Chapter Three -- Spike Has A Hero Complex?
beta by Spikeslovebite

(Buffy and Aerifinn at Revello)

"Mom?" Buffy yelled as she, Dawn, and Aerifinn entered the front door. "Mom?"

Aerifinn looked as the tiny slayer as if she had grown a second head, tsking to herself. "Manners you need," she told the flabbergasted slayer. "Home training you lack. Obvious it is."

Buffy looked at the healer, aghast. "What the hell gives you the right?"

"Rod you spare, child you spoil," Aerifinn said, speaking slowly as if to a rather dim witted child. "Beaten you often, mother should have."

She then gave an evil grin. "Accident, she had? Dropped on head, she did?"

Dawn didn’t know whether to be scared or whether she should laugh at Buffy's hooked fish impression, so settled instead for politeness. "Do you want to sit down while I find mom?"

"One Good child, your mother has." The Older woman grinned inwardly at Buffy. She would bet that it had been a long time since anyone had called her on her manners.

"Save world, you do." She smiled at the slayer. "But it's own reward, simple kindness is."

Buffy was near exploding when her mom entered with Dawn. The pained expression on her mother's face made her quickly forget everything the strange woman had said to her. "Mom, Giles found a healer. They think you may have a clotting problems."

The look on Joyce's face was one of disbelief. "Buffy, I’m sorry he went to all this trouble, but I'll be fine. I’ve never really trusted faith healers."

Aerifinn moved quicker than Buffy would have believed and had her hands on either side of her mother's face. The healer's eyes turned white and her hair lightened. "Die you will- within three days- if healing you refuse."

Joyce looked sceptical, but seeing the fear in the eyes of her children, she capitulated. "Do it then."

She expected to feel nothing, so the warm feeling that entered her temples surprised her. The sudden loss of the headache that had pained her for the last two years was a huge relief. She was no longer a skeptic of the healer’s powers.

"Paid, price has been," Aerifinn stated as she worked harder at the healing. "Slayer healing, price will be great."

"Healing?" Buffy asked dumbfounded. "Why do I need healing?"


In which Spike invades Drakken's cult...

Spike moved towards the old mansion with a purpose. It was on the opposite side of town from the one Spike had spent so many long months in and yet it reminded him of the hopelessness he had felt then.

He’d never really tried this hero gig, but honestly it sounded like fun. He scaled the side of the building with the grace of a hunting cat, smiling to himself as he saw the skylight. Was he the only Master Vampire in existance that watched TV and read comic books? Probably.

Looking down through the sky light, he played absently with the metal disks he held in his hands. He had bought all that the local Home Depot had in stock. It was go time.

Spike leapt slightly into the air and came down solidly in the middle of the skylight, the shriek of breaking glass echoing through the Manor below. His solid black clothes hid him as he dropped gracefully. If anyone had looked up, all they would have seen would have been his silver white hair in the moonlight. His black duster flared around him as his feet made contact with the floor below.

The crashing of the skylight let the vamp cult members know something was up. They turned just in time to see the blonde Master vampire hit the ground and roll to cushion his fall. As he came back up, he fell into a squatting position and dropped a stack of metal disks on the floor. In a move to rival that of any Vegas poker dealer, he began to throw them like great, serrateed frisbees. Every throw sent a metal saw blade flying in a blur, beheading each vampire and turning them to dust. He moved with a practiced precision, and as the last blade left his hand, he pulled a sword from beneath his duster.

Holding the sword in his left hand, he casually slid a rubber hospital glove onto his right. He glared at Andros; the four hundred year old master of the cult of Drakkon.

"Hell mate." Spike snorted. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it with panache. "You ever thought of turning blokes that weren’t complete idiots?" Tucking away his lighter, he palmed a small balloon and drew it from his pocket. "But then again, you Drac wannabes never were too bright."

Andros looked around him. All of his beloved childer were dust. "You are out of toys, Villiam. How do you intend to face me? You think to best me with that puny pig-sticker?" the elder vamp demanded as he drew his own sword.

Spike said nothing, just studied the lit cigarette in his hand with a bored expression. He turned it in his hand and flicked it away. Andros’ eyes left his nemisis for only a second to watch the smoking fag fly by, but that was enough. Spike’s second throw caught Andros in the right eye with the small balloon as he turned back. The balloon burst, spraying holy water in the vamp's eyes and effectively blinding him.

As the older vamp fell backwards, Spike held his ground refraining from killing to quickly. Waiting until the bastard had regained a little composure, Spike quipped.

"Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? Just a little something I ask of all MY prey."

Andros, full of anger charged full tilt at the smaller vampire. Pivoting on the balls of his left foot, Spike spun around quickly broad sword leading the way as he easily decapitated the vamp.

Slapping the dust from his jeans, Spike made a face. "Now that wasn't even a good workout. Bloody useless wankers."

He saw the three children in their ceremonial robes huddled in a corner. The youngest, a girl of perhaps six, was giggling at him.

"You aren't Joker," she said to him.

Spike feigned a shocked look at the little girl. "M'not?"

"Noooo," The oldest a boy of perhaps thirteen said in an awed voice. "You're Batman."

Spike looked at the boy. His first reaction was anger, but wasn't that what he was trying for? The whole watching non stop super hero movies and his sudden love of comics? To remake himself as the ultimate super hero. Wasn't he trying to see the victims as Dawn or Joy, or Joyce, or even the scoobies? And it began to scare him because it was working.

"He is not." the middle child, a girl of about twelve said. "Batman has a cape. He doesn't have a cape."

"He does too!" The boy argued.

"M'Spike," Spike said grinning in spite of himself. "The big bad slayer of monsters that threaten kiddies everywhere. Not some poncey git in black latex with painted on nipples."


Magic Box

Rupert Giles was not having a good day in spite of the fact that Aerifinn was here and there by aleviating Buffy's worry about her mum. The fact that it was Spike that had recruited the legendary healer worried him. From what he could find out from the Council every healing had a 'price', one unique to the individuals in question. A price that always benefited both themselves and humanity. What price could Spike pay that would benefit humanity... well, besides his sudden dusting? And that in no way would benefit Spike.

Riley Finn entered the Magic Box, brazenly outfitted in full combat fatigues. In his own eyes he was the conquering champion, here to bestow mercy on the evil of his enemy demons. He was doing these miscreants a favor by letting them live. Did they have any idea how long they would last in the Initiatives Demon Pens? "Where is Buffy?" he ground out harshly.

"She isn't here Big Guy," Xander said, glad that his idol was still around. "If you wanna apologize, though, you might wanna check her house."

"Apologize? Me?" Riley sneered at the most inept scoobie. "Why should I apologize? I used a demon whore for the only thing she's good for. Buffy obviously doesn't know her place, so I had to find another demon whore."

"Riley, you went to other vamp whores after Buffy burned down the warehouse?" Giles asked.

"Yeah, I needed a whore and Buffy was busy," Riley informed Giles

The room fell completely silent as the scoobies processed what he had said. "Riley, you're just upset," Xander stated. "You don't really mean that."

"Please!” he scoffed. “None of you are human. You, your demon whore, the Watcher here." Riley sneered at Giles. "The two Lesbian wicca whores. None of you. Normal, human people were never demon's, don't do magic, and don't hang out in occult shops."

Rupert Giles seemed to grow in front of them as he let his Ripper side out. "Riley, I think its best if you leave."

"Fine, but when we come for you I'll visit your cell often old man." Riley turned regally and marched from the shop.

"Something must have happened," Xander sputtered. Riley’s behavior had left him completely flabbergasted. "Spike must have done something."

"But of course," Giles answered shaking his head at the boys stupidity.


Back at Revello Drive

Joyce leaned back on the couch, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted her eyes. She felt normal. For the first time in years there was no pain in her head and even the muscle strain in her legs was gone. She felt as if she were eighteen again. However, she felt hungrier than she had in years and as if she were dead on her feet. Barely awake but happy, content.

Buffy watched her mom, amazed. She had no idea if the healing had helped her tumor, but the lines around her mother's eyes and mouth were gone. It scared her, and kind of wigged her out that her mom now looked more like her older sister than her...well mom.

"Thank you," Joyce whispered as she looked at the equaly drawn woman that had healed her. "How can I ever repay you?"

"Paid, William has." Aerifinn said tiredly. "Torture enough, his life has been."

"William?" Joyce asked suddenly.

"William, yes," Aerifinn replied.

"Enough with the William." Buffy was tired of hearing of Giles' friend. "What does the Slayer need healing of?"

"Rude, you are," Aerifinn chided tiredly. "Rude and Selfish."

"Yeah, I get it. Rude, selfish Buffy. But what do I need healing from?" Buffy demanded.

"Slayer, you are?" Aerifinn asked "Watcher you have? Stupid you both are."

"Buffy," Joyce interrupted. "We are both very tired. I'm sure your questions can wait."

"But, Mom..." Buffy whined

"But, nothing Buffy. Aerifin is barely awake. I'm putting her in your room to rest," Joyce said as she lead Aerifinn up the stairs.

In a huff, Buffy was preparing to go to the Magic Box when she heard the door bell.

"Hello?" she asked the older woman in white.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Danvers. I met your mother while she was in the hospital," the woman said. "I just wanted to stop by and see how she is."

"She just went to get a nap, and Dawn and I are headed to the Magic Box," Buffy told her. "You might want to drop back by about six oclock tonight?"

"Okay. I just wanted to check on her."



"I don't get it, sweet bit," Spike said to Joy. "They swore an oath. Not even the lowest Aurelian would break an oath."

"Are you sure?" Joy asked her ‘Uncle’.

"Bloody right I am." He let out a slow unneeded breath. "He had their scent all over him, then bloody asked me what right I had interfering. It was a human sacrifice. I'm a hero, I had every bloody right. I know I'm a git, but I just can't understand Sunnydale's finest."

"Spike," Joy said affectionately. "You have to be better than them. You can't let another's weakness bring you down."

"S'not what worries me, love." Spike looked up at his almost daughter slowly. "If not for the chip, I would have drained the bugger, and I'm not sure I woulda been in the wrong."

"Police aren't that hard to deal with," came Williams cultured voice from the door. "Who is in charge of the local 'demon police’?" he asked casually.

"Far as I know, its still Smokie," Spike replied

"Call Smokie, tell him about it. He'll know who to call to get them removed." William sauntered into the door. "Did YOU enjoy playing the hero?"

"Oh, bloody hell, yeah!" Spike grinned from ear to ear. "Scamps thought I was Batman." He then launched into an over-embellished account of the battle.

"Gawd, Uncle Spike, how many were there a thousand?" The girl asked with big eyed mock innocence. "And did you go back for your saw blades?"

"Well kind of missed that," Spike answered reluctantly. "Got caught up in the moment and all."

Joy snickered at him.


Magic Box

Despite the earlier argument with Aerifinn, Buffy felt positively bubbly as she entered the Magic Box. Her mother was going to be alright, and it was all thanks to her friends. She couldn't stop her mental congratulations to herself for having friends like hers. They were the best and this just proved it. Life wasn't about reaching for the stars, it was about making do with what you could find. Sure, she wasn't really happy, but who was? True she always felt like something was missing, but who had everything?

"Buffy?" Xander interrupted her thoughts. "Have you seen Riley?"

"No," Buffy said knowing Riley must have been by hoping to apologize to her.

"Spike must have done something to him, he's acting crazy," Xander informed her.

"He called Buffy a demon whore," Anya said out right. "I doubt Spike made him say that."

Buffy's jaw dropped. What had Spike done to her poor, innocent, Riley-shaped boyfriend? The evil, nasty vamp was always a pain in her butt. Why couldn't he stay out of her life? Why couldn't he be like her friends and help her? Why couldn't he be like Angel, his grandsire? But nooo, Spike was a despicable black guard. A wart on the ass of humanity.

"Poor Riley," Buffy lamented, because Riley was her GOOD boyfriend.

"Poor Riley, my lilly white arse!" Giles shouted. "He came into MY shop and threatened myself, my employee, and those I think of as my own children. I am afraid if he enters here again, I will be forced to take measures."

"Giles?" Xander whined. "You know something must be up! This isn't like Riley."

"But," Tara began shyly. "His aura is dark and filled with repressed rage."

"His eyes are shifty," Anya added. "And I bet he has a small penis."

Everyone looked expectantly at Buffy who blushed and then stammered out. "It has to be a spell."

"See? Little penis. It's a whole complex," Anya said quickly. "I saw it a lot in my days as a vengeance demon."

Buffy sputtered out an oath, turning quickly to leave to find Spike and beat the truth out of him.

Giles walked into his office and made a long distance call.

"Quentin Travers please."


At a small and not so tidy bookstore in the demon section of town.

"’Lo, Doc," Spike said as he looked around the room for witnesses.

"Aren't you that guy?" Doc asked.

"Yeah, mate, I'm that guy." Spike threw back his duster and pulled out his sawed off twelve gauge. "I'm that guy that kills you."

He pulled both triggers, blowing Doc away.


Four hours later on Revello Drive

Buffy felt sick. When had her sweet Riley become such a monster? It hurt almost as much as when Angel had lost his soul. Okay, the part that felt sick was that she realy hoped he would just leave. Then she could blame it on Spike.

The truth was, part of her saw this as a way out of a boring, half-hearted relationship, and now that her friends were split as to what she should do, it was a good time to kick Riley and his three inch pecker to the curb. She felt guilty for it. Riley was her sweet human lover that could walk into the sunshine with her and give her fat grandbabies.

As she entered the house, she saw Dawn fussing over her mom and Aerifinn, both of whom were pigging out on pizza, of all things. Her mom was healthy, her friends had given her this and this alone made her feel even more guilty for wanting Riley gone. He was her one chance, her one shot at happiness and she had failed him.

"Aerifinn, could you tell me more about this healing?" Buffy asked trying for polite. The woman had saved her mom, after all.

"Show is easier," Aerifinn told her then pointed back towards the living room.

Once in the livingroom, Aerifinn placed her hands on Buffy's temples and began to chant. First, Buffy felt as if something were being ripped from her. Then, one by one, she felt the scales falling from her eyes. Her gut twisted as she realized what she was being 'healed' of. It hurt, but not physically.

How could he? Buffy felt the bile rise in her throat as the last remnant of the claim fall away. She had loved him, trusted him, and this was how he repayed her? She ran into the bathroom, unable to hold it anymore. Her last childhood dreams being ripped from her by choice of the "man' she had once called soul mate.

"Oh, my God," Buffy cried. "He wouldn't!"

