
Buffy lay with her head on her lover's chest. She had never known such bliss as the souled vampire below her had given her. Mind, body, soul and slayer were all in agreement. She had forgiven him for his mind trick. Now, she understood why such a trick had been necessary. They had kept her from a huge mistake.

Tears filled her eyes, and she felt his arms encircle her. Only three action packed days had passed since she had nearly gave in to the greatest evil she had known and voluntarily given up this incredible feeling forever. So much had changed since then. Her friends, her mom and her Watcher all now understood that the vamp, who rested below her, would be the only man she'd ever need. Who gave a damn about a prophecy? All she needed was the arms of her one true love. God, that sounded bloody corny. Laughing to herself, she thought, 'I'm already picking up his phrases.' His purring was the sexiest thing she had ever heard.

"Buffy luv," her mate's voice pierced the darkness. It sounded broken, almost as if the pain of his new soul was almost too much. "Don't bloody deserve you."

"Yeahuh, deserve me and more, you stupid vampire." Buffy bit his left nipple almost violently. "You're mine. Get used to it."

Three days ago

Young Buffy went insane with anger. As her demon fully took over, she realized what Angel had done. Her anger, like a force of its own, exploded with an outraged growl passing her lips.

"Buffy?" Angel questioned, looking past her at his evil grandchilde who was pulling the stake out of his chest. Only then did he remember the Ring of Amara. Angel tried to reach out his hand to touch Buffy, intending to use the contact to move past her defenses. But as his right hand caressed her cheek, Buffy only roared and drove her forearm into the back of his elbow, breaking his lower arm and severing his elbow.

Angel fell back desperately trying to defend himself from the enraged slayer. However, for every blow he blocked she landed three. Buffy was literally taking him apart.

Yet, the key to fighting her was her anger. As Buffy over extended her reach with a big right hook, Angel stepped behind it and landed two devastating lefts, which pushed her back, and then followed with a front kick, which knocked her on her back. However, even as he closed the other half of the Blonde Duo attacked.

Spike's opening gambit was a snap kick into Angel's left knee that dislocated it and broke his lower leg. Angel fell on the ground in agony. As he tried to get up, Spike and Buffy began kicking him and stomping him with all their strength. Angel's body was literally torn apart by the enraged duo.

As Buffy plunged her hand into his chest, Angel's eyes became huge like saucers. Her hand then came out coated with blood holding his heart. "Why?" he managed to ask, marking it as the last statement made by the once leader of the Scourge of Europe. Not answering immediately, Buffy staked him with a splinter from one of the fallen wooden beams. Angel exploded into dust.

"Because I had too?" Buffy finally answered. "Because you wouldn't take no for an answer? Because you threatened my mate?"

"Cause you wear lifts, you bloody poofter," Spike snarled.

Buffy collapsed into her Mate's chest sobbing. "Thought I had lost you." Her tears both pained and saddened Spike. He wounded him that his mate was this broken up and hurt, but it validated everything he felt for her.

"Finn got away?" she asked the older Buffy.

"Yeah for now," said the Elder Buffy as she smiled at the two. "But I can feel us being pulled away. Think we are about to leave this world."

Buffy walked up and hugged her older self. "Take care. And do what you have to do." She stepped back into her mate's arms.

They watched as the three future Scoobies faded out of sight.

"My eyes, my eyes!" Xander yelled trying to lighten the mood.


"So, all it took was a simple spell?" Buffy asked her lover.

"Not even a soddin' spell, just a ritual. Said some hokey words, jumped around a bit and poof, Spike's got a bloody soul."

"Good, and Xander's new girlfriend?"

"Bloody bint is flyin' him to Rome. Her mum killed that slimy Immortal git of a father, and now they are getting ready for the wedding."

"We are going, right?" Buffy batted her eyelashes at him.

"Into a wedding full of playmates walking around naked? What kind of git do you think I am? Of course we're going."

Buffy's responding jealous growl was music to Spike's ears.

Now this really is the end of this section of Time Tossed :P
