Chapter 4 – Changes


Spike stood in the kitchen of the Summers home, barefoot and clad only in a pair of half-buttoned denim jeans, toying with the mug of cooling blood before him.  It had been almost a week since the night he and Dawn had changed the world as they knew it, and he was now completely healed.  He gave a small smile as he thought of Dawn’s antics over the past week; his Nibblet was having trouble trying to reconcile her adult-self with her current body's hormonally charged nature.  It was amusing to watch his girl slip to and fro between calm poised woman and hyperactive teen. Spike had teased her the previous night about her speech patterns changing from one minute to the next.  Dawn had pouted before throwing a convenient cushion in his direction; almost stomping her foot when she realised that he had managed to make her behave like a kid again.  She had sobered quickly, though, when he had softly told her that he would be leaving in a few days.


Buffy wandered into the kitchen, “Morning.” She reached past him to grab at the discarded paper on the bench, wrinkling her nose at as she spied the contents of the mug.


“Wha?” Spike smirked as he picked up a piece of toast and dunked it into the thick fluid.


“That’s so gross Spike,” Buffy admonished as she turned to make breakfast.  “I thought we might start changing the rooms about, get you off the couch.  Plus I need to look for a job,” she sighed as she flicked the paper open.


Spike hesitated for a moment before speaking, “Actually, Slayer, there’s something I need to tell you.”


Buffy quirked an eyebrow as she waited for him to continue.


“I’ll be leavin’ the day after tomorrow.”  He watched carefully to gauge her reaction.


“Oh.” Buffy looked down quickly, her shoulders slumping slightly. “So you don’t want to move in?”  She played with the food in front of her. “I just thought… I mean you don’t have to stay or anything… it was just…”


Spike felt something inside him warm as he watched the disappointment flash across her face; she really did want him here after all.  “’S not for long, just got some things that need takin’ care of before I can move in for good.”


Buffy looked up quickly a small smile beginning to play at the edges of her mouth. “Oh, ok. How long?”


Spike stood up, fishing in his pockets as he spoke, “Couple of weeks, maybe a month.  Not real sure.” Giving a small cry of triumph he pulled a small plastic object and a scrap of paper from his pocket and tossed it on the table.


“Why do you have an ATM card?” Buffy snatched up the piece of plastic, turning it over in her hand as she read, “Buffy Anne Summers.  Huh?” She frowned. “Where did you get this?”


Spike tossed the scrap of paper towards her. “I ummm, well you see, Slayer, some of the old crypts have some valuable stuff lying around.  Worth a bit of dosh and it don’t really belong to anyone.  So I organised for it to become a find of archaeological significance, and the Sunnydale museum paid me a nice finder’s fee for it. So I opened a bank account.”  He moved around the bench, putting some distance between himself and Buffy, just in case she reacted in a way that involved pointy wooden objects.


Buffy sighed, she knew that there was probably more to it than he was telling her but at least he had tried to come by the funds in a semi-legitimate way.  “But why does the card have my name on it?”


Spike watched her warily.  “Yeah well the bird in at the bank fixed it so you could have your own card to use the money.  You just gotta go in and see her.” He carefully smoothed out the scrap of paper to show the name on it. “And sign a couple of things and she’ll make it so that you can use the thing, no problems.”


A speculative gleam filled Buffy’s eyes. “Just how much money is in this bank account?   And just how did you open one in the first place,” she asked, frowning.


“Bloody hell, Slayer, I’ve been around awhile. Think I don’t know how to get legit looking papers for stuff like that?” It amazed him that Buffy and the others always seemed to think he knew nothing about blending into the masses at his age. “An’ there’s a couple of hundred in there.”


Buffy’s face fell slightly. “Dollars?”


Spike grinned as he watched her fantasy shopping spree slip from her grasp. “Thousand, Slayer.”


Buffy’s face lit up with excitement, her eyes growing wide. “Really?”


“Yes, really. Thought you and the Nibs might wanna use some of it to do the place up a bit while I’m gone. Can spend some quality time with Dawn before you have to start looking for a job.  You can find yourself a real good one then, and not some minimum wage thing that’s beneath you.” Spike looked down, as if embarrassed by his gift to his girls.


“Can we decorate your room while you’re gone?”


Spike looked up in surprise. “Ummm, yeah.”


Buffy squealed and jumped up from her seat.

“Just no girly stuff and pastels and the like,” he warned as she threw her arms around his neck.


“All black and red, and dark and evil looking, I promise,” Buffy reassured him as she bounced with excitement. “I promise you’ll love it.” Impulsively she leant forward and gave him a quick kiss, letting her tongue glide across his soft lips lightly before pulling back.


“Buffy?” Spike stared at her in wonder, his lips seeming to tingle from her touch.


Buffy looked into his deep blue eyes, noting the question that was held within. She brought her hand up to trace along his face softly before leaning in again for another soft kiss, her mouth parted to allow him entrance.


After a moment Spike seemed to realise that his Slayer—his Buffy—was kissing him of her own free will, and he deepened the kiss, pulling her towards him as he did.


Buffy eventually pulled back and allowed her head to fall to his shoulder as she ran her hand across his bare chest. “So, you’re leaving in a couple of days?”




Buffy tilted her head to look up at him; it felt so good to just stand here like this with him. “Don’t be too long, ok?”


“Ok.” Spike dropped a kiss onto her forehead. “Now don’t you and the bit have some shopping to do?”


Buffy twisted out of his arms. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I forgot.  DAWN!” she yelled as she ran up the stairs.


Spike listened as he heard Dawn’s sleepy voice turn into one of excitement, soon followed by the sounds of the two women preparing for a day of shopping.  He ran his fingers across his lips, smiling at the memory of the kisses Buffy had bestowed upon him.  He had a feeling that things were changing between his Slayer and himself, he only hoped that the Scoobies didn’t put a stop to that while he was away.




Spike sat in the living room, a mass of paper and fabric surrounding him.  He wearily ran a hand across his face, Buffy and Dawn had returned from their shopping spree laden with new purchases; clothes, and shoes as well as what seemed like a never ending array of fabric squares and colour samples.  Spike had sat through the fashion show as his girls had shown off their purchases, and listened to them as they discussed the colour schemes for each of the bedrooms.  Dawn had thrust a brochure under his nose, demanding that he select furniture for his new room before he left.


He shuffled the paper sitting on the coffee table before him, secretly rejoicing that Buffy seemed to be allowing him into her life so readily.


The front door burst open loudly. “Buff!” Xander came rushing into the room, panting as he tried to catch his breathe. “You!” he accused loudly before rushing across the room and thrusting an angry finger in Spike’s direction. “You don’t belong here, get out.”


Spike looked at the reddening boy before him and couldn’t help but smirk. “I’m guessing you’ve heard the news then.  Watcher tell you?” he asked before casually picking up a brochure and leafing through it.  Holding a page open he let Xander view the king size bed on its glossy pages. “What do you think whelp?  Big enough for two?”


Xander spluttered as he went in search of Buffy. “I don’t know what your plan is Spike, but don’t get comfortable, ‘cause once I talk to Buffy she’ll see sense and you’ll be out on your ass.”


“See sense about what Xander?” Buffy asked as she came down the stairs. She had been waiting for Xander’s arrival ever since she had told Giles about her decision.  Part of her was relieved that he was finally here, however a bigger part of her was just plan pissed off that he was in her home trying to control her life once again.  For too many years she had let her friends opinions of how she ‘should’ behave colour her actions. The past week with Spike, not to mention his actions leading up to the showdown with Glory,  had shown her a side of him she had blocked out for too long. 


Over the last few days she had witnessed Spike and Dawn as they interacted and she had been stunned at the depth of the vampire’s love for her little sister.  Spike had fit easily into their small family unit, filling a void that she hadn’t known existed.  For the first time since the death of her mother Buffy finally felt as though she once more lived in a home, not merely a house.  It gave her a peace that was severely lacking in other areas of her life; her relationship with her friends being one of them.


“Buffy.” Xander moved forward, grabbing hold of her shoulders and looking her directly in the eyes, his voice took on a condescending tone, “I understand that you’ve had a hard time the last couple of months, and I know that Spike has managed to manipulate you into believing that you need him.”  He started to stroke her hair as though he were placating a small child. “You’re just confused right now, when you have time to stop and think about this sensibly you’ll realise that as the Slayer you are so far above that thing.”  Xander continued, missing the frown that had firmly set itself across her face, “Once you get a job things will start to get better, just you wait.”  He pulled a folded square of paper from his shirt pocket, opening it for her inspection “The Doublemeat Palace is hiring, I got you this application.”


Buffy took the paper from his hand and glanced at it, passing it over her shoulder to Dawn who had followed her down the stairs.


“Why is it already filled out?” Dawn asked.


Buffy frowned, grabbing the application back and studying it carefully. “More importantly how do you know my Social Security number?”


Xander completely missed the furious looks that graced the faces of both the Summers girls.  “I came over the other night with the application and you were out so I thought I’d help you out seeing as you’ve never had a job before.”


“That doesn’t explain how you got Buffy’s number though, Xander.” Dawn’s lips were pursed into a thin line.


Xander waved his hand dismissively. “Oh I looked around until I found where your mom kept all your important papers.”


“Let me get this straight, Xander,” Buffy’s voice was low, trembling slightly with barely restrained anger. “Not only do you think you have the right to dictate to me who I associate with, who I can have living in MY home AND where I should work,” Buffy held up the now crumpled paper in her closed fist. “You also think you have the right to come into my home, uninvited and rifle through my personal papers, my MOTHERS personal papers.”


Xander began to back away, finally realising that he had upset Buffy. “I just thought….”


“Thought what, Xander?” Dawn moved to stand beside Buffy, clearly upset that Xander hadn’t thought anything was wrong with invading their privacy in such a manner.


“Get out,” Buffy instructed coldly, “before you dig yourself into a deeper hole. Get out of my house and don’t come back until you’re invited.  Don’t call me, or try and speak to me, because right now I’m so angry that I’m likely to forget that you’re human and beat the crap out of you.”


“Buff…” Xander was cut short by her angry glare. “Well don’t come crying to me when Captain Peroxide spends the little money you have left and then kills you both in your sleep.”  He turned and slammed out the door.


Dawn darted after Xander, opening the door and grabbing him roughly by the arm. “Just so you know, Xander, Spike managed to organise enough money to keep Buffy and I comfortable for the next few years if we spend wisely.  Enough money that Buffy doesn’t NEED to work to support us until she’s ready. And before you start ranting again, it’s legitimate money, right down to the taxes he paid on it.”  Dawn turned and walked back inside, just in time to see Buffy’s incredulous expression.


“Spike paid taxes?”




Spike sat on the back porch finishing his cigarette staring silently into the cool evening.  He moved over as he heard the soft footsteps padding through the kitchen.


“I knew you’d be out here.” Dawn sat down beside him wrinkling her nose. “I thought you gave those things up years ago.”


Spike tossed the butt into the yard, watching the wisps of smoke float into the air as the embers died to black.  “Did. Problem is this body hasn’t.”


Dawn laid her head against his shoulder. “You know it’s really just something to do with your hands.”


“Suppose it is, Nib.” Spike wrapped an arm around her waist. “I’ll give up while I’m gone, ‘s not good for you or Buffy to be around all that smoke.”


“You’re going to give up smoking now?” Dawn stared at him. “At the same time that you get….” she glanced over her shoulder, “you know what,” Dawn pointed towards his chest. “You DO remember what you were like last time, don’t you?”


Spike smiled, letting his thoughts drift to the time when his Dawn had come to him, a bundle of excited energy as she announced that she and Derrick were expecting a child.  Without the young couple knowing Spike had begun to read Dawn’s pre-natal books in secret. When he had read about the effects of smoke, even second hand smoke, he had given up that day.  For the next month he had growled and snapped and broken every piece of furniture in his room.  In the end he had apologised and offered to leave until he was somewhat more pleasant to be around.  It was then that Dawn and Derrick had told him about leaving the cave and moving back into the ‘real’ world.  Spike had thrown himself wholeheartedly into the move until one day he realised he was finally over his century-long addiction.


“Yeah well already done it once, should be easier this time.” Spike shrugged. “Slayer won’t let me smoke inside anyway.”


Dawn giggled, for all his swagger Spike was a true gentleman at heart and any request from herself or Buffy was almost instantly complied with; even if he complained about it at the time.


The pair turned to face the door as they heard Buffy calling out to them. “Here you two are.” She tried to squeeze between them, wriggling as she tried to make room.  Dawn sighed dramatically and shifted down a step, allowing her sister to sit beside Spike.  Dawn grinned as she watched Buffy make herself more comfortable, while still managing to press against Spike’s side.  Dawn took in the picture before her; this was her family, the thing she had searched for all those years.  When they had made the decision to come back she had hoped that something like this would happen, but had resigned herself to Spike being on the peripheral of her life for a long time.  Buffy’s readiness to accept him into their lives and amazed her; the fact that Buffy was seemingly willing to pursue something more with the vampire had stunned her beyond words.


“So what you talking about?” Buffy asked casually, stroking Dawn’s hair affectionately.


“Spike’s going to give up smoking while he’s away,” Dawn informed her.


“Why while you’re away?” Buffy asked confused.


“Slayer ‘ve been smoking for ‘bout a century, don’t really think you’d want me around while I’m givin’ it away.”


“Oh.” Buffy suddenly realised that having an evil vampire suffering from nicotine withdrawal in the house while they were redecorating, may not be the wisest idea. 


They sat quietly on the back porch each staring into the still night, lost in their own thoughts.  Each enjoying the calm around them; inside they all knew that the peace would not last long.  It never did. Two of them, however knew exactly what was to come.




Two weeks later


Buffy and Dawn stood at the door to Spike’s new room, the walls were painted a deep crimson, sponged over lightly with black.  Soft black chiffon curtains rested across the now deeply tinted windows. Buffy had wanted thicker more sturdy looking coverings, but Dawn had convinced her that between the tinting and the curtains, the muted light that would filter through would not be harmful to Spike.  Still unsure Buffy had insisted on the huge four poster bed which now graced the room, complete with thick black velvet curtains that could cocoon the occupant in their own private world.  The only other furniture in the room were the small bedside tables on either side of the bed, each topped with an array of the candles that Spike loved so much.  On one sat a heavy pewter frame which held a small snapshot of Buffy and Dawn sitting in the backyard in the sun.


“Wow, looks good.” Willow came up behind the pair.


“You think he’ll like it?” Buffy asked twisting her hands nervously.


“I’m sure he’ll love it,” reassured Tara.


The two Wicca’s had been surprisingly supportive of Buffy’s decision to allow Spike into her and Dawn’s lives.  Willow had been unsure at first, especially after hearing Xander rant for a full six hours after Buffy had asked him to leave.  In the end Tara had gotten Xander to go home and sat down with Willow, convincing her to speak to Buffy first before forming any opinion about the situation.


Willow had gone around to the Summers house the next day, helping her friend and Dawn as they organised Spike for his trip.  By the end of the day she had called Tara, to come over for an impromptu farewell dinner. They had then stayed on talking long into the night about their past; reminiscing about the major events in their lives.  Surprisingly for Buffy much of the good and bad had held memories of Spike and Willow finally realised that perhaps his presence was a good thing. 




Spike stood at the entrance to the caves that would lead to the restoration of his soul.  The one thing that he required above all else—the thing that would be his torment and his salvation for the rest of his unlife.  The one thing that he needed in order to fulfil the price required of him for the world he now lived in.  Taking a deep breath he cast one last look at the lightening sky behind him, his hands unconsciously searching his pockets for his cigarettes.  Spike stepped into the cool air of the cave’s mouth, letting his eyes adjust he began his long journey down into the dark.


The last time he had trodden this path Dawn had been at his side, striding forward determinedly while her hand clung nervously to his.  Eventually he came to a wide cavern, casting his eyes around the shadows he waited.


“So, vampire, you have returned as promised.”  The demon stepped from the shadows and moved into the centre of the cave.


Spike straightened, chasing the weariness from his body as he did, “Yeah, well said I would.”


“Do you not enjoy the freedom from your torment?” the demon questioned.


Spike began to move forward slowly, “What can I say, made a promise to my girls.” He shrugged out of his duster, tossing it to one side. “Also promised ‘em I wouldn’t be gone long, so let’s get on with this.”


The demon remained silent for a few moments. “Very well, we shall begin.”  A human figure emerged behind him, flames springing to life on the man’s hands.  “You know what is required.”


“Yeah, yeah. Been there, done that,” Spike darted forward, directing a punch into the man’s stomach before ducking out of the way of a flaming hand and coming back up behind his opponent, twisting flame-boy’s neck violently he dropped him to the floor, “learnt a few things since.”

