BTVS-DC Comics
or Other
Crossover Fiction



Works In Progress

Hard Days Knights:    If your worst enemy becomes your best friend, and your best friends become your worst enemies, it gonna be a Hard Day's Knight.  Post BTVS Becoming.  Charmed S2 Crossover.

            Chap 1   Chap 2   Chap 3   Chap 4   Chap 5  Chap 6

Bludhaven Hellmouth:    When the Mouth of Hell opens in The Haven, can Spike, Dick, and the hero's of DCU handle it without Slayer Intervention?  Post BTVS Chosen & pre-issue #93 of Nightwing; BTVS crosses over with the DC Comics Universe.

            Chap 1  Chap 2  Chap 3   Chap 4   Chap 5   Chap 6  Chap 7  Chap 8

By the Emerald Light:    A crazy joint collaboration between Redwulf and SpikesKat via IM one day... This is a crossover fic with Justice League Unlimited. Don't ask... neither of us could even begin to explain. (Well, Redwulf might be able to.)  Spoilers: Set Season 5 AtS, "Destiny" and going beyond A/U from there.

            Chap 1   Chap 2

Something Black and Blue   Written in response to Challenge #18 at the Bloodshedverse. Post Nightwing Issue #100 & BTVS Season 4's "Something Blue". Joint collaboration with Oracleholly and Spikesdeb. BTVS crossover with Nightwing & DC Universe.

            Chap 1

Completed Fics

Titans Together Bitch...In The Beginning: Prague 1991, Dru is dead at the hands of a mob of Farmers. Where does Spike go from here? A BTVS/Titans Crossover. Written for Spikedebs for her birthday.

A Bludhaven Hellmouth Ficlet
:  What's an author to do when he can't get his characters to behave.?  Humorous sidedish to Bludhaven Hellmouth.

Torturing Angel Pre-BTVS. Spike crossover with Arsenal from DC Comics. Two drunks meet in a bar....evil planning ensues.