Chapter Five

Xander Harris was in heaven as the blonde Amazon's head bobbed up and down on his erection. If she kept this up she could shave him everyday. As the pressure began to build, his head fell back and he knew he was nearing a mind blowing orgasm. Then she just quit and looked up at him with pure evil in her eyes. She spoke not a word as she turned and walked back to the other side of the room. Despite his predicament Xander's eyes were drawn to the hem of her skirt, which had ridden up around her waist exposing him to the fact that she wore no panties.

After she reached the other side of the room the woman picked up her purse. As she walked back towards Xander, she pulled out a bottle and took a long drink. The liquid spilled out the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin dribbling onto overdeveloped breasts. Xander couldn't help but follow the trail left by the fluid's movements causing him to grow harder than he thought possible.

"This," she held up the bottle and shook it a little for emphasis, "is a drug made by my people. It is called Awalten, or in your language, Exxxtasy. We have used it since Rome was but a small village made of mud huts." She looked him in the eyes and smiled. "However unlike your drug of the same name, Awalten has a delightful side-effect - it will add a few inches to your poor limp pecker. And for those of us on the receiving end, it means once your up, you can't go down." Her smirk grew crueler as she continued to look at him.

She placed the bottle against his lips and turned it up so he could drink. Still hard and aching from the interrupted blowjob, Xander downed all she offered lustily. Hey what man didn't wanna be bigger and stay hard forever? Xander Harris had forgotten this was supposed to be torture as he swallowed the last of the drug. The Amazon smiled at him and began digging into her purse. Xander thought that what she pulled out looked for all the world like jelly strips flattened onto paper. He watched as the woman pulled off several and rolled them into a ball and began working it with her fingers. He asked the woman, "Hehehe, what's that?"

"Simpleton," her voice was soft and almost sweet, "I know you have admired women in bikinis before enjoying the sight of their smooth limbs with not a trace of hair. THIS is what they clean themselves with, nasty boy."

"And uhhhhm, where are YOU going to use that." he asked her.

Her answering smile was a frozen wasteland as she began rubbing the wax onto his already shaven pubic area.

Buffy the younger watched as her older doppelganger worked the room like a political pro. Other than herself and Spike, she doubted that anyone actually noticed what was happening. When the others were completely engrossed in their conversation, the Elder Buffy exited the dining room filled with the rest of the household and joined her younger counterpart in the living room.

"You have any future type Questions?" she asked the younger version.

"Oh yeah, just one or two. When did we get so smart?" The Younger asked.

"Huh?" Darker Buffy seemed like she was hiding a smile.

"Oh nothing, it's just that you played everyone in there. Gave mom two beautiful grandkids when she never expected me to live to see twenty-five. Gave Willow and Giles enough research material to keep them happy for at least a year. Add to that you calmly announce that Spike graduated first in his class from Oxford in languages of all things. Oh yeah and with out trying, you give my Immortal pain in the ass a reason to change sides that NO ONE would have thought could happen. Right now you have the guy ready to get a soul and march into the Hellmouth, as hmmmm how did he put it? ''Wearing bloody Elizabeth Taylor jewelry and singing bloody Frank Sinatra's greatest hits.' AND you gave me a truth that I have thought of lots of times."

"What do you want first?" her Elder asked with a smirk as she moved to sit beside her younger self.

"The kids. I mean are they really all that?" She had to know. She had never expected to have kids, and these two were already growing on her.

"Oh yeah, I never really understood love, ya know, not just with Angel, but over all. I mean Angel was like a light in a dark room, and it seemed perfect. With Spike it was like a huge sports stadium, it blew my mind. But then came the twins. It was like suddenly I saw the sun for the first time. To be honest I was scared at first that I wouldn't be able to love Spike as much as the kids, but... then when I got him back it was like I had the sun, the moon and the stars." The older woman stopped for a moment her eyes watering. "Then after Erin was born everything just came even more into focus. I learned that real love is infinite there is always plenty for everyone. God, right now I know My Spike and Joy are alive, but... it hurts that they aren't here with us. The kids have never met their Grandmum, and well I just wish Joy was here. But I also know being apart right now will keep her and her Papa safe and both will keep the other out of trouble.

"How bad?" The blonder woman Buffy asked.

"How bad, what?"

"How bad did I, I mean you, treat Spike before...?"

"What gives you that idea?" Darker Buffy seemed a bit nervous.

"Please, the way you have been treating my Spike? I know what those marks on your neck are. They aren't love bites nor even a normal mating Claim, those are the full deal." The younger shuddered before she continues. "And I know you aren't trying to seduce him, so I think it might be guilt?"

"Yeah a little bit." She leaned back, "OK a lot. When Spike and I first started, ahem, dating I used to go to his place screw him until neither one of us could move, rest enough to move, then kick him in the head as I ran off with my virtue aflutter. I treated him worse than Angelus ever treated us, except I was sleeping with Spike. I'd screw him silly then refuse to tell anyone we were together. I'd see him around my friends and ridicule him, then chase him down alone and use him for sex." She glanced over at her younger self, noticing the sick expression on her face, "You asked for it."

"But why did he take it?" The younger woman was truly aghast and more than a little lost.

"When Spike loves someone he forgives. God, one morning I had had a bad day, and he told me to lay it all on him. I beat him nearly to death and left him in an alley for the sun. But that same night when I saw him he had already forgiven me. He never even brought it up again. Just let it go, ya know?

The teen sat for a minute staring at the floor. "That made it worse didn't it? I mean Angel would have shown up battered and bruised with those puppy-dog eyes and had you begging him to forgive you. Then when he did you could have felt better." She looked over at the elder woman. "You sure he doesn't already have a soul?" she asked with a crooked sad grin.

Then she added another question, "But on your side, why Spike?"

At this Buffy the Elder let out a snort then answered with a smile. "Weeell size really does matter. God, Spike is just everything I never knew I wanted till I got it. I have never been loved like he loves me, and I have never loved anyone like I love him. He walks beside me, not hiding behind me, not in front of me trying to protect me, beside me like a partner should."

The dreamy quality that filled in her eyes astounded the younger slayer. Still dreamy eyed after what? 18, 20 years…damn.

On one hand Xander was more than a little impressed at his now disturbingly large erection, but on the other the hot wax attached to his nut sack had him worried. The woman Hipptolya, she had called herself, sauntered back up to him and offered him a drink from a bottle of Crown Royal (Chivas Regal). As he gulped down then choked out the fiery Canadian whiskey, she pushed apart his knees and knelt her now naked body between them.

Leaning forward she allowed her DD-cup breasts to rub against his straining erection. Her tongue slithered out and began making circles around his engorged cockhead. All the while as her finger moved to the wax on his balls, and in one sure motion she ripped the wax free. Xander's scream hit a pitch that only dogs could hear as he passed out.

Back on Revello Drive the gang had all gone to bed. Both Willow and Giles had returned to their respective homes, Joyce had retired to her room, and Buffy the Younger had volunteered to sleep on the couch so that Older Buffy and the kids could have her room and the guest room. Of course sleeping on the couch had its advantages. The couch was close to the basement door. The fact was she had begun to admit that she did have more carnal feelings for the vampire on a cot in the basement. She waited all of thirty minutes to let the others go to sleep before going to the basement.

Although She was scared to death as she undressed going down the stairs. She was wet and aching. The older Buffy's words echoed in her mind. Having denied her lust for the vamp for so long, she desperately needed to see if size really did matter.

As her bare feet hit the floor of the basement, she heard Spike's sharp intake of breath as he pulled back the sheet covering his body. Her eyes gazed lustily over his nude form, his hard cock reaching slightly over his belly button, his abs seeming to flex with every breath. Young Buffy's breath came in labored gasps as she slipped her right leg over his hips. Her right hand reached down to grasp his erection as she lowered herself onto the hard cock under her. As it slipped in she felt herself stretch to the point of almost pain, and as her hips met his she felt him gently nudge her cervix.

She looked down into his darkened gaze and spoke, "No words tonight, just sex."

