Drabble Challenge # 2
by Redwulf

Self imposed challenge: Ok, kind of hit a wall with my WIP's so trying to break it down by writing drabbles. If you have a request please post it here I'll write pretty much any Spuffy, Spike, Willow/Xander/Faith from Time Tossed verse, Dawn/Andrew also TT verse, or any of my original characers but if you have an odd pairing choice let me know I might try it. My only request is YOU also follow this and try a few drabbles. Will write anything, except Biley, Bander or Bangel.

In Another World Drabble, the scene the statues saw
** kargrif requested: IAW Spuffy **

Buffy couldn't help herself a good fight always made her horny. Spike always made her horny, so a good fight with Spike made her positively nasty horny. This was life, perfect life, her, her best friend, lover and mate.

"Hiya handsome." Buffy said looking up at Spike. "Wanna fuck me till my ears bleed?"

Spike shifted into his elven face pointed teeth, ears and all. "Oh Love, gonna make you scream."

Spike torturing Angel season one of Ats
** kargrif requested: Angel's death by pickle **

"Where is it you bloody ponce." Spike said as he drug the white hot branding iron across Angel's face.

"Not gonna tell you." Angel whined.

Spike picked it up with iron tongues keeping it away from his body at all times then shoved the cucumber picled in acid and holy water into the poof's mouth. It only took him seconds to dust.

Death by Cocktail Olive
Pairing: Xander/???
** Spikeslovebite requested: death by cocktail olive...an after diner martini gone horri-FIC-ly wrong **

It was their first date and Xander had to make a good impression, after his disaterous break up with Anya he had figured out who he truly loved and had talked, no begged that person to meet him here. As he looked over at the gorgeous hunk of salty goodness he knocked back his martini then holding up his olive by the toothpick made a great show slithering it off with huis tounge. *coughcough* *hack*

Clem beat the human boy on the back then gave him the hiemlich manuever, but even when the Olive popped outthe human refused to breath, and despite him being the slayers friend there were some things just tooooo gross for Clem to kiss.

Time stood still
Characters: Spike & Riley
** Alwaysjbj requested: AU-BtVS S5, Spike discovers the chip stopped working (post-realization of Buffy love)... how will he react? **

Time sttod still. Everything seemed to freeze around him. He hadn't meant to hit the very human man, but he had. He hadn't meant for the chip not to work anymore, but it didn't. If Buffy found out, she would kill him, and now, now that he knew he loved her he wouldn't even be able to stop her.

Time stood still, yet everything moved. The world was changed and rearanged even as he stood there. The man he had struck getting slowly to his feet. Spike couldn't, wouldn't run. Not from Whitebread. Not from any human.

"Oh I get to watch Buffy stake you." Riley laughed, his plastic stake in his hand.

"No Finn." Spike replied. "She already knows you liked to be bitten."

Spike jerked the soldier to him the polutted blood tasted worse than cold pig's, but this was how it had to be.

Time stood still as Spike hid the dead body in the burnt out ware house that had once held the Vamp brothel.

Scene from upcoming Time Bound story line
** Adriana_is requested: a Spuffy from your TT verse; I'd like something hot. **

Spike saw her enter the library, Buffy his golden goddess, his lover, his mate. The last six monthes had been terrible. Knowing she was alive and well but not being able to see her or touch her.

It was a moment froze in time even young Erin's "Ghaaaaa, they're gonna shag on the table." didn't faze them. Nor William's "Clear the room, Parental sex coming up."

Spike for one of the few times in his life seemed to be frozen in place. Couldn't move, couldn't talk, could only stand there mouth agape as his radient beautiful lover took first two halting steps then broke into a dead run tackiling him to the ground with kisses.

Spike no longer cared that they were in Sunnydale, so far back in Time that they had just stopped Angelus from opening Acaltha. His home was here. Here with his mate, his three beautiful children, and the annoying young slayer that he knew would marry his son one day

This was home.

** Maryperk requested: Oz killing Kennedy.**

She had been told to wait for back up, but she was Kennedy Hornhouser, Slayer extrordinare. Besides it was day light. She walked quickly out of the mall and never once looked around as she attempted to cross the street.


Danial Osborne looked out the front windom of his new van wondering at the damage the idiot bitch had done. As he walked around to the front he was suprised to see the only thing left of her head was her pierced toungue.

Backstory from TT - Gem of Amara 1
**Diabola79 requested: how exactly Spike managed to get Angel's finger with the gem in TT? **

Angel looked across the alley at his loathsome grandchilde a smile firmly in place.

"Face it Spike, I'm the Champion." Angel said slowly as if speaking to a small half wit child. "And you're just a random Vampire. The Powers love me, and you're just here." Angel shrugs childishly. "Buffy loves me, Dru adores me and no one cares if you live or die."

Spike moved faster than Angelus had ever seen him. One second he was ten feet away the next he had Angel on the ground with his knee in his chest.

"And I." Spike said with a manic grin brandishing a kitchen knife. "Have my bloody ring. You wanker."

Buuuuut, I'm the Champion." Angel whined rolling onto his side crying at the loos of his apendage.

Backstory from TT - Gem of Amara 2
**As requested by both Diabola79 and Maryperk**

Angel staggered into the Hyperion holding his hand up crying.

"Angel, what happned?" Cordy asked.

"There was at least thirty of them." He lied casualy through his tears. "I dusted them all but then Spike hit me over the head with an I beam, and cut off my finger and my ring."

"Hit you with an I beam?" Doyle asked thinking he must not have hit Angel hard since it hadn't dented his hairspray.

Gay Buffy
**Oldgreymare requested: What if Buffy turned gay, not Willow. Who would she have chosen?**

Buffy looked at her lover with tears in her eyes. She had found true happiness, but fate had a way of destroying everything. She had been this route before and it could never work. No matter how much they loved each other... A slayer and a vampire was just wrong.

"Yes Harmony, you do have the nicest boobs I have ever had in my mouth, but... it's over." The blonde duo held each other for a moment before Harmony in a last ditch effort sank her teeth into her slayers neck and turned her.

Harmony, Andrew, & a Cape
**Athenewolfe requested: Harmony, Andrew, and a cape.**

As Harmony looked at her lover's new cape she couldn't stop giggling.

"Oh Blondie Bear aren't you supposed to wear something under the cape?"

Andrew Waved his hard on at her.

"I am Honey pot. A glow in the dark condem just for you."

