How many times must I ask you not to call me that Xander?”

Xander merely shrugged “Not sure G-man, tell you when we get there.”

Giles looked up as the others entered from the kitchen “Perhaps we could move to the living room while we wait for Buffy to join us.”  He started to gather the papers from the table.

Xander and Dawn sprung up racing each other to get the best spot, Spike and Rebecca followed at a more leisurely pace.  Willow moved to help Giles with the explosion of paperwork, while Tara returned to the kitchen to gather up a selection of healthy snacks.  She had a feeling they were going to need them.  It was going to be a long day.

Buffy came downstairs feeling better, she had had a long talk with herself in the shower and decided that the only reason she was so emotional yesterday was the shock of finding out who Rebecca was.  It was most definitely NOT because she was jealous of her relationship with Spike.

Tara held a cup of coffee out as Buffy entered “Thought you might need this”

Buffy smiled her thanks and took a seat, purposely avoiding looking in Spikes direction “Ok so what’s the plan.”

Giles cleared his throat as he began “Those of us who were up early this morning formed a list of issues that need to be discussed” He looked at the papers in his hand “We decided that to avoid any confusion we would address each in turn until everyone is satisfied they have grasped the situation fully.”

“Sounds like a plan” Buffy looked towards Giles.

“Yes, well” Giles looked at Rebecca as he spoke “Willow would like to know more about the ‘essences’ of Rebecca and Buffy.  Tara suggested that we explore the concept of the Demon communities” Dawn cleared her throat loudly “Dawn would also like Rebecca to explain more fully about the retained personalities that she mentioned yesterday.”  Giles looked around at the gathered group “And then there is the matter of Quentin Travers and the alleged tampering with the council records.”  He still had trouble believing that anything like that could be accomplished.  “I think this should be left to the end as it will no doubt lead to other questions.”

Everyone nodded in agreement; Giles looked at Willow “Perhaps you’d like to start Willow?”


Willow turned to Rebecca “I’ve been researching resurrection and reincarnation spells and I’ve found that they sometimes refer to the persons ‘essence’ and other times their ‘souls’.  The way they are written makes me think that they are referring to two different things.  I’ve always assumed they were the same.”

Xander interjected “They are. Aren’t they?”

Rebecca looked at Willow then Xander “Well actually no their not.  I studied a little about resurrection when I first met the Osisians.” She leant forward as she started to impart her limited knowledge.  “From what I remember the Osisians believe that a being’s essence is made up of three parts; the mystical or spiritual, the emotional and the logical.” 

Rebecca paused looking around at her now rapt audience “the mystical is what is commonly known as the soul, you could say it is the moral centre for that being.  It helps them to distinguish right from wrong on a base level.” She thought for a moment “There’ more to it than just that but I can’t really remember it all.”

Willow nodded her head as she processed the information “So the emotional would be like….their heart?” she looked at Rebecca for confirmation.

“Yes that’s right; the emotional aspect is what motivates the being to act to fulfil a need.  They feel hungry so they get food, their angry so they lash out in violence.”

Tara joined the conversation “So you’re saying that if a being only had the heart part of their essence they would not be able to temper their reactions.  Everything would be extreme”

Rebecca nodded “And logic is the mind, the beings ability to use reason.  It’s the part of the essence that can overcome the primal instincts of the heart.”

Silence filled the room as each of the Scoobies processed this new piece of information.

Rebecca continued “The Osisians also believe that these elements are also made up of three parts. Basically they are the past, present and future.”

Willow was madly scribbling notes she was beginning to understand what had happened during the spell “I think I’ve understand.  The past would be those parts of a person’s…umm… beings essence that is passed down from their ancestors.”

Rebecca nodded “That’s correct.  The present is part of the essence that wholly belongs to that being and the future is that part of the essence that is passed along to future generations.”

Tara bent her head close to Willows scanning her notes “So we can assume that when the spell went wrong the past part of Buffy returned to Rebecca resurrecting her as well.”

“That sounds like the most plausible reason” Giles had been making notes of his own. “Did the Osisians explain what they believed happened upon the person’s death?”

“I didn’t understand most of it but it’s more to do with birth then death.”  Rebecca stood and began to pace trying to recall what she had learnt.  “When a being is conceived they receive a part of each of their parents, which forms the past part of their essence.  It’s like the seed that starts the growth of the beings own present essence.  The two parts then merge and form the future part which is passed along to their children.”

Dawn looked at Buffy tearfully “The monks made me from Buffy, does that mean I’ve taken away part of her essence.”

“No Dawn.  Please don’t think that.  It’s more like a copy is taken of the beings essence and used to start the growth of the next.”  Rebecca thought for a moment longer “The Osisians also believed that when a being died that a copy of their essence would sit in the spiritual ether until a compatible descendant was found, joining with their essence and making it stronger.”

“I know I know” Xander had finally heard something that he thought he understood “My Uncle Rory says that I’m just like my great great Uncle Bruce.  Does that mean that I have his essence in me as well?”

“Yes that is most probably correct.”

Willow was almost bouncing with excitement as she wrote furiously on her notepad.

“Is that enough information for the moment Willow?”  Giles was eager to move ahead.

“Yes this helps me big time.”

“Good Good. Perhaps we could take a short break and then Tara could go next”

Spike jumped up “Right time for a smoke” he strode out the back standing in a shaded spot while he lit up.

“You know those things will kill you.” Tara stood just outside the backdoor.

“Good thing I’m already dead then.”

Tara watched Spike for a few minutes, he looked different.  A few days ago he had been depressed and dark; she had been worried that he would do something extreme.  Now his whole body seemed to thrum with pent up energy she tilted her head to one side as she studied him ‘So this is what a happy Spike looks like’ she thought.

Spike cocked an eyebrow “Watcha lookin at Glinda”

“You” she walked over and laid her head on his shoulder wrapping her arms around his waist.  “It’s good to see you happy” she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before turning to go back inside “Told you that you mattered”

Spike smiled in response before flicking his cigarette into the yard and following her back inside.


Tara and Spike walked back into the living room chatting quietly, everyone else was already seated ready to begin again.

“Whenever your ready dead boy”

“Shouldn’t you be off buying doughnuts or something about now whelp?” Spike smirk as Xander glowered back at him.

Giles looked up from his notes “Doughnuts? Are there any jelly?” everyone snickered but quietened down when Giles gave them all a stern look.

Tara would you like to go next”

Tara settled down onto the floor crossing her legs she looked up at Rebecca and Spike “I’d like to know more about how the demon communities worked.” She looked around at the others “I thought that if we knew what we were looking for we may be able to find out if there are any still in existence today.  They could be helpful allies, especially if we have to go up against the council.”

“Why do we need help from demons?” Xander looked meaningfully at Spike

“Well duh Xander, ‘cause they’re like wicked strong” Dawn rolled her eyes at him.  “Wouldn’t you rather have like an army for the next apocalypse, or would you rather let Buffy die AGAIN?”

“Dawnie” Buffy was shocked at Dawn’s attitude

“She has got a point Buffy” Giles thought for a moment “I’m sure that a peaceful demon community could be an invaluable source of information and …umm…manpower.”

Rebecca interrupted “That is a good idea; however we don’t even know if they still exist or if they’ve been hunted into extinction.  There is a spell that I could do however, to call forward an emissary.  I could try that?”

“Yes that is one idea; however I would like to know more before we continue”

“Of course” Rebecca settled back leaning against Spike’s chest “Most of the communities have some sort of masking spell placed around them.  This is so any humans that enter the community won’t notice anything too out of the ordinary.  Many of them also have a sanctuary spell in place to prevent demon violence.”

“I thought they were peaceful” blurted out Xander

Rebecca looked at him in frustration “They are!  Other demons aren’t however.”

“Maybe we should look into getting one of those here” Buffy looked around her home noting all the items that had been replaced or repaired over the years.

“Usually there is a mix of demons and humans and they usually like to be near power centres.”

“Why power centres?” asked Dawn

“It used to be so that they could help the Slayer and the council keep them under control, have their own people on the inside so to speak.”  Rebecca looked at Spike before continuing “That was why there was one close to Oxford.  There’s a nexus in the basement of the University.”

“Really?” Spike looked surprised.

“Yes, most of the Professors and other staff of the university were either demons or in the employ of the council.”  Rebecca hesitated before she continued “Do you remember David Stanton he was a vampire.”

Spike stared at he open mouthed “Stanton, as in Professor Stanton, taught philosophy.” he gave a small chuckle “knew I admired him for a reason.” He turned to look at Tara “Everyone thought he was a bit odd, used to hate the sun, would skirt round any stray sunbeams.  His rooms were always dark as pitch.  Just thought he was nuts, makes sense now though.” He sat back happily

“Good grief! A vampire at Oxford you say” they all looked at Giles and yes those glasses were off being cleaned furiously again “Well that’s just…I mean how….Oxford your say?  Good grief”

“So if you failed your mid term you got what?  Eaten?” Rebecca laughed at Dawn’s reaction.

“No Dawn they did not get eaten.  Well …some of them might have.”

Dawn gasped “I’m joking Dawn, really.” Rebecca reassured her “David Stanton is one of those demons I told you about.  Soulless but made a choice to be good.”

The gang waited for Rebecca to continue, Spike stretched his arms out along the back of the sofa, a satisfied smirk on his face ‘This was going to be interesting’

“David Stanton was employed by the council; he was married to a Tenlasia demon and they lived in the community near the university.  He was attacked and turned one night on his way home.  Rachel came to us distraught” she looked at the vacant expressions on the Scoobies “Rachel was his wife, anyway she had sent out a search party and they had found his body.”

“But how did they control his initial bloodlust” inquired Giles

“In cases like this the person would be magically restrained.  The whole community would take turns watching over them.  Each household would bring an animal to be offered for blood.  When the victim awoke their family, friends and neighbours would all be there, feeding them and speaking to them about their lives.  There was absolutely no violence.  Often an Osisian would come and assist, they believed that without the violent influence a sire would have over a fledgling the logic part of the persons essence would learn to compensate for the loss of their soul.”

“It sounds like this would be a drawn out process” Giles theorised.

“It was” Rebecca nodded “It could take months before the fledgling would be permitted to move around unrestrained.  But it was found that if they could work through the initial bloodlust and learn to control it, then their normal human personality would reassert itself.”

Dawn started to get excited “That’s what happened with Spike, the chip controlled his bloodlust long enough for him learn how to control it himself.” She jumped up flinging herself into Spike’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck squeezing him happily “See I told you he had changed”

“Thanks Bit” grinned Spike pleased that he didn’t need to breathe.

“Yes well it seems that these peaceful demons could be of assistance to us” Giles once again looked at Rebecca “You said that you could try to contact them, perhaps we could do that now.”

“I can try” Rebecca stood speaking to Tara and Willow “there are a few things I need, could you help me.”

Tara and Willow got up and left with Rebecca.  The others sat around thinking about what they had learnt.

The girls soon returned with a small glass bowl filled with water and placed it onto the floor.  They placed a few other items around it; Willow nervously rubbed her hands on her jeans.  “I’m not sure about this” she looked at Tara “I promised no more magic”

Tara stretched out a hand to reassure her “It’s ok sweetie, this isn’t magic for your own gain.  It’ll be fine”

The three of them sat round the bowl and began the spell.

Tara lifted a small bottle of lavender oil letting three drops fall into the water.

 *Ego Advoco Ad Quos Quisnam Absconditus*

Tara placed her left hand on the edge of the bowl the tips of her fingers just touching the water.  Willow went next she opened a small pouch and sprinkled some sandalwood powder into the bowl.

 *Monstrare Tui Verus Vultus Ad Quos Quisnam Capto*

Willow placed her hand onto the bowl like Tara had.  Rebecca then lifted her hand above the bowl and took a small knife, cutting her palm; she let a few drops of blood fall onto the waters surface.

 *Mittere Effero Emissarius Sic Licit Loquere*

Rebecca placed her hand on the bowl then the three of them spoke in unison.

 *Invito Tu*

The water began to swirl in the bowl, turning a brilliant gold before once again turning crystal clear.

“You called” said a clipped voice.

The gang turned to look at the figure standing in the doorway.

“Anya” cried Xander as he recognised just who the emissary was.

Anya gave him a quelling look “I’m not talking to you Xander Harris” she turned away from him “OK people I don’t have all day, places to be, vengeance to wreak.” She moved towards Willow and Tara when she noticed the third girl “Rebecca? Aren’t you dead?”
