Bludhaven Hellmouth
by Redwulf

Chapter Seven

132 days ago in Cleveland

Buffy Summers realized that she and Dawn were being spoiled. They now possessed a house more beautiful than any of her wildest dreams could imagine, more money than they could count, and the servants. The servants, all of whom were from William's estate in Flooksburgh, had shown up the first morning that she and Dawnie had woken up in the manor. The servants had even taken it upon themselves to call in others from the Earl's other properties stateside to return the house to its glory. And none of the servants begrudged their grieving, for all of them were grieving as well. Yet, her slayer senses had been on a constant background buzz until the servants had explained that all of them were part elves and that their part 'pixie' blood had been what had kept them safe with Dru.

Dawn had yet to venture out of the estates libraries, which seemed to be filled with books concerning demon prophecies, literally thousands of them. Dawn had the graying, old, half-elven librarian run ragged, as he deciphered numerous different prophecies and books of general knowledge for her. At first, Buffy was saddened when she had found out her sister was searching for a prophecy promising Spike's return. Of course, when the librarian had mentioned that several prophecies appeared to do so, the entire house of servants began taking turns helping to look.

Even though technically she owned the house, Buffy had learned early on that the servants actually ran the household, not her. Breakfast was at 6:30 AM sharp, lunch at noon, and tea at 6:00 PM. Of course, Cook would hold it for you, but her saddened, disappointed face reminded both Summers girls so much of their mother that neither dared to cause her to reheat a meal more than once.

Last night Buffy had finally broken down and told the servants of Spike's last days. She had expected scorn, but instead, she had gotten joy as the entire house had celebrated the passing of a hero. God, when Giles and the others got here they better watch what they said. These people loved William 'Spike' Wordsworth and some had served him and his family for more than two hundred years. It was the servants who had explained the proper decorum of inviting Giles and the Scoobies to Cleveland and who had also suggested the construction company that should build the future quarters of the Slayer army.

And Finn, the bastard! While he and his soldiers had vacated the premises, whenever she or Dawn went anywhere soldiers fell in behind them, following them at a not so discreet distance. It was annoying. The soldiers were just another reason Buffy wished Spike could be with her. She giggled at the thought of being able to throw her guy down in a park somewhere and shagging his brains out while the soldiers took pictures. She could just hear it, 'Please Colonel Finn, look over these photos. See size really does matter.'

Of course, when Buffy had complained to the steward about her frustration with the soldiers, she had hoped the woman would show her how William had gotten around during the day here. The steward had taken her to an underground garage with seven cars, all built for the purpose of being used in Cleveland's sewer and subway system.

During her many forays out of the house, Buffy had discovered an entirely different city underground, one she could buy anything she needed. True, the underground was mostly run by demons, but being William the Bloody's widow counted for something there, far more than being the Slayer.

Gotham City the Clock Tower, 132 days ago

'Damn, damn and triple damn.' Five different tests, one result. All told her that she was pregnant by a man, who she couldn't even speak to without yelling. Oh sure, she loved him, but he was an ass. Barbara had commed him last night before he went off patrol wanting him to be here when she took the tests, but that whole conversation went badly. Dick remained still angry with her, and she still felt guilty about kicking him out of her apartment and him sleeping in the streets. So, one angry word led to another, which eventually let to her telling him to never even step foot on the street where she lived or she would shoot him.

It was his fault! She should be being pampered. Babs would bet that the future mother of 'Young Master Richard's' child would get spoiled good and proper by the English gentleman's gentleman of Wayne manor. And she so deserved spoiling. 'Dick Grayson, you suck,' she thought, her mouth watering just at the thought of Alfred's cooking that Dick was making her miss out on.

It was his fault! The two of them should be calling her dad to break the news. Joking about her dad wanting to kill Dick for defiling his poor little girl. God, her dad was gonna love this! Well, he would as soon as he got out of jail for killing Dick for being such a jerk.

It was his fault! Dinah should be planning a baby shower now, inviting Diana, Helena, Donna, and Kory. Babs delighted in thinking that she could then could stick out her tongue at the alien bimbo and say neener, neener; he's mine. It would be a super heroine baby shower, with little Lian there. (God! How did Roy Harper of all people have such a precious daughter?) A baby shower complete with presents and food, and most importantly, with Barbara Gordon being royally spoiled.

And it sooo wasn't her fault! Not her fault she had that stupid dream of Dick showing up in the daylight and talking about squirrel sex and taunting her for being soo needy. She should just punch him in real life just like she had in her dreams. Please, the idea of her having a one-night stand with Booster Gold had squicked her even in her dreams. And for even 'dream Dick' to accuse her of not being able to keep her dimpled knees together, oh yeah, it was so Dick's fault.

New York Star Labs present

Buffy awoke next to William. Her head rested on his shoulder and her leg draped slightly over his. She sighed with contentment. She was with him. Buffy felt as giddy as a schoolgirl. She knew she was acting wonky, but two days ago she had thought him dead, and now she had slept in his arms. A movement in the shadows caught her eye. There, Buffy saw a woman - no, a girl - dressed in a suit very similar to the one the Batman had been wearing.

"Batgirl?" she asked.

"Batman sent me to watch over him." The quiet, black-clad girl spoke. Buffy could tell she didn't speak often. But that didn't matter. Buffy's heart swelled that a man that didn't know him had sent one of his own to watch over him.

"You hungry?" Buffy asked her. "We could order Pizza?"

"No food," the girl answered. "On watch."

"Well, if I order it and you get hungry, you're welcome to some." Buffy smiled at her.

"Quit tempting the poor girl, you minx." William spoke with a decidedly Spike sounding voice.

"You rather I tempt you baby?" Buffy said a leer on her face. She was rewarded with a decidedly blushing William.

Gotham the Clock Tower

Babs woke with her head on Dick's shoulder still straddling him. He was still buried in her depths, still hard, and still oh so tempting. As he moved slightly in his sleep, she couldn't help but whimper. Her body was bruised and sore, but still she craved more. Could she ever get enough of Dick?

Her lover suddenly began nibbling on her neck causing her to begin shifting her hips, but instead he rolled her over and began to pull out. Barbara tried to pull him back in, but he smiled and kissed her sweetly, "Sorry baby, got to go to the bathroom."

As Babs watched him walk through the livingroom to her bedroom she realized she had to go too, so she got up and padded after him. Leaning on the door jamb, she watched him, the stupid show man that he was, as he gave her a show that had her giggling under her breath.

"Whatchu doin?" he asked her in a sing-song voice.

"Hurry up! I got to go too." When he finished she was taking care of her own business as she watched him brush his teeth. When she finished she stepped in close to him not touching him inhaling deeply. "God you smell." She told him with a grin.

"Oh, that is completely your fault." He smiled at her and then playfully teased, "Why Mrs. Robinson, I do believe you seduced the poor innocent Former Boy Wonder. And you, you don't smell much better."

Babs slapped him playfully and pointed towards her huge bath tub. "We have an answer to that Mr. Braddock."

Sutcliffe Manor in Cleveland

Willow had still been asleep even though it was after 4:30 in the afternoon. Fighting the forces of evil tended to be a night job. When the maid informed her she had a visitor, (Maid... sheyeah. Damn life with Buffy was getting weird.) she had hurriedly dressed and went down stairs to the study wondering who could be here to see her of all people

The woman that awaited her in the library was a statuesque beauty nearly six-feet tall, with long, pitch-black hair, and her figure? She could only be described as a bombshell, truly a magnificent looking woman. Dressed in a black power suit with black heels, the woman seemed to dominate the entire room, as the librarian and several other servants fell all over themselves trying to ingratiate themselves to her. Breeding... it was obvious to even Willow that this woman had it.

As the woman turned her clear blue eyes seemed to pin Willow in place. "Ms. Rosenberg," she said as she shook Willow's hand. "I am Selina Kyle."

Willow shuddered involuntarily, "Catwoman! But we don't have any cat things for you to st..."

Selina smiled at the girl. "I am reformed. Right now, I am here as a favor to an associate."

"Oh, that's right. You work for Batman now." Willow breathed easier remembering that.

"Grrrrr... 'with'... not for, and yes, I am here to ask if you can look into a prophecy for us." Selina's face had drawn in tightly.

"Prophecy?" Willow asked growing excited, "You mean research?"

"Yes," Selina began. She pulled the journal from her bag; it was hand copied directly from the Bat's own copy. He was too afraid that the two mages might tamper with the original. Inwardly, Selina rolled her eyes at she thought of Bruce's paranoia. "I have a copy here."

The aged Librarian reached to take the book. When he opened it his eyes grew large. "My word Miss, we have this one already!" He immediately went to one of the tables where someone had been working and returned with a book and someone's notepad. "Supposedly this is a prophecy about a vampire that returns to earth from hell, but we have not been able to decipher who the vampire is or many other aspects of it."

Selina looked over what had been deciphered and smiled. Jackpot. "Sir, would you and Miss Rosenberg be willing to accompany me to Gotham? We have the parts that you haven't deciphered, and you translated these three languages that we couldn't figure out."

"High Elven, Drow and Quintor or Bastard Elven," asserted the libriarian, looking hopefully at Willow. With young Miss Dawn not here, Willow was in charge of the Library.

Willow studied Catwoman for a second. "Is this prophecy about Spike?"

"Yes dear, it is about him and his family."

Cleveland, the Warehouse District.

Xander Harris knew this was stupid. If anyone should be undercover, it shouldn't be him. But when Wood had asked him to come along all those months ago, he had been angry with everyone. Yet, now he faced more danger. If he backed out, 'they' would know he had been deceiving them, and since he knew their plans for Buffy and the others, Xander understood that 'they' would have no trouble killing him.

Yes, he had distanced himself from Buffy, but he had had to. If he was to keep the Slayer army safe, they had to know what Riley Finn, Robin Wood, and the rest of the dissallusioned Council members were up to.

Outsiders HQ, New York

Roy Harper was fixing Lian dinner when it happened - a sudden, dark, foreboding feeling hit him and rocked him to his core. It felt as if someone had done an old fashioned Irish gig on his grave. Quickly, he finished Lian's meal before letting himself worry. Then while his daughter munched happily, he commed the watch desk.

"Donna?" he asked the newest Outsider, "can you watch Lian tonight?'

"Of course," the Amazon answered surprised. Since her return from the dead and subsequent joining of the Outsiders, Roy had avoided her, and to be honest it hurt. Roy had been her first love, and him acting as if he wished she weren't here bothered her. "You know I'd do anything for Lian."

'Anything for Lian. Right. Only use, then dump her dad.' Roy thought bitterly. He was determined not to let Donna in this time. It hurt too much when she moved on the first time. "Thanks. I'm going back into Bludhaven to help Dick. I just really have a bad feeling about this."

New York Star Labs

Buffy had gone to the bathroom down the hall completely content that the young Batgirl was more than capable over watching over William. However, when she saw an upset Batgirl in the hall upon leaving the bathroom, Buffy became afraid and ran the rest of the way back to the room. Stepping quickly through the door, Buffy found two nurses fussing over William. While part of her was relieved that he was okay, a sudden rush of jealousy had her narrowing her eyes.

"Ladies," William began, seeing his seething wife in the door. "I think it only fair to point out that my wife is both a super human and it seems the jealous type."

"Oh, I completely understand," Nurse Stacy cooed, as she fluffed his pillows for the fifth time.

"She would be stupid not to be," added Nurse Kat, as she straightened his sheets again.

"She is also filled with pregnancy hormones and standing in the doorway." Buffy spoke for the first time.

"Eeep! We were just making sure he didn't need anything," Kat hastily explained, stepping behind Stacy.

"Believe me ladies, I am perfectly capable of seeing to my husbands 'needs'," Buffy informed them with a smile laced with a twinge of menace. The two quickly left the room.

Buffy turned as Batgirl reentered the room. "You up for Pizza? I can have Dawn and Giles bring us over a few pies. It seems William needs more Watchers."

Gotham city the Clock tower

Babs woke up for the second time in her own bed curled contentedly around Dick. Life was good. A little voice told her that everything was too good; that obviously a Joker was around somewhere to bite her in the ass.* She refused to dwell upon those fears, because she was too happy.

She stood, getting up from the bed and almost danced around it, as she looked for her unopened pregnancy test. True, Dr. Leslie Tompkins had confirmed her pregnancy, but taking this test could be like reliving it, only better since Dick was here. As she danced, an arm reached out and drug her back into bed where she was greeted by a 'very happy to see her' Dick.

"Bouncing Babs Boobies," he said into her hair. "Hmmmm, I like."

"Dick!?" Babs shrieked happily. Then glanced back at the night stand. "Oh shit! Let go Dick, I was supposed to be online a half hour ago."

Dick released her and smiled, slowly watching her bounce around the room getting her sweats on and putting a scrunchy in her hair. Babs turned to face him continuing, "And you mister have to patrol."

"Can I have Bouncing Babs Boobies when I get through?" he whined at her.

"All you can handle." Babs leaned over and kissed him quickly with promise. "Now into the shower with you. You need to hurry up, so you can watch the city while I take one."

"But... but... you promised me all the Bouncing Babs Boobies I could handle last night, and see, I still want more." Dick continued his mock whine.

"Richard John Grayson! Don't make give you a shower!" Babs turned semi-angry eyes on him. "I'll uses steel wool brushes."


Babs walked out of the bed room in a fake huff. Life was good.

Dinah "Black Canary' Lance had entered her best friend's apartment over half an hour ago. While she didn't possess the same detective skills the others here in Gotham had, she could observe the shredded clothes and smell a room reeking of sex and it still meant the same thing to her. Her best friend had gotten laid.

Hell, from the smell of it, Babs had gotten good and laid. Dinah smirked inwardly thinking, 'Good, those two needed a break, but if Dick screws this up, I will string him up by his heels and hang him from Gotham Towers!'

Dinah signed in for Oracle at her terminal. Sure, she wasn't Babs, but as long as things stayed nice and easy she could do it. After she had checked in with the various hero teams, some of which were yet to get over 'Oracle's' attempts at humor. After thirty minutes had passed, she heard Babs shriek.

"Richard John Grayson! Don't make give you a shower!" Babs turned semi-angry eyes on him. "I'll uses steel wool brushes."


Dinah smiled. 'So much blackmail material, so little time.'

As her friend entered the room, Dinah at first thought Babs had been beaten, but then she realized the 'bruises' on her neck were hickies. Hickies! Like some sixteen-year old after her first date. And what was worse, Babs had a 'mark' on her forehead. It was… oh god; she started laughing.

"Oh my god, you have rug burns on your forehead!" Dinah exclaimed through her giggles.

"Please," Babs said with a Cheshire grin, "someone's just jealous."

"Well yeah," Dinah replied, relinquishing the workstation. "I slept in a big, old, cold bed last night. Oh, by the way, Roy and Wally called in looking for Dick. They were convinced you had killed him."

"I might later, but now need a shower." Canary saw the gleam in Babs' eyes and stopped her.

"Oh no missy, not 'til the Hunk Wonder finishes. I only fill in for 'Oracle' if your hurt or injured, not so you can get some nookie."

Babs snorted at her but took over the computers. Unaware that anyone else was in the apartment, Dick walked out wearing nothing but a pair of low riding sweat pants. If Babs had looked like she had been in a fight, then Dick appeared like he had been through a war zone. He was covered in scratches on his chest, his arms, and his shoulders and even sported a few on his face.

"Damn, you two do know sex is supposed to be fun and painless, right?" Dinah smiled playfully, her hands on her hips.

Babs looked at her with a completely straight face. "What's the fun in that?"


Bruce had permitted himself only a couple of hours sleep before he was awake and back researching in the cave.

Scouring through the surveillance files from Arkham, Bruce looked for appearances by the First Evil. And oh, had he found them. But the Great First Evil wasn't as smart as he had assumed.

Its offers to Ivy, Two Face, and Mr. Freeze were ludicrous enough, but it was the tape of The First Evil with Joker that got really his attention. Watching the replay, Bruce immediately knew who the First Evil pretended to be - Jack Palance. Palance had been the big time mob boss of Bludhaven, who had been killed roughly the same time Bruce had first become the Bat.

Was this the vital clue he needed to break the file on Joker's past life?

Streets of Bludhaven

Lt. D'arnot was in the process of shaking down a small time gambling den when it happened. Teeth sank into his neck in full view of the small time gangsters. At first he fought it, but the nearly painless bite had D'arnot feeling as if he had reached Nirvana. Even as he felt his life being drained, he experienced the greatest sexual encounter of his life.

"Nightwing is family," Drusilla informed the men in front of her, her teeth coated with fresh blood. "Be gone by Dawn." She giggled insanely as she danced away from the stunned witnesses down the street.

The hardened Bludhaven criminals only stopped long enough to dispose of the police officer's body before each of them fled Bludhaven.


*Beta Note: For those of you confused as to why Barbara (Babs) would be thinking internally that 'a Joker was somewhere to bite her in the ass.' Once upon a time, Barbara Gordon at her dad's (Jim Gordon) house when she heard the doorbell (or a knock at the door). Upon opening the door, Barbara (not as Batgirl) was shot by the Joker. The bullet hit her spine rendering her paralyzed from the waist down.** Having to resign her position as Batgirl, Barbara reemerged as Oracle - the ultimate watcher, helper of the Justice League - although only a privileged few know that Oracle is in fact Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl. The current Batgirl (aka Batgirl 3) is Cassandra Cain, who was raised from birth to be an assassin. Her father was one of Batman's most dangerous nemeses. Batman took Cassandra under his wing. Barbara has now become a big sis, mentor, and friend to Cass.

**Author's Note: Barbara Gordon was sexualy assaulted by the Joker directly after the shooting while she lay in her own blood. Joker had her stripped then he and his men gang raped her. Took photos then kidnapped her Dad and tied him up in a room surrounded by the pictures.

