Chapter Eight

For the first time, Xander woke feeling no pain. The blonde bombshell currently sat astride his lap nibbling on his ear. He was still buried to the hilt in her vise and as hard as a rock, but the look in her eyes when she looked up was a kindness and love shining through that went beyond the tortured lust they had shared.

"Tell me." She gently bit his earlobe. "Tell me how to do this, for you."

Buffy the younger awakened again with her arms full of mate. He was purring contentedly. Hearing him purr, her heart swelled; she had done that. She was the one responsible for his contentment. It was a simple feeling, but a new and powerful one. Never had Angel been this way. He demanded from her, never simply just accepting what she had to offer. Spike's simple purring in his sleep made her feel like less a silly girl and more like a woman.

He was inside her, still hard, but there was no urgency. No sense of deep need, just a deep contentment that she knew he would always want her. To him she was beauty incarnate. She smiled as she began moving her hips in lazy circles. This wasn't a sprint; it was a long distance race. She felt no desire to hurry just a deep-seeded need to pleasure your partner.

As Spike's eyes opened, his smile was radiant. Eyes a blinding blue shone up at her as he fell casually into rhythm with her. No pounding, no insults, not even sexy banter. Simply two lovers that truly knew each other's bodies. His thumb found her clit drawing slow lazy circles. Gentle, casual, as if he had done the same thing thousands of times. Her breathing deepened as she smiled down at him. The fullness she felt was perfection served up on a silver platter. She found it funny how even doing it this way had her sweating within minutes of starting. Her breasts swayed gently as she moved. Through her lashes she watched his face. He looked enraptured. Pleasure like this was new to him as well. When his eyes met hers, he looked like a child on Christmas morning. Sweet, innocent and defiantly about to cause mischief.

Never, never had Spike felt like this. Her little cunny was so tight that even now, nearly fifteen hours after they had started, it still all but hurt to be in her. Hot was not the word. Furnace? No. Spike's inner William compared it to Heaven, but Spike knew Heaven didn't have this heat. Hell, was this hot, but it was Heaven he saw reflected in her eyes as she moved. So young, so innocent, so HIS. He felt her juices run down his balls. He knew she needed him, he knew she trusted him, but more importantly he knew she loved him. He listened to her heart beat accelerate; she was getting closer, he could wait.

He had started out trying to ruin her for any other man, but then she had ruined him for any other woman. Gone were thoughts of his dark Princess, because who needed the night when the sun was yours. Her body moved like a dancer as he felt her course pubic curls buffing his groin. He reached up with his free hand, pulled her face to his and kissed her, trying to put all the love he felt into his kiss.

"Lean back love." His words were the first either had spoken since waking. "Put your hands on my ankles."

When Buffy did she realized that this position hit all new pleasure centers, and she felt her next orgasm hit her.

Los Angelus

"Spike is evil." Angel ranted, "He probably has killed the Scoobies by now and is torturing Buffy."

He was preaching to the choir, but as usual he couldn't shut up.

"That is the only way Buffy would let him touch her." Once again Angel was leaving out important details, so he would look better. "For Buffy to let him claim her, he must have her drugged as well." He was pacing much like his Grandchilde was prone to do.

"But Angel, how can you tell he claimed her?" Cordelia asked as she packed her bags.

"Uhhhhmmm, well in vampire families, the eldest can feel any new additions. And I now feel Buffy, but not in an undead way." This time Angel outright lied to keep his team behind him, afraid if they knew of his own claim on Buffy or that it was Buffy that claimed Spike they would think less of him.

Xander had just had the best orgasm of his life. He felt as if his whole body had been shot inside the beautiful woman on top of him. This last time had been slow and gentle, their bodies working in harmony. He had nibbled on the nipples of her perfect breasts and had been rewarded by her cooing moans. Her face so full of evil had been beautiful. Now though with her gentle smile gracing her face, he actually feared her, because he knew that despite the torture, he could easily love this woman.

"OK ...time out." Xander whispered as he strained to nibble on her ears and lick her earlobes, despite still being tied to a chair. "What happened to all the slave talk and the 'I hate Xander' vibes?"

Her blue green eyes seemed to shine wet with tears as she began her answer. "My mother met a man over six thousand years ago. He was beautiful and promised her the world. They were lovers almost from their first meeting. I was told he took her to heights that no woman has ever reached before, but those are his words and so must be taken with a grain of salt. In time there union gave them a child, a little girl. The man used the child. You see my people are Immortal and he was not, so he used me to bind my people to him and make himself Immortal. But the Goddess Aphrodite was angered and placed her own curse atop his. He could own the Amazons, but not his daughter. She would move forth into the other races, and when the time was right, she would meet her Kyrrmphshun, who would make her with child. When that happened, both she and all her people would again know freedom. The man, my father, was at that time called Heracles. And tonight…we broke the curse. Once again my people are free and we will have our revenge."

Xander nearly cursed for joy when she once again began the slow grind on his achingly hard cock.

On the Interstate between Sunnydale and Los Angelus

"All I can say is you know Xander will help us with this, if he isn't dead, that is." Angel told his people with a smirk. If no one else he knew he could count on Xander for the Demons-Equal-Bad help."


Elder Buffy had used the daylight more carefully than the others. She, William, and her 'mom' were out scouting places where the soldiers from her time might have been hiding. The three Jags provided by their attorney definitely being an advantage the group needed. Her mom and Erin in one; she in another; and William and Willow in the third. They had covered everywhere Buffy and the rest of the group could think of, but had yet to find anything.

She was lost in her thoughts when the police scanner went off - announcing a break-in and murder at the Sunnydale Hospital in the Coma unit.

Without thinking Elder Buffy spun the blood red car around and headed for the hospital where she knew her sister slayer had been killed.

Earlier at Sunnydale Memorial Hospital

The scarred pocked face soldier walked into the room. His richtus grin was scarier than a vamp in full game face; his eyes shone with an insane cruelty. He pulled the 9mm from the holster on his side and walked up to the comatose slayer.

"There are supposed to be seven of you guys, you know." He said as he caressed her face with the barrel of the gun. "Prophecy calls for seven. You, Xander, Willow. Then Buffy and Spike, then Andrew and Dawn."

He pushed and pulled the barrel of the gun in and out of Faith's mouth making her look like she was sucking a lollipop. "I wonder; if one dies, does that mean you all do?"

He pulled the trigger not even worrying about the cops outside.


