Bludhaven Hellmouth Fictives
by Redwulf

Sometimes You’ve Got To Be Rough

"Now Buffy, you know the reasons for this." The Wulfe tried to reason with her.

"But he's my sugermuffin Spikestud." Buffy pouted.

"You know that lip only works on Spike, right?" The dark image answered threateningly . "To me you are nothing but a flat-chested over-paid, pain in the ass. And Marti Noxin's your sister."

"But, but, I need some deep down Spike luvin." She protested, her arms crossed stubbornly over her small yet perky breasts. In her opinion anyway!

"I didn't want to do this but YOU forced my hand." The sinister Writer gestures towards the shadows. "Cass," He calls out.

A woman who is actually smaller than Buffy, except she wears more than an A cup beneath her Dominitrix type Bat suit, flows out from amidst the shadows.

"Deal with her please."

Buffy stares at the woman, then whines, “But I have only had me some Spike luuuv once since 'As you were'."

Batgirl doesn’t even answer as she stalks up to the crying slayer.

*WHAM* Buffy lands on her ass, her nose bleeding.

"You bwoke my node." Looking over at the vicious writer she repeats. "She bwoke my node."

"Me hated season sex." Cass says pulling Buffy half up by the hair. "You punch Spike nose every eppie." She punches Buffy's nose again.

"Now. Faith, what IS your problem." The Prince Consort to Darth Evilnella actually has to wait as Faith watches her sister slayer flying across the room.

"Oh, oh, well I get looking the other way and the whole Batclan disappearing, but Roy Harper please, the guy is a twerp." She says with a smirk while watching Buffy swing at Batgirl and again wind up on her ass.

*Bam* before Faith can react a boot heel hits her in her solar plexus. She bounces up immediately into a fighting stance. Then falls again, she looks down and realizes her shoestrings are tied together. "Oh it’s on now Harper! You think you're all that."

She mumbles as she unties her shoestrings., As she stands the Archer supreme appears from nowhere and kisses her. At about the same time her toes begin curling and her eyes close. She falls forward as the Archer disappears once more and Faith begins to whine.

"Now Mr. GILES. Your problem is what?."

The irate Watcher takes off his glasses and begins. "I bloody well don't believe........"

His voice cuts off as a man in a two tone Midnight blue costume with a domino mask steps up beside the Writer, and runs his finger through his black hair.

Giles accidentally breaks his glasses then continues. "I uhhm, bloody well don't believe you aren't letting me do more scenes with these nice people from Bludhaven."

The writer grins with evil satisfaction, “Are we all done now? Good! So if you don’t mind… GET BACK TO WORK!”
