Time Tossed Interlude
by Redwulf

Chapter 2

(Somewhere in England)

Buffy Kenticot stepped gracefully through the portal, a dagger in each hand. It was obvious that she was fully expecting trouble.

After the aborted battle with Riley Finn and his cronies, she wanted blood. Two of her three children stepped through and flanked her on either side. Buffy could feel Erin focusing her energies and grounding herself, ready for any form of mystical assault while William moved like his father; all brash and confident, ready for anything.

In front of them there were the sterile white walls and tiled ceiling that screamed ‘hospital’. It was only the presence of the four people that awaited them that calmed the three warriors. Three friends and Kennedy. Now there was one dead bitch Buffy wouldn’t mind never seeing again.

Xander stood close to Faith, casually invading her space as she leaned back into him. Willow dithered halfway between the obvious couple and her own girlfriend. Buffy realized that in this timeline, Xander and Faith were sleeping together but not admitting it, and Willow had been jealous. Dawn had once made the snide remark that she wondered who Willow was actually jealous of; Faith or Xander. It had been kinda eww, even if after the three got together it had turned out to be true. It was ironic that Kennedy’s violent and painful death had made her three best friends so happy in the end.

"We’re at the hospital?' Buffy asked the four. At Xander's confused nod, Buffy continued, “God, I hate this place. As though childbirth wasn’t enough of a trauma. Why couldn't we have stepped through and fought Glory?"

"These are your kids? Oh, please!" Kennedy said viciously. “Next you’re gonna try to tell us that they were born mystically.” She turned to face Willow. "I told you this was bullshit. There’s no way some scrawny vamp can knock up a Slayer, not even ‘Slutty the Vampire Layer.’"

Before anyone could blink, Erin was moving and Kennedy was on the floor with a bleeding nose and some missing teeth.

"Think you might wanna back off, you stupid cow,” Erin said as she stepped over the downed slayers body. “That’s my Mum you’re talking about.”

"Buffy?" Willow shrieked.

"What do you bloody expect?" William asked the witch as he moved into position to back his baby sister up if necessary.

"You hit me, you little bitch!" Kennedy screamed shrilly.

Faith?" Willow whined.

"What? I'm enjoying the hell outtah this!" Faith asked with a gleam in her eyes. She grinned over her shoulder at Xander. It was almost like Christmas morning whenever Kennedy got beat down.

As she moved to get up, Kennedy spun around with one leg extended in an effort to sweep Erin's legs out from under her. Erin jumped nimbly over the outstretched leg and waited till the older slayer was almost to her feet before she landed a front kick that sent the heel of her combat boot crashing into Kennedy's already abused nose, breaking it.

"If you keep trying to get up, I’m just gonna hit you again,” Erin informed her in a saccharine voice.

"I’d ignore her, luv,” Will said to the enraged Kennedy with casual indifference. "True; she could beat you to a bloody pulp with both hands tied behind her back while wearing a blindfold, but I really don't like you."

"Erin?" Buffy called out. "It’s not her fault that she’s a loud-mouthed, overbearing, obnoxious troll that’s had piss poor training and a God complex. C’mon sweetie, let her up."

"Buffy?" Xander finally spoke. "Is that really you?"

"Yeah, Xander, it is. What day is it?"

Meanwhile back in LA

Toni sat at the table, fiddling with her computer and wanting nothing more than to boot it up and figure out how to end this farce. It was driving her insane. She was by nature a warrior; a planner and a strategist. So just setting there without looking over her options and planning something down to the last detail was almost more than She could take.

"Soo, luv, when are you gonna tell me the rest of the story?" Spike suddenly appeared next to her. Toni tried to fight down the nervousness of him suddenly being there.

"What do you mean?" she asked in her best 'oh, ain’t I just so sweet' southern girl’s voice.

Spike simply trapped the side of his nose.

'Oh shit! Oh…shit!' She remembered how he had known the first time she and Will had slept together by smelling the two of them as the walked by.

"You can't smell that!" Toni screeched. "I haven't even seen Will for over nine days!"

Spike nearly lost control at that, fighting hard not to laugh at the girl. "Luv, I wasn't talkin about you and your honey. I smell Buffy, Harris, Red, and the rogue Slayer, but I smell someone else too." He looked at her strangely. "Someone that smells like Buffy and me; a combination of jasmine, leather, and some very strong magics."

"Actually, you smell two ‘someone’s’." Toni decided to come clean and quickly booted up her laptop. She flinched when her desktop background popped up showing her and Will in a smiling embrace.

“That's my fiancé. His name is William Alexander Kenticot."

As the next frame showed Toni with all three of Spike's miraculous offspring, she continued, “I was recently in the cargo hold of a plane with both of your daughters for about twenty hours. That is why you smell them."

Spike set down suddenly, eyes glazed and gasping unnecessary breaths. "And the strong magics I smell are temporal magics?"

"Yeah, I’m probably saturated by them,” Toni answered wishing she could make it easier on the man who had always been a friend to her.

Spike walked immediately to the bedroom and brought back a small bottle that looked like perfume spray. He moved stiffly but with a purpose, spraying the girl with something that had no scent.

“What is this?' Toni asked the vamp.

"It's something I started stocking a few years ago back in Sunnydale. It kills any scent but your own" Spike told her as he finished dousing her.

"And how come older you never told us about this?" Toni asked, getting mildly pissed off.

"Wot, and make it harder to keep up with you?" Spike answered her with a smirk.

Before they could continue, Angel stormed into the apartment. "Where is he?"

Spike stepped out of the way so that Angel could see Lindsey chained to a kitchen chair. Angel's smile grew sadistic as he glared at the lawyer. "Good work, Spike."

As Angel moved towards the prisoner Toni suddenly moved up between the two vamps. She looked at Angel and said. "We have a lead on the female slayer."

Stepping closer to Angel, she motioned towards Andrew and said, "Watch him. I don't trust him."

Angel glared menacingly at the boy as the two left.



"You don't trust Andrew?" Spike asked as he pulled the purloined keys to Angel's brand new Viper out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

"Please!” Toni scoffed. “Andrew is like one of my uncles. He helped raise me." She slid into the passenger side and fastened her seatbelt. "I trust him with my life."

"Then why the warning to Angel?" Spike cranked the car up.

"’Cause he is so self-important that the only sure fire way to keep him out of our way is to make a fool out of him."

