Pure BTVS Fiction

Related Works


Works In Progress

Time Tossed Interlude:   (PG-13)  Begins at the end of Will's Papa Series. This fic will be eventualy Spuffy and the Older Buffy in this fic is Mated to a Spike already. Thanks for Beta help and some ghost writing to the Wicked Evil Tam :P

             Chap 1  Chap 2

In Another World:  If just one small event changes it can ripple across the pond of our stories until it changes a world. Set in becoming 2. What if...?

            Chap 1  Chap 2  Chap 3  Chap 4

Love Lost:     Second in the series, continuing on the adventures of the characters created in Starshine's "Ungettable Get." During the adventures of Time Tossed, Spike and his daughter Joyce (Joy) travel to Season 5's "Into the Woods." Spoilers for all of BTVS and ATS.

             Chap 1   Chap 2  Chap 3  Chap 4  Chap 5  Chap 6

Eternal Champion:    Into every Generation a Slayer is born. Since the dawn of time less than a hundred vampires have been cursed with a soul, BUT there is only ONE Eternal Champion.  Post Angel: Not Fade Away - Spike has a new job and a host of old enemies.

            Chap 1  Chap 2

Karma:    Karma- Is a Bitch then you die....or do you? Post Angel-NFA, BTVS S1

            Chap 1   Chap 2  Chap 3

Completed Fics

Time Tossed:    Sequel to Starshine's BSV challenge response fic The Ungettable Get.  Buffy and her children Erin and William go back in time to BTVS S4. Twists at the beginning of Wild at Heart.  Someone hates Buffy, Spike, and their happy family so much that they have crossed time to seek venegence.

             Chap 1  Chap 2  Chap 3  Chap 4  Chap 5  Chap 6  Chap 7  Chap 8
             Chap 9  Chap 10  Chap 11   Chap 12    Epilogue

The Will's Papa Series ~ (Series now complete!)

Will's Papa:  After the Ungettable Get but before Time Tossed, William had to grow up. A Bday ficlet/drabble for Always-JBJ. Warning extreme schoop alert. (Schoop = extremely fluffy). Continued in Will's Papa 2.

Will's Papa 2:  Because many people demanded a continuation of Will's Papa.... (594 words). Set after Ungettable Get but before Time Tossed. Another glimpse of William growing up.

Little Slayer:  The showdown or shall I say "smackdown" everyone has been waiting for. (730 words). Written for Bubble Blunder's birthday.

Cooking Lessons: Apologizing with food.

Will's Mama: Buffy is not pleased.

Will's Girl:  Final chapter. Leads directly into Time Tossed, Love Lost and the short fic Toni.

Slinky's Birthday Prezzie Ficlet:  Simple peek into how things should be. Set approximately three years post Angel: Not Fade Away.

Getting Married Today:  Someone's getting married, and someone isn't happy about that. (AR) Post BTVS Chosen.

Hair Gel:  (AR)Angel S5 - Ye of much hair gel wants some satisfaction.  

Hair Gel 2: (AR) Angel S5 - a continuation of Hair Gel.

My Evil Anti-Spuffy Fic:   Spike's had enough! Set post "Not Fade Away."


Filthy MacNasty:  (NC-17) Written for the "Hot & Bothered" Spuffy Snarkathon (June 2006), as requested by Spikeskat. Willow's "Will Be Done" spell goes a little different: she makes everyone not lie instead - wackiness ensues. Set BTVS S4. Warning:Spike/Buffy/Faith sex and Willow/Xander/Anya sex.

Responses to the Fandom Drabble LJ Challenge ~
Spuffy S2: as requested by joyful_dayz

Spike/Tara: as requested by shady76

Willow/Giles: as requested by alwaysjbj

Wesley/Faith: as requested by selene2

Responses to the Self-Imposed Drabble LJ Challenge ~ (end-April 2006) Could request any pairing, characters, except for Biley, Bander, or Bangel from my TT, LL universes or any other of my original works. ****These are NOT betad ****

In Another World -Spuffy: as requested by Kargrif

Angel's death by Pickle: as requested by Kargrif

Death by Cocktail Olive (Xander/??): as requested by Spikeslovebite

Time Stood Still (Spike & Riley): as requested by Alwaysjbj

Time Bound Spuffy scene: as requested by Adriana_is

BAM (Oz & Kennedy): as requested by Maryperk

Backstory from TT - Gem of Amara 1: as requested by Diabola79

Backstory from TT - Gem of Amara 2: as requested by Diabola79 & Maryperk

Gay Buffy: as requested by Oldgreymare

Harmony, Andrew, & a Cape: as requested by Athenewolfe

Related Works

Ungettable Get:     By Starshine and Collaborative Credits to Redwulf50. Written as a Response to Bloodshedverse Challenge #4. All you know about Buffy in season 5 of ATS is a lie concocted by the Blackthorne. Buffy isn't in Rome dating the Immortal. She is in London with her twin Children William and Joyce. Imagine her suprise when she turns on the tv to watch news of the LA Apocolypse and sees her baby's daddy fighting the good fight. oh yeah Bitey goodness. For other requirements, see story.

Revenge, Revelations and Rapture:    By Starshine. Part of the "Un-Gettable Get series." A small ficlet set 2 months after Spike's bizarre dream in the last chapter of The Un-Gettable Get.